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Lo all

Over the last few months I have been out and about with my 2 yr old, we tend to visit a lot of toy shops :$

I cant help but notice the amount of torn, half destroyed and messed up Lego boxes that contain the LULS minifigs.

Birmingham today, the Entertainer...there was a Clone Turbo Tank sitting out on the floor on its side, I turn it over and both minifigs are gone.

Two more sets on the shelves were the same.

I visited Beatties the other week, there was the TIE fighter, no figures..just a gaping hole.

I have seen hoodless Obi Wans, weapon less Mace's, no headgear on Luminara.

So obviously someones nicking them..duh..but the sets still on display, still up for grabs.

The shop cant send em back for extra figs (or can they) and if you contact customer service with the "oh... my box was ripped send me a Light up Mace please as it was missing" you may or may not get a result.

What im trying to say is does Lego actually look at the boxes they are putting out on the shelves and think that the mini figs are safe?

You would buy the Turbo tank for Mace, other sets for the light up figure but they seem easy picking for anyone really.

Anyone else noticed this on their travels??

All the best


...move this if its in the wrong forum, didnt know where to post :'(


I have seen some boxes where they covered the hole with transparent tape. Nice because the fig can't go another way than the set itself and also the energy cell is save, but otherwise the box is ruined...

I haven't seen any damaged boxes / stolen LULS here in Germany, but here aren't many toy stores left that have many Star Wars sets in there shelves...


Here in (Winnipeg) Canada I have seen some boxes that look like there was an attempt to get to the figures, but it is unsuccesful. BUT with the TIE FIghter I have seen quite a few Darth Vaders missing...

So its not just there.


On a COMPLETELY unrelated note, I have lots of LULS minifigs for sale if anyone wants 'em! Yessiree, I've got HUNDREDS of Maces, Luminaras, Darths, Obiwans..... heck, I think I even have some white clone troopers. Five bucks each, much cheaper than Bricklink!

Just kidding. ;)


I live in the United States and I have also noticed many missing LULS. At all the major chain toy stores, TRU, KB-toys, and stores like Target or Wal-mart, many of the Lego Star Wars boxes with the " try me" LULS are in good are in good condition,(I am thankful to say I have not yet seen a damaged box in my area) but Obi's hood is missing or the LULS "light up see though" peice is gone. I have not noticed a entire MF gone. YET,



I've noticed lots of "try me" stuff with their figs missing here in America too. Most of the boxes I check have their Minifigs missing...I think that's sad...Maybe they're inside the box, that rough handling made them fall to the bottom...And here, where I live, there isn't any robbery or anything, and personally I don't think kids would do that. These kids are too nice and well educated in moral values. I don't imagine a 7 yr old kid picking the CTT just to take Mace Windu...

but I agree it is unsafe to have let such small figures out in the open...Everyone agreed that it was dumb to put NON REPLACEABLE BATTERY OPERATED FIGS in try me formats...It was super dumb. If im lucky to find a box with a non missing Mace, Or Luminara or Anakin/Obi-Wan, their lightsaber lights are almost out...

but I agree it is unsafe to have let such small figures out in the open...Everyone agreed that it was dumb to put NON REPLACEABLE BATTERY OPERATED FIGS in try me formats...It was super dumb.

Here, here! TLC thought it would be good marketing, and I guess it was in a way, but who wants a broken LULS that can't be fixed? The high price tage for these sets are pointless if the main piece is out ouf action.

If im lucky to find a box with a non missing Mace, Or Luminara or Anakin/Obi-Wan, their lightsaber lights are almost out...

S@H is your answer! ;)



Hey guys,

I have noticed that the Dino Attack boxes are poorly constructed. I saw one they other day, and where you click on the Dino's head to light his eyes up, there was a bag of LEGO bricks hanging out of a gap. I could have snagged me a bag of free bricks! No. I stuffed 'em back into the box. But I wasn't impressed by this. The figs and bricks are not safe in these open cover boxes!



I saw a Star Wars set : the duel between anakin and obiwan... Without the LUL MF. I just wander if anyone will ever buy this box since the only thing interesting in this set were the stolen MF 8-|

I saw a Star Wars set : the duel between anakin and obiwan... Without the LUL MF. I just wander if anyone will ever buy this box since the only thing interesting in this set were the stolen MF 8-|

Hmmm, although in those cases you might be able to negotiate a good discount with the stores because of the missing figs.


I agree, I saw three sets of the new tank with no LU minis at only 30% off. I would have gotten them at 50% off but 30% is more like a sale than damaged merchandise.


At Legoland Windsor it has been a real problem with people stealing the light up figs. The worst thing though is when someone just knocks the lightsaber rod out of the holder. The rod gets stuck in the plastic insert, so it's all there, but to a customer it looks as if the set's incomplete. The only thing that can be done is either to offer the big sets at a discount, or to open the box, and sell all the bricks from the kits in the PaB shop...


I bought my Lightsaber Duel when it was only out for a week or so...with both MF's...and the batteries workes just fine too. And I ordered my Catamaran online (not from s@h) and it was just fine too...even though the box was a bit beaten up...And I don't own the CTT yet...

Anyway, it's not like I actually use the light-up function, I only display my SW sets anyway;) I am really into completion though, so I'd likely go crazy if even the headgear was missing from the LULS;)

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