October 27, 200519 yr Governor Yes Sting, what is your fascination about the Joshua Tree? You like the tree itself? You like the national park the tree was found in? You like the album that was named after it? Or are you just strange like us? Or all of the above?
October 27, 200519 yr I can assure you I am strange like all of you, but my love of the Joshua Tree stems only as far as I think they are cool, and my favorite band, U2, do indeed have an album named after them, which I think is one of the best albums of all time. But I could make up some very interesting story if you like! (Oh wait, no I can't... I'm too lazy :( )
October 27, 200519 yr Governor If you gather the motivation it would probably be a good idea to create a new thread because we're probably going off topic here. Not sure why I think that, but anyway. Oh, I prefer Acthung Baby :D
October 27, 200519 yr Governor Its this... or this or its a national park. You're Irish and you haven't heard of the Joshua Tree before? Or am I confusing you with someone else?
August 15, 200618 yr First of all, congratulations to all Lego Pirate fans out there. Unfortunately for me, I've also became one. I say unfortunately, because nowadays Lego no longer produces Pirate sets and it's very hard to find old ones, especially in good conditions. Personaly, I've always thought the Pirates to be one of Lego's major successful themes, so I really don't know why TLC stopped producing them. Does anybody know if Lego will produce new sets in the near future? If not, how about Lego Pirate fans launch a campaign similar to that of the 9v train system? Anyway, glad to be aboard this forum. *pirate*
August 15, 200618 yr Sadly I don't think they will do, maybe legends. Don't see it as unfortunatly too be a pirate lego fan, if you are you probarly have some sets, if so list them here! I still hope lego does re-releases some old sets, maybe I'm wrong but I don't think a new pirate them would be good, sorry but I don't think anything can match the good old pirate theme Arrr Mr Tiber
August 15, 200618 yr Thank you for answering, Mr. Tiber *pirate* . I've not explained myself conveniently. When I said it was unfortunate to become a pirate fan, I meant it to become one nowadays, because ever since I was a Lego collector I always privileged the Castle and Town themes and during that time just bought two Pirate sets (namely, 6232 because of the skeleton and 6247). Hence my disappointment in knowing that Lego probably won't be producing any more sets for the time being. As for a new pirate theme, I would prefer TLC to produce it than to produce none.
August 15, 200618 yr As for a new pirate theme, I would prefer TLC to produce it than to produce none. yeah you are right, but the old sets still seem better to me( even if there isn't a new theme at all) Imagine: KK2 style pirates, I get sick if i only think about it!
August 15, 200618 yr Unless TLC dosen't add big ugly pieces. If they do it like the oldstyle. Same colors as well, there is hope. Maybe a big Imperial Flagship Like the BBS or something?? Only hope.
August 15, 200618 yr I think LEGO won't release pirate sets again(talking about not duplo and +4)...is sad...specially for a pirate lego fan...I am not sure but is my opinion, because SW and HP is now more fashionable. Well, in a spanish journal i read something about LEGO has economic problems caused because Computer games and consoles are more fashionable than classic toys like Lego sets...and now LEGO is going to make more games and less sets...if is that true, i hope seeing a pirate lego game. PD: Mr Tiber and ImperialScout signs rules
August 15, 200618 yr I say they will. Lego constantly recycles their ideas. Pirates are a universal children's theme. POTC has brought them back into the light again. And I've heard that apparently some lunatic named Pex or Pez or Fez or something like that sent over 2 million emails from different email addresses to The Lego Company demanding the renewal of this theme. It's a shoe-in.
August 15, 200618 yr Governor Unless TLC dosen't add big ugly pieces. If they do it like the oldstyle. Same colors as well, there is hope. I don't like your chances there Apparently the colour pallette has changed permanently. I say they will. Lego constantly recycles their ideas. Pirates are a universal children's theme. POTC has brought them back into the light again. And I've heard that apparently some lunatic named Pex or Pez or Fez or something like that sent over 2 million emails from different email addresses to The Lego Company demanding the renewal of this theme. It's a shoe-in. This lunatic named Pex or Pez or Fez should really be posting at this forum.
August 15, 200618 yr Thank you for the replies. I suppose I should do the same as that guy and sent a couple million more e-mails, Mwah!, ah!, ah!, ah! >:-). Just kidding. One thing Pirate fans could do, albeit insignificant, is this: For those of you who don't know (very few, I'm sure), there is a survey at www.acnielsen.aim.dk/lego. If I recall correctly, one of the questions asks what's your favorite theme (or set, I'm not sure). Either way, just answer 'Pirates' or indicate a set number of the pirates theme. This probably won't change a thing, but it's better than just waiting TLC to produce a new Pirates line. With this I bid all farewell for today. Thank you for your threads, and good night.
August 15, 200618 yr Unless TLC dosen't add big ugly pieces. If they do it like the oldstyle. Same colors as well, there is hope. I don't like your chances there Apparently the colour pallette has changed permanently. That is true. Unfortunately. be nice to have new pirate sets. Btw, i don't think there is much dark gray in the old pirate sets, so there is less chance of bley being in them, if they re-released( or re-re-released though doubtful) sets.
August 15, 200618 yr Governor Thank you for the replies. I suppose I should do the same as that guy and sent a couple million more e-mails, Mwah!, ah!, ah!, ah! >:-). Just kidding. I think Mr Gylman was exaggerating there as he was referring to me. I've contacted The LEGO Company's online customer service about half a dozen times asking various different questions but not once did I demand the return of a Pirate theme. No matter how many millon messages an individual sent them they probably wouldn't take any notice, however if we could amass an army of Pirate LEGO fanatics... With this I bid all farewell for today. Thank you for your threads, and good night. Its great to have you aboard Mr Bates! That is true. Unfortunately. be nice to have new pirate sets. Btw, i don't think there is much dark gray in the old pirate sets, so there is less chance of bley being in them, if they re-released( or re-re-released though doubtful) sets. They used quite a few dark gray BURPs but most of it was light gray, however this is still a different shade from the latest light gray.
August 16, 200618 yr No matter how many millon messages an individual sent them they probably wouldn't take any notice, however if we could amass an army of Pirate LEGO fanatics... Well, naturally. But if said individual were to use a different email address each time, and run around to all the internet cafes in Australia (or whatever country said individual may be from, of course), and also use all their parents', uncles' aunts', friends', friends family's, computers as well, spreading a virus that has only the effect of sending an email politely requesting the return of Pirates, an email virus that mutates between each host so that the email differs each time it is sent.... All is possible if there is a will and a true believer.
August 16, 200618 yr Governor Said individual would certainly be making a full time career from spamming The LEGO Company's online customer service. It sounds like an interesting experiment, you should try it Gylman and let us know how it works out for you...
August 16, 200618 yr That is true. Unfortunately. be nice to have new pirate sets. Btw, i don't think there is much dark gray in the old pirate sets, so there is less chance of bley being in them, if they re-released( or re-re-released though doubtful) sets. They used quite a few dark gray BURPs but most of it was light gray, however this is still a different shade from the latest light gray. The SES has some gray parts, and not a little bit...I hope they use old colours for re-releases, the new bley looks to new for a ship like the SES....
August 16, 200618 yr That is true. Unfortunately. be nice to have new pirate sets. Btw, i don't think there is much dark gray in the old pirate sets, so there is less chance of bley being in them, if they re-released( or re-re-released though doubtful) sets. They used quite a few dark gray BURPs but most of it was light gray, however this is still a different shade from the latest light gray. The SES has some gray parts, and not a little bit...I hope they use old colours for re-releases, the new bley looks to new for a ship like the SES.... lol bley is blue grey! i was lost until now.... eh, i dont really care about colors along as they go together well. It would be nice if we could get more grey, but alas its discontinued for now (you can tell by the amount of old grey is on pick a brick walls! all those pieces are discontinued!)
August 20, 200618 yr i have sent in multiple requests for pirate legos like peter pan, one piece, even potc but every time i get a letter back to become a designer and i get really really mad >:-( >:-( >:-(
August 20, 200618 yr i have sent in multiple requests for pirate legos like peter pan, one piece, even potc but every time i get a letter back to become a designer and i get really really mad >:-( >:-( >:-( peter pan would be quite interesting! treasure island comes to mind too.... a series of classic pirate stories woudl be an awesome theme!
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