Posted January 31, 200916 yr Lego is launching a new constructible games range. Lego Games will launch in August 2009 with eight games across a range of price points, from £7.99 to £19.99, each offering a combination of classic Lego elements, and a unique “buildable” Lego dice. Both the board and dice are ‘built’ in the traditional LEGO way with the game concept constructed and enacted as an extension of the Lego build experience. Each game can be redesigned and reconstructed. Games can be adapted, using Lego elements to enhance and evolve the game play. Designed to appeal to the existing core Lego fan base of boys aged six-plus, the Lego Games offering also extends to families who will be able to play together, and adults. "Lego Games presents a unique opportunity for Lego to diversify into a new growth area”, said Kirstin Bates, Commercial Manager Lego UK. “By involving the player from the outset in the design, layout and method of game play, the products offer a unique and immersive play experience. This is a natural step for the company which recognises games as a natural fit into our brand portfolio, teaming creativity with a fun and constructible play concept.” Source This belongs to that category, judging by the logo in the lower-right corner. According to the article, we'll be seeing more of these this year, but I like the fact that LEGO is bringing the building concept to the game itself, and not just its platform. So, any thoughts?
January 31, 200916 yr hmm... they sound interesting, but I dont think ill buy any. I really hope they make a 'Clue' based game.
January 31, 200916 yr This sounded really nice (especially the dice)! But I'm not sure, if I buy this. Mabye just for new tan pieces , but it would be to expensive. Well does anybody now if we could have some minifigures from that? 'Bricks'
February 1, 200916 yr Interesting development. My wife and I love games, especially simple visually interesting ones like the one in the picture. This looks like a much better game than some of the Rose Art company LEGO games from the 90's. Those were very kiddish and for the most part pretty simplistic. This looks like it could be engaging for all ages. Finger's crossed....
February 1, 200916 yr I actually have a Lego CREATOR boardgame. what was made by Jumbo games. the point of that game was that you have a card with instructions on it, and you had to colect those pieces during the game, the one who had build his model first, was the winner.
February 1, 200916 yr According to the article, we'll be seeing more of these this year, ... If you live in England or Germany: yes. Rest of the world: not yet. Maybe never... Well does anybody now if we could have some minifigures from that? AFAIK there won't be any minfigs in the games. Not in the normal size of a minifig anyway... The LEGO dice is "buildable" with 2x2 studs on each side for tiles, plates or whatever you want.
February 1, 200916 yr Here is a picture of the game itself, maybe a prelim, maybe not... (links to Daily Telegraph article)
February 2, 200916 yr If you live in England or Germany: yes. Rest of the world: not yet. Maybe never... It's hard to say -- a lot of German board games do end up getting translated and published in the U.S. by companies like Rio Grande Games or Mayfair Games. It could happen. My other hobby is board games, and I think this looks pretty great. The designer is Reiner Knizia, who is a HUGE name in German board games.
February 2, 200916 yr Wow, I didn't realize Knizia was the designer. That'll be a great game for sure! I'm curious about those small 2x1 mummies.
February 2, 200916 yr It's hard to say -- a lot of German board games do end up getting translated and published in the U.S. by companies like Rio Grande Games or Mayfair Games. It could happen.My other hobby is board games, and I think this looks pretty great. The designer is Reiner Knizia, who is a HUGE name in German board games. The release is an experimental release made in Germany and England only. If the games sell well they'll be released in the rest of the world. If it doesn't work out they will be canceled instead. Edited February 2, 200916 yr by Mirandir
February 2, 200916 yr You heard him, all you Germans and Britons need to show some responsibility and buy as many of these games you can so the rest of us will get them too Nah, just kidding. I'm not really impressed by the only game we've seen this far, looks really empty and dull. But who knows, it might come something better later.
February 2, 200916 yr Wow, I didn't realize Knizia was the designer. That'll be a great game for sure! I'm curious about those small 2x1 mummies. That's what I read over on (a website devoted to boardgames). Knizia has developed some good kids' games in the past, so we'll see. Hopefully it's a better game than that Lego Creator one, which I find mind-numbingly boring. The release is an experimental release made in Germany and England only. If the games sell well they'll be released in the rest of the world. If it doesn't work out they will be canceled instead. That's a pretty common approach for many American boardgame companies. The game seems like a great concept; I'd be really surprised if they don't sell well!
February 2, 200916 yr Ah, now this is more like it. While I'm not particularly against it, I've been getting a bit tired of all the lego merchandise without any actual building compatibility. Thus, these brick-using games are a welcome relief, especially since they are being designed by a respectable game creator.
February 3, 200916 yr Here is a picture of the game itself, maybe a prelim, maybe not... (links to Daily Telegraph article) Wtf? Are those microfigs? That's great! I must have those! And it looks like those dome pieces are built on 2x2 jumper pieces! Very useful! Really, I'm very excited about these games! I probably wont find anyone to play them with, but I might still get one or two of them. They seem to be great part packs. I just hope they wont be too expensive. Edited February 3, 200916 yr by Oky Wan Kenobi
February 3, 200916 yr Hehe... that looks great. I wonder if they'll come over here to NZ... I hope so. Wtf? Are those microfigs? That's great! I must have those!And it looks like those dome pieces are built on 2x2 jumper pieces! Very useful! Really, I'm very excited about these games! I probably wont find anyone to play them with, but I might still get one or two of them. They seem to be great part packs. I just hope they wont be too expensive. Yeah it looks as if it has some great new bits. And same here... I quite like games, but no-one else in my family does (well, my dad doesn't mind but he's always busy it seems )
February 3, 200916 yr I will be buying, if only to part it. I love the tan, I love desert and my defining theme was Adventurers I do hope this is obtainable at a price smiliar to a Lego set with the same nuber of parts. (or cheaper =D)
February 4, 200916 yr Here´s an article from the Telegraph in UK. Pic from the Telegraph. And from TLG: In English: LEGO® launches new Games range Entering the market with a unique, constructible games concept, the LEGO Group will enhance the UK Games Market with a completely new dimension of LEGO Play for 2009. LEGO Games will launch in August 2009 with 8 games across a range of price points, each offering an interactive and engaging combination of classic LEGO elements, and a unique “buildable” LEGO dice. Set to ignite the Games industry, the unique nature of the LEGO Games range will ensure it sits perfectly alongside traditional board games and bring refreshment and novelty to a much loved consumer category. BUILD – PLAY – CHANGE. Both the board and dice are ‘built’ in the traditional LEGO way with the game concept constructed and enacted as an extension of the LEGO build experience. Each game can be redesigned and reconstructed, offering endless play possibilities. Games can be adapted, using LEGO elements to enhance and ultimately evolve the game play. Developed in conjunction with Dr. Reiner Knizia, one of the world’s most successful games’ designers, the range will see 8 games introduced at launch from August 2009 with more to follow. Designed to appeal to the existing core LEGO fan base of boys aged 6+, the LEGO Games offering also extends to families who will be able to play together, and adults. “LEGO Games presents a unique opportunity for LEGO to diversify into a new growth area”, believes Kirstin Bates, Commercial Manager LEGO UK. “By involving the player from the outset in the design, layout and method of game play, the products offer a unique and immersive play experience. This is a natural step for the company which recognises games as a natural fit into our brand portfolio, teaming creativity with a fun and constructible play concept.” Obviously LEGO. But as never seen before! In German: Die Welt wird Augen machen Im August bringt die LEGO GmbH zehn neue LEGO Gesellschaftsspiele auf den Markt Ab August 2009 eröffnen zehn LEGO Gesellschaftsspiele Familien mit Kindern von fünf bis zehn Jahren eine neue Dimension des LEGO Spielspaßes. Die neuen Produkte werden anlässlich der 60. Internationalen Spielwarenmesse in Nürnberg erstmals der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt und revolutionieren das Brettspiel. Sie bieten alle eine fantastische Kombination aus klassischen LEGO Elementen, kreativen Spielplänen und dem einzigartigen, „baubaren“ LEGO Würfel. Das Konzept der neuen LEGO Spiele ist genauso einfach wie genial: BAUEN – SPIELEN – VERÄNDERN. Bei der Entwicklung arbeitete die LEGO Gruppe mit dem bekannten und vielfach ausgezeichneten Spiele-Experten Dr. Reiner Knizia zusammen. München, 4. Februar 2009. Die zehn neuen LEGO Gesellschaftsspiele laden wie die klassischen LEGO Produkte zum kreativen Bauen und Verändern ein. Sowohl das Spiel als auch der Würfel werden in klassischer LEGO Manier zunächst gebaut. Dann beginnt der Spaß – mit interessanten, neuen Spielideen, die große und kleine Spiele-Fans begeistern werden. Doch damit nicht genug – jedes Spiel lässt sich in typischer LEGO Manier mit etwas Kreativität neu gestalten, um immer wieder neue Spielmöglichkeiten auszutesten. „Die Kombination von LEGO Steinen und gängigen Brettspielen ist eine fantastische Idee! Die Spiele bieten optisch, spielerisch und innovativ alles, was ich von einem guten Spiel erwarte.“, so Dr. Reiner Knizia. Der Spiele-Experte wurde bereits vier Mal mit dem Deutschen Spielepreis sowie 2008 für das „Spiel des Jahres“, „Kinderspiel des Jahres“ und den Deutschen Kinderspiele Preis ausgezeichnet und entwickelte federführend zusammen mit der LEGO Gruppe Ramses Pyramid. Der Mumienkönig Ramses will in Gefolgschaft seiner Mumien das schöne Ägypten erobern. Aufhalten kann ihn nur, wer die meisten magischen Kristalle sammelt, geschickt den Mumien ausweicht und als Erster die Pyramide erklimmt. Neben Ramses Pyramid warten neun weitere Spiele darauf, von LEGO und Brettspiel-Fans erobert zu werden: Creationary stellt die Kreativität, Fantasie und das Baugeschick der Spieler auf die Probe. Gespielt wird alleine oder im Team. Wer schneller als seine Mitspieler erraten kann, was die Spielkarten darstellen, gewinnt. Minotaurus lockt die Spieler in ein verwinkeltes Labyrinth, in dem sie einen geheimen Tempel finden müssen. Doch Vorsicht ist geboten, denn die Wände des Irrgartens bewegen sich und der missgünstige Minotaurus kann überall lauern. Auch Robo Champ, Magikus, Monster 4, Lava Dragon, Race 3000, Lunar Command und Pirate Code bieten spannende Spielstunden für zwei bis vier Spieler. Alle zehn neuen LEGO Gesellschaftsspiele sind ab August im Handel erhältlich und werden zwischen circa zehn und 35 Euro kosten. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auf Bildmaterial können Sie unter anfordern. LEGO GmbH fischerAppelt Kommunikation München GmbH Junior PR Manager LEGO Central Europe (PR-Agentur) Helena Seppelfricke Nina Wenzl Tel.: 089 - 45346 - 256 Tel.: 089 - 747466 - 20 CopMike
February 4, 200916 yr Buildable dice? That has got to be the coolest new LEGO invention since sound bricks
February 4, 200916 yr Here is a picture of the game itself, maybe a prelim, maybe not... (links to Daily Telegraph article) Wow, that looks so sweet! I might get two of them, one for the parts and one to play the game ?
February 4, 200916 yr I don't have any problem with this release,... I only hope that TLC don't make the same mistake as in 1998 through 2004 by concentration more on side merch than the sets... Sales dropped 30 percent in 2003 and 10 percent more in 2004, when profit margins stood at –30 percent. Edited February 4, 200916 yr by Capt. Kirk
February 4, 200916 yr Groovy! I can remember making board games out of bricks when I was little, so this is quite exciting to hear! The dice are particularly interesting....all I used was a 2x2 brick; with a top, bottom, and four identical sides, it was like a 3-sided die. Also, do I detect a new type of minifig body on the playing pieces? Nice. Cheers! -Nich
February 4, 200916 yr I think this would be great for family time. Everyone in the family can play and maybe change up the game board with different legos. Will have to see how TLC executes this.
February 4, 200916 yr Great News! Anyone know how to contact the board games division--and if they will consider taking idea submissions for new games? I've been playing boardgames with Lego pieces for over 20 years, and with only a few games lined up for their launch, I'm hopin' for an openin'! (Seems like Lego never wants actual product designs though... )
February 4, 200916 yr Wtf? Are those microfigs? That's great! I must have those!And it looks like those dome pieces are built on 2x2 jumper pieces! Very useful! Really, I'm very excited about these games! I probably wont find anyone to play them with, but I might still get one or two of them. They seem to be great part packs. I just hope they wont be too expensive. Yeah, those "microfigs" would be perfect for infant bodies. I must have them! I really hope these come out in America. Tigris and Euphrates is one of my favorite board games and while I know that these won't be anything like that, I imagine they will still be pretty fun.
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