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I have to throw out an odd question... Sure, we kill bad people because they're in the way or putting us at risk, but would the rats? I mean, theoretically, they're government agents, that's not usually how they work. They might blackmail someone into helping them in return for less prison time or relocation or something, but do they just sneak up and kill the people they are investigating? That doesn't make sense to me. Why investigate us at all when they could just kill each of us instead, they know who we are... :look:

No, I think we've got another problem here. I think we're either being infiltrated by another family or one of us is trying to take over and put the blame on the dirty feds at the same time. Wouldn't that be awfully convenient?

I have a feeling that Richie is a rat.......he seems suspicious, he rarely talks and I have other suspicions against him......don't take my word for it......I could be wrong...... :wink:

Disregard my post above....sorry to say this, but I have a feeling that Adalaide is a rat! The clues point towards her.......but again, don't get mad if I'm wrong.......

Uh... Where is this coming from? *whispers to everyone else* Is someone paranoid?

*cough* So, LeAnn, how are you feeling today?

She killed Pwedro. No rat would uncover themselves like that.

Except Pedro had been rambling for a while about the wives not being above suspicion and then blammo. I bet a rat would kill a loyalist to shut him up if they thought their cover could be at risk of being exposed.

So, who to vote for? I think that the fronts are clear of suspsicion. There are only two left, and one of them was already a rat.

Thanks! It's nice to be trusted.

Sadly, I don't know who to vote for either.

Maybe that person who investigated Adalide doesn't want to give away his night action. :wink:


Although I could be right.......I need time to think....

You know, you keep flip flopping back and forth and I'll start to suspect that you're being blackmailed or are scared to just say what you think for some reason.

It could be possible that Adalaide is a killer for the Mafia. When she killed Pedro she ran out of bullets, so this morning she had to use a knife to kill Boyd, but then again its probably wrong because she was being tortured, so her night action, if she has one, would have been interrupted..... :wink: So that was a speculation.

You're all over the place today. Come up with a theory and stick to it. If you could find one with some facts behind it, that would be even better. We don't need confusion in this family.

I have to throw out an odd question... Sure, we kill bad people because they're in the way or putting us at risk, but would the rats? I mean, theoretically, they're government agents, that's not usually how they work. They might blackmail someone into helping them in return for less prison time or relocation or something, but do they just sneak up and kill the people they are investigating? That doesn't make sense to me. Why investigate us at all when they could just kill each of us instead, they know who we are... :look:

No, I think we've got another problem here. I think we're either being infiltrated by another family or one of us is trying to take over and put the blame on the dirty feds at the same time. Wouldn't that be awfully convenient?

Well the government has been trying to kill us, I think. Look what happened to Iris' relatives in Moonlight. They were contempt on killing us. Wasn't Darlene an agent herself? In the end I think its the rats' goal to make us kill each other until they have the advantage and they can simply kill everyone else. But why do the agents not storm the place and kill us all? Maybe they're afraid of killing the informants.

Despite my disagreement that the rats are not trying to kill us, I believe you could be right about another family. Honestly I would believe an agent to be much more subtle instead of blasting away with a Tommy Gun. That's what we decided it was, right? So I do think the person who killed poor Tony to be a mobster, if that's a suitable word. But we don't know where their loyalties lie.

Well the government has been trying to kill us, I think. Look what happened to Iris' relatives in Moonlight. They were contempt on killing us. Wasn't Darlene an agent herself?

We'd have to ask Iris for more details since she is the only one who was around back then, but as I understand it, it was the stupid citizens who were killing us and Darlene was just one of them. If she had been an agent, she probably wouldn't have been convicted of murder and put in jail with Iris. That dirty Sky character was around, but from what I understand he was working undercover looking for an arsonist and only got involved accidentally. I don't remember hearing of him killing anyone.

I've been trying to research the events of those days, but there are still a lot of things I don't understand, especially concerning where some of the key players disappeared to. It would be nice to track the rest of them down for a little street justice. :devil:

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The wives went to the park at noon to meet Iris, but she was nowhere to be seen.


"Can you lovely ladies give me directions to the cinema?" A stranger asked.

"Get bent, lady," was the reply.


"Ladies," the stranger continued, "It's me, Iris."

"What's wrong with you face?" Someone asked.

"It's a disguise." Iris explained. "I used to be in cosmetics, you know. I can't appear in public. I'm a fugitive. That pathetic Agent Sky will stop at nothing to find me since I killed his obnoxious wife, Darlene. :hmpf: "

"Maybe you shouldn't be dragging her arm around with you then." Someone suggested. "You know I have plyers..."

"Ladies..." Iris interrupted, "I have important information for you, but I'm not sure I want the men to know just yet..."

I have to throw out an odd question... Sure, we kill bad people because they're in the way or putting us at risk, but would the rats? I mean, theoretically, they're government agents, that's not usually how they work. They might blackmail someone into helping them in return for less prison time or relocation or something, but do they just sneak up and kill the people they are investigating? That doesn't make sense to me. Why investigate us at all when they could just kill each of us instead, they know who we are... :look:

No, I think we've got another problem here. I think we're either being infiltrated by another family or one of us is trying to take over and put the blame on the dirty feds at the same time. Wouldn't that be awfully convenient?

These are all very good points. I'm not sure that the informants would kill us either, but at the same time that we have to remember that informants were one time mafia members who probably have some sort of reason to need to trust the FBI. Let's face it, none of us would turn on the others without a good damn reason. Now, that said, the informants probably aren't scared to pack heat and kill loyal mafia members, but the FBI might not be pleased with them if they did this which would make their reason for being an informant void. If your theory is right, Tony was killed by a loyal member of our family OR another who is trying to take over or infiltrate us in some other way. *GASP*

The theory about "something else" going on could be plausible as well considering all the damn confusion today!

I feel we are just getting no where.

The best thing I can say is we vote for Quarrantnni, cause he has the best track record. :tongue:

So last night, two people came back late, one so far not so well explained.

Two killers and one dead.

I feel as though I should vote LeeAnn, but not sure. Any body else got "feelings"

There is a nasty investigator... LeeAnn came in late... perhaps she is the leg braker?

Regards, Cpt. PB

Zabrina came late, not LeAnn. Though I do believe unless LeAnn stops being so spastic, she may soon be worth voting for.

Zabrina came late, not LeAnn. Though I do believe unless LeAnn stops being so spastic, she may soon be worth voting for.

So perhaps, Zabrina might be the not so nice investigator...

Back to square one for my theories... There is just no information yet... we are all far to tight lipped to get anywhere!

Sure it is for good reason it just feels as though with out letting out a little we will make no ground.

Regards, Cpt. PB

I do think we should start forming some suspicions. We can't really trust anyone until we suspect them and look over their posts and such, and maybe suggest the investigator to look after them. Like the saying, goes, guilty until, blah, blah, blah. It's not that there are no suspects, there are just too many. Doing nothing won't help. God forbid we all vote for a loyalist, then at least we tried. After all, we're only protecting them, right Perry?

Hard call. I am just saying doing nothing is boring, why don't the rats just give in...

My offer still stands :grin: , Quick and Painless.

We can take it slow like you say, but then its like watching the paint dry.

Regards, Cpt. PB

Well, I don't see why we're looking for the investigator; we know that they're loyal to the mafia from what Adalaide has told us. The people we need to look for are the two killers - and we have to remember the possibility that they're both working for us, but one could have missed their mark while the other hit dead on - literally.

LeAnn's flip-flopping is suspicious, but she seems to have settled on someone now - LeAnn, are you as sure about Richie as you were about Boyd? If you are, I'm sure that there will be results tonight as well...


Well, I don't see why we're looking for the investigator; we know that they're loyal to the mafia from what Adalaide has told us. The people we need to look for are the two killers - and we have to remember the possibility that they're both working for us, but one could have missed their mark while the other hit dead on - literally.

LeAnn's flip-flopping is suspicious, but she seems to have settled on someone now - LeAnn, are you as sure about Richie as you were about Boyd? If you are, I'm sure that there will be results tonight as well...


These "subtle hints" are slowly becoming more evident...

I really am intrigued by this new girl gathering... when will I be in a special group :cry_sad:

Regards, Cpt. PB

So you're figuring it out? Good, I was wondering why it took so long...=P If you want, you could always send me a postal message and I could tell you if you're right or not...=P

Anyways though, I wouldn't be too bothered by the gathering - Iris is heading it, so it has to be for the good of the family, yes?


I wonder about that Iris...

An escape that easy... yeah right! Phht, she is probably a wire and doesn't know it!... MAYBE it is in the HAND...

Plot line ruined now hehehe...

I am sure it is all just to keep us guessing. Perhaps the girls can fill us in on what they find out.

Regards, Cpt. PB

Thanks for that information Iris. :wink: I won't tell anyone, you can count on it.

Today isn't a very good day for me that's all.....I'm still shaken up about Adalaide getting tortured...she's like my best friend..... :cry_sad:

Just IGNORE everything I've said. I'm not getting black mailed.....I just need some time to think.

Another change of mind, huh, LeAnn? I 'spose ya are getting a little bit suspicious. Maybe Inertiatieri not rushing to your side and defending you may make this easier if anybody chooses to vote for you. I personally hope it stays that way, at least for now. We wouldn't want Inertia coming in here and getting into some kind of scuffle with Perry, for instance. That would just be a shame... doing this civilized may be the best for all of us.

Thanks for that information Iris. :wink: I won't tell anyone, you can count on it.

Today isn't a very good day for me that's all.....I'm still shaken up about Adalaide getting tortured...she's like my best friend..... :cry_sad:

Just IGNORE everything I've said. I'm not getting black mailed.....I just need some time to think.

She's your best friend? You mean we're all best friends! Don't pick favorites dearie. It's wrong and rude, and no one likes it! Besides, it will effect your head dear. Must 'int let that happen, what with you always being correct and all.

This new information that we ladies have is VERY interesting! I think it will shed some new light on the situation. Why Iris wanted us to keep it secret is a mystery boys, but we ladies must have our secrets, no matter how random they may be!

Your my best friend too! :cry_happy: Ok, I need to explain myself, I'm loyal to the Mafia and voting for me would be stupid. Dwinckle even told me I'm loyal! :laugh: I'm not voting today as I can't find any clues......the clue I found out on Day 1 was that someone is cheating on their husband. That is all I know.

Hmm... with Boyd was that? And you're trying to find the women? I can officially put myself down as very in love with Trexxi, and I'm sure it wasn't ADelaide as she's assumed loyal to the Mafia. The information that you hold seem to put you in the clear... we've got to wives left, I think? Which one?

Boyd wasn't the man cheating.....so you could call it lucky..... :grin: We need to find this man and woman. Now remember this person could be sleeping with another person to get more information making that person a rat or that person enjoys sex....I don't know. :wink:

So... can we assuming the cheating wife is a rat, or the man she's cheating with is a rat?

This leaves three wives open for debate... assuming its not one of us, which I can promise you it's not. Really, trust me on this one like I trusted you on that Boyd one, alright dear?

Well, I'm not....although it could be our husbands....I don't really know. I was given this information from a certain Baritone..... :sadnew:

I assure you that my marriage to Zabrina is sincere - I would love no other woman, and I assure you that while I do enjoy sex, Zabrina fulfills in that aspect too... :thumbup:

Anyways, I've been thinking about the information we have for a while...So far there are two possible suspects, neither of which I'm really keen on voting...

Richie: Is very inactive, and plus was "targeted" by LeAnn. I don't know if she's lying to us or not, but her Boyd guess was correct, so who's to say she won't "get lucky" again?

LeAnn: Now, like I said, I don't like either of these options, but let's look at the facts. LeAnn seems to be very nervous about something, and though it could just be her getting worked up over what happened to Adalaide, which is understandable, it's...a bit confusing at this time. She's been flip-flopping over Richie, Adalaide, and my lovely Zabrina (grr), and claims to have just gotten lucky with Boyd, which means that however lucky she is, she still endangered someone by pointing them out without any tangible evidence.

I need more time, more clues...but we can get through this if we just think harder, I'm sure...


Sorry, I was just saying that EVERYONE is a suspect including my friend Zabrina. :classic: You can vote for me if you want, just know this: I am a Baritone and I know things most of you don't know. I'm voting for Richie.

So... can we assuming the cheating wife is a rat, or the man she's cheating with is a rat?

I dunno if we should be assuming that. It could just be a loyalist who's dishonest. Because honestly, I'm pretty sure people who aren't FBI informants like sex just as much as the next guy.

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