March 10, 201015 yr I do not own the BSB, but judging from the pictures I have to strongly disagree with of the criticism directed towards BB. BB, in my opinion, is a much more beautiful ship, due mostly to the color scheme and the variety of parts. I think the entire cabin design is absolutely gorgeous and seems miles ahead of the BSB in that sense. However, I will agree that BB essentially has no deck and that old skull design or no skull at all would have been better. Also, pointing out that the BSB has more parts doesn't make it "better" just shows that this comparison is not a fair one in the first place.
March 10, 201015 yr Well I have to say that I like the design of the older BSB better but, I like the minifigs and the color scheme of the BB better. I guess it really doesn't matter though considering I have two IFs and they would blow both ships out of the water.
March 10, 201015 yr I do not own the BSB, but judging from the pictures I have to strongly disagree with of the criticism directed towards BB.BB, in my opinion, is a much more beautiful ship, due mostly to the color scheme and the variety of parts. I think the entire cabin design is absolutely gorgeous and seems miles ahead of the BSB in that sense. However, I will agree that BB essentially has no deck and that old skull design or no skull at all would have been better. Also, pointing out that the BSB has more parts doesn't make it "better" just shows that this comparison is not a fair one in the first place. I thought exactly as you before I see the BSB on live...once you get it- you will change your mind entirely, believe me. The screen-shots don't say anything.. Edited March 10, 201015 yr by Ivan K.
March 10, 201015 yr I own both the BSB and the BB, and although the new bricks, colours and cabin of the BB are much better than the BSB, i still believe the BSB has to be the better ship overall. What would be good though is maybe mixing the 2 designs and modernising the BSB. has that been done?
March 10, 201015 yr At me the new BB is a cheap copy at BSB and thats why i woted BSB, it looks much better than BB, unfortunately i dont own BSB but i own BB plus BSB`s cabin looks much better than BB Captain Becker
March 10, 201015 yr I chose the BSB. Although they are evenly matched, captain Rogers crew had 20 more years of experience on the high seas. Edited March 10, 201015 yr by Captainkiwi
March 11, 201015 yr BSB easily (both design-wise, and in a fight), any of "the big 3" can, all have more pirates, BSB 2 gun broadside, SES 4 gun broadside, RBR, 3 gun broadside (4 if you add another cannon). The new pirate ship could have a 3 gun broadside (if you count the cannon on the rear deck), but the 2 on the lower deck are kinda useless on long range, since they will shoot in the water (judging from the pics) and the rear one seems awkward. The new ship might be more maneuverable (if you count sails/lenght of ship) than BSB or RBR, but if it comes to firepower of manpower, the new ship doesn't stand a chance.So, new ship pro's: manuevarability/speed, the firepower is debatable, since the cannons are not that usefull BSB pro's: firepower, manpower, doesn't have skull&crossbones on sails, has a rowingboat (for the pirates) New ship seems generally a lot more <insert that tiresome argument> (some aspects even 4+ like). Using the pictures to judge these ships is a bad idea. The BSB and BB both have cannons that are the same height from the water (given that the base of the boat is the water level). The ships are the same length and the rear cabins are almost identical in size, shape and design. The real difference comes down to these three areas: The masts and rigging The deck The front section The BB has a lot of criticism for not using string for the rigging. I think that this is a very silly criticism as the string always annoyed me. There are pros and cons to both to be honest. The sails are attached much better on the BSB except for the front triangular sail, which is only supported by string, and therefore over time has collapsed and does not look very good. The chain support on the BB seems like a much better long term solution. The deck on the BB is far weaker than the deck on the BSB. The extra height of the BSB is mostly manifest in this area and the BSB uses the space much better than BB. This is also why the BB looks so <insert that tiresome argument> in pictures - because it doesn't have an elevated deck hiding away the hull pieces like the BSB does. The front section of the BSB is also better than the BB. It gives the ship a more "complete" look and better uses the space available. A lot of the criticism of BB in this thread is very unwaranted, as the ship itself looks much, much better than the box art makes out. I have both ships, and side by side, which is the better ship is largely dependent on the angle from which you are observing the ship. From behind the BB looks much nicer due to the more modern colour scheme and less iritating rear design (the BSB has that annoying rear flag, which due to its weight is fragile and continually detatches from the ship, even with only the slightest nudge. From the side and front the BSB looks nicer (this is where its colour scheme actually looks better, particularly from a distance). I also get the feeling that due to the rigging design the BB sails will look better in 5 years than the BSB sails. Still, in a fight (which is what this thread is all about) I'd give the edge to the BSB, as it looks like a much more solidly constructed ship. As far as desire for another copy of the set goes, I would marginally give it to the BSB, though the new minifigs and colours are very tempting. I would not be disappointed to receive either as a gift.
March 12, 201015 yr Bsb 10000000000000000 percent! The brickbeards bounty was small and too easy to build!
March 15, 201014 yr The new one looks like it was made for 5 year-olds. Oh duh yeah! It says Modular build, easy start at the top right hand corner of the box!
August 4, 201014 yr Sorry for Threadnecromancing, but I finally bought BBB yesterday and now I am really able to compare them. Pro BSB: -Larger Crew -More guns, cutlasses, pistols and even two halberds -Room for cargo -Liftable anchor -Very nice steering wheel consturction (I think, it is the best of all ships) -4 Cannons for four cannon-"holes". -A stair to the top of the stern castle. -Better Jolly Roger design Con BSB: -Colorsheme (but for the time, the ship was produced it is ok) -The rigs are a little complicated. Especially when you want to deconstruct it --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro BBB: -Colorsheme! I really love the gold and the dark red. -Boxes for cannon equipment -A ship rat! -A barrel of rum -A banana for the monkey -Furniture in the sterncastle Con BBB: -Only 2 cannons at the cannon deck -The swiffleguns are unreachable for the crewmen -The crew is to small. -Where is my anchor?! -The sails are poorly constructed at the masts. -The sterncastle cannon makes it impossible to navigate during a fight. However, the crew is to small to use that cannon. -No stair to the roof of the sterncastle -The cannon at the rear looks, like it would be at the wrong place -The steeringwheel is poorly constructed. -No deck.. -All in all the BBB looks a little childish So finally the BSB still rules the sea. It is one of the best designed ship lego ever made. In my opinion the BSB is as well constructed as the Imperial Flagship. The BSB does not have a completly closed deck, but it has enough cannons and rigs! Oh and the steeringwheel looks better. Edited August 4, 201014 yr by josykay
August 4, 201014 yr a classic is a classic... and BSB have a better design and more style than the BBB where is the anchor of the BBB?... it was a huge mistake for TLG!!!!
August 8, 201014 yr Captain Redbeard is the most ruthless pirate in the Lego seas. . He also has a bigger crew and ship, thus meaning we have a winner.
February 28, 201114 yr A battle between the Black Seas Barracuda and Brickbeard’s Bounty would be a rather interesting comparison. Armament: The Black Seas Baracuda has 4 cannons set up in permanent positions with two pointing out to each broadside. I assume each cannon has 6 cannon balls. Brickbeard’s Bounty only has 3 cannons in total, but than point more cannons out to one side at once than the Barracuda can. The Bounty also has 2 deck guns. Unfortunately the ship only has 2-3 cannon balls for each cannon. Crew: The BSB has 8 pirates. The BB only has 4 pirates though the set has 8 figures (2 soldiers, 1 girl and 1 figurehead) Speed: I know very little about how ships work, but I’m trying to go with some kind of logic perspective. The BSB has 5 sails and a “weight” of 906-909 pieces. BB has 5 sails of a size that’s very similar to the BSB, but it only has a “weight” of 592 pieces. I guess that the weight difference would make BB significantly faster. I assume the BSB would win due to the larger amount of pirates and cannonballs, but at least I guess that BB could run away from the BSB. Oh and the boat with the 2 soldiers and 1 deck gun is probably little more than a speed bump for any of the ships.
March 3, 201114 yr Well I think the Brickbeard's Bounty would win, but not by much, because of the extra cannon on the poopdeck. It's only one extra cannon, but at it's height, it could punch holes in the deck of the ship rather than just the sides, or blast away the crew.
March 3, 201114 yr BSB. BB barley has enough crew to man the ship. Figure at least 2 per gun, 1 for the wheel, and 2 others for rigging. BB seems a little short. Once one or two minifigs get eliminated that ship is toast. Interestingly enough, once I get BB this just gave me a scenario to test in my next brickwars game Equally crewed those ships would be fairly evenly matched. It would really come down to which one could fire more volleys before they close for boarding. Edited March 3, 201114 yr by FlyBoy
August 2, 201113 yr BSB all the way.. One cannonball to the BBB's hull and that ship is sunk. Plus will all the extra crew members, the BSB would overwhelm the other crew with sheer manpower. I think a better match-up would be the BSB against one of its more well endowed cousins, such as the QAR or SCS. Both have more cannons, but the BSB looks like it could take alot more cannonballs too! Oh, and of course, the Imperial Flagship would own all :)
November 4, 201113 yr I'd have to say the Black Seas Barracuda would win in closer quarters. The fearless veteran crew would scramble over to Brickbeard's Bounty and run those ninnies through with their salty cutlasses! Experience matters in fighting, often more than a new face or outfit does. So, the BB has an extra gun available. That would be quite useful at a distance. I think the BSB crew would fire a quick volley and then quickly rush in for the kill. Brickbeard's bilge rats would probably be too worried they might chip their nice new paint or something! The Barracuda For The Win !!
November 4, 201113 yr Without a doubt BSB, it's a lot more powerfull and likely faster. Also it looks more realistic which is also a good thing to have, but that doesnt really say if its powerfull or not
November 5, 201113 yr In my opinion the RBR already beats the BB or is at least a tie. If that is the case, then the BSB utterly thrashes the BB. The only thing that the BB has over the BSB, and even that is rather questionable, is the minifigs. The BSBs are just, well, a bit old (Although the dastardly Cap'n Roger definitely downs the other captain any day! ). I am not a big fan of the new Lego minifigs, but actually I think the BB has got some pretty decent ones for the most part, but even so, I actually may give them only a tie over the minifigs, in which case the BSB still absolutely crushes the BB. If you're speaking of the actual ship's crew, then what is a ship of only 4 pirates going to even manage to muster against a ship with 8? By the way, I also think the colour scheme of the BSB tops the BB's. Absolutely! I still think the SES is the best pirate ship ever (especially if it were manned by the RBR's crew ), they're the only one, of the big pirate ships, that has an easy way of moving the cannons about (I don't know why Lego did not make all of the ships have the turntable pieces like the SES has). Then of course, there is the obvious fact the SES has the largest crew.
November 5, 201113 yr I'd favor the BSB. Although for its size I think its somewhat wanting in firepower it does have cannons on both sides and a much more solid deck construction. The larger crew would also be significant in a fight. That being said I think the BB would be more maneuverable and that third cannon does give it a more powerful broadside.
January 23, 201213 yr I like the look of the BSB on all accounts. In fact, I think the yellow lines are what makes it a standout, fun looking ship. Given the choice of one and only one, I would take the BSB. However, as far as battle on the open seas between the BBB and BSB, I think the BBB would win due to the raised, swiveling rear cannon. All it needs to do to gain the upper hand is run away from the BSB and shoot it while being chased. If you took these two ships, scaled them equally to full size, and had them going at each other it would only take a couple hits with their proportionally enormous cannons to severely cripple either craft. Given that the cannons are equivalent in nature, they would have the same default range/power. The range on the BBB's swiveling turret would be greater than the broadsides of the BSB due to its height and would not require repositioning of the ship to make use of the cannon should the BSB prove to be a faster craft and able to make it alongside. By the time the BSB got into position to deal damage to the BBB, it would be splinted and its cannons likely disabled or its crew dead. Unfortunately for the BSB, having two extra cannons and 4 extra crew would only mean that two cannons will go unused and more people will die. Even if the two ships began next to each other and merely traded broadsides, the BBB would win because it has three cannon to the BSB's two and the third cannon is in an excellent position to rain destruction on the BSB's cannon crews, masts, and everything else on the deck. Outside the captain of the BBB being incompetent, the BSB's only possible winning scenario would be if it were a defending craft in a relatively small, narrow-mouthed cove into which the BBB would necessarily have to sail in order to get line of sight on the BSB. At which point, the BSB could fire into the BBB with a broadside while the BBB itself could not return fire. The BSB crew may even find a way to move the other two cannon to the same side and use 4 cannon against the BBB in that situation to win faster, but from the layout, that would take some time. Having the extra personnel will help. +1 for BSB to own +1 for BBB to win
January 23, 201213 yr The SES still rules them all...but that's not what this thread is about is it... Honestly, I prefer the mast and general building style of the old ships, but that's just me. I was actually, pleasantly surprised seeing the crew on the BB. For the most part I don't like too many of the new minifigs, but, perhaps, I am getting more used to them now. I still think the pirates from the RBR are the crowning crew, but most of these guys aren't too bad. I don't really like the captain though ...don't know why.
January 23, 201213 yr I find pretty much everything but the sails, masts and the weirdly placed cannon is better on BB. Especially the colours stands out. It was a tough decision though, close call for me.
January 24, 201213 yr ... I think the BBB would win due to the raised, swiveling rear cannon. All it needs to do to gain the upper hand is run away from the BSB and shoot it while being chased ... The BBB would rip its stern apart before the cannon ball reaches the Barracuda That cannon's recoil when firing is not compensated. In my opinion that cannon doesn't count in this battle.
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