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Posted (edited)

NOTE: This game is long over. We will not be continuing, ever, so don't ask to join. If you have any other comments or questions, feel free to say so, but do NOT PM me or anyone else concerning the status of this game. You may use this and any other threads related to the Star Wars Comic Game as reference.

Welcome to the Star Wars Comic Game (SWCG) discussion thread. Here you can see the rules of the game, the many dioramas and MOCs that the players have made and added to the story, and much more. All discussions, questions, or anything else not related to the Star Wars Comic Game should go here.


This is a comic game in which our original Star Wars based characters take place in the Star Wars universe. The main story will take place during the Clone Wars (in between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith). Players will post their responses to others before them (the posts are based on a set storyline, which vary with the season of the game taking place), while adding pictures of any dioramas of the current scene(s) being acted out if they wish.* Anyone can join at any time of the game, they just have to provide a short character bio and a picture of their character in minifigure form, and then proceed to post an introduction of their character in the Game thread. They can decide where and how to meet other players' characters from there on, and continue playing the game.

*See rules 5 and 7.


Key: bold= very important

1. No spamming, no nonsense, as always on the Eurobricks forums. See the Member Guidelines if you are unclear on how to behave here.

2. Players can't take the role of main characters, however, main characters (such as Anakin Skywalker) can make appearances.

3. Each player is expected to post at least one Lego MOC, diorama, etc. each chapter. Don't worry, this is easy! All you have to do is create a little scene including characters from the game- you might not even have to build anything, because you can use natural enviroments (such as snow) as backdrops and locations, and/or use already built SW sets (such as an MTT). Additionally, you may use and/ or edit someone's MOC that is not yours (such as a BrickShelf find), just give the owner credit, even if you did edit the MOC to make it your own.

4. You are allowed to provide speech and actions for other players' characters in the game, but don't take it to the extreme, such as killing them off or making them look dumb.

5. When creating your character's minifig, try to use parts from Star Wars sets, and try not to use rare pieces. If you do use parts from other themes, don't expect anyone to have them, and have a back-up character design or a substitute piece. Additionally, you should have at least a few Star Wars sets in order to participate, but this is easily avoided if you can create good, solid MOCs of Star Wars-styled vehicles, environments, etc.

6. All discussions, questions, etc. should be posted here. Only posts that add to the story, and add to the story only, should be posted in the game thread. For example, if you have a question about a MOC and an addition to the story, split your post, and put the question here, and the addition in the game thread.

7. Anyone can join at any time of the game, just post a bio and pic of your character in minifig form here, and then post your character's into in the game thread. You can be any character that you want, as long as he/ she/ it is your own original idea. We also have to ask you to stay away from lightsaber-wielding or force-using characters, for various reasons.

8. You may only control one main character.

9. Try not to have your characters go on solo side plots for too long. Try to stay with the group most of the time.

10. Have fun!

Any questions or suggestions about the rules can be posted here, and either myself or Oky Wan Kenobi (or another player if they know) will assist you.

Players, Characters, and Bios


JimButcher (Jim Butcher):

Jim Butcher was born on Naboo. There, he trained in the Naboo defense group as a pilot and commander, although not an ace at the former. During the invasion by the Trade Federation, he was one of the main leaders in the underground resistance. He fought alongside captain Panaka and queen Amidala when they took back Theed palace while the Gungans distracted most of the battle droids far away from Theed, on the plains of the planet Naboo. The Naboo kin were victorious, and the Nemodians were placed under arrest for the time being.

After the battle of Naboo, Commander Butcher moved on to bigger things. he was hired by the Republic as a spy to gain vital information for the government. Once, he was on a reconnaissance mission on surviving Mandolorians. he surveyed them very closely without their knowledge. After the mission, the Republic concluded that the surviving Mandalorians are neither a threat nor a help to them. But Butcher gained something more from that mission. He learned the ways of the Mandolorians, and from that he created a unique fighting style.

Years and many missions later, an accident happened. Butcher was on an assassination mission with his partner, but they got captured by the target, a bounty hunter known as Jirraan Dane. He tried to inject Butcher and his partner with poison, but Butcher's resistance was so great that the power of the force burst from his body in the form of a death wave, killing Dane. but he also accidentally killed his partner, and swore he would rid the universe of thugs and mercenaries to his death day.

Of course, the Jedi found that he was force sensitive, but could not become a Jedi because of his age. He also wasn't powerful enough to lift heavy objects or throw or pull living things with the force. But he could do more than he ever imagined. He could do gymnastics as easy as if he were merely walking. He could also read others minds if he looked them straight in the eye. He had also created his own blue lightsaber with a stolen crystal without anyone's knowing, bound to fight evil for the rest of his life.

Oky Wan Kenobi (Oky Wan Kenobi):


Oky Wan Kenobi lives on Coruscant and is an independent droid and starship designer. When he was young he was working for Baktoid Combat Automata to help them design the B1 battle droid that the Trade Federation requested. At that time, he had no idea that it would cause thousands of deaths throughout the galaxy. Now he feels guilty because he thinks that he was partly responsible for the Clone Wars and would do anything to support the Republic!

Oky Wan is a little force sensitive which makes him a great pilot, even though he doesn't have nearly as many midi-chlorians as his cousin Obi Wan. He is quite jealous of his cousin since Obi Wan has become everything he always wanted to be: A jedi (a very respected one) who travels the galaxy leading troops into the battle against the seperatists.

His favorite color is green and his favorite sport is podracing, even though this sport is slowly dying these days. Ever since he heard about the young boy called Anakin Skywalker who was the first human to win the Boonta Eve Classic, his secret dream has been to become the next human podracing champion with a homemade pod. Also, after he heard that Skywalker has become a jedi and is now fighting alongside his cousin, Skywalker is now Oky Wan's idol. Although he is pretty proud to be related to someone who knows Skywalker that well, Oky Wan's jealousy of his cousin is now stronger than ever...

Usually, Oky Wan is very friendly, though, and he always carries a tool kit with him. His excellent technical and mechanical skill enable him to make a completely functional starfighter out of the smallest pile of junk.

Also, Oky Wan has a big appetite!

Lt. Col. Thok (Lt. Col. Thok):


- Official name: Lt. Col John (the name Thok came from the name of his first battle in the obscure city of Thocajbe, or Thok.)

- One of the first clones to go through the ARC program

- Assigned to 691st Legion, second Battalion

- Was on planet in Chapter 1 leading his depleted battalion home (had previously been on planet with over 200 men; most slaughtered during attack)

- Is not a fighting officer; was meant for desk job, but events in SWCG derailed that

- Lost battle armour prior to events in Chapter 1; black dress uniform is now in the wash.

- Is fierce, loyal and smart (when the Empire comes around, Thok will be one of the first Moffs appointed)

- Carries standard clone rifle, as well as a pistol

Wouwie13 (Easy-501.1, AKA Wouwie):


Easy-501.1 (Aka Wouwie) is an clone commander of 501st Easy company.

He has got nothing special, only a hologram projector

Weapons: Standard small blaster (from the Clone BP).

Starfighter: In-build ARC-170

Wouwie was an clone from the 1st batch after the war begun. His mate from Kamino was Rex. After they were sent to different systems, they didn't see eachother a lot. But when Wouwie was assigned to be the commander of the 501st's Easy Company he heard that Rex was assigned to Delta Company, also from the 501st. They became better friends and saved eachother many times. Now, their biggest challenge begins...

SimonJedi (Garviel Loken):


Name: Garviel Loken

Age: 22


Born to merchant parents on Chandrila, Garviel left Chandrila and moved to Coruscant aged 19. He joined Republic Intelligence monitoring the increased activities of CIS force. After the Battle of Geonosis and the huge increase of clone intelligent officers, Garviel was promoted to an undercover agent. He was stationed on Pau city on Utapau monitoring a large separatist research facility, when he met MacK, Oky wan Kenobi and Jim Butcher. After narrowly escaping execution he joined the team to help destroy the separatist time machine, taking him to such locations as hoth, felucia and even the future.

After returning to the past of an changed timeline, Garviel has mainly been increasing his skills as well as working with the rest of the team to aid the republic. His person starfighter is a Delta 7b, that was given to him by a jedi knight who he saved from a Spider droid. The ship has been extensivly upgraded by Oky, with stronger shields, more laser cannons and a hyperdrive. He currently lives on the Fortitude with the rest of the team

Adam (Adam):


Name: Adam

Age: Unknown

Weapon of choice: 1- Customized Gun 2- Lightsaber

Planet of origin: Unknown

Gender: Male

Adam can't remember anything before a certain date- one where he looked at least 20. He was found near dead by a research that had landed on Felucia retrieving plant samples. They brought him into their ship and analyzed him, finding a curious event- his blood was almost entirely composed of a liquidized metal of an unknown alloy. They brought him to the Jedi Council, who placed him in a containment chamber. There he lay unconscious for exactly one year since his discovery on Felucia. Upon his awakening, the Jedi Council found him fit, strong, and intelligent, and they trained him to be an ally to the republic- they turned him into a sort of "secret agent" for the republic army. They told him that he was not force sensitive, but merely efficient- there was no particular reason why he was one of the best assets of the Republic Secret Service, why he was one of the top choices on the most difficult of missions, why he could move and sense things uncannily, and why he had no recollection of his past or his age, which was undeterminable. On one of his missions, he freed his future wife from a CIS slave camp, who is about to bear a child. He eventually received a mission that sent him back to Felucia, regarding mushrooms, of all things. This lead him to discoveries about a cosmic disturbance on Hoth and a Separatist research facility stationed there. He went on a mission to learn more about it, and met Jim, Oky, Thok and the others...



Name: JD-714 (nicknamed Jammiedodger 714 or JD)

Height: 6ft 1in

Affliction: Empire/Rebellion

Weapon(s) of choice: DC-15 blasters, chaingun

Other: JD was an elite 501st clone scout in the CW. During the war on Felucia he lost memory and lost a chunk of his life. Later, he fell in love with a woman called Jaina, but his arch nemesis Drag'Dul (a Rodian Smuggler) tracked JD down and slaughtered Jaina in front of him, then threw her of the edge of the building. JD tried not to think about her again, but craved revenge. After the Republic fell, he fled at the seige of the Jedi Temple with his best friend BB-215, but BB-215 was shot down when they tried to escape. He has a grudge against the Empire because of this. He was filled with anger and hatred. When he went into hiding on Tatooine, he met a Jedi called Ben Kenobi. JD learnt about the force and lightsaber skills, but never got to have his own sword. He started to dig up as much dirt on the Empire as possible, and found out about the new 'Death Star'. His actions caught the attention of some rebels on Hoth, who he became friends with. He ended up saving some time travellers and going back in time into a different reality. He still wears his old armour and he enjoys killing Stormtroopers and Jawas.

Bob the Construction Man (Bob Artigulu):


One of the few people that weren't Kaminoans living on Kamino, Bob noticed a huge rush of clones being formed about 10 years prior to the start of the clone wars. Wanting to make his own clones he put his DNA in for an order of 8 clones. He trained them under his guidance for advanced combat.

Now that the Clone Wars have started, he requested the services of a Jedi and recieved one. His name is complicated so everyone calls him Al for short. His squad only lost one clone when there gunship was shot down. The clone flew out the open doors of the gunship, no body was recovered. The loss hit everyone hard because they were close. Since there high effectiveness, the Republic calls them in for "important" operations. Bob uses a gunship. He is also a good pilot, despite the fact that he is not force sensitive.

Pr0visorak (Pr0):


Name: Pr0

age: 17 years old

Work: Clone republic army

Garrison: 012

Expertise:Demolition and sniper expert, assassination, interrogation, Flying, partly force trained

Known for: Bringing down a droid gunship with the force and destroying a Trade Federation core ship by piercing through it using a damaged star cruiser and survived.


According to the records of the council, Jedi general Rahm Kota did not think the clones were suited for battle thus requesting for a volunteer army. His request was granted and he got many soldiers to join. One of those soldiers was Joshua who joined at age 14. He was the youngest in the army but proved himself worthy to the Republic. He was thought by the general himself after noticing that the child had very strong force powers. Joshua however was not keen on learning about the lightsaber and just uses force powers to get rid of his enemies in hard situations. He uses force powers like force choke,force lighting,force push and pull,force jump but the one he uses the most is force repulse.

After training with the general,he was transferred to the temple where he learned under master Yoda for about a year before leaving the temple. But he has force powers stronger than many but refuses to use it and replaces those powers with his duel arm pistols. He was than placed in the 012th garrison of the clone army where he prospered and led his fellow clones to many victories. He has been nicknamed pr0 for his expertise.

Now he has been chosen to join a group led by Jedi and fellow army mates to a very important mission.

BPac21 (8P-4C):

Name- 8P4C

Species- A sangheili robot.

8P4C was created on Sangheilios, and was employed by the sangheili in the Battle of Substance.However, he was almost destroyed by Darth Draak. He was later repaired by N'Lon Quarn(the green dude you all seem to hate) on the Sunset and later placed in the 956th by Quarn. He, as a side effect of the ''operation'' can change colors at random and has the power of intangibility.

TimBit (CC99901, AKA TeeBee)


Nickname: TeeBee

Real name: Cc99901

Work: Clone Commander in republic army.

Expertise: Building robotic aids, First form lightsaber combat

Known For: surviving 2 months on Hoth without anyone else.

Weapons: Blaster rifle, and a scarlet lightsaber.

Due to a defect in the DNA numbers 99900-100000 were blond and had blue eyes. 10% of these troops also learned basic force and first form lightsaber combat. TeeBee was one of them.

TeeBee was originally a senate guard but while transporting senator Bail Organa on a diplomatic mission. They were ambushed and forced to make a crash landing. They were forced to hold off a small battalion off battle droids until a gunship came and destroyed the remainder. When the gunship came there were no battle droids left, TeeBee had showed such amazing work he was promoted to Commander of the 99th legion.

He survived 2 months on Hoth after his Venator went down due to fuel lose. He was the only one to survive the crash. He also participated In major battles such as various ones in the outer rim sieges.

JlBlue (Dannik Jasko)


Dannik was born and raised on Glee Anselm, by abusive parents. He saw no reason to make his parents proud and do well in school, and slowly slipped into the criminal underworld. After taking various crime-related jobs, he gained a planetary level of notoriety. Now a skilled mercenary, Dannik Jasko knew immediately that the Clone Wars would open up a multitude of opportunities. War was something that Dannik could make a lot of money off of, and whichever side needed someone that could handle covert operations and would pay a good price to get it would gain his allegiance.

Jifel AKA J1F3L

Designation: 406th company commander j1f3l, nick name "jifel"

406th company: A relatively older company specialising in jungle and stealth opperations, rarely uses heavy tanks, and highly mobile. Currently attached jedi general is an alien, Ren Luun.

commander jifel:

Hieght: slight mutations caused hieght increaces. 1.91 meters, as opposed to normal 1.83 (what is that in feet?)

weapons: an electronic short blade that short circuits droids. Modified two barrel blaster.

Eye color: blue, green sections (another mutation)

species: human clone

armor color: dark green/black.

decorations: none, hinders combat/stealth actions.

Backround: Silent and smart, but occasionally headstrong, has mastered close combat forms, no force sensitivity, and holds a special grudge against general grevious after he failed to assassinate him, and lost several of his best troops. Often makes bets on kills (rations mostly) and encourages creativity in his troops, along with surprise training attacks with stun rifles to keep troops sharp, once had a battle-cruiser wide stun blaster fight to help with setting traps and stealth.

Current status: alive

Last known position: following his jedi onto a jungle moon orbiting Trexxen with most of the company.

All bios were written by the respective players. All pictures were taken by the respective players.

Former Players and Characters:

MacK (MacK)

Palin Jax (Palin Jax)

Vader's son (Moda Annix)

Brickbreaker (Xela Mirinatan)

Skipper 24 (Skipper)

Chapter Overviews

See all of the Chapter 1 Overviews here.

Chapter 2

Edited by JimButcher
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Posted (edited)

MOC, Diorama, etc. Index

NOTE: Any huge pictures will not appear in the index. Any removed pictures or deeplinks in posts that formerly had pictures or deeplinks will not appear in the index.

Season One

Chapter 1

3209761965_e6cbfe946c_t.jpg -Vader's son

3209762151_99522ce1ef_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi

3209762043_ace37ae883_t.jpg -JimButcher

3209762249_504027e3bc_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi

Chapter 2

3209762329_e3de81cddd_t.jpg -JimButcher

3209762453_dc1d465488_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi

3209762613_c74aceba56_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi

3209762789_0beca07e21_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi

3210610268_e23cd17e9d_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi

3209763065_a7c1a4ed88_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi

3209763239_39fffcea88_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi

Chapter 3

3210032569_3b5484557d_t.jpg -Adam

3210878594_37b15c8c61_t.jpg -Adam

3210878636_45571cfa77_t.jpg -Lt. Col. Thok

3210032815_e358c8129e_t.jpg -JimButcher

3210032925_97d3080c7b_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi

Chapter 4

3219224694_7f431fe769_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi (MOCs by Tim Goddard)

3218372641_fb06be2dee_t.jpg -Bob the Construction Man

3218372697_84a53d6ec4_t.jpg -Adam

3218372751_e2967c56a6_t.jpg -Pr0visorak

3219224878_b04a71e22d_t.jpg -Pr0visorak

3219224960_12a157b64f_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi (Venator by Tim Goddard, MINI ARC-170 by legostar)

3219225014_0df8343789_t.jpg -Bob the Construction Man

3218373091_ac339482f6_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi (MOC by Amado Pinlac)

3219225216_f5a155df63_t.jpg -JimButcher

3218373309_d43a9b5e6c_t.jpg -Pr0visorak (MOC by MOCpages member)

3219225434_552c71a5ea_t.jpg -Wouwie

3218373461_73e73a3958_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi

3219225570_770571986d_t.jpg -JimButcher

3261482079_56cd887a68_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi

Season Two

Chapter 1

3261425803_37ffc747c1_t.jpg -TimBit

3261425883_e9769a5714_t.jpg -TimBit

3262253750_36032ef9a8_t.jpg -TimBit

3261426023_851a621efe_t.jpg -Bob the Construction Man

3262253882_3179a51521_t.jpg -Bob the Construction Man

3261426107_9a5aed5ceb_t.jpg -Jammiedodger714

3262253976_e45db128d0_t.jpg -Wouwie (Googled MOC)

3262254076_964c91c18a_t.jpg -TimBit

3261426327_b297a048b8_t.jpg -Adam

3317243866_f7d94919be_t.jpg -JimButcher

Chapter 2

3638589455_f4d1f85503_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi

3639399572_e6a5c9a3e8_t.jpg -Oky Wan Kenobi

Edited by JimButcher
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Could you change my bio a bit please? I have a few gaps to fill:

JD was an elite 501st clone scout in the CW. During the war on Felucia he lost memory and lost a chunk of his life. Later, he fell in love with a woman called Jaina, but his arch nemesis Drag'Dul (a Rodian Smuggler) tracked JD down and slaughtered Jaina in front of him, then threw her of the edge of the building. JD tried not to think about her again, but craved revenge. After the Republic fell, he fled at the seige of the Jedi Temple with his best friend BB-215, but BB-215 was shot down when they tried to escape. He has a grudge against the Empire because of this. He was filled with anger and hatred. When he went into hiding on Tatooine, he met a Jedi called Ben Kenobi. JD learnt about the force and lightsaber skills, but never got to have his own sword. He started to dig up as much dirt on the Empire as possible, and found out about the new 'Death Star'. His actions caught the attention of some rebels on Hoth, who he became friends with. He ended up saving some time travellers and going back in time into a different reality. He still wears his old armour and he enjoys killing Stormtroopers and Jawas.



Edited by Jammiedodger714

Great finale, Oky Wan, if a little late. :tongue: I'll add these things to the index later today:

Simonjedi's picture and bio

Oky Wan's finale and deleted scene

JD's new bio

Thanks for adding these. :classic: Now, we wait...

Posted (edited)
Now, we wait...

The wait is over! :sweet: I have made the first post! I'll add some pics later. :wink:

Great finale, Oky Wan, if a little late. :tongue:

Thanks. Sorry it's late. I was gonna edit the pics into the post as soon as I had time, but that wasn't possible since Hinckley closed the topic so early. :hmpf_bad:

PS: Everyone, feel free to copy my new banner into your sigs! :classic:

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Well I did my first post.

I'll make a moc when it gets more exciting than exchanges of words over a hologram.

I've also made away for me to get into the story :grin:

It's up to you guys why I decide to leave the 99th :wink:

I'll make a moc when it gets more exciting than exchanges of words over a hologram.

Perhaps your right. Maybe I shouldn't bother making pics for something like that either. :wink:

I've also made a way for me to get into the story :grin:

Nice to have you with us! :sweet: I was thinking of introducing you and Jiblue this way too, but I thought it's better if you do it yourselves. :wink:

It's up to you guys why I decide to leave the 99th :wink:

Why do you want us to make decisions for you? :look:

Am I part of the team or am I separate?

Didn't you read the rules? :hmpf: Everyone starts out separate, but has to join the team at some point. The sooner, the better.

Thanks. Sorry it's late. I was gonna edit the pics into the post as soon as I had time, but that wasn't possible since Hinckley closed the topic so early. :hmpf_bad:

Hey, don't worry about it. :wink: Hinckley did a fine job at closing, opening, pinning, and unpinning these topics for us. Thanks, Hinck. :sweet:

Also, I'd like to remind everyone that OOC no longer exists in the story thread, which is what this topic is for. :wink: I'm going easy on you now, but any more of that in the future, and there will be trouble. :devil:

Oh, and nice banner Oky Wan. Sorry, JD, but this one was pretty cool. :grin:

And I'll get to work on those updates in a second.

Why do you want us to make decisions for you? :look:

Not sure...

I'll do it later if theres a battle and my entire legion gets killed off...

Or my venator goes down (again) and I'm the olny survivor :grin:


Congratulations, Pr0! You have broken two rules in your first post of this season already! :tongue:

You may only control one main character!

No OOC in the game thread!

I'll do it later if theres a battle and my entire legion gets killed off...

That's exactly what I had in mind too. :devil::grin:

JD got up and said "Don't cancel the mission. I'm fine." "First you have to tell us what that was about," said Jim. "Fine," JD said sounding more peeved than Jim had seconds earlier, "It's a long story, but here it is...

I'm sorry, Tim Bit, but posting something like that is kind of unfair. :sceptic: With this, you force JD to talk about his secret, even though he expressed the wish not to tell us about it (yet) in his previous post. Also, ending a post this way prevents other players from posting after your post since it has to be JD who needs to finish the sentence. Since JD responded to your post, it's OK for now, but please try to keep that in mind for the future. Thanks. :classic:

Also, again: NO FREAKIN' O.O.C. IN THE GAME THREAD! Not even comments on pics! All of that goes IN HERE. Thank you. :wink:

Congratulations, Pr0! You have broken two rules in your first post of this season already! :tongue:

You may only control one main character!

No OOC in the game thread!

That's exactly what I had in mind too. :devil::grin:

I'm sorry, Tim Bit, but posting something like that is kind of unfair. :sceptic: With this, you force JD to talk about his secret, even though he expressed the wish not to tell us about it (yet) in his previous post. Also, ending a post this way prevents other players from posting after your post since it has to be JD who needs to finish the sentence. Since JD responded to your post, it's OK for now, but please try to keep that in mind for the future. Thanks. :classic:

Also, again: NO FREAKIN' O.O.C. IN THE GAME THREAD! Not even comments on pics! All of that goes IN HERE. Thank you. :wink:


I'll take note to tell the separatists to kill all my clone brethren except me :tongue:

Posted (edited)

Well, I have only told Jim and Oky the secret so I could tell the rest when I actually meet Jaina again. DON'T LET YOUR CHARACTERS SAY JIM AND OKY!!!! :alien::vader::grin:


Btw, what is O.O.C?

Edited by Jammiedodger714
Btw, what is O.O.C?

I don't remember what it stands for, but it means off-topic, not related to story blabber, etc. I think it means "Out Of Character", but I'm not sure...

And I still haven't done those updates, but I will, rest assured. :wink:

I also wanted to say that "planning the story" should be avoided in this season. What I mean is that posts discussing the story and how it should turn out really take away from the creativity of the game. The game allows players to base their posts off of posts previous of theirs, no matter what it is. If you're really confused, it's okay to ask a question, but other than that, just try to post like the real character would react. :wink:

I think that we did this too much in the first season, so this time we'll do it differently. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't be afraid to ask. :classic:

Btw, what is O.O.C?

Actually, I don't know what it stands for myself. :blush: But I know what it means, which is what Jim said. :wink:

I think it's something like "Off O??? Comment", but I have no clue what the second "O" stands for. :look:

I also wanted to say that "planning the story" should be avoided in this season. What I mean is that posts discussing the story and how it should turn out really take away from the creativity of the game. The game allows players to base their posts off of posts previous of theirs, no matter what it is. If you're really confused, it's okay to ask a question, but other than that, just try to post like the real character would react. :wink:

I think that we did this too much in the first season, so this time we'll do it differently. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't be afraid to ask. :classic:

If you're referring to my and Tim Bit's discussion about the future of his battalion, I'm sorry. I was just joking (mostly). :wink:

But yeah, let's try to be a little more spontaneous this time around. :thumbup:

In a corner of the room, Jim was having a conversation with Wouwie and Bob
Bob looked around on his ship. Recently, he had been transferred from his Acclamator to this one.

Erm... Bob? Are you now with us or are you on your own ship? :look: I thought it would be nice if you were with us from now on, which is why I included you in my first post. I mean, you'll have to rejoin with us at some point anyway, and apparently you're not doing anything at the moment, so wouldn't that make more sense?

I think I'll join, Im going to make a sigfig now.

OK, but hurry up! It's actually almost too late to join, but since we just started playing, it's alright if you join right now.


Yes, I am with you now.

I was saying that I left my old ship to go onto yours, and I brought my Clone Captain with me.

So yes, I'm still with you guys.


Spooky ending adam...

I hope you guys get to Trexxon quickly.

My character must be introduced soon so I can show off his sidekick Terr-E hint hint :wink:

The story's looking good so far.

Posted (edited)

Alright, here we go...


Coming tonight/tomorrow

Designation: 406th company commander j1f3l, nick name "jifel"

406th company: A relatively older company specialising in jungle and stealth opperations, rarely uses heavy tanks, and highly mobile. Currently attached jedi general is an alien, Ren Luun.

commander jifel:

Hieght: slight mutations caused hieght increaces. 1.91 meters, as opposed to normal 1.83 (what is that in feet?)

weapons: an electronic short blade that short circuits droids. Modified two barrel blaster.

Eye color: blue, green sections (another mutation)

species: human clone

armor color: dark green/black.

decorations: none, hinders combat/stealth actions.

Backround: Silent and smart, but occasionally headstrong, has mastered close combat forms, no force sensitivity, and holds a special grudge against general grevious after he failed to assassinate him, and lost several of his best troops. Often makes bets on kills (rations mostly) and encourages creativity in his troops, along with surprise training attacks with stun rifles to keep troops sharp, once had a battle-cruiser wide stun blaster fight to help with setting traps and stealth.

Current status: alive

Last known position: following his jedi onto a jungle moon orbiting Trexxen with most of the company.

Hope thats good for know. :classic:

Any rule breaks or problems, please tell me.


Edited by jifel

You did that quite fast :sceptic:

Yet it turned out great :thumbup:

You also incorporate yourself quite easily.

I like your stile.

Well mocs are up for my third post.

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