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(1) 21. Nich Artri- Fishing With Envy and Greed

(2) 20. Capt. Kirk- Walk the plank, you scabby dog

(3) 7. Fat Tony- Marooned

This category was hard for me to judge. There's so many great entries! Eventually, I decided to go with what caught my eye and was also creatively cruel.

I'm picking my entry for first because I love it more than any man should love an MOC. I can't believe it came out as well as it did! Of course, that's just my opinion... :pir-blush:

Capt. Kirk gets my second place pick because his entry is quite wonderful to look at and also because it's a whole new take on a classic pirate mode of death. Kudos!

Finally, Fat Tony gets third on my ballot. His entry has to be my favorite cannibalism entry out of the entire contest, due to his intuitive tree design and his head choice.

An honorable mention goes to oDDerFisken for You or your girl? It combines cruelty and Rube Goldberg which is just pure awesome!



1st vote: Sir Nadroj - Quartering the quartermasters

2nd vote: pe668 - buried trash 'n tresure

3rd vote: General Armendariz - plunderin' Port Marina

All entries had very good builds and tons of action! :pir-classic:

20. Capt. Kirk - Walk the plank, you scabby dog

21. Nich Artri - Fishing With Envy and Greed

14. Erdbeereis1 - Murder In The Market!

Capt. Kirk's entry took first place for me as I liked how the classic Eldorado colour scheme was adapted and the scale of detail enlarged to a more MOCtacular level, whilst retaining the basic principles - yellow/ white, palm trees, the figs. Special mention to the white detailing using the modified plates and the use of yellow technic bricks to simulate bullet holes! I also thought the idea of Pirates invading land and forcing the Governor of a plank in his own fort was very clever! I would love to see a full size upgrade of the Eldorado Fortress done in a similar style :wub: A very elegant and precise entry, with extra marks for clarity of expression in the build and final photography.

I ranked Nick Actri second as the idea was a good one and it was well-executed (excuse the pun). A deceptively simple MOC as it can be hard to balance several different elements together without losing focus on the overall composition of the vignette. The rocks, sea creature and the baited fig were all excellent touches and I got a very clear sense of the movement and story of the scene. I love the way the Captain's hat is tilted as he looks down to make sure his plan succeeds!

Erdbeereis1 had another great entry. It was the level of detail here that really impressed, from the lovingly displayed food items above the market, to the scattered petals and the horrified figs! The intestines and suchlike were very gory - I won't be looking at hotdogs the same way for a whole :pir-tongue: I also liked the secret sewer lair of the Pirates - they're very nonchalant and relaxed, confident the useless Imperials will never look for them there. When 10193 Medieval Market comes out I would like to see Erdbeereis re-envision the whole thing with the chaos and bloodshed on display here :pir-classic:

As others have mentioned, in some ways this was harder to judge than the small division so I have lots of special mentions for:

Paul Cantu - I liked the facade and the prison bars, but the mixed old grey/ new grey detracted from it for me. The waves were very unique and nicely done too.

Sir Nadroj almost needs no extra mention - some excellent technique, especially with the brown corner posts, but the idea wasn't quite cruel enough by PTV standards of villainy, and the first pic didn't really show it off to its best advantage. I don't think he has anything to worry about in the large division though :pir_laugh2:

I Scream Clone - a small ravine on a 16x16 base? Hard to do but cleverly done and I love secret Pirate coves and hideouts.

14 erdbeereis1-murder in the market!

22 paul cantu-prison break!

7 fat tony-marooned

I like the screaming villagers in the market erdbeereis1. :imperialguard_commander1: The pirate on the surfboard with the cannon is really funny Paul Cantu! :cannon: The pirate has chosen not to starve to death. Nice idea Fat Tony! :pir-skull:

1. SirNadroj - Quartering The Quartermasters

2. Fat Tony - Marooned

3. Majek - There will be "Bang"

It was difficult to pick a winner from these three. fantastic work everyone!

6. Talon Karrde

14. Erdbeereis1 - Murder In The Market!

12. Dreamweb - Killed in his sleep

I loved the Talon Karrde one because it really looks like a "pillage" and he put a nice description for each pics and a cool history behind his moc, it's also very well built and there is a lot of things happening, so he got my vote :pir-wub:

I loved the erdbeereis1 entry because of the general look, the cool photos and builds, and all the little details are very cool ^^ so he got my second vote! :pir-grin:

the Dreamweb entry was original and very well done, I love the blood on the ground, and the general aspect of it, so he got my third vote :thumbup:

I also loved the sirnadroj entry, the Legojoe entry, the ISC entry, the infomaniac entry... well.. approximately all the entries! great job everyone! :thumbup:

1) 16. SirNadroj - Quartering The Quartermasters

2) 13. RichardAM - Stealin' the Imperial Loot!

3) 6. Talon Karrde

Great job everyone! These stood out as the 3 best to me.

1st: 13. RichardAM - Stealin' the Imperial Loot!

2nd: 19. RoVer - Pirate Invasion - Caribbean Port

3rd: 16. SirNadroj - Quartering The Quartermasters

I liked the very straight forward building techniques used in Stealin'. Not so sure if the frontman is a pirate though? :)

Rover's is a great rep of expansion on the base. I don't feel like I am looking at a square vig. I love the trees coming off.

SirNadroj is just great. The quality of the building is wonderful. Almost like it should be part of a set in its own right. I also like the play on the title.

1. # 13. RichardAM - Stealin' the Imperial Loot!

2. # 14. Erdbeereis1 - Murder In The Market!

3. # 20. Capt. Kirk - Walk the plank, you scabby dog

Honorable Mention: 4. Rook - Rated R (Didn't own a single pirate set! :pir_bawling: )

My first vote is for 2. LegoKing - The pirates have found our secret base!

Second is for 13. RichardAM - Stealin' the Imperial Loot!

And third for 17. LegoJoe - The Fall of the Survivors...

There were a few other ideas that I thought were good like 15. pe668 - Buried Trash 'n' Treasure and 24. Infomaniac - A Bloodbath but I liked the ones I voted for. :jollyroger:

1 25. I Scream Clone - Needs more salt!

2 14. Erdbeereis1 - Murder In The Market!

3 17. LegoJoe - The Fall of the Survivors...

Hey, im allowed to vote for mine if I really enjoyed making it, and the final product :pir-tongue:

Erdbeeries was simply sweet, and Lego Joe has made an amusing scene.

Good luck all.

Edited by I Scream Clone

1. SirNadroj - Quartering The Quartermasters

2. Capt. Kirk - Walk the plank, you scabby dog

3. Erdbeereis1 - Murder In The Market!

Great job, all wonderful entries, original and well carried out

Edited by Chrispockster

16. SirNadroj - Quartering The Quartermasters

14. Erdbeereis1 - Murder In The Market!

25. I Scream Clone - Needs more salt!

SirNadroj entry was great and it had a lot of details. Good Job! Erdbeereis1 entry was very big even though it was in the Medium entry and I was very impressed with this. ISC's entry was good and the cliffs and rocks were made very nicely. All the entries were cruel and they were all designed well! Good luck to all of the participants and may the best MOCer win! :pir-classic:

25. I Scream Clone - Needs more salt!

16. SirNadroj - Quartering The Quartermasters

19. RoVer - Pirate Invasion - Caribbean Port

I think there is an issue in general with this division, which is that one picture is not enough to show the projects, I think without a doubt, there are excellent entries, but there are several that only whe you see all the images at their respective entries, you can really understand it

my first is, I Scream Clone, because I saw it in the other pictures of his post and I think is full of details. and built in a very smart way.

I think the same thing to SirNadroj, is easy to note that is a great builder, it really creates an atmosphere.

and vote for ME ... Well, one has to believe in what one does. or not?

to mention also excellent! 4. Rook - Rated R, 14. Erdbeereis1 - Murder In The Market! and well.. everyone..

Edited by RoVer

1. 16. SirNadroj - Quartering The Quartermasters

2. 14. Erdbeereis1 - Murder In The Market!

3. 20. Capt. Kirk - Walk the plank, you scabby dog

All entries were great. For me it was hard to pick 3, but I succeeded!

17. LegoJoe - The Fall of the Survivors...

22. Paul cantu - Prison break!

25. I Scream Clone - Needs more salt!

Tons of great entries in this division, and it was very difficult to decide on my votes, so firstly congratulations to everyone! :pir-classic:

1st Place

I voted for LegoJoe and his The Fall of the Survivors in first place, as I though his entry was very creative, displayed the contest theme well and had a great amount of action. The rocks were very well made, and the effects of people falling off the cliff were brilliant. Some other details that I loved in his entry were the legs upside-down in the SNOT water, the beautiful SlyOwl-like straw roof and the ice cream "cannon smoke."

The only things that I thought he could have done differently in his entry would have been to include a few white plates mixed in to the water to give a wave effect, and also to tile a few of the rock areas that had studs, but those were extremely minor points in an otherwise brilliant entry.

2nd Place

Paul Cantu's Prison Break might have been the most risky entry, as he originally built an entirely different entry (one with Islanders) than the one you see now, but in my mind, it was a fantastic decision, as this enry is by far better than his original one.

The wave is wonderful with trans-blue and white mixed together, and I think it really takes his entry to the next level. I also thought his entry had great action with the minifigs falling off the fort and fighting one another, plus the creative prisoners. He also did an excellent job with little details, such as the lion's head with the cutlasses next to it and the grill plates.

I felt that the surfboard might have been a bit over the top, however it also added a great deal of humor which I always enjoy.

3rd Place

I Scream Clone's Needs More Salt earned my 3rd place vote. A very funny idea, which had some beautiful landscaping included. I thought the way the rocks were built to include little caverns was superb, and the little stream running through capped it nicely. His rope bridge was also excellent.

The idea of boiling King Kahuka in a pot was very humorous and I felt the entry as a whole had a great amount of action.

There were so many wonderful entries in this contest, and it was hard to choose just 3 to get my votes, so here are some very honorable mentions.

Honorable Mentions:


I really liked his entry, as it had a very smooth look to it and vibrant color, plus beautiful presentation in regards to photography.

The main things that kept it out of my top 3 were that I felt it didn't have quite enough cruelty to match the theme of the contest, and that it had a bit too much of a castle feel to me. Overall though, a very good entry.


RoVer's entry just made me happy somehow. I think it must have been the bright colors and the palm trees that reminded me of a nice vacation in a tropical destination. I thought the little action scenes in the buildings were great, and made it feel almost as though I was reading an exciting book.

My favorite part of the entry was the beautiful bell tower, with it's color and very well-designed bell.

One of the only things that I didn't like too much was that it felt almost a bit too crowded, which made it a bit hard to focus on the nice details.


Killed in his sleep one one of my favorite entries idea-wise, and it included many nice interior elements, like the fireplace and stuffed shark, and the rolling head effect was gruesome and well done. I felt that it could have used a bit more color contrast and perhaps a bit more blood to liven it up a bit.

Lt. De Martinet

I thought his entry was slightly bare, but it was gorgeous, and could have won a best photo contest with the beautiful colors and water.

The barrel design was brilliant and I'm sure will be used in many future MOCs from other people.


I could probably list at least 5 more entries that I loved, but my fingers are getting a bit tired. :pir-grin: Lastly, I want to point out a few individual elements of entries that were lovely.

Fat Tony's palm tree was absolutely stunning, and is one of the best I've seen.

Breaking wall effects, like in GloriousShadow's and General Armendariz's entries looked amazing and really added a lot to their respective entries.

Sir Nadroj's fantastic rickety balcony was superb.

Squrming tentacles like in Nich Atri's and Patriot720's entries were excellent, and gave a perfect sense of suspense and fear.

Lastly, blood galore in almost all of the entries gave this contest a perfect sense of cruelty, and made the contest really unique.

Overall, I can't say how pleased I am with the rsult of this contest, I greatly enjoyed viewing all of the entries and getting inspiration for future MOCs, plus making my own.

Great work everyone! :pir-cry_happy::thumbup:

12. Dreamweb - Killed in his sleep - Mmmmurder

09. Majek - There will be "Bang" - The overall layout was tip-top

17. LegoJoe - The Fall of the Survivors... - I liked the pieces in the water and the monkey

I was going to vote for "Walk the plank, you scabby dog", it's a great moc, but the title really irked me

My entry was also very awesome but no-one's voting for it.

So it doesn't need any votes, because it's not going to win anything!......<sniff>

Edited by pe668

21. Nich Artri - Fishing With Envy and Greed...

15. pe668 - Buried Trash 'n' Treasure

17. LegoJoe - The Fall of the Survivors

This was a very hard decission :pir-sceptic: and great work to every one that entered :thumbup:

I voted for these three because I thought they were a bit different to every one elses so congrats :thumbup:

And good luck to every one :pir-classic:

in 1st place Sir Nadroj, Quartering the Quartermasters.

in 2nd place Talon Karrde ...( don't know name )

in 3rd place RichardAM, stealin' the imperial loot.

please do not hate me those that did not get my vote

I think that Sir Nadroj's entry is very good and it deserves first, because of lots of good details, such as the chandelier, the blood design and the decorative building.

Talon Karrde's is very good with all the action going on, like the smashed house and the fighting.

RichardAM's is funny because of the fact that the guards do not know that the pirates are stealing the treasure, the guards look like they are playing rock, paper, scissors, while the others are chasing the pirates. there are some good details like the palm tree and tower.

over all i really like them

flint lock

Edited by captian flint lock

1) 16. SirNadroj - Quartering The Quartermasters

2) 9. Majek - There will be "Bang"

3) 22. Paul cantu - Prison break!

Honestly, I feel like a skunk voting for myself, but in all modesty, my vote choices are honest (in my opinon, of course). :pir-wink: I don't want to lie, then regret my choices. Hopefully the option of voting for oneself will be abolished in other contests, to completly bar that crushing urge.

Majek got my vote for second because the concept was original, but also because of the name. Obviously a parody of There Will Be Blood (I assume! :pir-laugh: )

Paul Cantu's was great too. Lots of fun details.

20. Capt. Kirk - Walk the plank, you scabby dog

4. Rook - Rated R

14. Erdbeereis1 - Murder In The Market!

20. Capt. Kirk - Walk the plank, you scabby dog

8. oDDerFisken - You or your girl?

12. Dreamweb - Killed in his sleep

1. Capt. kirk: His entry has a very cruel but realistic story behind it, and he managed to show us so many details (the bullet holes and the vegetation on the wall, that big palm tree,...) The balcony belongs to the very best I have seen in this contest (and that is saying a lot, knowing so many expert builders are participating!)

I also like that big barrel the soldiers have to jump in and the guardhouse is pretty neat too. I had many doubt about who I should put in my top three but this one definately belongs here.

8. oDDerFisken: The cruelest of them all, I just couldn't leave this one out of my top-3! Also nicely finished and I like the poor girl awaiting her death...although it is not really pillaging, it certainly is in the PTV 'mood' :thumbup: .

12. Dreamweb: Another cruel entry, one that has many details and looks like an interior designed by an architect :pir-classic: : the shark on that shelf, the rudder against the wall, the swords and the fireplace...and of course the blood on the floor of the decapitated head, MARVELOUS!

Honourable mentions:

14. Erdbeereis1 - Murder In The Market!

16. SirNadroj - Quartering The Quartermasters

Both of the above are worthy contestants but i'm afraid I only have place for three.

Erdbeereis' medium entry looks fantastic and the two levels give it literaly an extra dimension. His statue and the sewers are my favourite parts of this entry. Only remark is the large 'blanc spot on the upper part of the house: I think it would look better if it was done in the same brown-grey style like the rest of the wall.

SirNadroj's entry is another good Pirate/Soldier "tradition" that is represented very well. The blood on the pirate's cutlass, the palm tree and the balcony are the best parts IMHO. Why it isn't in my top-3? I'm afraid to say it lacks a (little) bit of imagination: so many entries already show us limbs that are being ripped or cut off, still it is one of the best and cruelest MOCs I've ever seen!

1) 20. Capt. Kirk - Walk the plank, you scabby dog

2) 14. Erdbeereis1 - Murder In The Market!

3) 12. Dreamweb - Killed in his sleep

1) Really nice MOC. And it's got it all. It's cruel. Invetitative, there's a good story and it's well build. Easy chosen in my top 3

2) Such a great MOC. The two levels are great, and I'm especially fond of the sewers. The water-effect is great, and it really looks kinda creepy and groose down there. The murder on the market is also blood-covered which is nice. At the market there are so many great details.

3) So cruel to kill someone in their sleep. It's a nice little home, and the fireplace is great. The entry needs a story though.

Honourable mentions:

7. Fat Tony - Marooned Simple but yet cruel. The palm is great, and the story is funny. Good entry!

16. SirNadroj - Quartering The Quartermasters Stuffed with blood and simply fantastic building technics! As always SirNadroj has made a MOC that belongs in the absolute elite.

24. Infomaniac - A Bloodbath Funny idea. And pretty groose. Cruel and once again perfect for the contest.

16. SirNadroj - Quartering The Quartermasters

14. Erdbeereis1 - Murder In The Market!

9. Majek - There will be "Bang"

It was realy hard to choose, but I really loved the way SirNandroj made that mutulated carcass in combination with that bloodied sabre.

Erbeedeis1 his entry was very detailed, I especially loved the bottom level and the 'meat' arms.

The pink pirates won me over for Majeks very realistic looking entry.

17. LegoJoe - Fall of the survivors

16. SirNadroj - Quartering the Quartermasters

9. Majek - There will be bang

I'm surprised so few people have voted for LegoJoe - I really like his entry. It reminds me a lot of Sinner's How do you kill a skellie? Contest Entry last year :pir-grin:

Only a few hours left to vote, people!

(@ 11:24 GMT)

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