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Garviel's fighter flew to the coordinates given to him by Jim and smiled at the familiar sight of the fortitude. It had been a busy week, after being arrested, freed and planet hopping, and he was still shocked at what happened in the temple, but everyone was to regroup on Raxus Prime. He had heard rumours that grevious was in pursuit and after what happened on felucia where he single handedly destroyed the group, we would need all the help we could get.

"R6" he called to his Astromech "Find a spot to land" and his Astromech whistled in conformation.

After a quick catch up and greetings, the group was in the fortitude's briefing room discussing the plans, R6 has scanned the surrounding area before landing and everyone was in debate at the best path to take

"This route would be quicker" muttered Oky pointing to a large area mostly free of junk

"perfect site for an ambush though" countered JD " There's a lot of cover here but its dangerous terrain for the walkers"

"What's that" questioned Jim pointing to a grate a few metres north of the area

"Drainage system apparently" Jifel replied "it runs right under the invasion force and there's an exit close to our objective. The only problem with it i can think of is the smell. "

"Sewers it is then," said Jim "We'll take a squad or two of ARC's with us. The rest will keep the clankers off our backs. The ships will have to be moved to a safe location while we're down there. Meet at the grate in 15 minutes. dismissed."

15 minutes later...

As planned the group met outside the sewer grate, where a clone had began to burn through the grate. The sounds of a battle beginning echoed in the distance. The grate fell off with a clang "Ok, get headlights on, check each others back, watch for hostiles and go."

They entered the sewers.

The group had moved down the sewers for half an hour now and had yet met any hostiles. there as a fork in the road a few metres up a head

"Hold here" said the clone in front "scanner will tell us which way to go." The sergeant and the clone holding the scanner walked forward into the north tunnel. There was a sound of sabers igniting and a clone helmet fell past Garviel's feet.

"You thought you could flank us republic scum" said a familiar voice

"Grevious" muttered Jim

General grevious emerged from the shadows with his lightsabers drawn "The sewers will be your grave" Before he lunged forward his eyes focused on the group. He paused. He was thinking. " I've killed you before."

Oky glanced at JD "He remembers what happened on Felucia."

The clones stepped forward. "go to the objective generals, we'll hold him off."

The group ran down the west tunnel, ignoring the sounds of blaster fire and screams. Then there was silence.

As the group were running, Jim said, "So much for the elite 212th. More importantly, how the hell does he remember what happened?"

"Um I think I know--" JD said but was interupted by Wouwie

"A paradox perhaps?"

"Another one? Too much of a coincidence."

"Listen! I saw a symbol in the downed cruiser. A Rodian symbol."

"Was that friend you bumped into that time travelling bounty hunter?" asked Oky

"Yes. And he has another t--"

"*Comlink beeps* Sir! We are under attack! Atleast two dozen Commando Droids! We need assistance now!"

"We are in the sewers! I'll get Jaina to come down from the Venator with reinforcments!" said Oky

"Hurry! We cannot hold out much longer. They have wiped out most of our units!"

"Five minutes!"

"Roger that! Cardy out!"

"*Commlink beeps* Jaina?"

"Yes Oky?"

"Come down here with some troops! Cardy needs help! Meet us at sector 4! There has been a diversion!"

"By the downed cruiser?"

"Yes. Bring the best troops. General Grievous and the rodians are here."

"Roger that Oky. Jaina out."

"This way! To the left!"

The group ran into the darkness.

Edited by Jammiedodger714

The group reached the exit of the sewers, Jim cut through the grate with his lightsaber and force pushed it out. Garviel was glad to get out, it stank in the sewers and wasn't in a rush to go back especially with grevious lurking in there. He really didn't want to know how he remembered us but he knew grevious wasn't someone who would let someone who survived him live.

"Garviel look" Oky said pointing to a temple mostly covered in layers of junk. "There it is, the last piece of the relic is in there. Destroy it and Dooku will lose the chance of becoming powerful"

They walked towards the door way of the temple, pulled the huge stone doors open and entered.

Edited by simonjedi

They continued to run through the sewers. "So, anyway, I think that Grievous might remember us because he was with us when we created the Paradox that reset everything" said Oky. "Or he could have had contact with someone who remembers. I don't know. I'm not an expert on space/time paradoxes after all, just an engineer. But it doesn't matter how he remembers; what's important is the mere fact that he does and that he will be even more determined to stop us." "Wait a minute guys" Wouwie interrupted him. "I'm confused! Wasn't the whole point of this expedition to find Grievous and find out what he is up to? If so, why are we running away from him?" "Because," Oky explained, "there are flammable chemicals running through these sewers! If we start a fight in here, we could cause an explosion. We have to lure Grievous out of here before we can confront him." "Oh" said Wouwie, feeling foolish. There was a short pause, then Wouwie said: "So, what do you guys think he is up to?" "Not sure" said Jim "The only reason for him to be after us is the holocron. But why would Dooku send him instead of taking matters into his own hands?" "Maybe he just doesn't want to get his hands dirty" suggested JD. "But I guess the only way to find out is to ask Grievous himself."

They reached the end of the sewers. Jim cut through the grate with his lightsaber and force pushed it out. They all walked out and found themselves in a small opening. Up ahead, they could see Grievous' Soulless One parked between a few tall piles of garbage. Jim said: "It's Grievous' ship! Maybe there some clues inside of it!" The group ran towards it, but before they could reach it, ray shields suddenly activated around them so that they could go no further! They had run straight into Grievous' trap...

  • Author

Jedi Temple

Several hours ago

A hooded figure stepped from an air taxi outside the Jedi temple on Coruscant. Would the Jedi recognize a disturbance in the force? No, thought the hooded figure. He had been careful in masking his signature of the force. The mission was simple, walk in, retrieve the parcel, and walk out. The mysterious silhouette seemed to glide to the doors. It stepped through, and made its way up to the council chambers undetected. It swiftly moved, dodging cameras and any Jedi passing by, hiding behind pillars, dips in the walls, and busts. The Jedi couldn't even sense its presence. At last, it had made it to the chambers. The shadow walked in, and strode over to the center of the room, where the prize was placed on a stand. The holocron. Count Dooku lowered his hood, and reached for the ancient artifact. But before his fingers clasped around their prey, a figure jumped from behind one of the council member's chair, a green bar flashing in the corner of Dooku's eye. Amazing. Dooku didn't detect this one's presence, either. The Count reacted quickly, drawing his own lightsaber and parrying the attack. The attacker was a middle-aged Jedi, a Yuuzhan Vong, from outside this galaxy. He attacked aggressively, making every swing of his lightsaber count. Dooku blocked every blow, though, and easily outmaneuvered the heavy being. Within seconds, Dooku jumped over the Jedi and stabbed him in the back. The battle was over, and Dooku wasted no time in seizing the holocron. The alarm would be rose, and he would have to escape. He called his speeder by remote. Waiting precious moments for his bike to arrive, he prepared to reflect anything thrown at him. Finally, the speeder bike appeared at the chamber window. Dooku quickly smashed the glass and hopped on, just as three Jedi rushed into the chamber and ignited their lightsabers. They were too late, though, and could only watch as Dooku sped away.

One hour ago

Dooku's Solar Sailer

Dooku activated his hologram projector, and called Greivous. The droid general appeared as a flickering blue 3-D image and knelt before his master.

"Yes, master?" said Greivous.

"General, I need you on the planet surface. Take care of all ground forces"

"As you wish, master", the image Grievous said before flickering out.

Back in the present, on Raxus Prime, the group was trying to find a way to escape, but it was hopeless. Soon, Grievous came out of the sewers, and as he saw them sitting in his trap, he started to laugh. He approached them and said: "Foolish Republic scum! Did you believe that I didn't notice how you placed a tracking device on my ship? Did you really think that you could outsmart General Grievous? If I wouldn't have wanted you to walk into my trap, I would have killed you the moment we met in the sewers!" "So, what is it that you want?" asked Jim grimly. "Oh, I believe you know exactly what I want" replied Grievous. "The Sith holocron! Hand it over!" "Alright, General," said Jim, "You win. Here it is." He pulled out the fake holocron. "Excellent! Push it through the ray shield. It only affects living tissue." Jim did as he was told. GG took the little cube and inspected it. Oky whispered to Jim: "Why did you just give it to him like that? Now he's gonna find out that it's a fake!" "Let him," Jim whispered back, "This is our only chance of finding out what Dooku is planning." "What is this?" said Grievous angrily. "There is nothing inside this holocron! You are trying to fool me! Where is the real one?" "I'm sorry General," said Jim, "but we can't tell you that. You can do what you will, but we will never talk!" "Arrgh!" shouted the droid general in frustration. "We will see about that!" He walked over to his starfighter and got out a holoprojector. Soon, the blue image of Count Dooku appeared above it. "I have captured the Republic pests as you requested, master. However, the holocron they had with them was a fake and they refuse to tell me the location of the original." "That's alright, general," said Dooku in his usual calmly manner, "You see, I am already in the possession of the real holocron." "WHAT?" yelled Grievous, along with everyone else. "But... Why did you send me to capture these slimos then! What game are you playing, Count?" Grievous demanded to know. Dooku said: "Thanks to my personal spies, I knew that this holocron was a fake all along. These agents of the Republic have been a thorn in this operation from the very beginning. I needed a distraction that would keep them busy in order to retrieve the real holocron without interference. I now have the information I was seeking, and I am already on the planet where the relic is supposed to be hidden." "You wasted my abilities and skills on a mere distraction?" said Grievous insulted. "This is unacceptable! I will have a word with you, Count!" And with that, he hung up. Filled with rage, he turned to the group and said: "Well, since you don't hold any valuable information after all, there is nothing that keeps me from killing you!" Suddenly, Super Battle Droids popped up from behind the piles of garbage around them and surrounded the group so that there was no way out. Then, Grievous deactivated the ray shields, split his arms, and ignited his lightsabers. "You wont escape me this time!"

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

The group formed a tight circle, covering each other's backs. Suddenly several SBDs were ripped apart and Jaina, Cardy and the 212th burst out of the wreckage, wiping out GG's units. "Gah! I will destroy you all!" "Jaina?! Run! It is too dangerous!" cried JD. "Ah. We meet again." came a familiar voice. "Rodian slime?" asked Grievous. " I thought there was none of you in this sector." "You have come onto our territory. I have no choice but to destroy all of you. FIRE!" Rodians came from everywhere, carrying rotary blaster rifles. They opend fire. The team ran for cover under The Soulless One. JD called to Jaina, who ran to them. "Jaina. Stay in here." ordered Oky. "JD. What shall we do? You have had experience with them before." "Don't fight them. I have an idea." said JD. He got up and walked into the firefight. "Drag'Dul!" he called "Come and face me!" DD jumped 20 meters and landed infront of JD "I will eliminate you!" "Ever dreamed of seeing your family again?" "Wha--What! How do you know?!" "I know where they are. I can take you to them." "Nonsense. They dissapeared in the other reality." "Through the time machine." "What makes you so certain?" "I saw them on Coruscant..In the future." "You aren't lying?" "Isn't he?" asked Oky to Jaina. "Drag can tell. He has a lie detector." "I met them." said JD "You spoke to them? Are they alright?" "Yes. They miss you." "I..." DD stopped. JD saw a tear fall from his non mechanical eye. "You know how to get to them. Would you like to set our...differences...aside and join forces." "I...Yes." They shook hands. Oky and Jim smiled. "My brothers! Fire on this beast! Not the clones!" "Roger General." "Clones!" Jim ordered. "Destroy Grievous." GG realised he was outgunned and out manouvered, but he waasn't going to give up. He roared in fury and spun his sabers. "Fight me! You republic slimballs!"

General Grevious bellowed his rage. "Fight me! You republic slimeballs!"

Jifel rolled out from under the fighter, pressing a small button on his gauntlet as he did.

"Oh believe me, we will."

Jifel drew his vibroblade and it hummed with power as the group slowly surrounded the Cyborg. Grevious's four arms spun wildly as he surveyed the soldiers around him. "Well? What are you waiting for? Show a little backbone before I tear yours out!"

Jifel let out a screaming battle cry as he chaged forward, drawing a second vibroblade as he did. Grevious blocked easily and Jifels blade pointed at the general neck, stalled before the fatal blow. Jifel slapped his gauntlet with his other hand, and a wire cable latched onto Grevious's helm. Grevious cut it away swiftly, but with two arms occupied he left himself open as the rest of the team attacked.

The surviving SBD's opened up to help their struggling leader, but a republic shuttle, summoned by Jifel, landed and ARc troopers and more clones poured out.

The battle was on.


Edited by jifel

  • Author

Jim ignited his blue lightsaber. He hoped that he would have enough experience with the blade to stay alive. He charged at Greivous, dodged a swing of the droid's left appendages, and rolled behind him. Jim thrust his lightsaber into the General's armor, but before it could do any damage, Greivous swiftly kicked behind him, cutting Jim in the chin and torso with his talon-like feet. Butcher screamed in pain and jumped away. Meanwhile, Oky Wan and the rest of the team were taking cover behind heaps of scrap metal and taking potshots at the Super Battle Droids, with the help of the ARC troopers. Jifel slashed the air around Greivous with his vibroblades, but he wasn't quick enough. The droid general deactivated one of his four lightsabers, stuck it in its holster on his hip, and lashed out with the free hand, knocking Jifel several feet in the air. He crumpled on the ground, bones aching. Before he could get up, Greivous grabbed Jifel by the neck and squeezed. Those yellow, menacing eyes narrowed as the breath of Jifel left his body. Then, Greivous released his hold as his eyes widened. He swung around to find Butcher pointing the empty barrel of his nailgun at the base of Greivous' skull.

"Arrrggg! You fool!" he screamed. The cyborg thrashed about, trying to reach the nail in the back of his neck. He eventually just fled into the depths of Raxus Prime, ordering his droid minions to continue fighting. Greivous was gone for the moment, but matters didn't improve. The orange glow of IG Assassin droid eyes appeared from behind piles of garbage, like horrific monsters in a film.

"We can't can't keep fighting" said Oky Wan. "We have to follow Greivous. Why would Dooku order Greivous to distract us on this planet? He could have easily gotten away without us even getting to him in time. My guess is that the planet where the relic is-"

"Here." finished Jim. "Alright, lets go. He went that way."

"Go, go, go!" ordered Jifel to the ARC troopers. Everyone ran, shielding themselves the best they could against the droids' blaster fire. It was time to end this game of cat and mouse.

Jifels breath came in gasps as he charged through the trash hills. His ARC troopers followed behind him, occasionaly letting out spurts of lasers at the drpoids harrassing them. An IG series droid leaped in front of the group, pointing a blaster at the dent in Jifel's armour. A pair of vibroblades scissored through the barrel and jifel casually lopped the droid's legs of at the knee. He ran past and backstabbed through it's main data processor. A bulky machine suddenly burst out of a trash mountain and bounded towards group. Supported on 2 legs in an upright manner, the cobbled together machine held Grevious at the controls. One fist slammed an unlucky clone into dirt, while another tried to grab Jim. A blue light flickered through the fingers as Jim tumbled to the ground. At 4 meters tall the construction realed back before sweeping an arm through a stack of rubbish. A landslide of the galaxy's disposables swept through the group. Oky and Jim managed to leap over the wave, while JD shielded Jaina from the barage. A refrigiration unit knocked Jifel off his feet while Pickup caught an old speeder engine before being buried to his shoulder plates. The mess swirled around the mechs feet as grecious laughed. The surviving hand picked up the remains of a Mando basalisk and prepared to crush the group before him. As it swung through the air, Jifel caught on with both blades and it pulled him up through the trash. Grevious simply chucked the machine through the air as Jim and Oky leaped to the battle.


Grievous sped at Oky and Jim, barging them. They flew back through the air and landed on the Soulless One. Grievous leapt after them, doing a slam. Jim and Oky rolled out the way and Grievous ended up slicing the engines of his personal ship. "No escape Grievous. You have lost. Surrender now!" ordered Jim "Ha. I will never surrender to you repu--" *ZAP* Grievous fell to the floor, stunned. Jifel stood behind him with an electic cord from the trash. "Lets finish him!" said Oky, walking forward raising his rifle.

Oky ponted his blaster at Grevious's exposed form in the controls when the mechanism reared up and again swept a hill of trash through the polluted air. Jifel had allready adapted, sliding under the trash cloud to stab a vibroblade through the mechs ankle. Asit slid to the noxious ground, Grevious bounded out and drew his lightsaers once more, cackling evilly. Jifel attacked again, feinting towards grevious's neck then rolling under the anticipated parry. but Grevious moved fast, faster than that fateful battle two years ago. Grevious's saber cut both vbroblades in half before Jifel even hit the ground, scarring a grove in his armour. Jifel hit the ground rolling, only for a claw to catch the back of his helmet and lift him into the air. A pair of speederbikes suddenly roared pat, a tripwire upending the droid general. Jifel crawled away, his helmet cracked and squeezed in until the helmet cracked even more. Pickup and Twister led a clone firing team that seared grevious's chest plate as he dodged with catlike speed. The two speederbikes swooped back around, but grevious dug in and snatched the wire and slammed both into the ground. He leapt towards one when it exploded in flame. Oky held his rifle and quickly unleashed another burst that knocked the general to the dirt.


  • Author

The team walked over to the downed general.

"Is he... dead?" asked Thok.

"No, but we could kill him" said Jim.

Suddenly, the sky turned black like a shadow of the setting sun. Everyone looked up to see thousands upon thousands of droid and Republic ships, with dozens of cruisers above in space. Nobody said anything. A giant battle commenced. The entire sky was soon filled with red and blue laser fire.

"This isn't right..." said Jim.

"We never called for reinforcements" said Oky Wan. "There must be a half dozen battalions".

A regiment of Republic Gunships broke away from the fight and headed towards the team on the surface. They soon landed, and about a hundred clones stepped out of their vehicles. From the Gunship nearest to the group, a figure dressed in a brown tunic stepped out. He seemed to be in his later years, and had little hair except for the grey facial hair and eyebrows. He wore a lightsaber on his belt. But the most striking feature of this Jedi was his extremely tall head, about twice the height of a human's.

"Master Mundi!" greeted Jim. "It's a relief to see you. We were just about to pull out. What's going on? We never called for reinforcements".

"I'm afraid the situation has become much more serious" replied the Jedi Knight in a grave tone. "The CIS have obviously taken the relic to be invaluable. Worse is that Dooku is here, probably already obtaining the relic".

"Wait, what? Dooku's here? And the relic?!"

"Yes, I'm afraid so. We'll need to hurry before he gets it".

"No need" said a drawling voice.

Everyone whipped around. It was Dooku, with the relic already in his possession!

"Do you really think that I would fall for such a trick? Charging the replica with force power was a clever idea, but I knew the signature was not powerful enough to be an ancient Sith relic".

"Stand down, Dooku. You don't want to deal with the Jedi" said Ki-Adi Mundi.

"Master Mundi, you needn't worry. I will have disposed of you and fled much before reinforcements arrive" taunted the Count, drawing his red blade and spinning it in a boasting manner. Clones immediately began firing at him. With a simple flick of his blade, he sent every shot flying back at it's shooter with double the power, killing clones instantly. He spun his blade back and forth with nothing but a grin on his face.

"Enough of this" he said after a while. He used his abounding force powers to lift a heap of trash and throw it on a cluster of clones. Most of them were dead by now, and the remaining fled behind cover. Ki-Adi Mundi charged at Dooku, lightsaber ignited. Titans clashed, and the battle was on. Dooku took the offensive, and lashed out. Mundi blocked every one, though, and spun around and swung at Dooku's legs. The Count jumped, and struck Ki in the shin with his boot. Ki recoiled, rubbing his jaw. Jim came forward and swung at Dooku's head. He ducked, and slashed at Jim's torso. He barely missed, but the heat of the blade was enough to tear through Butcher's shirt and alloy vest, cutting his stomach. He continued to fight though, with Mundi at his side. The swung and spun, but Dooku was too powerful. It seemed even impossible that one being his age could be so vigorous with energy.

Then Jim thought, The relic! It must be giving him energy!

"Oky Wan!" yelled Butcher. "Shoot the relic!"

He did so, and before Dooku could react, the ancient relic was spinning across the ground.

JD made a dive for it, but Dooku already reeled it in with th force. Before it reached his hand, though, it stopped in mid-air. Ki was using his own force power to try to grab it. The two stood there, locked in a battle of minds for a few moments, until Jim leaped at Dooku. The Count lost his focus, and defended himself against the blue bar of Jim's blade. Ki grabbed the relic, and threw a piece of metal with the force at Dooku. It sent him flying into a trash pile. The group of agents, clones, and Jedi walked over to the pile, removed the top pieces, and discovered the Dooku was gone. When they turned around, they found that Grievous and his Soulless One were both gone.

"But... how?" asked Jifel.

"There's no time to consider that" said Ki-Adi Mundi. "This isn't over, and we need to pull out and return to Coruscant immediately".

"I have ordered my starfighters to help your offensive Master Mundi." said Drag'Dul "And you are?" Ki asked "A friend." he replied. There was a pause. "I cannot return to Coruscant. I have..."DD glanced at JD "Other matters to deal with."

Edited by Jammiedodger714

4 days later...

Garviel woke up suddenly and realised he was in a bacta tank. He had no idea where he or for that matter where the rest of the team where. He remembered preparing to escape Raxus Prime, after Master Mundi had secured the relic, but the rest was fuzzy at best.

The liquid began to drain and Loken noticed his droid opening his tank "R6, what are we doing here "

R6 explained everything, the fortitude was heavily damaged due to the battle above Raxus, unable to land in the republic cruiser and life support failing R6 flew the fortitude away from the battle to a safe location. After 3 days he eventually found an abandoned mining outpost on the edge of known space.

"how about the others?" Garviel asked

*In bacta tanks like you where* R6 whistled in reply *I was about to get them out after you*

R6 proceeded to get the others out of the bacta tanks. After they had dried themselves off and changed into clothes, they all met in the briefing room of the Fortitude.

"Now, can somebody please tell me what happened?" asked Garviel. "I can hardly remember anything"

"No wonder" said Oky Wan, "you hit your head pretty good! Well, after Master Mundi relieved Dooku of the relic, we ran toward the gunships that were going to pick us up..."


Ki Adi Mundi, Jim, and all the others were moving past piles of junk, the assassin droids still in pursuit. Soon, they reached a forking. Mundi said: "I think we should split up. There is..." He paused. "What is it Master Mundi?" asked Jim. "There is a disturbance in the force," Mundi whispered. "I believe Dooku is near. Here." He gave the relic to Jim. "Take this and get to Coruscant as fast as possible! I will hold him -" But in that moment, Dooku leaped forth from behind one of the junk piles with his lightsaber raised and attacked the jedi master. Luckily, Ki Adi reacted fast enough and ignited his lightsaber as he got into a defensive stance. The blue and red glowing blades clashed in a flash of light. "Hand over the relic!" demanded Dooku. He was apparently still under the impression that Mundi was in the possession of the relic. "Never!" said Mundi and pushed Dooku away from him and yelled to the group: "GO!" So, Jim and the others took off as the two duelists engaged in battle.

They ran for a while until they arrived at another forking. One of the clones said: "According to the scanners, the gunship is at the end of the left path." "Wait" said JD. He was looking down the other path. "I have a better idea. Follow me!" He started running into the path on the right. Since they trusted him, the others followed him. As they reached the end of the path, they saw a downed Rodian cruiser. Oky said: "JD... Is that the cruiser where you met Drag'Dul?" "Exactly" "But... Why are we coming here?" "You'll see" said JD. They entered the cruiser through a hole in the hull...

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Flashback: Coruscant Waste Deposit - Post # 102

The real Adam could sense that he was finally awake, but still kept his eyes clamped shut while he remembered the activities he had seen during his unconscious state. It was only when he felt a jerk below him, rocketing him forward along a sharp, uneven floor, that he opened his eyes. He was sitting in a sea of garbage, all moving on a funnel-shaped conveyor belt towards a flaming hole in the center. Adam was close enough to the incinerator that the trash surrounding him had started to blacken and smoke. He jumped from the garbage and looked up towards the top of the belt: the funnel was surrounded by a short, rusting building that was constantly deploying small robots to prowl among the trash. The belt moved at a slow pace, with jerks moving the trash closer to the incinerator in intervals, making it child's play to reach the building. As a garbage bot bounced from the now open deployment tunnel, Adam saw his chance and slipped in. There was another Adam now, and he had to do his best to avoid detection. Otherwise, he might end up in prison or dead; the imitation-Adam most probably had some sort of plan if the real Adam were to be discovered. Of course, trying to bypass cameras and security was a mean feat; Adam was forced to stoop low in the tubular tunnel and had to press himself against the walls or slip into a side passage when droids zoomed by. At the end of the tunnel was a small opening. More conveyor belts lead past the cell, with a robot on each section. Every now and then, a section would pop up and the robot would fly into one of the cells, ready to be deployed.

Flashback: Coruscant Waste Deposit, Outer Rim - Post # 200

Adam yanked the discarded metal from the crumpled droid and set off towards the highway. The Outer Rim was a temporary depository that surrounded the Coruscant Waste Deposit, where garbage was kept before it went to the incinerator. Unbelievably, the ugly mounds of trash were unconcealed from the highway; speeders could see old engines and broken communicators as they drove by. As he reached the edge of the Rim, Adam sighed. He couldn't exactly hail down a taxi, as they didn't go by the Deposit, and no one was going to let him into their speeder. Adam clenched his teeth and dove into the barrage of oncoming vehicles. Just land on one and hope for the best, Adam thought.


Adam looked to his left. A orange-haired person who looked vaguely familiar was grinning at him.

"Umm, hi," Adam returned.

"So, why are you jumping?" he asked.

Adam sighed again. "Oh, I was replicated and dumped in a junkyard, so now I have to try and stop the fake me."

"That's... interesting," he replied, "I'm trying to land on a woman's speeder, even though my master doesn't appro-"

Their conversation was cut short when the man smacked onto a yellow speeder. Oh well, Adam thought, that's what you get for chasing after women. Fortunately, Adam had better luck than his companion; he landed on a speeder with a rollcage.

"Wha-?!" After saying, "sorry," Adam chucked the shocked driver by a seedy-looking bar and took command of the speeder.

Flashback: Dropship Over Kothlis - Post # 208

The imitation Adam closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and turned to his companions. First Officer Reller, his right hand man, was of course with him, as were Lieutenants McFlanz, Krez, and Chok. It was a small team, but the fake Adam didn't need much help with his mission; in fact, the only reason he had brought them along was to not seem suspicious going alone. What they saw didn't matter, they'd all die anyway.

"Our mission is to investigate the CIS threat and affects on Kothlis's sealife," the robot Adam briefed them. Our mission is to sabotage Kothlis's defense systems and neutralize their attack forces, the fake Adam repeated to himself.

"Cooperation with the Bothans is vital." We want to be as covert as possible.

"Our priority is to find the Separatist threat and eliminate it!" Our priority is to make Kothlis inactive, so that they'll be unable to help when we attack their neighbor, Raxus Prime.

Flashback: Kothlis, Tunnel Leading to Hangar Bay - Post # 211

"What's he doing?" Adam asked.

Chok, examining foliage a little ways away from the rest of his group, hissed, "I'm not sure. He 'asn't done much yet, nothin' I'd consider sabotage. But he 'as been talkin' about examinin' their ships, and that's got nothin' to do with the rest of the mission."

Adam groaned. "This isn't good, Chok! He's planning on disabling their ships, that's for sure. What we need to find out is why." Chok was the real Adam's good friend; he had told him of the situation and Chok had accepted his side of the story instantly. Chok had agreed to transfer to the fake Adam's ship, requesting the position Lieutenant. With such a good record, Chok was granted the position quickly. Since then, he'd been acting as a spy for the real Adam.

"I'll go rejoin the group, don' wanna seem suspicious," Chok decided. He reached the rest of the group just as the imitation Adam was about to give a briefing.

"There you are, Chok, I was just about to radio you," the robot began. "You've all been quite stellar throughout the mission, thank you for that."

McFlanz raised his hand, and the fake Adam nodded in his direction. "Cap'n, we haven't even investigated the CIS threat! Why are we looking at their defense system?"

"Good question," the imitation responded, "and I have a pretty good answer. A source of mine has confirmed that there is a traitor in this very group."

The real Adam could hear Chok's breathing quicken.

"Please," the fake Adam continued, "line up against that wall."

They did.

"I'll be using some... advanced interrogation methods," the robot warned.

The clones didn't have a chance. They had all been shot before one could even raise his weapon. As they sat there, gasping, the fake Adam walked forward to finish the job.

"You'll get found on this, clanker!" Chok yelled through gasps.

The fake's eyes widened. He leapt forward, grabbed Chok by the neck, and raised him into the air. "Where is he?!"

Flashback: Raxus Prime Junkyard - Oky's Flashback

The real Adam followed JD as he lead the way through the winding hills of junk. There was now no fake Adam to get in the way. The memory swam through his head again: he had followed the group through the sewers. He saw as Greivous activated his trap and watched as they fended off the droid General and his platoons of battle droids. The fake Adam was jogging off down a side passage, away from the fray. A shot echoed through the tunnel, and the imitation grasped its arm. It spun around and saw the real Adam standing at the end of the passage, gun raised.

Slowly, the robot smiled. "So you've found me. Well, I suppose you also know that you can't kill me."

Adam didn't lower his gun. "No," he replied, "but I can do the next best thing." Bang! Bang! Bang! Adam didn't stop shooting. Bang! The robot couldn't raise a hand against him due to the impact of the gunshots. Bang! Bang! The imitation's gun arm was blasted off. Bang! A right leg spun into the murky water, flying into pieces along the way. The robot crashed to the ground. Bang! Bang! Bang! The robot's chest was now a pile of bolts. Bang! The fake's startled face burst into bits of machinery. Adam took a bag of charges and dropped them on the ground by the robot's remains. By the time Adam had returned to the battle, the explosion had died down and no one had seemed to notice.

  • 2 weeks later...

"Ah, there you are, Adam!" said Jim. "I was wondering where you've been." "Long story" said Adam. They entered the downed Rodian Cruiser. There were a bunch of Rodians inside, and the place was filled with technical equipment. It turned out that the Rodians had turned this cruiser into a laboratory/workshop. Some of the Rodians raised their blasters towards the group, but as soon as they saw that Drag'Dul was with them, they lowered them again. "Care to explain what we are doing here now, JD?" Jim asked impatiently. "OK, well, I've been thinking," JD started to explain, "and I figured it would be much too risky to try to transport the relic to Coruscant, and even if we can pull it off, Dooku could still find a way to steal it again. So, I thought we should use this instead." He pointed at a mysterious large machine at the end of the room. As the others took a closer look at it, they recognized it as a time machine, similar to the one General Grievous had used during their last mission. "Another time machine?? But... how is this possible?" asked Oky. Drag'Dul stepped forward and said: "Me and my friends here built a new one using the blueprints that I stole from General Grievous shortly before I was thrown into the time portal and got sent to the past. I was planning on using it to return to my own time." "We all come from the same time" said JD, pointing at DD and Jaina at his sides. "And we all want to return home. So, I thought I could just take the relic with me and hide it somewhere in the future. Dooku isn't alive anymore in my time, so this will mean that he will never get it. What do you say?"

Everyone looked at him with an astounded face. Then, Oky said: "That's a brilliant idea! It's perfect!" "Then let's get this machine powered up, boys!" said DD to the Rodian mechanics. They pressed a few buttons and pulled some levers, and soon enough, the machine started to project a time portal. Jim handed JD the Xonohr relic, and so JD, DD, and Jaina stepped toward the portal, getting ready to jump in. However, JD turned around one more time and said: "But before I go, I need to tell you something..."

He told them about Order 66 and the rise of the empire. He told them about how all Jedi and anyone defending democracy was eliminated. But he also told them about the Rebel Alliance which he was part of.


After JD's speech was over, Oky felt terrible. Whenever JD said that Skywalker was going to turn to the darkside, he thought he was just teasing him. But apparently he had been serious all along, and Oky felt like an idiot for assaulting JD for it. He also felt very foolish about the fact that he had idolized the wrong person all this time. And knowing that his cousin Obi Wan was going to be one of the last remaining Jedi who will fight for peace made him feel much differently about his cousin as well. Trying to apologize, he said: "JD... I... I had no idea..." "It's OK, Oky, I understand" said JD forgivingly. Oky smiled at him in gratitude. Then, JD concluded his speech:"Anyway, as soon as I leave, you must all go into hiding until the Great Jedi Purge is over! We can then meet back together in the future." "But can't we just try to prevent all that from happening now that we know about it?" asked Wouwie. "No. That could cause a universe-destroying paradox. Besides, there are some things that can't be changed." "Well, alright. But can't we at least come with you then? To the future?" "Sorry," said DD, "but the machine doesn't have enough juice for all of you." "That's OK" said Jim "We'll just keep our heads down until the Rebel Alliance is founded. Then we can -" But in that moment, Ki Adi Mundi came crashing through the wall and landed next to Jim's feet. He was unconscious. Through the newly created hole in the wall, Count Dooku came marching in with a superior look in his face. Oky leaned over to JD and said quietly: "I think it's time for you to get outta here!" "Gotcha!" JD whispered back. He turned toward Dooku, held the relic up, and said: "See ya, Dooky!" And with that, he, Drag'Dul and Jaina jumped into the portal. When Count Dooku realized what just happened, he yelled "NO!" and reached out his hand in the attempt to force-grab the relic. But it was too late, so he charged towards the portal instead in order to follow JD. However, Jim saw what the count was up to, so he quickly ignited his lightsaber and cut up the time machine into many useless pieces before Dooku got there. Dooku was enraged and attacked Jim with his lightsaber. The two engaged in fierce a duel.


Wouwie used this moment to call Pr0 who was waiting for them in the Fortitude and tell him to pick them up. As Jim and Dooku kept fighting on, Jim said: "Give it up, Dooku! You have already lost. And I know your future: You will be killed by your master's new apprentice!" "Lies!" said Dooku "No puny Republic commander has the power to see the future!" "I'm telling you, count, give up this foolishness and save yourself!" "Never!" said Dooku, and so they just kept fighting until suddenly, the Fortitude landed outside. Oky said: "Everybody, let's go!" The others obeyed and ran to the Fortitude and entered. Oky and Garviel picked up Master Mundi's body and carried it with them. Jim kept Dooku occupied until everybody was inside the ship and then broke up his fight with Dooku in order to get to the ship himself. The Fortitude took off as soon as Jim was on board, so Dooku couldn't do anything but to watch them fly away.

Flashback to the present, on board the Fortitude:


"Ah," said Garviel. "Now I remember. But when did I get knocked out?" "As we were trying to escape from Raxus Prime" said Oky. "The fire from the orbiting Separatist ships shook up the Fortitude quite good, and that's when you hit your head." "Oh" said Garviel. After a pause, he asked: "So, is that what we are going to do now? Split up and go into hiding?" "Exactly" replied Jim. "Everybody, pack your things and meet me in the hangar in thirty minutes." They all went into their quarters and got ready. Half an hour later, they all met back in the hangar of the Fortitude. "Well, I guess this is it" said Jim with a sigh. "It was a pleasure and honor working with you, gentemen. I hope you will all survive the horrible events to come so that we can meet again in better times. May the force be with us all." Everyone nodded in agreement and gratitude and climbed into their own personal starfighters, except for Master Mundi who would take the Fortitude back to Coruscant. Shortly thereafter, ten starfighters left the Fortitude's hangar door and positioned themselves all around the ship, looking into different directions. Then, all of them blasted off into hyperspace, including the Fortitude, and disappeared in the vast emptiness of space...

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi



Edited by Jammiedodger714

Bob landed again on Coruscant, rejoining the Republic Army. He had decided not to follow the ideas of Jim and Oky, and soon after, he was on a small outer rim planet, Dwarian. His Jedi Commander, Padawan Rit'G-Ran.

"Commander Bob?" Ran asked.

"Yes Commander?" Bob asked.

"We should probably head over to sector 4, and then move to command post 88." the Jedi replied.

"Very well, I'll go rally the troops!" Bob said.

He started to climb into the Command Center, when his comlink beeped.

"Commander Bob..." Chancellor Palpatine said.

"Yes My Lord?" Bob replied.

"The time has come...execute Order 66." Palpatine said.

"As you wish my Lord." Bob said.

He walked over back to the Jedi Commander, who was oblivious to the attack that was about to come to him. He had heard his comlink beep, however, and the Jedi's back was turned. Bob sadly figured, this would be easy to do.

"Was that the Indomida-" The Jedi started to say before he was cut off.

Blaster Fire came from Bob's weapon, the Jedi fell forward, dead. Several other Clone's came over, to see what had happened. Bob continued his services in the New Empire, until the age of 42, when he retired, and moved back to Coruscant.

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