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Copy/paste job from Classic-Caslte, but I thought i'd share here as well.

Theme Name: Heroes (disregard any relation to the NBC mess, but something along those lines)

Characters: Superheroes. Capes, vintage comic-book costumes, bright colours, but original ideas and characters. Flying Man, Ironfist, Pyro etc etc, some use their powers for good, others for evil. A professor or expert to help the goodguys and an evil mastermind to assist the bad guys?

Conflict: Fighting using their powers, facing off against each other. Agent-style armplugs and gadgetry perhaps, missiles of some sort, and lasers? Magnets perhaps for Flying Man to rescue survivors/the innocent? Each set could maybe have one villain and one hero, and the hero has to save the day somehow?

Setting: A city. There's similarities to IPs like Batman obviously, but have the sets focus on structures and architecture/buildings instead of vehicles. Collapsable buildings/trap doors/falling walls etc. Secret lairs for the villains perhaps- a sewer setting? Office blocks, a construction site, airport hanger. Places that could fit into any Lego city, but with the superhero twist- make it compatible with Town, modular buildings or structures maybe?

Background Info: Not much, but obviously there's plenty of inspiration in existing comic books and superheroes past and present. Batman, Spider-Man, the Marvel Universe, Fantastic Four etc. The character design of Pixar's The Incredibles is a great starting point, but the theme already seems pretty close to the Agents and Spiderman/Batman already- just build on the ideas present here?

Theme Name: Halo or Halo Wars

Character:Good guys the humans and the Bad guys just the grunts and the elites

Conflict: The Coventant(grunts and elites) have attacked earth. The humans are there to defend it.

Setting: It is on earth in the future.

Background info: The coventant are looking for something on earth so the humans have to stop the coventant and kick them off there planet. No flood or brutes it needs to be as simply as you can make it.

Yeah! Me too! But it is highly unlikely!

Theme Name: Adventurers in the Old West

Characters: Johnny Thunder, Pippin Reed, Professor whathisname, Senor Palomar, Sam Sinister, assorted good guy Indian dudes who help Johnny, various henchmen

Conflict: The map to the Lost Dutchman Gold mine has to be found, and then the mine entered and explored to find some golden treasure.

Justification for this theme:

1) Adventurers is a known LEGO theme that has some very loyal fans.

2) It is play and humor based, and appeals to girls more than most LEGO themes because of the strong female character, as well as the humor. My two girls LOVED the Adventurers and still play with them more than any other themes

3) Use of these characters and a Western theme will minimize the number of new molds that have to be created because you have lots of elements to use from past Adventurers and past Western sets.

4) Licensing and gear production for Adventurers is well established and would not require rolling out a whole new line

5) Old West is a classic play theme that has been neglected by TLC in the past decade.

6) It would be easy to incorporate a train into this series.

7) A mine set is one that has not been made by TLC before, and might somehow mesh with elements used in "power miners".

8) No licensing fees

Bottom line is you don't have to reinvent the wheel, it's probably the lowest cost-to-start-up new theme you could make because it recycles lots of LEGO history, and the product would appeal to a broad spectrum of kids (and AFOLs) including girls.

Nice! I love the idea too! I have always been a fan of Jhonny!

Now to my own!

Theme name:High school Musical

Characters:Troy,Gabriella,Sharpay,Ryan and other cast

Conflict:If you saw the movie than you should know! But hant everyone atched it> Anyway, it is about the relationship about Troy and Gabriella and what they face!

Setting:East high

BAckground info:Based on the movie

I suggest this as you aim at these children whom love HSM, by making lego you can create like a small stage! It will be a great addition to the city and I feel it will be a big hit with the children :classic:

Theme Name : Inventors

Characters : "Good Guys": caricatures of historic inventors, engineers and designers like Thomas Edison, Albert Enstein, etc. and other fictional inventors

"Bad Guys": fictional "mad scientists" and general "bad guys" trying to steal the inventions or use them for bad.

Conflict : The "good guys" create inventions to use for good while the "bad guys" create inventions and steal inventions to use for bad.

Setting : The Industrial Revolution (18th and 19th century)

Background Info : Takes place during the era of the Industrial Revolution with a "Jules Verne look" to the inventions. Examples may include the invention of a time machine, the invention of submarines, automobiles, and steam-powered trains and ships.

Theme Name: The LEGO Wrestling Federation (LWF)

Characters: Pro-wrestling has been popular across the world for decades, and now LEGO enters the fray! A group of bad guy wrestlers and a group of good guy wrestlers (heels and faces as known within the pro-wrestling industry) vie with each other for the LWF titles. The bad guys hold all the titles and the good guys are trying to win them back for the fans! The groups (aka stables) would each have five wrestlers:

The Brickhouse Bandits (bad guys):

Dash Dallas: The flashy leader of the bad guys who insists his good looks and amazing wrestling ability make him better than everyone else. Do his skills actually back up his words? He is LWF Heavyweight Champion.

The Crimson Crusher: The "giant" wrestler of the LWF (who could be made utilizing the Hagrid body from Harry Potter). A fearsome opponent who adds weight to the Brickhouse Bandits' dominance in the LWF. He is one-half of the LWF Tag Team Champions.

Straight-Laced Larry: His technical wrestling skills are second to none and he likes to remind everyone of it. There is a rift within the Brickhouse Bandits because Larry feels he, not Dash, should be the Heavyweight Champion. He is the other half of the LWF Tag Team Champions.

Silver J. Cash: Silver is not only a master at cheating in the ring, he is the LWF owner's son and almost always gets his way. He holds the LWF Light-Heavyweight Title.

Monica Hollywood: She is the LWF Women's Champion but is very clear that the LWF is just a stepping stone to the movie career she deserves.

They are challenged by...

Renegade Revolution (the good guys):

Johnny Titanium: Perhaps just past the peak of his career, Johnny is determined to have one more run at the top, energizing the fans. He has just returned to the LWF after Dash Dallas put him on the injury list for a year and plans to take back the LWF Heavyweight Championship he has held many times.

Mark Motion: He is the face of the next generation of wrestlers - he shows respect to those who came before him but plays by his own rules, with his own style. With some guidance from Johnny Titanium, he is on his way to becoming the biggest star in the LWF. He has his sights sets on taking down his literally biggest obstacle, the Crimson Crusher, and becoming LWF Tag Team Champion.

Frederick the Black Falcon: Frederick comes from a long line of warriors stretching back to the dark ages and he is continuing that tradition by fighting with honor in the ring. He wears the traditional garb of his ancestors, the Balck Falcon knights. He is on a quest to prove his skills against Straight-Laced Larry and become LWF Tag Team Champion.

Dragonfly Ramirez: A high-flying Mexican luchadore who dresses like a superhero. He hopes to dazzle Silver J. Cash with his amazing moves and win the LWF Light-Heavyweight Title.

Polly Studbreaker: She looks innocent and harmless, but is like a hurricane in the ring and even presents a formiddable threat to the male wrestlers. She wants the LWF Women's Title.

A selling point of these sets could be features that let kids live out some of the wrestling aspects with the minifigs. Perhaps the minifigs could use some spring-loaded parts for special moves, or traditional minifigs could be launched off the ring ropes and turnbuckles by spring-loaded pieces that simulate high-flying moves and allow the figures to crash into one another. Title belts would be a necessity. One interesting addition could be the addition of a LEGO folding ladder that could not just be used in the wrestling sets for ladder matches, but in other LEGO sets that call for a ladder.

Conflict: Just like actual pro-wrestling, this is a classic battle of good vs. evil between men and women who want to win and become champions. The Brickhouse Bandits have the LWF and its fans in a chokehold, having captured all of the titles. Renegade Revolution has emerged to challenge them and put the titles in better hands!

Setting: This play theme would be set up similarly to the Football/Soccer sets that were produced a few years ago. The action would take place in a professional wrestling arena, with that the largest set. The smaller sets could be attached and incorporated into play with the arena, with each other, or by themselves. Here are some ideas for sets:

The LWF Arena: The center of conflict between the LWF wrestlers. It would have a ring at the center and include a pair of wrestlers. An audience area (and possibly audience members) could be included, as well as a cameraman.

Annouce Table: The play-feature of this set could be that one wrestler could put the other through the table, breaking it in half. It could include one or two (surprised) announcers.

TV Truck: This mobile TV studio would not only allow kids to pretend their matches are being broadcast to the world, but could include a couple of wrestlers who decided to have an impromptu match there! Various parts of the truck and computer equipment could be designed to break apart when wrestlers slam each other into it.

Backstage Area: This would be similar to the TV Truck, but on a smaller scale. Two wrestlers could battle in a backstage room with a breakable table and objects to throw at each other, like garbage cans.

Wrestling Ring: This could be an alternate ring to the one included with the arena. As a special feature, it could include a removeable metal cage that the wrestlers could fight in and on. A referee figure could be included.

Stage: This would be the flashy entranceway and ramp from which wrestlers appear before heading to the ring. These could be on a small scale, with a different entranceway design for each wrestler.

Wrestler Training: An impulse set that would feature a wrestler with some weights and such.

Fight in the Crowd: A smaller set that would have two wrestlers burst through a dividing wall into the crowd, where they continue their match.

Great to hear that TLG is interested in input from us about new themes! :thumbup:

Theme Name: Wild West

Characters : Sheriff, Outlaws, cowboys

Conflict: the Outlaws have broken out of jail and the Sheriff and the colonial soldiers (Guys in blue coats) have to stop them.

Setting: old wooden buildings, dessert, small town

Theme Name: Amazon

Characters: A team of researchers, A team of grave robbers and Achu (from earlyer adventurer sets)

Conflict:the reseachers are tying to find the sun disc before the grave robbers unlock its secret power.

Setting: Jungle, aztec pyramids, secret rooms and doors

Background Info: the good guys try and get the sun disc before the grave robbers. the good guys have to dodge traps, escape the ancient undead aztecs, and save the ancient treasures from the grave robbers.

Theme Name: Aztecs

Characters: Aztec chief, aztec civilians, and aztec warriars

Conflict: aztecs vs wild animals

Setting: jungle/ aztec city, aztec pyrimids,

Background Info: The aztecs fight off wild animals and other groups of people (mians?) and also search for tresure.

Too much? :grin:

Great ideas, Mocha! :thumbup: I really would like all of them!

theme name: Lego Cowboys (We knew it was going to happen)

Characters: The Bandits, the Sheriff, the town's people, The Town Ghost

Conflict: Justice (and Treasure too!)

Setting: a railway junction town

Background info: The Bandits ruled this town. Justice came. Will it stay?

You decide!


(Klaus Dieter going to love this one)

You're totally right, Snake...SNAKE...SNAAAAKE?!! :grin:

A new Western theme would be absolutely :wub: !

JFOLs would love it because they even like to play cowboys and Indians.

AFOLs would love it, too, if there were some sets released which were regrettably missed in the last theme: Saloon, train with train station, stage coach with post office, farm, ...

Excellent Western MOCs :thumbup: of our members BrickMiner and TheBrickster can be found here and here.

I designed some WW MOCs with LDD which you can find here.

Apart from Western which has priority, I secondly have wishes for four other new themes, too (which I arranged according to the imprtance for me):

Theme Name: Ghost Town

Characters: cowboys, ghost cowboys, ghosts, skelettons

Conflict: Some cowboys are traveling through the Wild West. They cross a dreaded valley which no human has left alive until now. But the cowboys are strong. They do not want to die. And they want to find the immense treasure which shall hide in a haunted gold mine ...

Setting: a dessert which is surrounded with tall rocks, a ghost town, a ghost train, a nightmare stage coach, a haunted mine, a haunted house, ...

Background Info: This theme can either tie in with the excellent Western theme of 1996/97 or be a totally seperate new theme.

Excellent Ghost Town MOCs :thumbup: of our members BrickMiner and TheBrickster can be found here and here.

Theme Name: Indians

Characters: Apaches and Comanches - warriors, medicin man, civilians, buffaloes, ...

Conflict: The two tribes of the Apaches and the Comanches have some conflicts. Can they find a peaceful solution or will they have to fight against each other?

Setting: two Indian villiages (one for the Comanches and one for the Apaches), big river, forest, secret grot, plains for hunting buffaloes ...

Background Info: This theme can either tie in with the excellent Indian theme of 1997 or be a totally seperate new theme.

Theme Name: Ancient Rome

Characters: gladiators, wild animals, Roman warriors, Roman citizens, Cesar, Gallic warriors, Gallic citizens, elephants, ...

Conflict: The Romans want to defeat the Gallics rebellion whereas gladiators fight against wild animals in the colloseum.

Setting: There are two "settings": The battle front at an Gallic village with catapults, many warriors, ... - and in contrast to that: Rome with some very wealthy and well-known buildings such like the colloseum, a Roman villa with garden, a thermae, a chariot race, ...

Background Info: This theme should be as much historical correct as possible - consequently no monsters, phantasy creatures, ...

A MOC of mine which demonstrates a Roman villa can be found here.

Theme Name: Ancient Egypt

Characters: pharaohs, mummys, grave robbers, Egypt warriors, "buttlers", Egypt citizens, camels, ...

Conflict: The pyramids and temples for the dead pharaoh are finished. The mummy is transported with the "dead's ship" to its last home. After the "buttlers" closed the grave chamber and go back into their home some grave robbers arrive in order to steel the mummy and the big treasures which went with it into the grave chamber. But luckily there are some Egypt warriors which look after these treasures ...

Setting: pyramid(s), temple(s), oasis with some civilian buildings, dessert

Background Info: This theme should be as much historical correct as possible - consequently no monsters, phantasy creatures, ... The grave robbers should be from the same time period like the dead pharaohs (no adventure people of the 19th-20th century).

Thanks for reading. :sweet:


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

Great to hear that TLG is interested in input from us about new themes! :thumbup:

Great ideas, Mocha! :thumbup: I really would like all of them!

You're totally right, Snake...SNAKE...SNAAAAKE?!! :grin:

A new Western theme would be absolutely :wub: !

JFOLs would love it because they even like to play cowboys and Indians.

AFOLs would love it, too, if there were some sets released which were regrettably missed in the last theme: Saloon, train with train station, stage coach with post office, farm, ...

Excellent Western MOCs :thumbup: of our members BrickMiner and TheBrickster can be found here and here.

I designed some WW MOCs with LDD which you can find here.

Apart from Western which has priority, I secondly have wishes for four other new themes, too (which I arranged according to the imprtance for me):

Theme Name: Ghost Town

Characters: cowboys, ghost cowboys, ghosts, skelettons

Conflict: Some cowboys are traveling through the Wild West. They cross a dreaded valley which no human has left alive until now. But the cowboys are strong. They do not want to die. And they want to find the immense treasure which shall hide in a haunted gold mine ...

Setting: a dessert which is surrounded with tall rocks, a ghost town, a ghost train, a nightmare stage coach, a haunted mine, a haunted house, ...

Background Info: This theme can either tie in with the excellent Western theme of 1996/97 or be a totally seperate new theme.

Excellent Ghost Town MOCs :thumbup: of our members BrickMiner and TheBrickster can be found here and here.

Theme Name: Indians

Characters: Apaches and Comanches - warriors, medicin man, civilians, buffaloes, ...

Conflict: The two tribes of the Apaches and the Comanches have some conflicts. Can they find a peaceful solution or will they have to fight against each other?

Setting: two Indian villiages (one for the Comanches and one for the Apaches), big river, forest, secret grot, plains for hunting buffaloes ...

Background Info: This theme can either tie in with the excellent Indian theme of 1997 or be a totally seperate new theme.

Theme Name: Ancient Rome

Characters: gladiators, wild animals, Roman warriors, Roman citizens, Cesar, Gallic warriors, Gallic citizens, elephants, ...

Conflict: The Romans want to defeat the Gallics rebellion whereas gladiators fight against wild animals in the colloseum.

Setting: There are two "settings": The battle front at an Gallic village with catapults, many warriors, ... - and in contrast to that: Rome with some very wealthy and well-known buildings such like the colloseum, a Roman villa with garden, a thermae, a chariot race, ...

Background Info: This theme should be as much historical correct as possible - consequently no monsters, phantasy creatures, ...

A MOC of mine which demonstrates a Roman villa can be found here.

Theme Name: Ancient Egypt

Characters: pharaohs, mummys, grave robbers, Egypt warriors, "buttlers", Egypt citizens, camels, ...

Conflict: The pyramids and temples for the dead pharaoh are finished. The mummy is transported with the "dead's ship" to its last home. After the "buttlers" closed the grave chamber and go back into their home some grave robbers arrive in order to steel the mummy and the big treasures which went with it into the grave chamber. But luckily there are some Egypt warriors which look after these treasures ...

Setting: pyramid(s), temple(s), oasis with some civilian buildings, dessert

Background Info: This theme should be as much historical correct as possible - consequently no monsters, phantasy creatures, ... The grave robbers should be from the same time period like the dead pharaohs (no adventure people of the 19th-20th century).

Thanks for reading. :sweet:


I really really agree with this!!! :thumbup: I was gonna say Ghost town too but I didn;t wanna take that away from The Brickster :blush:

Also I would like to second all of your ideas. All are great!!!

I got another one :sweet:

Theme Name : (Something to do with horror or monsters)Like, monster mash? :tongue: nah umm something like monster hunters.

Characters : The monsters hunters and the monsters which include things like werewolf, vampire, frankinstein, crazy scientist etc.

Conflict : The monsters are reeking havoc in the town. Only the monster hunters can save them!

Setting : 20th or 19th century in a small town

Background Info : A bit like the studios theme except better

Theme Name: Tribes or Jungletribes.


Good guys: Jungle Grump is a "Tarzan like" character and he lives toghether with his tribe consisting of humans.

Bad guys: The Ape-king with his tribe of apes. They are something between humans and monkeys (the missing link).

Conflict: They fight over resources like food (fruit, fish and game) and territory. The jungle isn't big enought for both tribes, and the tribe that controls the "crystal flame-maker", has the ability to make fire.

Setting:The setting is in the jungle thousands of years ago in the late Stoneage (neolitikum). Jungle Grump and his tribe live in treehouses, and the Apes live in caves.

Background Info: The tribes have primitive tools they use for weapons or harvesting crops. The "crystal flame-maker" is a special crystal which were found in the mountains a few hundred years ago. Its shape has been made by nature. If it is used in bright sunlight it can consentrate and direct sunlight like a magnifying glass and make fire. This is a resource that both tribes want to keep for themselves, and it has been fighting over this crystal evere since it was found.

I hope this theme can make way for new animals and tools. Some new minifig clothing (or fur) is also a natural part of the theme.

very innovative idea andy! I like it

Theme Name (something short and catchy): Hercules

Characters (who is good and bad guys?): GOOD GUYS: Hercules, Chiron (half man half horse), Zeus, Posidon, etc. BAD GUYS: Hades, Monsters, and The Titans

Conflict (why do they fight, and what do they fight over?): Hades and the Titans want to kill Hercules. Hercules fights Monsters and saves civilians.

Setting (where does the story take place?): Ancient Greece

Background Info (if relevant): When Hercules was born, Hades tried to kill him. As Hercules aged Hades was still after him. The theme could be filled with the monsters that try to kill him.


Theme: Aliens vs humans

Possible style and appearence: Maybe the humans would be called "space marines" with gold/bronze visors and a little cliff hang at the top.

Aliens: a custom head with four mandibles as well as a brick built larger alien as well as some smaller ones with different torsos.

Scenery: different areas of earth

Plot: Aliens have invaded earth looking for a super weapon buried beneath the ground, humans repel them with modern guns sci-fi ships and sandish green or olive drab armor. Maybe have a super soldier among the rest who will have better armor and who's face is unseen by a golden visor will the rest where the power miner helmets in gray or brown.

Edited by ODST7

Images included where appropriate.

Theme Name: Steam Heads

Characters: Good Guys- Phineas Copperling, Lady Bennet, Steambot

Bad Guys- Lord Blackthorne, Henchmen

Conflict: Gold!

Setting: Alternate Steampunk Victorian Era

Background Info: Inspired by Adventurers, Wild West, Exo Force and Rock Raiders Themes

Sorry for the pic quality, they're more or less rough sketches... :blush:



Here are my two:

Theme Name: Dino-Age

Characters: Cavemen and Adventurers and Dinosaurs

Conflict: The Cavemen and Adventurers fight the Dinosayrs so they don't get eaten, and to also get the magic Dino Scales

Setting: The Adventurers are stuck in the Stone Age. Would feature mountains and valleys

Background Info: There is a similar Duplo theme. The Adventurers need the 6 magic Dino Scale (One in each set to get people to buy it) to get back home.

Theme Name: UltraGuardians

Characters: The Five UltraGuardians (Sword, Plane, Sneak, Bike and Magic) and the Gasinators (Gassy the boss, his henchmen, his right hand man Barros and his left hand man RobusRider)

Conflict: The Smokeinators have a huge factory which is polluting the UltraGuardians world (Which is nice and full of fields and nice things) to a barren waste, the UltraGuardians want to stop this.

Setting: The Ultraguardians have a base (Which can Transform into a vehicle) as do the Gasinators who use there factory (It can Transform as well) but confilct would mainly take place in the wastes on vehicles

Background Info: A Sixth UltraGuardian (Mega) could be introduced in a exclusive set. The Ultraguardians are all named after what they do (Sword has a sword, Plane pilots vehicles (but not all of them) Sneak can sneak into places, Bike rides a bike and Magic uses Magic.).

theme: ancient rome

i think that ancient rome could be very flexible because of its very long history.

conflict could be not only one: you can imagine battles against "Cartagine" (Hannibal, elephants, ships...) or "Galli" (how nice a Caesar minifig) or the many other people romans met in their history. tou could articulate the theme from the republic to the empire with a lot of different buildings from domus to arena to basilica to "termae".

the late empire with all the barbarians could be another subsection of the theme of "costantinopoli on the other side. no more gladiators but churchs and different minifig.

dividing a theme in different subsections can make the theme life longer even if you decide to produce all the subthemes at the same time with something new of each one every year. :laugh:

(excuse me for my english, but it's not my language) :blush:

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