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I've been browsing Ebay looking for the 6915 Warp Wing fighter. I've heard of some people getting it MISB for $20 or less... which sounded great for this underrated gem! My question to more experienced buyers is: what's the secret to getting things super cheap off of Ebay? Just being there at the right time?

Thanks in advance,


A lot of the time you can get sets real cheap when you find a set that isn't listed properly, or doesn't have the correct name or number that might otherwise attract those who are specifically searching for that item and are willing to pay top dollar for it. If you're willing to be a real scavanger and search for misspelled names, or continuously look under 'ending soonest', you can find Lego that might have gone under the radar. I've found some great classic-castle sets fairly inexpensively simply because the lister had stated 'Bllack Knight' rather than 'Black Knight'.

Hope that helps!

This might be more appropriate for the BSTF forum.

The 6915 sets were definitely going that cheap a year ago, although I haven't checked recently. The key is to keep searching on a regular basis for a few months, preferably once a week or two weeks. I have been doing this on and off for the last several years. You can search for many items at once by typing the numbers in parenthesis, like "lego (6915,6975,8298)".

A lot of the time you can get sets real cheap when you find a set that isn't listed properly, or doesn't have the correct name or number that might otherwise attract those who are specifically searching for that item and are willing to pay top dollar for it. If you're willing to be a real scavanger and search for misspelled names, or continuously look under 'ending soonest', you can find Lego that might have gone under the radar. I've found some great classic-castle sets fairly inexpensively simply because the lister had stated 'Bllack Knight' rather than 'Black Knight'.

I have found things like this over the years too, but it can potentially take a lot of work to find them unless you're looking for that specific item. You typically come across these items by typing only the set number without the "lego" (which can be tedious to look through, as a lot of non-Lego stuff comes up too), finding another item by the same seller and looking in his item list, or by searching for just "lego" and looking through everything that shows up.

Some other factors that cause sets to go cheap are MISB sets that are not advertised as such (but where you can see in the pictures that the set is probably new) and sellers that don't accept Paypal. I've taken advantage of the latter many times, especially from international sellers.

Edited by CP5670

Check for "odd" ending times as well. Most auctions (at least that I notice) end during the hours of 1-11pm [EST]. Every now and then someone will end an auction at 2am or 3am or even 5am. These seem to be few and far between, but you could snipe an item while others are in bed...

  • Author

Buying things off of Ebay is quite an art isn't it? XD

Thanks a bunch guys. I'll keep my eyes peeled for awhile and see if I get lucky. Mis-listed items sound hard to find, but I'll take a look and see what I can find...

Speaking of Ebay secrets about a week a go a clone gunner from the 09 battle pack appeared!:D

Patience my friend :pir-wink:

I would keep an eye on ebay.

If youre interested in a lego theme,I would search for that on ebay every day and when a fair priced offer comes up,you strike.I would take a look at bricklink first though.

Good luck! :pir_laugh2:

I have a perfect example for you! This is from an auction I won and sold again:

Here is an example of what is very badly described:


And this one is described well:


  • Author

Interesting! Thanks a lot you guys. :)

Wish me luck on my hunt for cheap MISBs!

Another tip i use relies on lucky timing.

Search for Lego, list by "buy it now" showing "newly listed" first, if your lucky you will find some bargains in the first page or two of listings, you do have to be quick though!

Only this week, i picked up 3x AT TE 7675 and 1x 7673 Magnaguard sets all MISB for £115 including postage using this method. Arrived today all in perfect condition.

Edited by emilec

fat fingers

Ebay typos and spelling mistakes.

Lotsnipe.com places a bid for you at nearly the last second (you can pay to get it in the last second), and that way you can save money.

fat fingers

Ebay typos and spelling mistakes.

Yup, I too use that :wink:

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