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Hi! I'm new to Eruobricks. And I thought I would share my love of building Lego sets. I have many photos of different Star Wars sets that I have built, including some compaison shots of older sets to the newer versions. Like the AT-ATs and the Millennium Falcon and the Gunships. If you can comment on flickr, please do so. Or here if you want. As I start to learn how Eurobrick forums work, I may just post individual sets for people to see. :classic:

Comparison between 7190 and 4504 Lego Millennium Falcon (Please click on the thumbnails you want to see. At least I'll know people are looking at them. And you can see the full size.)


Compairing the AT-ATs sets 10178 and 4483 (Please click on the thumbnails you want to see. At least I'll know people are looking at them. And you can see the full size.)


If you want to see more individual shots of those, they are in their own sets on my site.


c-ya around,



If not for it's electronic features the motorised AT-AT would have zero chance of besting the original AT-AT Walker. I can't believe how much smaller the original gunship is to the new one! Thanks for the pictures and welcome to the boards!


Thanks for the welcome!

Glad you guys like it. When I did those, I was still getting used to on how to take the photos. The Ferrari cars (final shots) are alot better. :)

I agree, at-at with toes missing is bad. :(


Hey, the side-by-sides were very fun to see...a sort of LEGO evolution.

I never bought the original gunship, so it was cool to see how much it has changed. The older one looks really kind of pathetic by comparison... but not as pathetic as the original Slave I vs. the latest version, I suppose.


Those are some great comparison shots you've made! It's a great idea: I also have all the OT sets in all their incarnations, but I have never really set them side by side, except for the AT-AT's. Do you have other sets like the X-wings or the Snowspeeders (3 versions!) or even Darth Vader's TIE (4 versions!!!)


Hmm Darth Vader's Tie fighter? I had only one. I never bought the newest one as I can't seem get myself to pay $35 for it. :) I'm trying to save for the Count Dooku Solar Sailer as it's rediculously high of $67.95 at the TRU here where I live. :(


Perhaps you could deeplink some of those comparions for us?

Or even start a topic on each comparison.

I'm sure that several members would love to have a dedicated topic for disussing the different Slave1's or the Millenium Falcons.


What does "deeplink" mean? I would be happy to start a Millenium Falcon comparison topic.

Perhaps you could deeplink some of those comparions for us?

Or even start a topic on each comparison.

I'm sure that several members would love to have a dedicated topic for disussing the different Slave1's or the Millenium Falcons.

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