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Fight on the Flying Wing

Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark - 2009 already available !

Set #7683

Theme: Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark

Year Released: 2008 (2009 officially)

Piece Count: 385 (10 extras)

Minifigs: 4

List Price: EUR 60

Regular middle-sized Indy box. Front :


Back :


The contents of the box : 3 bags, only one booklet, this stupid large wing in dark bley, a DSS and a hose.




The booklet. Frontpage :


First page :


Random page :


The set comes with 4 minifigs, in bag 1.

Let me (re)introduce you

Marion 7683-marion.jpg and indy 7683-indiana.jpg

the german pilot 7683-pilot.jpg not seems so bad ? This one is the bad guy 7683-badguy.jpg

No ! please ...


At the end of bag 1, you get this. A rather basic truck, four minifigs and 6 extra pieces.


There is something odd with this truck, a lack of I don't know what. I would certainly add a bumper ...


What you build with bag 2 :


Note the extra blue pin.

Bag 3 contains those 2 new printed windows. In on word : Brilliant !


Here it is at last !


Part of the top can be removed as thre is a hide behind the pilot :


The plane look quite good. Except for the rear. The engines are a bit slim and the landing gear ... ouch :cry_sad: !


The inclined nose is very well done


As for the overall design


Front view :


The truck is something like unachieved:


Final thoughts

Except for the lower part of the engines and the front of the truck, this is a cleverly designed set, with dark green slopes and tiles and a beeeeaaauuutiful canopy. Of course, it's far away from the flying wing seen in the movie. But the plane is tough (tough enough to be played with by my two years-old daughter) and very light for its big size. Same problem for the price that I found a little bit oversized.

Hope you enjoy this review.

OMG! where did you find this?! The review is great, I see there is a new torso and head for the German mechanic. Can't wait to get my hands on it.

look nice I will buying more then one of these for sure. :thumbup:

First power miners and now this? New sets are poping up all over the place! Also the review is ok but the set looks ok.

Edited by sgt stickey

Awesome! This would add a great addition to my collection! I can't wait until I get it and before I forget, where did you get this at!?! :oh3:

Thanks for the great review daoudbazaar :thumbup: . In my opinion the TLC design this one in a pretty "fast" and "easy" way. C´mon TLC this set is pretty <insert that tiresome argument> and in my opinion one of the worst (If not the worst) IJ set. The whole set doesn´t have anything good apart from the printed canopy and the german mechanic minifig and that in my opinion don´t justify such a high price :sadnew: .

Very nice review! But how did you get this? I'm sure we'd all like to know, man.

Wow, great review. Your photos are certainly crisp and well-composed.

I know people have been down on the large parts in this set, but it looks like an enjoyable, solid build. Dark green parts are always welcome. The printed parts are brilliant and the new torso is nicely detailed.

Thanks for the review. Interesting to see some more detail on this. I like the overall look of the flying wing, and I for one do like the use of dark green on it (I have no major objection to stickers for such detail, I more object for small common details that in the past would have been e.g. a printed 1x2 tile). The printed cockpit parts do look very nice indeed. However, the set is hideously overpriced, even given that you pay a bit extra for the ginormous wing, €20 extra for it is obscene.

The fuel truck looks like a really stripped down design. We saw the pre-lim photos which had a really smart-looking fuel truck using aircraft hull parts for a nice bulky tank, and a nice similar front to the chase truck. I'd much prefer that. This one just looks ill-proportioned and ugly.

Still looking forward to picking up the new car chase indy set!

Oh wow..... this is epic

I LOVE the mechanic torso, and the truck looks better than I thought it would. The planes pretty cool, but I think it needs the green stickers to make it look complete.

EDIT: After looking again, it looks like the plane is almost to scale. A minifig can actually fit under it, just like in the movie!

Edited by Tinn-man

Thanks for the review. Now I'm not sure if I want to buy it though. A silly price and somewhat <insert that tiresome argument>. And a bunch of people have already asked..... but where did you get this?

  • Author
where did you find this?!

There. It's a toy shop where the AT-TE is sold EUR 98 whereas you can buy it for EUR 70 in the shop next door. They told me that this set was delivered by TLG a few days ago.

I see there is a new torso and head for the German mechanic.

The torso might be new. The pattern of the head has been seen in Spider-Man's Train Rescue an IJ Race for the Stolen Treasure, but this man is younger. His moustache is still brown.

Thanks for the review! I doubt I'll get this. Had they kept the fuel truck from the preliminary image, I would consider getting it, but that in addition to the crappy-ish plane, makes this a disappointing set. Now the car chase on the other hand... :wub:


Nice review! :thumbup:

Can't say i like this set much, the figs are good, the new windshield is indeed good, but designwise it doesn't work for me.

The truck's cabin is simply too low, and it could do with some front fenders and bumpers...

So is the price you got this for is going to be more than the price at shop@home . I dont find it to <insert that tiresome argument> compared to the new pirate sets and it does have a nice solid feel to it unlike many starwars ships so if it is cheaper then i will most definatly get it.

So is the price you got this for is going to be more than the price at shop@home . I dont find it to <insert that tiresome argument> compared to the new pirate sets and it does have a nice solid feel to it unlike many starwars ships so if it is cheaper then i will most definatly get it.

Huh? How is Pirates '09 <insert that tiresome argument>? The only <insert that tiresome argument> thing is the ship, which no one really cared about.

Great review!

I have to get this set! Im definately getting the Shanghai Chase set.

Huh? How is Pirates '09 <insert that tiresome argument>? The only <insert that tiresome argument> thing is the ship, which no one really cared about.

Ha! If you've paid any real attention to what other people are saying, the ship is actually the most applauded and celebrated set in the line-up. :tongue: And there's absolutely nothing <insert that tiresome argument> (as in overly simplified, bulky or childish) about the sets, you guys are just farming the word because the sets contain some elements you don't like. Some of the old sails had skulls in them as well, so don't get started on that!

As for this set, I love the abs on the bad guy, but that's not enough to convince me to buy this set. The Shanghai Chase, on the other hand, is a must-have. :wink:

As for this set, I love the abs on the bad guy, but that's not enough to convince me to buy this set. The Shanghai Chase, on the other hand, is a must-have. :wink:

I'm of this opinion as well, though I'll still buy it. Being a primarily minifigs-first guy, the Young Gordon face and mechanic torso are good enough to buy. As for the wing I like it, but it isn't as good as it should be for such a good scene, I'd love to mod it though. The fuel truck is another disappointment, so many reductions from the original design.

Still, thanks for the review, I'll still look forward to getting the set.

Batbrick Away! :devil:

Edit by Hinckley: :thumbup:

Sandy - if this forum software had the "thumbs up" button, I'd use it to applaud your post. You're quite right, I'm so sick of the word "<insert that tiresome argument>" being bandied around anytime there are design flaws in a set. Lego sets have never had more intricate detail than they have now (indeed too much for some with others complaining about technic and small pieces). Certainly I would not argue for the pirates being <insert that tiresome argument> (apart from the lack of string on the ship which I consider a *MAJOR* plus - I've never liked string mixed with Lego). Even the 3D baseplate set has a more usable baseplate than those of old - maybe less studs on top but balanced by the stud-grippable base and the ability to connect two together seamlessly back to back.

That said, the single-piece wings do to some extent fit the bill of <insert that tiresome argument> - but that's only a single piece and even the oldest Lego sets have had the odd piece like that, or a 3D baseplate or what have you. The single piece wings are not something I'd mind having more of - I can't see how people don't see the potential for awesome spaceship "wings" acheived without using up a whole bunch of flat plates and smaller wedge/wing plate pieces.

Flaws in the fuel truck aside, if this set was €35 or even €40 I would buy it and be rather happy with the contents!

GREAT Review :thumbup:

Information for all lucky german:

In Germany the two Indiana Jones Set's are in stores. But only in the special shop called: GALERIA KAUFHOF.

The Prices are:

Shanghai Chase: 40€

Flying Wing: 60€

greetigs Star-Sam

Well, this set is certainly an easier build than it could have been. Doesn't look like it has the mass of the real plane. But for what it is, I'm pleased with it. The truck does need work, though.

And I'm glad they used the Bane torso for the Mechanic. That was the one I wanted to use for my custom, but it had the suspenders. It's a shame they didn't print the backside. That could have really added to the figure.


This set has certainly added some variety to the IJ line. I was hoping the truck doors could be open. Nevertheless its nice to see a IJ plane set. :classic:

Edited by Sim Avenue

Here's a quick comparison between the LEGO and real truck. It's close, but still needs some work. The movie truck is an old jalopy, and not as substantial as the desert chase truck.


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