June 26, 200915 yr its very hard to decide... but i think that before you make a decision those of you who own the BB should try adding a third center hull piece to it. it is amazing how much better it looks not to mention the two extra cannons you can fit in it. before i tried it i would have gone with the BSB but after this i had to change my mind.
June 26, 200915 yr go BSB! the BSB has FOUR cannons, 2 to a side, and the brickbeards bounty would be mixed up fighting the shark and the Brits in the boat! second vote would be the 2 British guys. they have beter aim and training! :pir_laugh2: the brickberd thing looks more cartoon like-with those weird looking faces and that shark has had WAY too much fried stuff...he needs a diet!!! :pir_laugh2:
June 26, 200915 yr its very hard to decide... but i think that before you make a decision those of you who own the BB should try adding a third center hull piece to it. it isamazing how much better it looks not to mention the two extra cannons you can fit in it. before i tried it i would have gone with the BSB but after this i had to change my mind. Then it is no longer BB, but a moc-ship Edited June 26, 200915 yr by Fluyt
July 1, 200915 yr Brickbeard's Bounty... barely. The BSB is still a beautiful ship, with proper rigging, great sails, awesome design and twice the crew- but something about the BB is very attractive. The colouring is much better in my opinion, the hull looks much stronger, the cabin looks much better than the BSB's with its dark red and gold bricks, I actually kind of like the sails, and I love the rifles in the front. Everyone keeps commenting on the 4 to 3 cannon factor, but the BSB is also bigger. Relatively, the BB is much better armed, as it makes up for the lack of a cannon for rifles on the front. Still, I love both, but the Bounty has a nicer design (being 20 years older). I think people are overreacting. It's just a topic on a (great) website. Just because someone likes another ship doesn't mean they're wrong.
July 1, 200915 yr Brickbeard's Bounty... barely. The BSB is still a beautiful ship, with proper rigging, great sails, awesome design and twice the crew- but something about the BB is very attractive. The colouring is much better in my opinion, the hull looks much stronger, the cabin looks much better than the BSB's with its dark red and gold bricks, I actually kind of like the sails, and I love the rifles in the front. Everyone keeps commenting on the 4 to 3 cannon factor, but the BSB is also bigger. Relatively, the BB is much better armed, as it makes up for the lack of a cannon for rifles on the front. Still, I love both, but the Bounty has a nicer design (being 20 years older). I think people are overreacting. It's just a topic on a (great) website. Just because someone likes another ship doesn't mean they're wrong. Welcome to EB vtoskala.
July 6, 200915 yr BSB... has the better crew.. they are in training since so many years ..and i prefer oldschool...
July 7, 200915 yr BSB is a nicer ship, with a better design. But BB would beat it in a fight, hands down. BSB has 2 cannons on each side, which means only two are functional at any one time in a naval showdown. But BB can bring all three cannons to bear down upon its enemy, and it is covered when chasing or being chased. Though, it's also pretty easy for an idiot captain to shoot his own ship with that third cannon. Besides, while BSB may have more pirates, BB has the govenor's daughter as a hostage on board. Now that's an impressive feat!
July 8, 200915 yr How can there be any debate? BSB is better in every respect. The minifigs, The design, price, pieces, everything is in favor of BSB. Except for the yellow and black color selection. Oh, I just remembered, BSB is a classic. ~LW 8~
July 12, 200915 yr BSB for the win. It's got more cannons and looks more menacing. BB just makes me wanna go awwwww bless! But oh wait what's this! SES blasts BSB out the water!
July 12, 200915 yr Both are great sets, and the LEGO world has room for more than one beautiful ship. There is room in my house for new ships......lots of room I still stand firm behind BSB, superior design, bigger crew, better color scheme. On the other hand, BB has nicer minifigs and some realy cool elements, such as the telescope/torch part. Edited July 12, 200915 yr by Ratshot
July 22, 200915 yr And anyone saying the BB has the prisoner and redcoats to handle should not include it. it is the boat itself, and the redcoats would not interupt an awesome fight! , and the girl is pretty helpless, being a stereotypical 'maiden', with the scream and all.
July 28, 200915 yr I picked the Black Seas Barracuda simply because it has a larger crew and it looks like it could take more damage. I have had the BB for a while now, and I know for sure that it's skinny and unstable enough that one cannonball to the mainmast could take it down. Edited July 28, 200915 yr by WastedGrunt36
July 30, 200915 yr In my opinion if it were a battle on the open water I believe that Brickbeards Bounty is the more manouverable of the two, but that is the only advantage it has in battle. The BSB has the bigger crew and this is support by the additional firepower mean Cpt Brickbeard is toast. I also think the more basic design of the ship is a lot more attractive as well (don't ask why) so you can probably guess which one I am favouring now
August 4, 200915 yr I think the BSB will win, because it has a bigger crew, and BB has to defeat some redcoats before they can attack the BSB. And like some have said before me; BB does look childish.
September 19, 200915 yr I hate to beat a dead horse, but I think the BSB is better by quite a bit. The BSB has a much better design overall, better sails / flags, a working anchor winch, string rigging, cargo space, a bigger crew, more cannons, a higher piece-count and a full mid-section on the ship. BB has a better color scheme and the mermaid figurehead is neat, but the rigging is horrible and overly simplified, the mid-section of the ship is plain, the front of the ship has a lot of wasted space, there isn't really any way for the pirates to man the front-positioned muskets because they're too high up off of the deck, the rutter is horribly designed, the ship has no anchor at all, the chain holding up the front sail was a poor choice in my opinion, the railing throughout the ship is somewhat cheap and the entire ship seems flimsy in areas. I am not a fan of how newer Lego sets (especially the BB) require you to pull parts of the set apart to access areas. I don't especially care for how half of the cabin floor is dark grey and the other half is brown either. At least the BSB is consistent. While some of those may be minor gripes, they all still immediately come to mind when I think of the ship, so they were obviously prominent enough to mention them as far as I'm concerned. I like the old Jolly Roger design much, much more. It wasn't as cartoony. The new figures are better detailed, but again, they're also more cartoony and admittedly, I prefer the '94 - '97 figure design more. Most of this is probably nostalgia, but I sincerely feel like Lego sets more recently have been more about eye-candy and less about actual substance. The typically higher piece count of older sets and less specialized pieces lend better to custom creations as well. Anyway, I'd probably list the ships like this personally: BRS SES (Very close if not equal to the BSB) RBR BB Like others, I tend to think the ships have reduced in quality over time. RBR has a lot of problems as well, but at least it has an extremely memorable design. BB looks like it wants to be the BSB, but it really just seems like a knock-off. It is, however, far more functional as a toy than the BSB or (especially) the SES. This is not to state I think the BB is terrible or anything of the sort-- merely that it could be a lot better when compared to what came before it. This all coming from someone who has never owned the BRS or SES (I do own the RBR and BB, however), but spending more than my fair-share of time looking at them. I plan on purchasing a BSB very soon however. Perhaps my opinion will change then, but I very highly doubt it. Edited September 19, 200915 yr by Unruhe
September 20, 200915 yr I voted for the Black Seas Barracuda: It had to be my obvious choice as it is my all time favorite pirate ship. Much more nostalgic and easily recognized and famous. If you would name a classic set from each theme then the BSB would be right there for Pirates. The BB is nice with the color scheme and the figure head of the mermaid I like better. However I am not a fan of the Jolly Roger being all over the sails. That has annoyed me on almost every LEGO pirate ship except the BSB. Therefore the BSB automatically gets the win in that category. I think LEGO could have gave the BSB a 4 cannon broadside like the SES and maybe the extra triangular sail in the back. The BB has some extra elements of play like including the soldiers. If the BSB had a jail or something similar then that would have been a major plus. It doesn't really matter to me though since I can just use the sets from my collection. With all that said I am highly awaiting my BSB I ordered so I can finally build it
September 22, 200915 yr Anyone who knows a BSB will no doubt vote for it. It is by far one of the best Lego sets ever. It's the best pirate ship although SES is very close. The BB is like the BSB combined with the viking ship. It is way too open and simple and un-realistic. The sails suck. The new pirates sets are too cartoony. It's a no-brainer. I have 7/8 of the old ships but will not buy the BB. It's a disgrace to pirates in my opinion. Yuck.
September 30, 200915 yr These two fairly evenly matched ships, two cannons in the broadside, same amount of hull sections, same colour sails. Which ship would come out on top in a sea battle? The ledgendary Black Seas Barracuda, or the new 2009 ship, Brickbeard's Bounty? Vote, then tell us why you voted what you did! 6285 Black Seas Barracuda 6243 Brickbeard's Bounty Difficult decision The Barracuda seems to be stronger and can resist more damage while the Bounty is more equipped with weapons
September 30, 200915 yr The (size) ship doesn't matter, the sail-know-how of the captain is far more important. The real redbeard (form comic's) is a very good sailer. And you have to be really very good to beat this famous pirate. I have all first comic of this series and this is the reason why I like pirate lego. The blue coats are the french, which play also an important role in these comic's. It's all fiction, but story is good. And that is what counts for me .
October 3, 200915 yr Interesting to know. Historically, you are absolutely right to see the crew's skill as the most important strenght of a man o' war. Also BBs sails are not very well attached to the masts. I'm not sure if this was mentioned already, but to me the poor constructionn of BB's propulsion makes the difference. BSB=win
October 3, 200915 yr I had to vote for BSB because I own it and it was my largerst set for 20 years. I do like the new version but I'm a classic kind of guy.
March 9, 201015 yr I can't believe how could you compere exactly between this two models? The BSB is 896 pieces Master set, directed to 12+ kids and even adults, while BB is just a cartoon toys (unfinished like design and twice times less pieces) made for 5+ kids only. They are simply in different category... I own both of them and can easily say- the BSB could stop your breath when see it for the first time.The BBB did impression on me just for 20 minutes after built and that was... if I was not pirate set's collector- I would sell it.. Edited March 9, 201015 yr by Ivan K.
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