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So i recieved a few gift cards for Christmass and decided to save them for various sets coming out this year. I went to TRU to see if they had some Power Miners. Nothing. Cleaned out just like Target and wallmart. :sceptic: (with exeption of one banged up Crystal Sweeper whitch i already have.)

To my surprise, one of the employee's was putting up some Lego stock and one of them happened to be the new Combine Harvester. I quickly snatched it, gave the box a once over, and headed to the check out line.

Now that you've heard my little adventure, on with the review! :tongue:


Lets start with the box....


The back of the box...


Here you can see the build process of the Combine, as well as the "hay delivery system". More on that later.

Lets stat with the Combine itself without the harvester blade.




You can start to see all the detail that this set has. Here you also start to get a realization of just how big this bad boy is. Yes, it is big. VERY big. more on just how big this thing is later. :classic:

Now the Cab...


It uses a trans black or "tinted" reverse slope wind screen and tinted side windows. It gets preety hot harvesting those crops in the middle of crop season! Also, it uses the same reverse slope windshields in green on the side of the Combine. very cool. :thumbup: You also have some steps at both sides and some headlights, flood lighting and those popular little trans orange beacon lights.

Opening of the Cab...



You can accses the cab two ways. By either swinging open the side windows, or fliping up the front portion of the windshield. The later works the best at getting Mini Figs in and Out. Here you can see Hank getting ready for a days work out on the field!

Next we have the engine..


You also have a good view of the hay stack boom, as well as the rear standing platform. The boom is made out of techinc colars joined together by techinc pins and swings out. I like the rear standing platform. Good detail. I like the addtion of the side rails.

Ok, now remember the pictures of the hay that drops in the harvester that were on the back of the box? Here's how it works. You take off the top of the engine cover like so..


You then take the supplied 3x2 legobricks and drop them in the compartment like so....


...And they just fall out the bottom.


Thats it. I was expecting some kind of convyer belt, or puch button ejection system for the "hay" but alass... It all works by the "hand of god" so to speak.

In this shot you can also see the rear of the Combine. Some caution stickers, tail lights, and even a hitch. Though it doesn't come with a trailer, its a nice touch.

Ok, lets get to the harvester blade.


This sucker is big. Including the endcap bricks, It measures 34 studs long! :oh3: Thats 2 Studs wider than a standard lego baseplate! :oh: Its attached to the Combine by technic pins. The blades turn when the Machine is pushed along the ground.

One thing that should be noted about the blades. There nothing more than standard flex tube on an octagon wheel. But TLC screwed up a bit. They cut them slightly short and as a result, the very ends are barley being held on.


Here we have a shot of everything together!


Now lets get back to the emense size of this machine. Considering the blade takes up more than an intire baseplate, transporting this thing from field to field is going to take some speacail care. Enter the heavy quipment transport team.


They have the equipment to move the biggest machines TLC has to offer. They also have all the nessisary permits.


They arrived this afternoon with two rigs ready to move the new combine and its masive blade to an awaiting field to be harvested.

Combine disasembling for transport...


Harvester blade loaded ready for transport...


Now comes loading the Combine itself..


Even the speacail transport team take a step back to take in the masive size of this machine. Man, she a big one! :laugh:


All loaded up ready for transport!


Ahh.... Now here is what this machine was made for! Cutting down those big fields of the country side. Looks a bit more at home don't ya think? :sweet:



Ok. So lets break it all down.


-Very sturdy model

-Modular design means easier transport,

-Exellent and i mean exellent detail! By far one of the most detailed models TLC has ever made. Simply beautful! :wub: ----Big size means great playability for kids!

-Uniqueness. I don't believe TLC has ever made a Combine Harvester in its city line up before and if they have, it hasn't been for for at least a couple of decades.


-Big size means less playability for many adults. :laugh:

-Big size makes it a bit hard to fit into a classic town layout

-Lame hay dropper-thingy. For the price, and playability, they should have had some kind of mechanical ejection device. maybe somthing simular to the depth charge ejection system seen in the creator submarine a couple years back.

-Price!!!! This machine retails for...... Ready?.......

$46.99!! USD I never checked the price before i went to the checkout lane. I was in shock when she told me my total. I almost put it back, but i figured i'd eventualy buy it anyways. So swiped my gift card and went on my way.

So there it is folks. I have a feeling your either going to love it, or hate it. Personally i really like it. It might even make its way to my desk at work for display.

Wow! *huh* I'm so excited to see this. I will comment more later, but this needs to go on the front page. Thanks, buddy, for sharing this review with Eurobricks. :sweet:

  • Author

No problem! Thanks for putting it upon the front page!

To my surprise, one of the employee's was putting up some Lego stock and one of them happened to be the new Combine Harvester. I quickly snatched it, gave the box a once over, and headed to the check out line.

Yay! It's so :wub:

Must. Have. Farm sets. :oh3:

You can start to see all the detail that this set has. Here you also start to get a realization of just how big this bad boy is. Yes, it is big. VERY big. more on just how big this thing is later. :classic:

People don't always realise how large proper farm equipment is. They think of those little tractors and such and imagine everything is to that scale. This is surprisingly close to realistic, I'm incredibly surprised and happy about that.


-Big size means less playability for many adults. :laugh:

-Big size makes it a bit hard to fit into a classic town layout

People are just going to have to Town up and make room for this bad boy, it looks to be well worth it. :sweet:

love your review. like your style of writing and how you integrated other sets into a "play scheme".

on the other hand would have appreciated more shots of the set itself, like special pieces, detailed views, etc.

about the set, i do think it's a little pricey too. =)

This review is simply so amazing! Outstanding review with lots of good angles of this lovely harvester which I have perceived it to be ugly. However, this review of yours have changed the way I viewed this harvester, and I must admit that this is one powerhouse harvester that rocks on the field by its mass scale and detail found in this very set. Unlike traditional classic town sets, which are small in size. I can see that TLG is moving towards more bigger and precise scale which can be seen in our current envirnoment. :sweet:

The last section of your review is a bonus to us all, and you have defintely put those construction vehicles/trailers into very good use. :thumbup:

Once again, thanks for taking your time to do this outstanding review and I hope you are pleased to know that it has made its way to Classic-Town.net :wub:

It's a good model with plenty of detail, but considering the scale and price of the model, I think some simple Technic functionality would have made it a lot better, like connecting the harvesting blades to the wheels (so they would spin when the harvester moved).

I love your review though and how you brought in the other sets too. :thumbup:

Great review, and I liked how you integrated the City Construction Site truck and your own MOC at the end :classic:

I am looking forward to Farm arriving very soon, and this set is definitely a must-have :wub: The green and white colour combination is distinctive and the whole look of the machine is impressive.

As I've said elsewhere, Lego should release yellow antennae onto Pick-A-Brick so people can bulk up on crop parts and have something tangible to harvest.

Hmm... while the set is as wonderful as I imagined, that price point is harsh! And it looks like I'll have to clear a bigger spot on my layout than I realized :tongue: .

  • Author
People don't always realise how large proper farm equipment is. They think of those little tractors and such and imagine everything is to that scale. This is surprisingly close to realistic, I'm incredibly surprised and happy about that.

People are just going to have to Town up and make room for this bad boy, it looks to be well worth it. :sweet:

Agreed. I really do apreaciate that TLC did this model in true scale versus trying to make it smaller to fit in some "classic" towns. The detail is just amazing!

love your review. like your style of writing and how you integrated other sets into a "play scheme".

on the other hand would have appreciated more shots of the set itself, like special pieces, detailed views, etc.

about the set, i do think it's a little pricey too. =)

Thank you! Now that i look back, i don't have to many detailed shots of the set itself. I'll work on that tomorrow! If you have any speacail shot requests just let me know!

This review is simply so amazing! Outstanding review with lots of good angles of this lovely harvester which I have perceived it to be ugly. However, this review of yours have changed the way I viewed this harvester, and I must admit that this is one powerhouse harvester that rocks on the field by its mass scale and detail found in this very set. Unlike traditional classic town sets, which are small in size. I can see that TLG is moving towards more bigger and precise scale which can be seen in our current envirnoment. :sweet:

The last section of your review is a bonus to us all, and you have defintely put those construction vehicles/trailers into very good use. :thumbup:

Once again, thanks for taking your time to do this outstanding review and I hope you are pleased to know that it has made its way to Classic-Town.net :wub:

Thanks WhiteFang! Yes, i feel very honored to have my review featured on Classic Town! Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the review!

It's a good model with plenty of detail, but considering the scale and price of the model, I think some simple Technic functionality would have made it a lot better, like connecting the harvesting blades to the wheels (so they would spin when the harvester moved).

I love your review though and how you brought in the other sets too. :thumbup:

Thank you! Yup, thats probbly my main gripe with this set. For the price some kind of mechanical ejection device for the hay, or the harvester wheel should have been conected to the wheels like you sugjested. That would have made the model a bit more enjoyable and added to the playability.

Well, first of all, I want to say thanks for posting this review. I found myself just today wondering when the farm sets would appear. To those who gasp at the price point it's important to recognize that this set was purchased at a TRU. I'd imagine that the MSRP on it will be 39.99 and the price given is TRU's hike. Given the size of the set, I find 39.99 to be about what I would've expected to pay, if not a little less than what I expected.

  • Author
Well, first of all, I want to say thanks for posting this review. I found myself just today wondering when the farm sets would appear. To those who gasp at the price point it's important to recognize that this set was purchased at a TRU. I'd imagine that the MSRP on it will be 39.99 and the price given is TRU's hike. Given the size of the set, I find 39.99 to be about what I would've expected to pay, if not a little less than what I expected.

No problem. I'm glad everyone is enjoying the review. :classic: Your defenatly right about TRU's price increase. Now that you meantion it, i nocticed that the Power Miners Crystal Sweeper was $79.99 and everywear else it sells for $69.99. Don't know why TRU increases the prices so much over eveyone else. Unfortunutly, this is one of those "speacail edtion" sets that will only be avaible through TRU for the first few months of its release. Guess thats why they figure they can charge a bit more.

Very nice review. I probably won't get it due to the shear size of it, but I must say it is quite magnificent looking. The color scheme is perfect :wub:

Are my eyes deceiving me, or are the good old non-slitted Technic pin joiners back?

If someone gave me this set, I would add a proper hay-laying mechanism and share how to build it with all of you. :wink:

Thanks for the review.

Wow that thing looks huge!! Quite a bit too pricey.

It really wouldn't fit in a town because it's huge! But would it would fit oh so perfectly in a field of green.

Thanks for this great review with absolutely exciting field photos. This is my most wanted set for 2009, and, after seeing all those perfect details, I decided to create my own agriculture company. One harvester is not enough, I want at least 4!

this looks great.

no huge <insert that tiresome argument> parts and a sturdy build!

and of course this is the first time TLC has given us something like this!

i am probably not going to get this set as i am running out on space here and i decided to only get the sets i am crazy about..

thanx for the review

but why is this a limited edition?

Are my eyes deceiving me, or are the good old non-slitted Technic pin joiners back?

I'm afraid not, look carefully in the 5th photo and you can see that he turned all of the slits down :sadnew: . Oh well.

This set is one of my facourite city sets this year :thumbup::wub: City is deffinately stepping up a notch this year!

Great review btw :thumbup::classic:

Dear 5150 Lego,

thanks for your great review! :thumbup:

Due to your review, I'm more positive about this set than I was before.

I was planning to pass this one, but now I'm seriously thinking about buying one.

It even inspired me to read some material about combine harvesters.

Kind regards,


I'm sorry to see that LEGO didn't do more out of the hinge and removability of the cutters. In real life the cutters have wheels and a hinge. When the machine needs to be transported to another field, they usually just drive it there with the cutters latched on behind as a trailer. It's also a pity they didn't put in some mechanism to drive the cutters as you drive the harvester along, could easily have been accomplished with a pair of small wheels and a pair of rubber bands.

It's nice to see that they didn't hold back on size however. They're far bigger than most large trucks, and usually too wide for the few roads where you might see one travelling (they're still road-legal, though!). So seing on "to scale" is refreshing.

Wow, thank you for posting a review on that set, though I want it really badly, I probably won't come up with $46.99 for it. I don't even have room for the blade, not even on any of my shelves.

What a great set! :wub: A great review as well! :thumbup: Thanks! This set is massive. I'm defianitly going to collect the Farm theme! :sweet:

Thanks so much for the great review!

This bad boy almost belongs to the Model Team theme, not a mini-fig scale System theme. Really impressive design though, even if it is way too big for my town.

It gets preety hot harvesting those crops in the middle of crop season!

I worked for a farmer for a couple of summers back in high school, and I actually got the drive the combine. The one I drove was air conditioned. It's a pretty easy job. It's a lot like mowing a huge lawn. Now most combines have GPS in them, and they'll steer themselves, making it even easier!

Thanks for the review! :cry_happy:

I'm really loving this farm theme, and this set is no different. The colors look great and the design of the harvester is very nice as well.

It'll be nice to do some peaceful farming after all of that police and fire work. :tongue:

The price is a bit high, but if it's $40 at S@H it will be reasonable. :classic:

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