March 17, 200915 yr I comment on the sets I own, since there is no reason to talk about the Death Star or Bionicle without having any of them. Favorite: Lots of pieces for a good price, my favorite colour, Marion minifig, Ark, very nice play features, nice stickers, very nice to display. Worst: Most of the constructions were a bit boring, minifigs were just ok, too many male figs (but the "Paradisa" girl was good!) - it was not bad but the worst I own.
March 18, 200915 yr Tsk, tsk, so many people are choosing licensed themes for their top favs. Best 08 set by far: That set had some of the best construction I have ever seen. Say what you will about Mars Mission, but this was a rare beauty among Space sets. Nabii designed it, which isn't surprising. Worst: I really regretted buying this set. The construction was kind of stupid, and it could barely stand up. The clone troopers it came with were creepy, and it was 30 effing dollars! No thanks.
March 18, 200915 yr My favourite 2008 set was 7037 Tower Raid: Great build with a lot of useful parts and 5 minifigs. The price has been raised now but before it was really good. Worst set (that I got) was 5618 Troll Warrior: Ugly cart with one of those stupid flick-fire missiles. I'm not a big fan of the trolls helmet and sword either.
March 18, 200915 yr Well I think it's been well established that Green Grocer was one of the best and Mr. Freeze's buggy was one of the worst, so while those might have been my picks I will do some others. For best it's a toss up between Volcano Base and Town Plan , but I think I'll go with Town Plan because I intend to keep it together longer than volcano base. So of the 2008 sets I bought there aren't many bad ones. The Mr. Freeze one was definitely the worst, but second worst would have to be Dark Panther I only bought it for the purple parts and even in that respect it was disappointing.
March 19, 200915 yr Best for 2008 (of all the sets I bought) has to be the Town Plan (if only for the Dark Green) Green Grocer is good also but I havent been able to afford one of those (or rather, I have been buying other things instead) Worst would have to be a Star Wars Clone Wars set (dont know which one), none of the clone wars sets have appealed to me at all.
March 19, 200915 yr For me the Green Grocer was the best. I'm a castle fan at heart, and I loved the Medieval Market Village but the build quality of the Green Grocer was without equal this year. That set was simply awe-inspiring. I don't feel qualified to select a "worst" set for 2008 simply because if a set looks uninspired or bland I try to avoid purchasing it.
March 25, 200915 yr My vote goes for the 7649 - Ultra Drill Walker. I would have actually voted for the Medieval Market Village / Castle Town Square, but officially it's 2009... Very difficult to nominate the worst sets... there are several themes which I absolutely hate, and everything in those theme could be the worst.
March 25, 200915 yr If I judge only the sets I own from last year, the best would by far be Dwarves' Mine, while the worst would be the Star Wars Imperial Dropship (which I didn't buy myself). But since I mostly got Castle-sets with just a few IJ, City and Star Wars -sets thrown in, I'm not much of a judge on the whole year. I concentrated mostly on buying the sets I had missed during my Dark Age and my poor childhood, like Harry Potter, Orient Expedition and those big castles.
March 25, 200915 yr As far as sets that I actually bought last year, I would say the Dwarf Mine was the best with the Tower Raid being a close second. Of course I mainly buy Castle, some Star Wars, and occasionally Creator sets for parts so my experience with the 2008 sets isn't very broad. I would probably say the MMV, but I didn't get it until late last week and I haven't had the chance to put it together yet. Edit to add:I would be hard pressed to pick a worst set. I usually don't buy sets I don't think I will like and I haven't really been let down by any sets. I suppose I was disappointed in the piece to price ratio of the Troll Warship but the set itself was nice. I bought the Twilight when it was half price and I haven't put it together yet, so there may still be disappointment. Edited March 25, 200915 yr by Tyrant
March 25, 200915 yr Well, Star Wars is the only thing I know. For the best, I would go with the AT-TE. Much like the more recent Trade Federation MTT (the one that was released in 06? 07?), the Clone Wars AT-TE is a great improvement over the old one in the 4000s series. It's just a nice display piece, detailed, and comes with Rotta the Hutlet! Maybe it's just my obsession with Star Wars walkers though. :) For the worst, I would be tempted to say the Twilight. But, Im going to give LEGO a free pass. I thought the model is a very good representation of what's in the movie, but what's in the movie is terrible looking. So I'll say the worst is the Magnaguard Fighter. Did we ever see it in the movie or cartoon? Overall, it just feels bland and boring. The minifigs are cool, but '09's Count Dooku Solar Sailer now gives you two Magnaguards.
March 26, 200915 yr Sorry to be boring and agree with previous posters, but I'll give equal first place for best set to the Death Star and Green Grocer - both beautifully designed, wonderful to build and bring a smile to my face every time I look at them ! Of the sets I bought, I was probably least impressed by Anakin's Starfighter - I'm looking at it right now and it's just not doing it for me. Of the sets I didn't buy, Rogue Shadow is probably the one I can't get my head round - it just looks like a random collection of bricks that an 8 year old might have thrown together. Maybe the pictures just don't do it justice ? I'm certain that this set will eventually be heavily discounted, perhaps at the end of the year, in which case I'll probably pick it up then and see if it wins me over ! Dr. D.
March 26, 200915 yr Considering the only sets I bought were race for the stolen treasure, the agents gold chase set, and racer X vs. some long asian name, I really can't say.
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