June 1, 200915 yr The missing pics of 5973 and 5974 from yesterday are now up at S@H for those interested.The Galactic Enforcer looks amazing! Not sure about the way the prison cells break in half to be used, though On S@H? It appears the only countries with SP right now are Canada and US, and neither S@H pages have the Galactic Enforcer
June 1, 200915 yr On S@H? It appears the only countries with SP right now are Canada and US, and neither S@H pages have the Galactic Enforcer Yesterday, images of the 2 large sets weren't showing; today they are!
June 1, 200915 yr I just see the 4 smaller sets It's just for the UK. LEGO is holding back on the US for some reason.
June 1, 200915 yr Funny. Wasn't the UK initially supposed to be the one not to get the SP3 sets? How come the US is always worse off when it comes to Lego lately?
June 1, 200915 yr How come the US is always worse off when it comes to Lego lately? Yes, so much worse off by having most sets on store shelves for weeks already Let's stick to the topic and not turn this into a 'grass is greener on the other side of the pond' thread
June 1, 200915 yr Sorry. Guess I got carried away a little. I'm usually not the type to start such discussions. Anyway, now that it's officially available, hopefully we'll see a review of Hyperspeed Pursuit soon!
June 1, 200915 yr I might be missing something but when I look at the UK site for S@H there is no mention of SP3 under Products or at the shop itself. Were abouts are they?!
June 1, 200915 yr I don´t know how Svelte came to the sets, but I changed the link name and came to this: http://shop.lego.com/ByTheme/Product.aspx?...cn=589&d=70 http://shop.lego.com/ByTheme/Product.aspx?...cn=589&d=70 Rappalien looks better and better on every new pic.^^
June 1, 200915 yr The best way to see everything that is new to visit 'What's New' -> 'Products Launched in 2009' -> 'View All' http://shop.lego.com/WhatsNew/ProductsLaunched2009.aspx?va=1 It's not hard for a US user just to switch countries to see what Europe has, and vice versa
June 1, 200915 yr Thanks for the links! Finally some pics that you can zoom into! The more I look at it, the more it becomes clear to me: Hyperspeed Pursuit is an absolute must-buy! The Enforcer doesn't look too shabby either but I still wont get it because of its price. Are those pieces around the engines new? They kinda look like Belville-sized diving flippers.
June 1, 200915 yr Yes, those pieces around the engines look new.... The 2 biggest SP sets look absolutely outstanding. I'm very excited for them.
June 1, 200915 yr Are those pieces around the engines new? They kinda look like Belville-sized diving flippers. Not new, just rare. ;) http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=32008
June 1, 200915 yr Well, that close-up view of the Galactic Enforcer has made the purchase for me! Looks fantastic! ...now if only it would get released in the US...
June 1, 200915 yr I'm absolutely getting the Galactic Enforcer! This has to be the best space ship in a looong time. Look at all the interior and controls, i wish TLG would do that in other sets these days aswell! And btw. doesn't that one bad guy that comes with it look like a mutaded orc from the future?
June 1, 200915 yr I'm absolutely getting the Galactic Enforcer! This has to be the best space ship in a looong time. Look at all the interior and controls, i wish TLG would do that in other sets these days aswell! And btw. doesn't that one bad guy that comes with it look like a mutaded orc from the future? Yes he does, and he's stealing an old statue to boot. He'll be in really high demand since he's in the largest set. Another reason to pick it up!
June 1, 200915 yr The twins window from Hyperspeed Pursuit - Is it printed or a sticker? That set is a must buy, and I really like the red line going through the whole ship. Also, in the image on S@H the twins helmets look dark grey, though we know they are silver / lightgray in reality. Odd.
June 1, 200915 yr Well, that close-up view of the Galactic Enforcer has made the purchase for me! Looks fantastic! ...now if only it would get released in the US... Me too - looks spectacular!! Thanks for the extra links. Oddly, although a huge space fan, when I first saw SP3 I wasn't really that impressed. BUT oh how that's changed, the line has really grown on me over the last few weeks and I will deff be going for the Pursuit and Enforcer, and maybe (read probably) Gold Heist too. Bring on "available now"! I can't wait...
June 1, 200915 yr At last, it's nice to see some detailed shots of the Galactic Enforcer. I see a robot sitting behind the pilot, and the rear crew section looks packed with computers and weapons. I also noticed that the trans-blue half-cylinders used for the prisons are different and taller than the existing ones. It actually looks more useful than the existing piece due to the square cutout. I would say the jails are better than the SP2 ones, but not nearly as good as the SP1 space lockups.
June 1, 200915 yr In Sweden (where I live) the Space Police theme is now avaible on S@H, and all sets are there (including Galactic Enforcer and Hyperspeed Pursuit), but all of them, even the impulses that I saw in the local toy store today, are "Not Avaible". Weird, I must say. On another note, I have to buy the impulses this week. EDIT: I just realized that almost all the June news (Star Wars, Castle, Agents 2.0, CITY and Space Police)are on S@H in Sweden, though none of them are avaible for purchase. WTF? Edited June 1, 200915 yr by Filip
June 1, 200915 yr Just wait. It's the same in most of the other countries too, i'm sure they will be ready for shipping soon. They're just teasing us with the pictures
June 1, 200915 yr I just realized that almost all the June news (Star Wars, Castle, Agents 2.0, CITY and Space Police)are on S@H in Sweden, though none of them are avaible for purchase. WTF? I guess that somebody on S@H made the programming for all sets but forgot to add the prices, and now nobody is in the central because of Whitsun. In Germany are the only listed SP sets the two Impulses and only visible through Sveltes loophole. Most of the sets look great, but I have to shorten my shopping list. Hyperspeed Pursuit, Gold transport, impulses and Squiddi for sure. Hopefully I will be able to get my hands on the mutated Orc and Spacie statue, too.
June 1, 200915 yr I guess that somebody on S@H made the programming for all sets but forgot to add the prices, and now nobody is in the central because of Whitsun. In Germany are the only listed SP sets the two Impulses and only visible through Sveltes loophole. Most of the sets look great, but I have to shorten my shopping list. Hyperspeed Pursuit, Gold transport, impulses and Squiddi for sure. Hopefully I will be able to get my hands on the mutated Orc and Spacie statue, too. Trust me on this one: Skip the Gold Heist and put the money towards the Galactic Enforcer. I gotta say that the Heist is one of the most disappointing sets from this theme; so promising at first, but the actual set is pretty mediocre. (Not terrible, mind you; just not nearly as good as it looks).
June 1, 200915 yr Besides all this one thing makes me wonder: are there actually no instructions up at lego.com yet? Up till now new ones always already have been added even a few weeks before sets were ins tores, now they only seem to get uploaded weeks after the official release.
June 1, 200915 yr Trust me on this one: Skip the Gold Heist and put the money towards the Galactic Enforcer. I gotta say that the Heist is one of the most disappointing sets from this theme; so promising at first, but the actual set is pretty mediocre. (Not terrible, mind you; just not nearly as good as it looks). After reading a few comments of the review thread, I realised that the set only has two gold bars... Because the alien and the gold bars were the only good parts of the set, I think that Agents Mission 3 Gold Hunt is more profitable for me, because then I also don´t have to buy Gold Tooths getaway, just for the fig and get more useful parts, more goldbars but no alien for 3 bucks less. Thank you for the advice.^^
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