Tim Bit Posted December 23, 2008 Posted December 23, 2008 Well I was wondering what pet peeves lego builders have. So I made this topic. It doesn't have to be about lego you can have were when someone says a word you get bothered or stuff like that. Mine are when someone says "peoples" or when someone says "legos". It drives me nutty. So what are yours?
Justin2224 Posted December 23, 2008 Posted December 23, 2008 Pretty much anything my sister does. When people say legos, not LEGO. Like earlier today, I was watching TV and there was a Toys R Us commercial, and they said legos on national television. People not listening to me. Pretty much if you say LEGO, listen to me, and arent my sister you wont get on my nerves.
Buttons Posted December 23, 2008 Posted December 23, 2008 Breaking my nails from trying to separate plates off a baseboard when I can't find my separater tool. And also your's tim. I have never heard it said in the UK it is more of an American Canadian thing. Unlucky
Tim Bit Posted December 23, 2008 Author Posted December 23, 2008 Pretty much anything my sister does. When people say legos, not LEGO. Like earlier today, I was watching TV and there was a Toys R Us commercial, and they said legos on national television. People not listening to me. Pretty much if you say LEGO, listen to me, and arent my sister you wont get on my nerves. Breaking my nails from trying to separate plates off a baseboard when I can't find my separater tool.And also your's tim. I have never heard it said in the UK it is more of an American Canadian thing. Unlucky I knew people out there shared that with me. Yes breaking nails like that does suck. Just after I posted this I went to work on a moc and did that
Peppermint_M Posted December 23, 2008 Posted December 23, 2008 When it gets so cold in your build area that you can't feel the bricks properly (numb fingers).
Buttons Posted December 23, 2008 Posted December 23, 2008 I take it the planet zi is generally bellow zero then?
Peppermint_M Posted December 23, 2008 Posted December 23, 2008 I take it the planet zi is generally bellow zero then? Well the "real" Planet Zi is mainly desert... However my loft (where my LEGO was sent when my room was downsized) has no heating or insulation on the roof. The ceilings have insulation, so very little heat gets in. After about an hour you can feel the cold biting and you can't feel your toes and fingers. Spring and Autumn are the best times as Summer is stiflingly hot and Winter is numbingly cold. Other pet peeves: "legos", stupid people who blindly believe what the papers tell them ("Oh, did you hear that LEGO are making terrorist sets now?" actually heard said in all sincerity...)
Jlblue Posted December 23, 2008 Posted December 23, 2008 Well, I'm a little bit OCD and not the practical kind, either. Some people that are obsessive compulsive at least have the perk that they're constantly motivated to keep things clean. But for me I'm just seriously annoyed by things like two stacks of plastic cups not being the exact same height as each other.
Brickmaster Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 Eating loudly, eating with mouth open, being shallow, not using logic, and being closed-minded. I also seem to constantly annoy myself with ironically my own actions; not because of what I listed above, but rather, I like to be a person of logic and reason, and yet, I manage to have feelings and such that defy any given logic or reason. It annoys myself incredibly.
Derek Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 I also am OCD, and am always disgusted when people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. Thats just gross. I've gotten to the point where I am hesitant to touch public doorknobs, keyboards, railings etc. I also HATE repetitive noise (ticking), bad grammer and spelling, and being fake/shallow. -darthperson
SlyOwl Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 It sounds like Lego, it's shaped like a box of Lego, and lo and behold, it's not Lego! Breaking my nails from trying to separate plates off a baseboard when I can't find my separater tool. I've got identical notches in my middle fingers from seperating plates, which come back even when I cut them!
Sir Dano Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 Any bad grammar or poor spelling. Agreed. People who ask stupid questions also annoy me, along with people who insult me because I have different sexual preferences than them. Yeah, I probably didn't need to say that last one, but oh well.
Trexxen Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 I'm also slightly annoyed by poor grammar/spelling, as well as the "Sounds, looks, and feels like lego, but it isn't" thing, being the recipient of many things that have done that...;_; For myself, though... -People coming in and bothering me when I have friends over (ESPECIALLY if we're doing something, like Rock Band) -People trying to talk to me while I have music on (this one really gets on my nerves D=) -My alarm clock (It doesn't go off when I want it to, but when I don't want it to, *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP...*) There's many more, but I don't want this to be a list, so I'll leave it as it is. =P ~Trexxen
Buttons Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 Also, if you have ever played on xbox live then you will know that most Americans and Britains already have a preconceived opinion on each other and it is usuarly either really bad or really good. And then on several occations (no disrespect to any of my friends in America) I have had Americans "hating on me" just because I am british and using World war 2 against me somehow. I have also heard Britains do the same in retort. I think this behaviour by any one person regardless of their nationality is disgusting and totaly uncalled for. And just go's to show how uneducated some people are nowadays. Thank you for listening to my rant and Happy Christmas everyone a EB's Buttons
Corvus Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 Also, if you have ever played on xbox live then you will know that most Americans and Britains already have a preconceived opinion on each other and it is usuarly either really bad or really good. And then on several occations (no disrespect to any of my friends in America) I have had Americans "hating on me" just because I am british and using World war 2 against me somehow. I have also heard Britains do the same in retort.I think this behaviour by any one person regardless of their nationality is disgusting and totaly uncalled for. And just go's to show how uneducated some people are nowadays. This makes no sense...some people confuse me. I work at a museum with animals. All the animals there are injured or imprinted in some way, and can't go back to the wild. And yet, I get crazy people who come up and tell me that we should release all our animals. When I say no, they'll die, they get mad and say that they should be released anyway, and at least have a chance. That'd be a death sentance, seeing as most of them can't fly, and they're happy where they are... Oh, and snobby people wearing leather telling me that the educational furs are horrid is irritating, as well.
rriggs Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 People who don't indicate or use the wrong lanes at roundabouts. It's not rocket science but appears impossible for some people to grasp (taxi drivers, stand up, we know it's you!) Cheers Rog
Buttons Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 This makes no sense...some people confuse me. I work at a museum with animals. All the animals there are injured or imprinted in some way, and can't go back to the wild. And yet, I get crazy people who come up and tell me that we should release all our animals. When I say no, they'll die, they get mad and say that they should be released anyway, and at least have a chance. That'd be a death sentance, seeing as most of them can't fly, and they're happy where they are... Oh, and snobby people wearing leather telling me that the educational furs are horrid is irritating, as well. What I mean in short is how everyone is so on edge and rude nowadays. (On xbox live that is)
MoonCheese Posted December 29, 2008 Posted December 29, 2008 One thing I don't like is when people make every store name possessive. Kmart's, Best Buy's, Target's, etc. That's really common around here (I'm a short distance outside of Detroit). Speaking of possessives, I don't like when people use apostrophes for plurals, like tomato's or market's, etc. I've even seen that in German, which doesn't even use the apostrophe in possessives.
fugglewyg Posted December 29, 2008 Posted December 29, 2008 Mine are, Like some of you others have said the use of Legos - NO - its just lego - there is no s needed The ever increasing use on forums of 'meh' what the hell kind of word is that. If you can't use a proper word or words to say something then shut up and say nothing ! People who are late, poor punctuality is one of my biggest hates, which can be a problem as my misses is always late or messing around with stuff that can wait till later when we are trying to go somewhere. People who won't shut up when a film is on, you want to talk to me, then wait till it's finished.
Professor Flitwick Posted December 29, 2008 Posted December 29, 2008 Heres my list: Megablocks (surprised and disappionted it has yet to appear)People who can't be asked to look through two post to see the current outcome of the thread360 fanboys (not owners, fanboys)People who go 'U R...' instead of you arePeople who cough loudly, burp upon entering a room, grunt when sitting downChavs
AgentRick Posted December 29, 2008 Posted December 29, 2008 People who type in 1337-sp33k People who wear baseball caps backwards Transformers fans that continue to say the original series was the only good one after 25 years of equally good and bad series
Trexxen Posted December 29, 2008 Posted December 29, 2008 The ever increasing use on forums of 'meh' what the hell kind of word is that. If you can't use a proper word or words to say something then shut up and say nothing ! I think that "meh", be it fortunate or not depending on who you ask, is ingrained in internet society, and even reality, as much as "lol" or "brb" is. "Meh" is merely the written form of the exclamation sometimes used when something is mediocre, or just a longer version of "eh". Now, people that use it for "my" or "me"...THAT is annoying, but meh, it's not my problem. Anywho, a few more... Megabloks - I didn't put it in my original post because it's really self-explanatory -_- "Chavs", as many europeans call them - here they're referred to as "wangsters", "posers", or any number of other words that are generally used to demean the group. I seriously don't see what's so cool about walking around at the age of 14 talking about how many car windows you slashed while you were high last night before you went home and probably got an STD from your girlfriend - I mean, I'm a believer in freedom of expression, but I'm also free to express strong dislike for that kind of expression. =P Oh, and console fanboys in general. No, I don't care about how many more FPS you can get on a game on the PS3, I don't care that LittleBigPlanet and MGS4 are "superior" to Halo 3 and Gears Of War 2, and I don't give a crap that any other system has better graphics than the Wii. Every system is good, it just depends on what you're looking for. Online play? Grab a 360. Family fun? We like Wii. Technical junkie? PS3. (Me? I own a 360 and a Wii, and the Wii was my console of choice - and I do consider myself a hardcore gamer. Anyone who says the Wii is JUST for casual gamers is sorely, sorely mistaken.) ~Trexxen
AgentRick Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 Oh, and console fanboys in general. No, I don't care about how many more FPS you can get on a game on the PS3, I don't care that LittleBigPlanet and MGS4 are "superior" to Halo 3 and Gears Of War 2, and I don't give a crap that any other system has better graphics than the Wii. Every system is good, it just depends on what you're looking for. Online play? Grab a 360. Family fun? We like Wii. Technical junkie? PS3. (Me? I own a 360 and a Wii, and the Wii was my console of choice - and I do consider myself a hardcore gamer. Anyone who says the Wii is JUST for casual gamers is sorely, sorely mistaken.) Agreed, there's nothing worse than console wars and such. All three systems have their high points and flaws, and I still don't understand how people STILL continue to say the Gamecube was a terrible system (somewhat third-party support aside).
user Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 I Hate it when I am surfing through internet and out of nowhere giant bug eating platypuses starts chewing on my feet! If you are not a computerbug you would not understand!
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