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Actually I guess I should do "non-shipping seller" since the "non-responding seller" instructions say that is if you have not paid yet. I have unfortunately paid, so that would be a non-shipping seller case.

Good point.
And from what I'm reading, it sounds like I won't be getting my money back. And then if the seller gets 3 of these, he's booted off BL.

I'm crossing my fingers that maybe this guy is just indisposed for a few days or just really new to BL, but it's looking less likely by the hour. Sent him an email directly this morning and he still hasn't responded, and his last BL login was around 9pm EST two days ago. :sadnew:

Well, you can try to get his adress via Bricklink. You can announce to file a charge, or even file a charge without announcing. I'm not an expert, but I think what he did is not in line with U.S. law.

You didn't pay by paypal, did you?

Edited by Brickadeer

Well, you can try to get his adress via Bricklink. You can announce to file a charge, or even file a charge without announcing. I'm not an expert, but I think what he did is not in line with U.S. law.

You didn't pay by paypal, did you?

I looked up his address. On Zillow, from the street view it has the icon for "sold" on Dec 7th, but then on the house's page it says "for sale" and says the property is condemned. The photos show a very run down house that I can't believe anyone would be living in, especially someone who keeps around and knows the value of rare-ish Lego.


I'm pretty sure I got scammed at this point. I've given it a fair shake to let the guy respond at any rate. I'm about to go do a "non shipping seller" on BL and see what I can do with a Paypal dispute. (Yep, I paid through Paypal).

I'm not sure what you mean by "file a charge" and "charge without announcing". Can you explain that please? If you mean go to the police, I'm considering it. Oh I see you're in Germany; I'm in the USA.

UPDATE: I initiated the NSS with BL and started a dispute with Paypal. I can escalate it in about 30 minutes, which I fully intend to do, because it's clear the guy is a scammer and won't respond. He might even pull some more shenanigans like closing his Paypal account or bank account once he catches wind, so I'm going to do it right away.

Edited by Zeya

I looked up his address. On Zillow, from the street view it has the icon for "sold" on Dec 7th, but then on the house's page it says "for sale" and says the property is condemned. The photos show a very run down house that I can't believe anyone would be living in, especially someone who keeps around and knows the value of rare-ish Lego.

UPDATE: I initiated the NSS with BL and started a dispute with Paypal. I can escalate it in about 30 minutes, which I fully intend to do, because it's clear the guy is a scammer and won't respond. He might even pull some more shenanigans like closing his Paypal account or bank account once he catches wind, so I'm going to do it right away.

I've been on BrickLink since 2005 as a buyer and for about a year as a seller. I hate it when people pull stunts like this.

You can never be 100% safe but you can reduce your risk by:

Always paying with a payment processor that offers you protection (such as PayPal) and use a Credit Card or Debit Card acting as a Credit Card so you can dispute the transaction if the payment processor fails to recover your funds.

Sadly I've had to file a few disputes, once PayPal actually told me I was right but the couldn't recover any money from the other party so I used that to get my CC to charge-back PayPal and I still got my refund.

I'm not sure what you mean by "file a charge" and "charge without announcing". Can you explain that please? If you mean go to the police, I'm considering it. Oh I see you're in Germany; I'm in the USA.

UPDATE: I initiated the NSS with BL and started a dispute with Paypal. I can escalate it in about 30 minutes, which I fully intend to do, because it's clear the guy is a scammer and won't respond. He might even pull some more shenanigans like closing his Paypal account or bank account once he catches wind, so I'm going to do it right away.

What I basically mean is the action that initiates the law enforcing process. I do not know the correct term, though.

If you received an invoice and he does not respond after you paid, I'd say there is a pretty good chance that he tries to scam you. (And if he didn't change the status of the order, he may be not very smart as well.)

I've been on BrickLink since 2005 as a buyer and for about a year as a seller. I hate it when people pull stunts like this.

You can never be 100% safe but you can reduce your risk by:

Always paying with a payment processor that offers you protection (such as PayPal) and use a Credit Card or Debit Card acting as a Credit Card so you can dispute the transaction if the payment processor fails to recover your funds.

Sadly I've had to file a few disputes, once PayPal actually told me I was right but the couldn't recover any money from the other party so I used that to get my CC to charge-back PayPal and I still got my refund.

Personally, I didn't have any disputes yet. It happened rather often that something was wrong with the delivery (missing parts, wrong parts), but these issues very fixed quickly and without discussion.

Edited by Brickadeer

I got a BL admin to shut down the seller's account. I'm sure this guy will just open a new email and pick a new bogus address, rinse and repeat.

I have another question for the future. Is it really possible to get Paypal to back your purchases with a credit card instead of your bank's checking account? I remember the last time I tried to google and look into that, it seemed to me like it was basically impossible or very hard to do.

I learned that you need to very careful with doing NSS's, I filed one for someone who had changed my order to paid ten days before that... 4 days later, the package arrived. Some sellers don't update the order status all that carefully, and some don't read messages... Of course, this makes it very hard for a buyer, and admittedly, your case (new buyer, much cheaper than usual) gives it more suspicious circumstances, but I think one week is too short of a time to do a NSS, especially since sellers HAVE 7 days to get things shipped after payment received...

Is there a simple way to see the seller's 'seller rating' other than clicking on the rating and looking? eg to avoid someone that has just come on and bought a bunch of small lots to get his rating to a decent level before scamming a sale?

I learned that you need to very careful with doing NSS's, I filed one for someone who had changed my order to paid ten days before that... 4 days later, the package arrived. Some sellers don't update the order status all that carefully, and some don't read messages... Of course, this makes it very hard for a buyer, and admittedly, your case (new buyer, much cheaper than usual) gives it more suspicious circumstances, but I think one week is too short of a time to do a NSS, especially since sellers HAVE 7 days to get things shipped after payment received...

I agree that one has to be careful about NSS. But that doesn't help much to figure out what to do if in doubt about the seller's motives. The two options are to write to the seller or to remain in doubt about the seller. If the seller doesn't read the message or doesn't reply to the message, he is responsible for everything that happens as a consequence of his inaction.

I have a wanted list. I go to see which stores have my parts, and then click on the store. Often I'll have parts duplicated - once for new and once for used. So 'auto fill min' doesn't give me what I want and I have to manually check the order over for duplicates.

Is there a way to avoid this? I deliberately don't limit notification to just new or used, as I don't want to limit my choice - eg a store may have all my requirements in a mix of new and used.

Hi friends ;)

I was wondering, where can I see, on my bricklink profile, how many NPB I have untill now?

Hi friends ;)

I was wondering, where can I see, on my bricklink profile, how many NPB I have untill now?

I think you can see this by clicking "My Bricklink" then in the sub tab "My Activity" .

I think you can see this by clicking "My Bricklink" then in the sub tab "My Activity" .

Tried that, but how do they spell it there, the NPB?

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm wondering how long I should wait to start a non-responding seller report.

I should have known better. I found a brand new store that opened and decided to buy something for $25 that usually goes for $35 or so. I got an invoice nice and quick, and paid the next morning. But tomorrow will have been one week since I placed the order. The seller last logged in 2 days ago, and he didn't change the status of the order at that time. I sent a PM-style message to him through BL yesterday, and no response to that.

That's my sad story. At least worst case scenario I'm only out $25. Could have been worse.

I'm curious: how did the story end?

I just became a seller on Bricklink and have a question for those of you on this forum. When you sell a minifig on Bricklink, are you only responsible for the minifig itself?


I sell Clone (sw201). Clone Trooper Clone Wars

I'm responsible for only shipping the parts that are listed with this minifigure.

I'm not required to send a gun. Minifig, Weapon Gun, Blaster Short (SW)

Just wanted to clarify. Thanks in advance for the feedback.

Edited by Sir_Basil_Ashton

I just became a seller on Bricklink and have a question for those of you on this forum. When you sell a minifig on Bricklink, are you only responsible for the minifig itself?


I sell Clone (sw201). Clone Trooper Clone Wars

I'm responsible for only shipping the parts that are listed with this minifigure.

I'm not required to send a gun. Minifig, Weapon Gun, Blaster Short (SW)

Just wanted to clarify. Thanks in advance for the feedback.

I think it's save to say you're right. When I ordered e.g. sw201 I never got it with a gun.

Variations from the part list are mentioned in the description ("no visor", "gun included") etc.

Edited by Brickadeer

I'm curious: how did the story end?

I opened a dispute within Paypal. They gave him 14 days to respond with his take on the matter. He never did. So they refunded my money, which I think came from his bank account.

Before all that I also reported to a BL admin and they shut down his store right away.

Kind of strange all in all. He must be trying for quick and easy scams, hoping people place orders and then forget they spent money or something.

I'm using different Wanted Lists, mostly created from parted out sets.

In these cases, the item quantity is determined by the set.

My problem is that when I hit the "Show All Items this store has on my Wanted List (All Items)" in a shop, only those items are displayed that match the wanted quantity as well.

Is there any way to display all items from the Wanted List, no matter what quantity is set?

I just became a seller on Bricklink and have a question for those of you on this forum. When you sell a minifig on Bricklink, are you only responsible for the minifig itself?


I sell Clone (sw201). Clone Trooper Clone Wars

I'm responsible for only shipping the parts that are listed with this minifigure.

I'm not required to send a gun. Minifig, Weapon Gun, Blaster Short (SW)

Just wanted to clarify. Thanks in advance for the feedback.

When selling a figure under the Minifig category, you need to send everything in the inventory listing for that minifig, in the condition you listed (new/used). If you are missing a part from the inventory, state that in your item description When You List It not after it's purchased.

For the minifig in question you should send:

Torso Assembly, Head, Helmet, Legs Assembly. As listed http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemInv.asp?M=sw201

Is there any way to display all items from the Wanted List, no matter what quantity is set?


What I do is put the quantity I want in the comments/remarks on my wanted list. This way I can see it in the stores even if they only have 1 and need 20.

What I do is put the quantity I want in the comments/remarks on my wanted list. This way I can see it in the stores even if they only have 1 and need 20.


It appears to me though that remarks from all my lists are displayed even if I select a single wanted list in a store.

I think it's save to say you're right. When I ordered e.g. sw201 I never got it with a gun.

Variations from the part list are mentioned in the description ("no visor", "gun included") etc.

When selling a figure under the Minifig category, you need to send everything in the inventory listing for that minifig, in the condition you listed (new/used). If you are missing a part from the inventory, state that in your item description When You List It not after it's purchased.

For the minifig in question you should send:

Torso Assembly, Head, Helmet, Legs Assembly. As listed http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemInv.asp?M=sw201

Thanks for the feedback. I figured that with Bricklink you're responsible to send everything that's part of the inventory for a particular item/assembly. I've always traded/sold figures in the past with their complete accessories. It feels weird to send a figure out without its accessories.

  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone else having problems with BL?

I'm using different Wanted Lists, mostly created from parted out sets.

In these cases, the item quantity is determined by the set.

My problem is that when I hit the "Show All Items this store has on my Wanted List (All Items)" in a shop, only those items are displayed that match the wanted quantity as well.

Is there any way to display all items from the Wanted List, no matter what quantity is set?

The only way I know this is possible, is after you have selected to view your wanted list by shop, go into the shop with the most parts (or whichever shop you want), and then when you are in there, just underneath the 'SEARCH STORE' box, there is 3 sentances, one being 'Show All Items this store has on my Wanted List (All Items)'

Click 'ALL ITEMS' as the part to the very left I believe, does not show you the wanted list regardless of quantity in stock, whereas clicking 'ALL ITEMS' DOES show you regardless if it doesn't meet your quantity required. Then on the top middle a new 'wanted list' tab appears for that store.

Select your wanted list, then anything in red as a quantity is the item in stock, but below your required quantity.

Edited by Fuppylodders

  • 5 weeks later...

nevermind its resolved.

Edited by Scarapis

  • 1 month later...

On bricklink, is there a way that i can run a search where i can see if a store has 2 or 3 different items without having to do two seperate searches then cross check that way? I'd like to get some items from a bricklink store in the near future but i am trying to find the best option. I have done seperate checks in the past but those checks were for more easily found items.

I've heard of people doing it but up until now, i haven't had a need to find out how to do so.

Put the items in a little wanted list, then search against that? You can have a bunch of wanted lists, so it's easy to use temporary ones for what you're describing

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