June 9, 200915 yr Man TLC just keeps nailing us with awesome sets I'm not sure how I will afford it! Any I dea when the new sets will be out? Did anybody notic the nuclear waste barrels in sm pitstop? Edited June 9, 200915 yr by computerbug
June 9, 200915 yr The Galactic Enforcer is great - and a great price (in comparison with other similiar size sets these days)
June 9, 200915 yr Thanks guys for sharing these images with us. Darth_Legois, I had cropped these images, for better viewing. Thanks Whitefang I actually meant to make it bigger since i accidently resized it to small I think. Is this too big?
June 9, 200915 yr However I do have to admit that the prelim design is far superior... shame. I actually like the newer design better than the prelim, which is strange because for me it is generally the other way around. I'm not sure I like it enough to buy it though.
June 10, 200915 yr Squidman's Pitstop is so disappointing. It looks like Lego checked their parts inventory for excess stock and decided to put it all in this set. Agents Barbed wire? Check. Exo-Force rubbery pointy pieces? Check. Bionicle spines? Check! Lime green round pieces used as containers? Check. Yellow 1x2 cheese pieces? Check! The Police craft looks like the small Mars Mission ship from 07 and the alien vehicles are pretty lame. If that's the best craft a galactic-wide criminal syndicate can come up with they should all go back to school and learn accounting. Max Security Transport looks a little better, but it overly resembles a Power Miners set with the wrong colour scheme. That small alien vehicle must also feature the single worst use of the Technic shooter, ever Thanks for the pics! Shame about the sets.
June 10, 200915 yr So, wait a minute. Is Squidman running an intergalactic chop shop now? SWEET! According to a set designer I talked with, Squidman's Pitstop is a chop shop that kind of became a weapons shop.
June 10, 200915 yr Squidman's Pitstop is so disappointing. It looks like Lego checked their parts inventory for excess stock and decided to put it all in this set. Agents Barbed wire? Check. Exo-Force rubbery pointy pieces? Check. Bionicle spines? Check! Lime green round pieces used as containers? Check. Yellow 1x2 cheese pieces? Check! The Police craft looks like the small Mars Mission ship from 07 and the alien vehicles are pretty lame. If that's the best craft a galactic-wide criminal syndicate can come up with they should all go back to school and learn accounting. Max Security Transport looks a little better, but it overly resembles a Power Miners set with the wrong colour scheme. That small alien vehicle must also feature the single worst use of the Technic shooter, ever Thanks for the pics! Shame about the sets. Good man , I agree with everything you just said I like the Max security transport but it seems to have a quite a few holes in the design .I think the use of the crappy <insert that tiresome argument> engine pieces on the side was a mistake. The wheels look good and i think the cockpit is an improvement over the preliminary design , though the original did have a more armourd look to it. Squidman's pitstop look's awful and makes no sense at all! How does squidman and freinds breath while inside that thing , it's as airy as a patio.They should have used more of the clear curved windows for it to make it look a little more enclosed. Black Rabbit
June 10, 200915 yr The wheels on Max Security Transport are very clever, But I say this vehicle is No Substitute for Spy Trak 1 without a cool steering mechanism. From the looks of it, I doubt is has any; which is sad, lately steerable ground vehicles have been getting scarce. I actually like the looks of Squidman's Pit Stop. I love small space scooter vehicles, and this set has a bunch of them. And you get 3 aliens in one place. My only real complaint is theres either too much yellow, or too much red; these two colors side by side make me feel a little queasy. I'd prefer if they replaced more of the red with black, get closer to the original Blacktron1 colors. P.S. where is this prelim pic of Max Security I heard mentioned? kinda curious... Edited June 10, 200915 yr by xenologer
June 10, 200915 yr Squidman's Pitstop is so disappointing. It looks like Lego checked their parts inventory for excess stock and decided to put it all in this set. Agents Barbed wire? Check. Exo-Force rubbery pointy pieces? Check. Bionicle spines? Check! Lime green round pieces used as containers? Check. Yellow 1x2 cheese pieces? Check! The Police craft looks like the small Mars Mission ship from 07 and the alien vehicles are pretty lame. If that's the best craft a galactic-wide criminal syndicate can come up with they should all go back to school and learn accounting. Max Security Transport looks a little better, but it overly resembles a Power Miners set with the wrong colour scheme. That small alien vehicle must also feature the single worst use of the Technic shooter, ever Thanks for the pics! Shame about the sets. I agree I dont like the Pitstop, The only thing worth it is probable that curved window piece.....Pitstop, container heist & max security transport are probable the only ones im not getting. I might get x2 hyperspeed pursuit cos I love that SpacePolice ship Good man , I agree with everything you just said I like the Max security transport but it seems to have a quite a few holes in the design .I think the use of the crappy <insert that tiresome argument> engine pieces on the side was a mistake. The wheels look good and i think the cockpit is an improvement over the preliminary design , though the original did have a more armourd look to it. Squidman's pitstop look's awful and makes no sense at all! How does squidman and freinds breath while inside that thing , it's as airy as a patio.They should have used more of the clear curved windows for it to make it look a little more enclosed. Black Rabbit I was hoping the Max Security Transport would be a ship. Im pretty disappointed. Thanks for the pics! And thanks for resizing it larger! No problem.
June 10, 200915 yr I was hoping the Max Security Transport would be a ship. default_cry4.gif Im pretty disappointed. default_sadnew.gif On the contrary... I'm glad that SP3 is getting some ground vehicles. We have enough ships to last us the rest of the theme's existence. In fact I'd love to see a few MORE ground vehicles- perhaps a hovercraft or some kind of a tank. I'm not overly impressed by the Max Security Transport but I'm cautiously optimistic about it. I like the wheels- makes it look like a moon rover. The huge engines on the side though make no sense whatsoever and I dislike the cockpit. On the other hand, the back looks kickass from what I can see of it. And yeah, that little flier is just stupid. Edited June 10, 200915 yr by Algernon
June 10, 200915 yr I think Max Security Transport is a badass looking ground vehicle, and way cooler than the prelim. I'm a sucker for trans-blue windows and sleek designs. Easily one of my favorite SP3 sets. Like the inclusion of the old radar dishes, too. I think they first popped up again in Agents. Squidman's Pit Stop is a different idea and looks kinda neat, but I'm unsure about getting it. I think I would have preferred something more like a bar. I'll have to see it up close.
June 10, 200915 yr I was hoping the Max Security Transport would be a ship. Im pretty disappointed. Considering the cockpit they used, the funny engine pieces on the sides, and the thruster-y rear, just pop off the wheels and you'll have your spacecraft.
June 10, 200915 yr On the contrary... I'm glad that SP3 is getting some ground vehicles. We have enough ships to last us the rest of the theme's existence. In fact I'd love to see a few MORE ground vehicles- perhaps a hovercraft or some kind of a tank. I'm not overly impressed by the Max Security Transport but I'm cautiously optimistic about it. I like the wheels- makes it look like a moon rover. The huge engines on the side though make no sense whatsoever and I dislike the cockpit. On the other hand, the back looks kickass from what I can see of it. And yeah, that little flier is just stupid. Indeed, I think I make my decision in the store when I have the box in my hand. But just judging by this picture I won't blindly buy it. It looks to random. I'll wait for some reviews first, to see some more pictures. But now we get an Alien 'base', or at least an Alien ground set. Next up, a Space Police base!
June 10, 200915 yr These sets are awsome I'll probably only be able to get one so I'll have to go with the pitstop, so I can make my aliens a hide out via modding!
June 10, 200915 yr I may be the only one, but I imagine my SP guys as living in cities on terraformed planets and moons that have atmospheres. That way, I don't have to sweat the lack of enclosed helmets or sealed compartments on vehicles.
June 10, 200915 yr I may be the only one, but I imagine my SP guys as living in cities on terraformed planets and moons that have atmospheres. That way, I don't have to sweat the lack of enclosed helmets or sealed compartments on vehicles. The packaging shows domed cities on crater-filled moons. Guess they're out of luck outside the domes!
June 11, 200915 yr Guess they're out of luck outside the domes! Ah, this might be a good start for some backstory. Noticed how all the cops are humans and the villians are aliens? Perhaps all the privelleged upper class humans live in the domes, while the aliens are left to the wastes outside. Maybe a big factor in the separation could be airbreathers versus the vacuum enabled? (the cops have air tanks while the aliens don't)
June 11, 200915 yr Ah, this might be a good start for some backstory. Noticed how all the cops are humans and the villians are aliens?Perhaps all the privileged upper class humans live in the domes, while the aliens are left to the wastes outside. Maybe a big factor in the separation could be airbreathers versus the vacuum enabled? (the cops have air tanks while the aliens don't) Good idea! And because the aliens are pissed about that, they turn to crime. Btw, has anyone thought about the fact that the Space policemen could have force-fields surrounding their helmets to contain the air? This theme sparks one's creativity quite well.
June 11, 200915 yr Good idea! And because the aliens are pissed about that, they turn to crime. Wow that would make sense because on nearly all the boxes it shows holes in the domes where the aliens have gone in and got out! I hope we will get some Police aliens too... That would be awesome! Sorry but I highly doubt that will ever happen.
June 11, 200915 yr Btw, has anyone thought about the fact that the Space policemen could have force-fields surrounding their helmets to contain the air? I have it set up so that they're dressed in their official helmets and no air tanks when they're inside the domes. When they're outside, however, I give them air tanks and closed helmets with the metallic blue dome visors from the Life on Mars theme. Their suits look a lot like they could be Bio-Suits, so those are fine.
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