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pr0:"The clavary has arrived!"

With only 2 clones left the group ran up to meet jifel...

Dooku:"Stop them! Magna guards cut off their escape now!"

Thanks for changing your post :classic: Please take notice in future.

Wouwie: ''Let's go to the hangar bay! Maybe there's a ship we can use to get out of here!''

Oky: ''This way!''

Wouwie: ''Wait! They didn't searched my hidden pockets! I've got some charges! I'm planting some to make sure no-one can follow us! Cover me!''

Jim: ''Be sure to do it fast!''

Wouwie: ''Done! I set the charges for 15 seconds! Go around the corner!''


Wouwie: ''Let's get moving!''

They ran the hanger and heard a roaring noise.

Oky: More monsters?

Jim: No, just the Fortitude!

The Fortitude swooped toward the escapees. The rear door opened and JD jumped out along with some ewoks.

JD: Nokata poodoo!

The ewoks fired rocks at the Magna Guards as the group boarded the ship. The ewoks leapt back inside and the Fortitude took off. Dooku was not happy.

Dooku: Send droid fighters to destroy them once and for all!

The group relaxed and got used to the new presence of the ewoks. Then Sparky shouted

Sparky: Droid fighters and bombers incoming!

Edited by Jammiedodger714

Garviel was led into a turbolift with the professor and several droid escorts. half way up the tower, the hologram of Dooku appeared, "Ah its you," He said to Garviel "It appears your friends have decided to go without you, don't worry though, I've sent them a few gifts." He smiled then turned to the genetisist "Gideon, I assume the evacuation is going well, we cannot delay this test any longer."

"We are almost done, my lord. We just has to move some specimens and we'll be done."

"You better have. A lot is riding on this project, it better not be a disaster as some...things were. " Garviel noticed Dooku's eyes staring at him, surely he couldn't have ment the time machine?

The hologram flickered off and the turbolift doors opened. It was a small hanger with a small personal transport in it.

As everyone walked towards it, it suddenly exploded, bits of debris crushed several battle droids. Everyone turned to see what caused the explosion and Loken could faintly see the familiar wedge shape of his Jedi starfighter. It fired again, this time its laser cannons and blew apart more droids.

Seeing his moment Garviel punched Gideon in the face and ran to his ship, got in and flew away from the hanger.

"Thanks for the rescue R3, lets try and save the others."

He quickly caught up with the fortitude still trying to escape, it had been damaged by the Droid fighters. Garviel fired his cannons and Vaped the 3 remaining ones. "Open the hanger door, I'm coming in to land."

Edited by simonjedi

Bob walked back to his quarters. He changed back into his normal armor, and took out his spare blaster rifle. He slung it around his back, and used his other gun as a crutch. His leg hurt, but it would heal after a rest.

He went to the bridge, where he was before, and watched as the group zoomed across the forest tops. It looked like they had given the droid fighters the slip. Bob decided there was nothing he could do, and headed to the Medbay to get his leg looked at.

On board the Fortitute:

Rex: "It's Loken, Sir, he wants to land in the hangar."

Pr0: "Let him."

Rex: "Yes, Sir!" He pressed the button to open the hangar bay doors. A few minutes later, Garviel came running into the room. He said: Guys, we have to go to Sector 12! I just came from there; there is a secret underground lab. Adam is still there! We have to go and save him!"

Thok: "Alright, let's do it! What do you say, Jim?" Everyone looked around. "Er... Where is Jim? And where is Oky? Weren't they right behind us?"

Bob: "Oh no! We have to go back for them!"

Wouwie turned on his comlink and said: "Oky, Jim, can you hear me? Where the hell are you?"

Back inside the bunker of Sector 15:

Oky: "We hear you, Wouwie. We stayed at the CIS base. We have to find out what Dooku is up to! We have been through too much already to just leave this place!"

Wouwie: "Alright. We'll get Adam and come back for you guys."

Jim: "Roger that!"

And so, the two snuck back to where they left Count Dooku...

The Fortitude landed in the hanger, that moments before Loken had blasted away from, parts of Gideon's transport was still on fire, but there was no sign of Gideon.

"Garviel, you know this base better than us, take Thok, Wowie and some clones and find Oky and Jim. We'll find Adam."

There were several nods of approval. "Wait before we go, Dooku mentioned something about a test and I downloaded something, from Trexxon's monument. I want to know what it is" Said Garviel "Some data is already in R3's memory banks"

"Ok Garviel, we'll contact you if we get anything, may the force be with you all."

Bob ran through the halls to find Adam.

Never a dull moment with these people...He thought.

They finally reached the labs, where Adam was. He was in a tank filled with some sort of liquid. Suddenly, a man popped up with a gun.

"You will never get out of here alive....We will have more test subjects I suppose then..." He said.

JD:"You fool! we outnumber you 10 to one!"

pr0 ignited his lightsaber as JD aimed his gun with wouwie and the few clones left to back him up.

Stranger:"You are right..."

The stranger pointed the tube at Adam's bacta tank.

Stranger:"You move and he dies."

pr0:"he can mantain the shot for a while."

Stranger:"Wrong th tests I have run on him and injured him both physical and mentally!"

With a quick reation JD shot the genetists gun out of his hand and shot his leg.

THe clones gathered around the genetist whom was alive but in great pain.

pr0:"Great shot JD! Now you scum, what did you do with Adam?"

"Ill never tell you!" He said.

"Well, why not?" Bob asked.

"It's all in the name of science!" he answered.

"What science is this?" JD asked.

"All I know, is that reinforcments are on the way here. You'll killed!" he said.

"We'll just have to take both of you with us then!" pr0 said.

The team detached the tank, and added it's levatation feature. Then they all walked out of the lab, headed for the hanger.

''Magna droids! Watch out!'' shouted a clone.

''Pr0! Can you handle them for a while so that we can flank them?!'' Wouwie asked.

''Yeah! Go!'' Pr0 answered.

Wouwie and 2 clones flanked the magna's from the left, while JD, Bob and the rest flanked them from the right. A few shots in the back were enough to destroy the Magna's.

''Now, let's move on to the hangar!'' JD said

pr0:"I hate these robots! Why cant they be puny droids!"

pr0 sliced through one of them and forced push it towards another magna droid killing both. He ended with a force repulse which threw the droids into the air.

pr0:"That felt good!"

Wouwie:"Time to go!"

pr0:"Rex call the gunships to evac at the hangar and call Oky on his current location, we need to stabalise Adam and than find him!"

As the last magna droid fell, pro, wouwie, JD, Bob and the rest retreated back down the corridor to the hangar, when the sound of tramping battle droids reached them.

Pro ignited his lightsaber, but jifel halted him.

"There is no time! We have to go now! And seriously, WHY did you have to wish for regular battle droids?"


Edited by jifel

Meanwhile, Oky and Jim walked quickly but quietly through the hall ways of the Separatist compound. "You know what's odd?" Oky asked Jim "This place... It seems really old! At least a few centuries old. But all the technology looks like it had been installed yesterday!" "Maybe this was an old temple and the Seps just turned it into a base" suggested Jim. "You're probably right. but what are they up to?" "That's what we're hopefully about to find out... Wait - What's that?" Jim paused. There were voices coming from behind one of the doors. The door was of an ancient kind, the one where the door was mounted on hinges, and it was slightly open. Oky and Jim peeked inside and saw Dooku kneeling in front of a hologram of his master. Unfortunately, the Sith Lord was cloaked so that they couldn't see who it was. Dooku proceeded to say: "... and I have that foolish scientist believe that this "test" will be an experiment to test a new weapon, but it's really just a way of burning everything around here down and destroy any evidence that we were ever here." Darth Sidious said: "Good... good... And do you have it?" "Yes, my lord," replied Dooku and held up an old holocron. "I finally found it after searching through this entire ancient Sith temple! It was in a secret basement. Now, with the knowledge from this holocron, we will be able to locate the Xonohr relic!" "Excellent" said Darth Sidious. Suddenly, the holocron was lifted out of Dooku's hand and flew right into Jim's. Jim quickly stuffed it in his pocket and shouted: "RUN!"

Oky stood there for a second, trying to understand what had just happened. Then he realized that Jim had used the force to steal the holocron from Dooku, and now Dooku was after them. He snapped out of it and started running after Jim. Dooku was right behind them, firing force lightning at them, but fortunately he missed. Jim took out his lightsaber and cut through a pillar while running past it. The pillar collapsed, and with it, a section of the hallway. "That'll hold him off for a while" said Jim. "Now let's just hope that the others are on their way back!"

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

pr0:"Get on the gunship now! You clone put Adam into out bacta tank!"

The clones and wouwie helped lift Adam out of the bacta tank while JD and the rest covered them.

Adam:"Wouwie! Dook..si..t..h....ar....i.....act."


With that Adam passed out as he was lifted into the bacta tank.

pr0:"Get out of here now!"

Everyone got in as the gunship flew off

JD:"Pilot! Mark this cccrdinates! This is Oky's location go there..."

Clone :"This is the shadow!(One of the venators in space) We have been over run by seperatists forces! We need..."

pr0:"Hello!?! Pilot increase that signal!"

Clone pilot:"Sir, their readings read that they have been destroyed."

The gang looked up into the sky as they saw the venators falling and more CIS ships coming out of hyper space.


pr0:"Our fight has just become far more difficult..."

"Alert the Jedi Council to our situation! Launch all the empty escape pods at the incoming droid fighters!" said a desparate Obi Wan "We need to jump to hyperspace now!" There was a crackling from his comlink. "Anakin? Has your cruiser taken damage?" "We have lost engines three and five. The hangar has been obliterated! We cannot get out!" "Get down to the planet, we'll be back soon! You can do it Anakin." *comlink shuts down* "Master? Master?! We lost communications. Set the ship down on the planet." "Yes sir." replied the clone pilot.

The group were unaware of the current situation of Anakin's cruiser. All they could see was a Venator coming through the atmosphere.

JD: That thing will never land! It is going too fast!

Teebee: Get clear of the area. That will be a huge fireball any second.

JD: Crap! It is speeding up!

pr0: Pilot. What are our chances?

Pilot: Umm. One in a hundred?

JD: Wait. I recognize that ship. It cannot be!

jifel: Who is it?

Edited by Jammiedodger714

pr0:"Well, looks like Anakin has decided to show up!"


pr0:"Pilot get to those coordinates now! We need to clear Oky and get out of here as fast as possible!"

Pilot:"What about general Skywalker?"

JD:"He propably has the situation under control!"

Back at the other hangar...

Oky:"Where are they?....Woah! Thats a huge ship!"

Jim:"Thats skywalker's ship! He must be in..."

Dooku:"Trouble? Well my master sent reinforcements to make sure your escape was inevitable."

Jim:"Thanks for the consideration but I prefer to keep it."

Oky:"Thats not up to you!"

Dooku:"It will bw once you both die!"

With that Dooku drew his lightsaber and the duel was on :classic:

JD: Skywalker.

He flared with anger as he said it.

Tee-Bee: You mean the the jedi?

Jifel: Of course he does!

JD: Skywalker!

He was obviously mad about something, but no one knew what.

Tee-Bee: JD, we gotta get out of here.

JD drew a pistol and began firing.

Jifel: Snap out of it.

Tee-Bee shook him.

JD: I guess we do need to get out of here.

They began running. They'd ran a couple hundred meters when a cis ship began coming down at them head on.

Tee-Bee: What is it? Crash a cruiser on Trexxon day!

The CIS ship slammed into the ground, hurling the group back in a cloud of dust.


(found on wookiepedia)

Jifel noticed with dismay that his already battered chestplate had been broken clean in two when he was hurled into a tree, leaving a long purple bruise under the cracked remains and skin tight clothes beneath it.

TeeBee lent him a hand, peeling off the destroyed armour, and the front plate with it.

Finally, the group reorganised.

Jifel was first to speak up. "Well, what now? Find Ren Luun, find dooku, or find the rest of your team? Im just a commander, you know!"


  • Author

"The Republic has meddled in our affairs for too long." said Dooku "Now you will have to pay the price."

Butcher ignited his lightsaber, and Oky Wan pulled out his blaster.

"You cannot possibly believe that you can win" taunted the Count. "I am an all-powerful Sith lord, while you... are just a few Republic agents."

"Maybe we can't beat you..." said Jim. "But he can!"

Ren Luun jumped from behind an expensive-looking machine in the wide hallway, lightsaber ignited. He slashed at Dooku while in the air, but the Count swiftly moved to the side.


The duel began. Butcher and Luun attacked together, slashing high and low, left and right, but Dooku blocked every one. Meanwhile, Oky Wan was trying shoot Dooku, but Jim and Luun were in the way.


Dooku eventually forced pushed Jim and Oky Wan across the hall, and the duel was between Luun and Dooku.


The duel's pace got faster and faster, until it became a blur or green and red. Luun took a lunge at Dooku, but the Sith jumped over Luun, and cut him in the back, not all the way through.


The Jedi was undoubtedly dead. Dooku stepped over to Jim and Oky Wan, and prepared for the finishing blow.


Just then, Anakin Skywalker came charging in the hallway door, lightsaber ignited.

"Not this time, Dooku!" he called out.


"Ah, what a surprise, Skywalker." the Count said calmly. "But you've made a mistake by coming here. It was all for nothing, since you'll all be dead in a few moments."

With that, he turned tail and ran towards the hallway's opposite doorway, using the force to bring rocks from the ceiling to block it. Oky Wan quickly got up and shot at the Count, but it was too late.


Skywalker checked Luun's vitals, and let out a sad sigh. He turned, and said

"We have to get out of here. Dooku is probably planning on blowing everything up, to hide the evidence".

Jim quickly got up.

"Do you have a ship?" he asked.

"No, but we could check the landing bay, I know where it is. A clone battalion is holding off the droid forces as we speak".

"Alright, lead the way" said Oky Wan.

They got to the hangar bay without incident, but there were no ships to be found. Skywalker cursed.

"Transport or no transport, we have to get out of here, as soon as possible." he said.

The three ran towards the opening of the bay, and jumped. The fall was about 20 feet, but fortunately some low-lying bushes softened their fall. They somersaulted down a small hill, and sprinted as fast as they could towards the forest. They got past the first trees just in time, and quickly ducked behind a few boulders. They heard the first of the explosions, and turned around to see them. The giant balls of flame were tremendous, and chunks of scrap metal were hurled everywhere.

Once the metal rain had lessened, the group headed north, deeper into the forest. After a while, they came to a small ship in a clearing, without any droid encounters on the way. The ship looked large enough to hold all three of them, so Anakin open the door with the force, and they climbed in. With Skywalker at the controls, they headed towards the sky, and, they hoped, towards The Fortitude.

JD:"That is not good either..."

The base blew up as the flame covered everything in its midst.

pr0:"Get Oky on the phone! I can still fell his prescence."

JD tapped into the comlink and called Oky.

Oky:"JD! We are going to the fortitude now!"

JD:"Right than!"

pr0 looked up as the gunhip headed to the fortitude. He knew the battle wont last long and that they might not make it out alive.

pr0:"Jd can you pass the comlink to me?"



pr0:"Do I have permission to call reinforcements?"

Oky:"From where?"

pr0:"Say the word and you will find out!"

  • Author

"What is he saying?" asked Jim.

"He wants to get reinforcements" replied Oky Wan.

"What for?"

"That." said Anakin, pointing to the sky through the cockpit window. He was pointing at a massive space battle occurring just above the atmosphere, and it didn't look good for the Republic. About a half dozen CIS cruisers surrounded the two remaining Republic Destroyers. The small cruiser that Butcher, Kenobi, and Skywalker were in flew into space, right in the middle of the battle.

"Master, come in" said Anakin through the comm link.

"What is it?" the Jedi master answered. Oky Wan shifted uncomfortably.

"Luun is dead, and Dooku got away. But I have two Republic agents with me, and their team wants to get reinforcements".

"No. No, we can't afford to lose more soldiers, we have to pull out of this one" said Obi Wan from one of the Venators.

"Yes, master", said Anakin, turning the comm link off and turning around to speak with Jim and Oky Wan "Tell your team to pull out".

"Alright", said Oky Wan. As he delivered the message, Anakin asked,

"So, what was Dooku doing here, anyway?"

Butcher smiled.

"I was hoping you'd ask that" he said. "He was looking for this". Jim pulled out the mysterious artifact from his belt.

Anakin's eyes widened.

"That's a Sith holocron! We have to get that to the Jedi temple on Coruscant, where it will be safe. No doubt that the Seperatists will be on our tail as soon as they gather reinforcements".

"Alright", said Jim.

The two Venators, The Fortitude, and the small ship retreated from the CIS cruisers, and prepared for hyperspace. Within seconds, the four ships disappeared with a flash.

On board a CIS cruiser, Dooku stepped into the control room.

"What's the situation?" he asked.

A droid commander answered,

"Sir, the remaining forces got away" in a squeaky, mechanical voice.

"Hmm..." the Count said to himself. "Not to worry, I know exactly where they're going".

Somewhere in space...

The four ships ended their jump through hyperspace. They had landed somewhere near the center of the galaxy, a few parsecs away from Coruscant.

Dannik peered out of a window in The Fortitude. Alongside two Venators, he saw his ship being flown by Anakin Skywalker.

As the two ships docked in the Venator containing Obi, Ani, Jim and Oky there was a feeling of unrest in the republic gunship. pr0 looked at JD and thought why he hated the most heroic jedi to have lived. JD payed no attention and thought up a plan.

Edited by Jammiedodger714

As the lone survivor of the 406th legion, as it was already under strength after several encounters with grevious, commander Jifel had no idea what his future with the war was. He secretly hoped he would be transferred to another legion, perhaps even the legendary 501st. Then ago, perhaps he would be trained as an ARC commando. But ultimately, his job was to follow orders, and whatever the jedi had in mind for him, he would follow it.

Now, he stared out the Rear Observation Blister, when his comm chimed.


Edited by jifel

As the gang met up and JD watched Ani going to the bridge to find Obi, JD made his thoughts clear. "I am not working with him. Too dangerous." he said grudgingly. "I agree, lets stay away." said Thok, "He won't do us any good!" "Well, I cannot trust you or the clones either. You are a clone Thok, and I don't trust your kind." "Enough! Skywalker can tell us more about that...thing. We have to trust him." said a frustrated Jim Butcher " I am sorry. No can do. Being here with Anakin and being on Coruscant is too...depressing for me. I need a break." and JD turned and walked away. The gang started to talk about JD and his change in character since the time machine. What had happened to him?

Feel free to emphasize your character's feelings on JD's behaviour. :classic: It would kinda help for what I am planning.

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