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I think having minifigs in transparent light blue to represent ghosts and holograms would be very cool. It'd be great to see some of the Jedi like that especially Obi-wan as a ghost and Sidious/Palpatine as a hologram.

That would be cool, however, that has a very small chance of happening, for several reasons. First, translucent pieces are hard to make, and it would cost a lot to make transparent minifigures. They would also be expensive to print, and the ink is more likely to scratch off. Lastly, the transparent minifig parts would be easy to break, since minifig parts alone are easy to break (hands breaking, torsos cracking, etc.), and trans pieces are delicate. Combining the two could really result in a disaster (like those trans hook hands back in Space...). Sorry, but I just don't think this would happen.

Ki-Adi-Mundi done like this: :classic::classic:

Yes! Exactly like that! I love that custom so much, I wish I had bought it when I had the chance. :thumbup:

Like the most of you, this three great Jedi's:

-Aayla Secura

-Ki-Adi Mundi

-Shaak Ti

Gr. Bricks

yeah i agree with you there buddy, but a dooku would be nice old school not the cw way....

Yes! Exactly like that! I love that custom so much, I wish I had bought it when I had the chance. :thumbup:

I love that Ki-Adi Mundi. But in truth, we all know we're going crazy for those three! Aayla, Ki-Adi, and Shaak Ti! What evil possesses Lego not to make minifigs of them?

And since Aayla is wanted the most, remember this. She's appeared in Episode II, III and will appear in the Clone Wars this friday! There's no excuse! It simply must be done.

But seeing as it won't be, I'll just buy a Twi-Lek head off of Arealight. (That guy/gal(?) makes awesome customs!)

I would say Shaak Ti, Darth Talon, Aayla Secura along these lines. and Ki Adi Mundi is welcome.

Darth Talon would be nice, but they won't make anything like her, considering that she was only in comics, and as un-famous as the Clone Wars is, sadly those comics were even less famous. :tongue: You just gotta have broadcasting to get known!

As for Aayla Secura, I'm dying for her, but I think I might know the trick to a perfect custom Aayla....

Ki-Adi is about as needed as Aayla Secura, and Shaak Ti is a bit less considering we didn't really see her do anything in the Clone Wars besides exist. :tongue: Though she was in The Force Unleashed.

Note: I was about to say that Shaak Ti did nothing but die, but then I remembered that was only in Lego Star Wars I that she was killed by Anakin! :tongue:


is there a dictionary on these terms.

lul cw tlg?.

and why do people want Luminara when she is already in a set.

id like to see.

ME, the cyber reconstruction version you see in the force unleashed DLC pack.

the outfit starkiller wore in the jedi temple, the current gen DLC version.

Exar Kun.

Darth Desolous.

Kota and Kento from the force unleashed.

the sith stalker version of starkiller.


Haha I bet Han thought luke was crazy at that part.

A ghost would be cool but i would think it would be ruined easily.

You want the planet as a Jedi/Sith?



2010 is the order of the day so what jedi and other characters would you like to see in those set boxes?

Well an Aayla Secura would be nice along with Gree.

Ki-Adi-Mundi with a normal sized head along with a headpiece that has his enlarged head and the hair.

Theres many more so I wonder who we might find.

Isn't there a thread already asking what sets you want to see in the future.

Quite right.

I am moving/merging this there.


Which character do you want the most?

I really want:

Commander Gree. ( phase 1&2 )

Commander Bly. ( phase 1&2 )

Commander Neyo. ( phase 1 )

Commander Thire. ( phase 1 )

Lumurina Unduli. ( spelling? )

Allaya Secura.

Ki Adi Mundi.

Jar Jar ( Clone Wars )

Mon Motha.

Now if i got all of those , i would be a happy man. :tongue:

Posted (edited)

Admiral Ackbar

Grand Admiral Trawn

Aayla Secura

a new Padme


Marius Brood

a new episode III anikan (no headband, no LUL)

Bail Organa

Edited by Tinn-man

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