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Fernando, I once thought that you were innocence and simply paranoid, but with the amount of evidence that has arisen, I think we can safely vote for you, as you are certainly not helping our cause. I put my points forward earlier, and since a number of people appear to agree with me, I think I shall Vote: Inquisitor Fernando (ptdapen). Hopefully this conviction will be what saves our town from the grip of the devil.

Now, as for a clue in the main post, I can't see it anywhere. Hang on, Phillip is staring at Joan's backside! Oh wait, that's nothing new. :pir_laugh2:

But seriously, can anyone else see it? :pir-sceptic:

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Eh, the only thing I can see right now is:

Though the River Fuego was fairly small and slow flowing, it was necessary for a bridge to be built across it, as none of the people of Azufre possessed the ability to swim. Roberto made his way to the urban district of Azufre, where he hoped to set up a forge, and of course to help the good people of Azufre rid themselves of the witches that seemed to infest the town.

Notice the "seemed to infest the town" part of that sentence. Are we all just paranoid after all? I'm curious about that, but other then that, I can't think of anything.

One more strange thing: Charles is the first man to be called a witch. Why did I in my randomness finally call him a witch? Bernard and Hernan where called heretics, and Cassandra and Sabrina where called witches. So perhaps it isn't a matter of gender. Is there something bigger out there? I know as an Inquisitor my job is to hunt both, well usually heretics, but this is technically called a "Witch Hunt". Perhaps I'm looking too deeply into this.


A clue in the pictures? Is it a REAL clue or just another joke? I'm getting impatient with this situation now and as I said, I will not vote until we hear the truth from our host.

Still, I can review the information at hand.

Let's see here... the death of Charles is too dark to see anything much in, though it is so many frames that one must wonder why. I went one by one though and see nothing except a black figure following him with a musket and then the sun comes up over the town. Oh, and Charles looks sort of tipsy, but that's not anything new.

The new arrival. I do find it funny that so many welcome him with open arms after so much suspicion of the Inquisitor, but whatever the case, I see nothing odd in his images, though I'm not sure I can identify all of the things he carries on his horse. Perhaps someone else would take a look, if you can tear yourselves away from lusting for the Inquisitor's blood for a moment.

The discovery of Charles. Well, we're all there. Philip is looking at Joan's, uh, dress, in the back. My, you're a tall drink of water, my dear, and you have a lovely pair of ... hey, wait a minute! Why is your dress bloody? Right there, under your left, um, er, you know... *points*


So... while I know I kept you from being turned to evil last night, I have no way to know if you had been previously, and now that you're bloody, why don't you tell us what happened? Did you murder Charles and end up covered in his blood, or were you the latest investigation of the Inquisitor?

I don't like the way this game ... of life ... is going.

I will add this. I have sent a potato message to Tiny Pius on the subject of the Inquisitor and the things he says in his death summary and was told that he does not control them. If the Inquisitor is lying, it's because Tiny Pius is putting those lies upon his lips. I don't sincerely believe he is guilty of heresy or witchcraft, and I will not vote to that end, but I also will not vote in opposition.

As I said, I will not vote at all until we get the truth, the same truth that anyone in any mafia based game ... of life ... would receive. I don't know why the rest of you are so willing to be abused by deception, but I am not a fool nor will I be taken for one.

To be blunt... unless this whole thing is a ruse, the Inquisitor's death will show that he is Godly and you will all regret the decision to kill him (except the witches, of course). I would like to think that at that point you will see that your other conclusions are incorrect and my own life will not be threatened in the same manner. I don't have a lot of faith in that regard, I think the madness/heresy/deception is too great at this point.

I do think it's hilarious that Joan would vote for me after I guarded her. Let's look at that logically for a moment. I guard her yet she thinks I'm a witch. Well, if I am, I just turned her into one, since my night action deals with the souls of those I guard. So if I'm a witch, she must be one now as well. :pir_laugh2:

Shall we test this theory next and kill her? :pir_laugh2:

Again, I have more useless information. Miguel confessed his crimes as a heretic, but alas, what does that do?

It does one thing, it proves that you are paranoid. At least to me. (or you are insane, but that seems less likely)

Oh I wish you people would give me one more day. Let me look into the faith of somebody... who shall remain unnamed for now.

I really don't see what we can gain by that, but please, do try to convince me otherwise.

But seriously, can anyone else see it? :pir-sceptic:

Closest thing I found would be this:

Though the River Fuego was fairly small and slow flowing, it was necessary for a bridge to be built across it, as none of the people of Azufre possessed the ability to swim.

But if that is the clue I completely fail to see how it's supposed to help us. :imperialguard_commander1:

So for now, I might change my mind: Vote: Fernando / ptdapen


WAIT! Damn these weary eyes, how did I miss that Miguel was declared evil now, too?

So, if Miguel was the one tortured, why is Joan bloody? :pir_wacko:

Dammit, Inquisitor, you have to know by now that you're sick, why do you keep announcing these crazed accusations? All you've done is sealed your own doom...

May God have mercy upon your confused soul.

I'm not confirming anything. More clues about the game... of life will be released tomorrow, but until then, try to start thinking outside the box...

I can assure you that I am not helping the witches, nor am I making things unfair for the town.

Thank you. :classic:


I have been suspicious of Fernando since the very beginning, and I think its now or never if we want to get rid of him.

"Citizens of Azufre..." he began, "this town is in great peril! This town is cursed! Cursed by the foulest of witches and heretics. As we speak, the Devil's servants seek to destroy this good town. They seek to plunge this town into the flames of chaos, and engulf us in heresy! Will you allow this to happen to your beloved town?"

How do we know Fernando is not the one putting this curse upon our town? Things were fine before he came, and now he is here, we are at eachother's throats. Perhaps, if Fernando dies, the withces will go with him...



(PS. I have a hunch that Phillip (the pervert) killed Charles (husband of the pervert's favorite thing to look at...). You can see the hair of the killer in one of the pictures, and it is not unlike Phillip's...)

A clue in the pictures? Is it a REAL clue or just another joke? I'm getting impatient with this situation now and as I said, I will not vote until we hear the truth from our host.

Still, I can review the information at hand.

Let's see here... the death of Charles is too dark to see anything much in, though it is so many frames that one must wonder why. I went one by one though and see nothing except a black figure following him with a musket and then the sun comes up over the town. Oh, and Charles looks sort of tipsy, but that's not anything new.

The new arrival. I do find it funny that so many welcome him with open arms after so much suspicion of the Inquisitor, but whatever the case, I see nothing odd in his images, though I'm not sure I can identify all of the things he carries on his horse. Perhaps someone else would take a look, if you can tear yourselves away from lusting for the Inquisitor's blood for a moment.

The discovery of Charles. Well, we're all there. Philip is looking at Joan's, uh, dress, in the back. My, you're a tall drink of water, my dear, and you have a lovely pair of ... hey, wait a minute! Why is your dress bloody? Right there, under your left, um, er, you know... *points*


So... while I know I kept you from being turned to evil last night, I have no way to know if you had been previously, and now that you're bloody, why don't you tell us what happened? Did you murder Charles and end up covered in his blood, or were you the latest investigation of the Inquisitor?

I don't like the way this game ... of life ... is going.

I will add this. I have sent a potato message to Tiny Pius on the subject of the Inquisitor and the things he says in his death summary and was told that he does not control them. If the Inquisitor is lying, it's because Tiny Pius is putting those lies upon his lips. I don't sincerely believe he is guilty of heresy or witchcraft, and I will not vote to that end, but I also will not vote in opposition.

As I said, I will not vote at all until we get the truth, the same truth that anyone in any mafia based game ... of life ... would receive. I don't know why the rest of you are so willing to be abused by deception, but I am not a fool nor will I be taken for one.

To be blunt... unless this whole thing is a ruse, the Inquisitor's death will show that he is Godly and you will all regret the decision to kill him (except the witches, of course). I would like to think that at that point you will see that your other conclusions are incorrect and my own life will not be threatened in the same manner. I don't have a lot of faith in that regard, I think the madness/heresy/deception is too great at this point.

I do think it's hilarious that Joan would vote for me after I guarded her. Let's look at that logically for a moment. I guard her yet she thinks I'm a witch. Well, if I am, I just turned her into one, since my night action deals with the souls of those I guard. So if I'm a witch, she must be one now as well. :pir_laugh2:

Shall we test this theory next and kill her? :pir_laugh2:

No, I think you're on to something with this- until we can find any other clue, the blood on her dress is all we have to go on. However, since everything seems to be happening because of Fernardo- and when we question him he laughs and calls us idiots (OI! Is you collection even half as large as mine? I must have more books than everyone else combined!)- I unvote: Gustavas and vote: Fernardo.


I can assure you that I did NOT kill Charles. I am above such vile cruelty for simple pleasure, and when I'm not praying or eating, I'm shut up in my room reading a book. How could I find time or obtain a weapon? Besides, Roberto, John and I all have the same hair. And in each painting, the murderer is bald. Squint at it. You'll see.

The discovery of Charles. Well, we're all there. Philip is looking at Joan's, uh, dress, in the back. My, you're a tall drink of water, my dear, and you have a lovely pair of ... hey, wait a minute! Why is your dress bloody? Right there, under your left, um, er, you know... *points*

Looks like a reflection. :pir-look:

This portrait doesn't show any:



Hmmmm, Joan is bloody and I ask why are you all bloody Joan? Is there anything your not telling us? Anyways, it looks like we're doing good, and I was wondering why was Chalres debating? God confirmed it in the paintings.....we have gathered a little bit of clues.....but not enough.....lets see what the rest of the day brings us....


This game, of life, has gone :pir_wacko:! I'm very confused, why does Joan have blood on herself? Are the witches trying to get us to vote for the innocents, or vice versa?

The witches just made amny mistakes.

1) The proved Charles was on to something which proves...

2) The Inqusitor is evil. The fact that Charles is dead and the fact that he hesitated means that he's a witch, which proves...

Just because he hesitated it means he's a witch? I'm highly suspicous of him right now, but let's not jump to conclusions.

3) We can disregard his investigations, and assume that Mustafa and Sergio are good. On top of that we can...
We can definantly not believe his investigations right now. He's too hesitant.
4) Convict the person who is still standing by him, and refuses to accept the fact that not everyone dead is not witches. The person I refere to is The Father. A witch.

I'm not sure about the Father. I guess we'll see how killing the Inquisitor goes.

5) We can not convict his toturer. He is simply doing what he thinks is good.

That I am. Killing the Inquisitor would surely bring these to a stop, but if they're lies why would it matter?

6) We cannot convict the Blacksmith, he was brought here to balance the numbers obviously.
Definantly not him! We have nothing against him!
7) The witches largest mistake was killing Charles and making an enemy of me. And he does have a hier.
What's a hier? :pir_wacko: Well, I think the killer was Miguel or Philip, and neither of them are on my suspect lists.
Final point. The Inqusitor and Priesty are evil, or the father is simply looking for good in all people.

Vote: Fernando.

OOC: Adding in after seeing Norrington's post:

As for Gustavus' thoughts, it simply proves that...

He is so obviously a witch, still standing by Fenardo and saying that Charles was a witch and that we should disregard what he said.

This also reinforces that Miguel is good.

Innocents for sure





The Father



I don't think that just because someone sticks up for something we currently believe to be evil, we should call them evil.

Really? So, you mean to say that all those that have been burned are witches? I couldn't agree more.

As for this, I think that you are simply in denial that your husband was a heretic, who spread unrest through all the members of th town.

Hear me out, fellow citizens:

The Inquisitor is not a heretic! The Father is not a heretic! I am not a heretic!

The fact that you would beleive this is incredulous. The Inqisitor has allready turned over a heretic, Bernard, to us. Why would a witch give up his kin to be burned? I have not yet received a satifactory awnser for this.

Well, if he was feeding us lies, then of course he could give up his "kin", it could just be that he was lying about being them being a witch.

The Priest is suspected because he agrees with the Inquisitor. You would willing sacrifice a servant of God? I have heard the Legends of Mystery Castle, and the Priest in the story was immune to death in the night and conversion thorugh God's providence. Why would a man of God be a witch? Awnser me that.

I am suspected because I agree with the two men of God, and what TinyPius posts.

Citizens, these two are innocent. Execute me in their steeds. If I am innocent, then do not doubt these two's innocence.

I have nothing to fear, for I will live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Vote: Gustavus/Norrington

Again, why would a man of God be a witch? How do we know he is a man of God?

Gustavus, any fool can vote for himself! If you don't believe me, watch:

Vote: Martinus/Pickerel

You are obviously trying to show you're sure of your innocence, but if it's that easy to do what does it honestly prove? Nothing.

I can't vote for the Inquisitor. Yet. Maybe it's just the bond between Master/ Servant. Maybe it's something else, who knows? Anyways, the Inquisitor appears to be gone for today, although my vote could be very important by the amount of people in this town. For now I'll watch, eat some garlic bread, think, and then maybe vote. I'll keep that vote on myself just to prove a point, not suicide, as my point was entirely to prove how both me and Gustavus are not going to die because of their own vote! :pir-wink:

Looks like a bit that the the priest has some blood on him:


Or maybe it's just a reflection.

Are you suggesting that our bodies are mirrors?

Posted (edited)
On another note, Roberto welcome to Azufre.

Thank you Christopher for those kind words. I hope to help you rid this town of its demons!


I can assure you that I did NOT kill Charles. I am above such vile cruelty for simple pleasure, and when I'm not praying or eating, I'm shut up in my room reading a book. How could I find time or obtain a weapon? Besides, Roberto, John and I all have the same hair. And in each painting, the murderer is bald. Squint at it. You'll see.

We have the same hair! Let me have a look! *Roberto looks at Phillip's hair* Wow! It is true, it truly is amazing.

I am new here and feel reluctant to kill someone or be given the power to kill someone. I will think it over a good nap first. See you guys later! Bye!

Edited by pr0visorak

I can assure you that I did NOT kill Charles. I am above such vile cruelty for simple pleasure, and when I'm not praying or eating, I'm shut up in my room reading a book. How could I find time or obtain a weapon? Besides, Roberto, John and I all have the same hair. And in each painting, the murderer is bald. Squint at it. You'll see.

Well then, I'm sure you won't be making any moves on Joan now that Charles is conveniently out of the picture... :wink:



I am sorry, but i have no information on the blood than you all do. I can only confirm that the Father came to me last night, and that Charles did not come home. I was told nothing more than that.

As for Gustavus, you just made another mistake. You are very clearly evil now. You are both trying to sway the vote from the Inqusitor and point it to yourself, trying to save him and make yourself look like you are willing to lay down your life. I will not be tricked so easily! My ancestor of that Castle long ago did the same thin g, and she was the best of liars!

My list stands as it is

Innocents for sure




The Blacksmith


The Father (Maybe)



I am sorry, but i have no information on the blood than you all do. I can only confirm that the Father came to me last night, and that Charles did not come home. I was told nothing more than that.

As for Gustavus, you just made another mistake. You are very clearly evil now. You are both trying to sway the vote from the Inqusitor and point it to yourself, trying to save him and make yourself look like you are willing to lay down your life. I will not be tricked so easily! My ancestor of that Castle long ago did the same thin g, and she was the best of liars!

My list stands as it is

Innocents for sure




The Blacksmith


The Father (Maybe)



Then convict me, and see if I am truly a liar of liars. As for your list, it would appear to be nohing more than a list of people who have disagreed with you.

Why don't you put all the previously convicted on there? They're obviously innocent, as your heretic of a husband said.

I cannot see how the eyes of the people of Azfure become so clouded by the devil.


That's the problem Gustavus, we don't know who of the convicted are witches. They could all be, though I doubt it, or they could all not be, which I also doubt. I think that there's a possibilty that one or two of them are. But that's not what we're debating. It's the fact that everytime the Inqusitor talks, he's convicted someone of being a witch or Heretic.

As for my list there is a reason behind each person.

Innocents for sure

Miguel - It would be to obvious if both of them were witches. He's just being lead by a bad man.

Sergio - Inqusitor's investigations tried to get him killed. If the Inqusitor's good he's bad. Vice versa is true too. Right now we're going with the Inqusitor being bad, so he would be assumed good.

Mustafa - See above. Also useful to the town.

The Blacksmith - Brought here to balance out the witches and civilians.


The Father (Maybe) - He may be mislead, but he smetimes seems evil.

Fenardo - Everytime he's talked, he's convicted. That sounds like wich to me.

Gustavus - You are both trying to sway the vote from the Inqusitor and point it to yourself, trying to save him and make yourself look like you are willing to lay down your life.

If the lists were who I agreed with, or who I thought was innocent, didn't know was innocent, they'd look very different.

Christopher for one agrees with me.

And I don't think it's Phillip, no matter how perverted he may be.

This post has been edited by pr0visorak: Today, 12:21 PM

Watch out Roberto...one more "edit" and your gone! Let's hope that we are on the right track and not convicting an innocent.... :pir-look:


Tell me this: If we don't trust the Inquisitor & his investigations, why would the you trust the person appointed to take his place?

His awnsers wouldn't be under scrutiny, simply because he was chosen by you (or TinyPius, but that's a moot point because he choose Fernando).

If anything, the person you appoint would agree with you, and if it's true that the executioner/Inquisitor can be fallible, it would be more likely to sat Fernando was guilty becasue you are all dead-set against him.

Please reconsider, I beg of you!

Posted (edited)

Hmm, Fernando should be dead already. What's taking so long God? Anyhow, to add another vote for the inquisitor:

Vote: Inquisitor Fernando/ptdapen

Take that er-man! :pir-skull:

Quoting DarthPerson

(PS. I have a hunch that Phillip (the pervert) killed Charles (husband of the pervert's favorite thing to look at...). You can see the hair of the killer in one of the pictures, and it is not unlike Phillip's...)

I noticed that as well, it could be "the perv," John, or that new guy.

Edited by kill will
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