Posted February 1, 200916 yr Welcome to the 99th legion dedicated topic were you can discuss all things 99th. What is the 99th Legion? A comic series I created that follows my clone legion the, 99th. Comic Finder. A little something to help you catch up. Chapter 1 Part 1 Bash 'Em Up! Part II Interuption Part III Picked-Off Part IV Jailed Part V Dead & Gone List of characters. Who's out there fighting for the republic or separatists. Clones: Name: 99th legion troopers. Age: Unkown Rank: Unkown Species: Mandolorian male Weapon: Standard blaster rifle. Armour: Normal with the exception of an arc antenna Notables:Bitt Giik Name: Cc0857 Nickname: Din Age: Unknown Rank: Commander Species: Mandolorian Male Weapons: Two blaster pistols Bio: Commander Din was origlanaly a gunner but when his gunship crashed on Geonosis he was forced to the front lines. His performance was so amazing he replaced Commander Siin as Commander of a division of the 99th. He has made good freinds with Ow Kin his jedi genral. Jedi: Name: Ow Kin Age: 37 Rank: Master Species: Human Male Weapon: Blue lightsabre and a tooth filled with poison. Bio: Discovered at a young age Ow showed promace from the start. At the age of eighteen he broke into the fourth largest smuggling ring in the outer rim and arrested all members. When the clone wars broke out he fought alongside commander siin until siin was shot by a droideka. He now fights alongside Din. Sepratists: Name: Livik Shirley Age: 62 Rank: Genral Species: Geonosin Male Weapon: None Bio: Born and raised as a soldier Livik showed command potential from a young age. At the age of 48 he took control over the geonsin army. When the geonsins joined the sepratist alliance he was put in command of Battle Droids. He took command of a team of scientists when Merritt joined the sepratists. Livik Shirley is his english name. Name: Z5-31 Species: Droid Weapon: Double sided blue lightsabre and upgraded blaster rifle. Bio: Created by Livik Shirleys team of scientists on Merritt. The droid was designed for war and assasination. Name: Jailer Droid Species: Speacalized B1 Battle Droid Weapon: Long shot Tazor Bio: Designed as a guard for prisoners, the Jailer Droid proved useful at the end of battles. Distinguished by there gray right arm and gray legs. Name: Z5-14 Species: Droid Weapon: Double sided Green lightsabre and upgraded blaster rifle Bio: Created by Livik Shirleys team of scientists on Merritt. The droid was designed for war and assasination. Civilians: Name: Merritt Guard Age: 16-65 Species: Merrittian Male & Female Weapon: Blaster Rifle and Electro Knife Bio: The Merritt Guard is the Merrittian police force and army. Used also as guards for democrats. Democrats: Name: Devin Katonia Age:56 Rank: King of Merritt Species: Merrittian Male Weapon: None Bio: Devin Katonia is the son of the 4th senator of Merritt. As a child he was raised to be the next senator. However when the King's only son died the king chose devin as his heir. When the king died devin was 45. He ammediatley assumed control ove merritt. When the clone wars began he stashed away half of the planets resources in under ground facilatys. When the republic came to collect supplies they took most of the above ground material but not the below. He then made the decission to leave the republic. I hope you enjoy my comics! I found my original comic not what I wanted so I'm restarting with a new format! Edited March 18, 200915 yr by Tim Bit
February 2, 200916 yr Author I think its good but you should make the text larger and make it much longer The reason it's so short is because I'm making it weekly. thanks
February 3, 200916 yr Great job for your 1st try! You might want to take it easy and do it carefully instead of rushing through. It doesnt need to be weekly what matters is the quality! You might want to not use flash, its a bit harder to see and following CommanderCody77 can you make your textboxes and words a bit bigger please? As it will make the comic look much better!
February 3, 200916 yr If you're using paint, which I think you are, try opening two paint windows. In the first one, write the text you want to have, then select and copy it, and in the next window, make an appropriate sized text bubble and paste the text. That's what I do for every single texted frame I've had in any of my 9 published comics... except for the first few frames when I didn't know how to do it right. Looks good so far though!
February 3, 200916 yr Nice! I like how you incorporated the Senate aspect, rather then people running around shooting things. I look forward to the next segment.
February 26, 200916 yr Author As I said I found my first one lacking so here is the real deal! 3 Minutes Later Hope you like it. Comments welcome. I'll index the characters in the next week so you can get an idea of who they are.
March 2, 200916 yr Author Thanks for your well... 2 comments Here is the next comic: Questions comments suggestions welcome! Excpect the next comic by wednesday. I will index these charaters shortly.
March 2, 200916 yr Looks quite short this one though will the next comic be longer and have more action?
March 2, 200916 yr Author Looks quite short this one though will the next comic be longer and have more action? Yes it will.
March 8, 200916 yr Author Sorry for the delay and the double post. Now onto the comic: Previously, The exiting conclusion, Hope you liked it. Part IV may be coming today
March 9, 200916 yr Author As promised heres the next episode. Sorry no title page yet... Jailed Chapter I Part IV Previously, and now the exciting conclusion, Sorry for the blurry pics. Next comic on Wednesday (I hope )
March 15, 200915 yr Author Sorry for the double post! (again) And sorry for the delay! (again) Well here is the next comic: Chapter I Part V Dead & Gone Previously... And now the exciting conclusion... Enjoy! I'm hoping to get the next one up tommorrow. Again sorry for the delay.
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