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Personally I am not a huge fan of Halo but I did get a few of the "Space Marine" armor sets from Brickforge. I really think that MEGA will have a tough time making a better looking fig. And if I wanted to build Halo themed MOCs I would just use my existing LEGO collection rather than buying new items.

Leg godt on!

actually mega bloks has pretty good loking figs, but the quality is bad so they'll probably start breaking after few months

AND i agree with CP5670 about everything he said (brand loyalty and halo sucking)

Edited by prateek

MWAHAHAHA!!!!! :devil:

Awesome! I can't wait. I hope it's really, really vehicle-heavy and not full of nothing but playsets. Finally, a reason to buy Megabloks again. They'd been sort of on the downslide as far as interesting sets have gone as of late.

actually mega bloks has pretty good loking figs, but the quality is bad so they'll probably start breaking after few months

AND i agree with CP5670 about everything he said (brand loyalty and halo sucking)

I can't agree with you about the Minifigs. Those are the one aspect of Megabloks I can't get on board with. But, fully armored SPARTANs and ODSTs might look okay.

And yet, sadly, I fear we'll never be free of the curse of "They should do Halo LEGO" topics deino2.gif

I had to say your wrong. Halo has one of the biggest video fan following of any game. Regardless of the age it targeted at, plenty of younger kids play it.

Please read my second post, not far above your's in which I explained myself further. :classic:

Are there any pictures of the proposed sets?

I would like to see what the weapons look like, although I am opposed to selling toy guns to children at such a young age (innocence of childhood and all that) I do like my figures being well equipped.

As for TLG's unwritten "no violence" rule, that was effectively dropped several years ago, at least as far as the licensed themes go. TLG will decide whether to produce new themes simply based on how much profit they ultimately think they will make, taking the license/production costs and market demand into account.

Thank you. I'm glad to see that someone else have opened thier eyes to Lego's (or lack there of) so called violence policy.

Please read my second post, not far above your's in which I explained myself further. :classic:

I did read your post. While i understand what your getting at, you don't nesasary have to be a curtain age to play/colect lego. This is mainly an adult Lego forum. I'm sure many wouldn't think that adults are as involved in Lego as we we are.

Point being, don't let age fool you. Your never to old to collect, or play with a construction toy!

Honestly, I'm glad we don't get any more lego-Halo topics. I like the brickforge versions, but by no means am I going to want the two combined officially.

And honestly, this would send Lego's reputation down the toilet. The most violent themes of lego could be Batman or Indiana Jones- but are these so bloody, compared to Halo? Halo, as a first-person shooter game, already tags itself with some bad tags by parents.

That might be the most narrow view of Halo I've ever seen. Clearly you haven't played the game (or if you have, for only a VERY brief period), or you would realize that it amounts to much more than what you described.

Also, Indiana Jones kills a lot of people in his movies. Plenty of people (and droids, and clones, etc.) are killed in Star Wars (heck, the current theme is the Clone WARS). The current Lego Castle themes including trolls and dwarves is clearly Lord of the Rings-based, which has massive amounts of killing in the movies. Really Halo is no different than any of these similar Lego themes. Adventure-based stories often do include killing.

Sure he does. However, Indy and SW have a much different stance than Halo- how many 5-year old kids play Halo?

Yes, there is killing. However, as the main character, you never kill any human, just a bunch of aliens that don't look human at all. Additionally, it's not a bloody game. There's no blood or guts flying all over the screen. You use primarily energy and projectile weapons. Even though there is a sword in the game, it just kills opponents without showing anything graphic. Overall, it's quite tame for a First Person Shooter.

In my book, it's a bloody game. The times when I played the game, I saw blood on the ground after I was killed. Maybe it's tame for a first-person shooter, but it's too violent for kids, and for parents to buy it for their kids. The parents I know aren't going to buy that lego toy if they see the words "Halo" on the top.

I had to say your wrong. Halo has one of the biggest video fan following of any game. Regardless of the age it targeted at, plenty of younger kids play it.

Are you joking, in denial, or just making excuses? The theme whitch you seem to love the most (i take this from your avatar) Star Wars is based off a war. The basic story is really no differnt from Halo. The fact that Indie and Star Wars are based off movies and not games, have nothing to do with it. If somthing has violence, it has violence.

This makes no sence what so ever. All your doing is making excuses for other lego themes that have violence. Halo is no more about killing than Star Wars is. If you seriously concider every theme Lego has is just "fighting" then Halo would easily fall into that same catagory.

You're the one not making sense... The difference in the theme is that no blood splatters across the ground when a stormtrooper gets shot.

And no, he's not in denial. There are categories of violence- would you honestly say that heroic Han Solo shooting a stormie, who falls off the screen, is different from a gory movie in which you hear someone's neck snap and see blood all over the place? So basically, there's 'heroic' violence, like in Indy, SW, and so on, and there's realistic violence, like in some games and 'real' movies.

And yes, Lego 'violence' is different from Halo violence. When a lego character gets hit in a Lego SW game, they fall into little LEGO pieces. Does a soldier in Halo do the same?

EDIT: Maybe we should stop about LEGO's violence policy. It'll only end very badly, and doesn't relate to MB's getting the license. If we continue this it'll only get the thread locked.

Isn't there a Mega Bloks topic for this? I thought this forum was for Lego only.


Well I'm a 1st person shooter fan so in my eyes Halo is a pretty good game. However I doubt that MegaBlockz will do that good with it. I mean I’ve seen some of their other current products, and it seems none of them are simply solid building block sets. So the halo theme will probably end up as a bunch of oversized action figures with 5 piece warthogs.

Also I wish people would stop bashing Halo and condemning it as something Lego would never do because there are guns, violence, and purple blood. I mean war is war, I’m sure the skeletons and crownies would much rather hack each other’s limbs off; than go to a tea party together. War is war. All that matters is that it sells well.

Still, I would like to see some of their Halo products... just to see how they look.

Edited by MacK

TLC would never have tried to get it anyway; too much violence.

I can find myself in this...

but what the f*ck, we can build it or self...

we talking about Lego and that's where Lego stands for... no !?!

Edited by Capt. Kirk

I'm not that concerned. Aside from the warthog there's not a lot that I'd want. I'll just have to buy some Brickforge parts that have no relation to Halo. :wink:

(This isn't about LEGO so it's being moved.)

Honestly, I'm glad we don't get any more lego-Halo topics. I like the brickforge versions, but by no means am I going to want the two combined officially.

And honestly, this would send Lego's reputation down the toilet. The most violent themes of lego could be Batman or Indiana Jones- but are these so bloody, compared to Halo? Halo, as a first-person shooter game, already tags itself with some bad tags by parents.

Sure he does. However, Indy and SW have a much different stance than Halo- how many 5-year old kids play Halo?

In my book, it's a bloody game. The times when I played the game, I saw blood on the ground after I was killed. Maybe it's tame for a first-person shooter, but it's too violent for kids, and for parents to buy it for their kids. The parents I know aren't going to buy that lego toy if they see the words "Halo" on the top.

You're the one not making sense... The difference in the theme is that no blood splatters across the ground when a stormtrooper gets shot.

And no, he's not in denial. There are categories of violence- would you honestly say that heroic Han Solo shooting a stormie, who falls off the screen, is different from a gory movie in which you hear someone's neck snap and see blood all over the place? So basically, there's 'heroic' violence, like in Indy, SW, and so on, and there's realistic violence, like in some games and 'real' movies.

And yes, Lego 'violence' is different from Halo violence. When a lego character gets hit in a Lego SW game, they fall into little LEGO pieces. Does a soldier in Halo do the same?

EDIT: Maybe we should stop about LEGO's violence policy. It'll only end very badly, and doesn't relate to MB's getting the license. If we continue this it'll only get the thread locked.

I'm sorry but what...?

You do REALIZE that they DON'T use LEGO MINIFIGURES in the star wars movies or indiana jones movies, don't you?

If you will recall, in star wars Luke gets his hand cut off, so does Anakin, Anakin gets caught on fire, and darth maul gets freaking gets CUT IN HALF.

In Indiana Jones, a man's head gets cut off by saw blades, people get melted, and another man gets his freaking HEART RIPPED OUT.

Im sorry, but this doesn't really equate to "Lego violence," as you put it.

Another point, have you ever even read the Batman comics or seen the movies?

Also, where in halo do you hear a man's neck being broken? answer that if you can (don't worry I know that you can't).

but whatever, to get on topic, im not a huge halo fan, but I have played through them all and I would like to see what these sets look like

You know,I don't really care that m3g^8l0k$ got the license.I once played a bit of Halo 1 with a freind,and frankly,IMO it sucked.You ARE right about the thing with violence,but when I was playing Halo with my freind,when one of us died there was a GIGANTIC blood spatter.In SW theres no blood and when something gets cut off you see(Instead of a bloody stump)A burn that looks like a pancake thats been in a stove on high for half an hour.And in IJ,sure theres a bit of blood and gore,but the worst thing is a guys head being cut off.I mean,kids nowadays watch Horror movies.I'm sure that theres been a lot of head lopping going on in those movies.

So what I'm trying to say is that TLG probably didn't make Halo because in their eyes,its too violent.Besides,theres a lot more blood in Halo then there is in IJ.And we don't even know WHY Lego didn't do Halo.Maybe they didn't do it because it was a Videogame(If thats the case then I guess we can say good-bye to Nintendo Lego :cry_sad: )

(_)The guy who thinks TDK sucks(_)

I'm sorry but what...?

You do REALIZE that they DON'T use LEGO MINIFIGURES in the star wars movies or indiana jones movies, don't you?

If you will recall, in star wars Luke gets his hand cut off, so does Anakin, Anakin gets caught on fire, and darth maul gets freaking gets CUT IN HALF.

In Indiana Jones, a man's head gets cut off by saw blades, people get melted, and another man gets his freaking HEART RIPPED OUT.

Im sorry, but this doesn't really equate to "Lego violence," as you put it.

Another point, have you ever even read the Batman comics or seen the movies?

Also, where in halo do you hear a man's neck being broken? answer that if you can (don't worry I know that you can't).

but whatever, to get on topic, im not a huge halo fan, but I have played through them all and I would like to see what these sets look like

Yes, Luke gets his hand cut off. Yes, Anakin loses his hand. Yes, Maul gets cut in half. But these movies are PG, remember. :wink: Halo is rated Mature.

Yes, someone gets their heart ripped out, and yes, Batman is violent. Those are the more violent of the movies (or comics...)

I wasn't saying that anyone in Halo gets their neck snapped. I'm saying that there are varying degrees of violence in films and movies- Batman and Indie, sure, can be a little-to-pretty up there, but SW? No.

Plus, I wasn't saying that they're using Lego minifigs in SW and such. I was comparing Lego 'violence' and Halo violence. Lego characters don't splat against a wall... You've taken everything I've said a completely different direction.

If you want to continue the conversation, do it via PM. :wink:

I wonder how much 'brickbuilt' that line´ll be... could turn out nicely, but who knows... not TLC´s cup of tea for sure anyways.

About the whole violence thing... it´s all a matter of perception. Societies´re pretty weird sometimes.

In a FPS the gamer´s supposed to take over the role of a character who´s to simply gun down everything, well, at least

most of the time.

And I don´t reject such games. I really like the suspense and the tense thrill when I move throughout some atmospheric areas,

always aware of the present danger, but I guess I could live without some of the gore effects. Nevermind, it needs more than

a videogame or a movie to turn kids into maniac killers, social depravation and easy access to real guns would come to mind as

helpful attendant circumstances... at least, some killing frenzy with a solid stone seems quite out of fashion nowadays.

Indy and StarWars movies, translated into that context, would work more like some kind of action-adventure game...

In general, the experience of a movie, to me, is a more passive on, with more weight on the illustration of characters and ideas,

whereas it´s usually more the special interactive aspects and the overall atmosphere of a game where I get my kicks from.

Nevertheless... exploding planets and clones bred especially to be more obedient... to fight and to die... not exactly oh-so family-friendly,

if someone would like to ask me. But moral´s hard to judge, and patterns of blood´re so much easier to spot.

Those ole clones desperately could need an union I guess. :tongue:

Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union,

I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die.

Woody Guthrie

In the end, it´s all just entertainment, and the show has to go on... :sweet:

Edited by Asuka

I did read your post. While i understand what your getting at, you don't nesasary have to be a curtain age to play/colect lego. This is mainly an adult Lego forum. I'm sure many wouldn't think that adults are as involved in Lego as we we are.

Point being, don't let age fool you. Your never to old to collect, or play with a construction toy!

Yup, I know this, I also know that a vast majority of Halo gamers do not appreciate that they can buy and play with Lego beyond the "It's for my kid brother". Too scared to buy toys they want (unless its a super dooper Master Cheif action figure) as they are "grown up" or "mature"

(plus as a twenty year old young woman I really do get the age and gender thing in shops... If it isn't tweenagers giggling that I am buying toys for myself then it's shop assistants looking surprised when I say it's for me...)

Unfortunately far to many people subscribe to a conservative and confining idea of Grown Up and Lego isn't "Grown Up" .

ho hum, still no pictures?

I've played and completed the first halo and didn't really like it. Level design is pretty boring and blocky (no pun intended) the flood are IMO rubbish enemies, and i don't like the look of the aliens and their guns.

i'll wait for pics to see how well done it is, I probably won't buy one unless i really like it

Oh dear, I thought this was a joke when I read the title haha.

I don't care for Halo whatsoever, but hey, any way to make money!

As someone who has both recieved and bought Megabloks sets, I can say that this is an excellent move for MB. They've been serverly declining in quality since they switched from stud-based sets to lots of gimmicky construction toys, and so a hopeful return to lego-compatible sets is a good sign.

I hope that Megabloks can pull this off, and I hope that their vehicles and minifigures are of decent quality. TLC needs some decent competition to stimulate the building toy market, and it's good to see that MB may finally be back in the game again. :thumbup:

You're the one not making sense... The difference in the theme is that no blood splatters across the ground when a stormtrooper gets shot.

And no, he's not in denial. There are categories of violence- would you honestly say that heroic Han Solo shooting a stormie, who falls off the screen, is different from a gory movie in which you hear someone's neck snap and see blood all over the place? So basically, there's 'heroic' violence, like in Indy, SW, and so on, and there's realistic violence, like in some games and 'real' movies.

And yes, Lego 'violence' is different from Halo violence. When a lego character gets hit in a Lego SW game, they fall into little LEGO pieces. Does a soldier in Halo do the same?

EDIT: Maybe we should stop about LEGO's violence policy. It'll only end very badly, and doesn't relate to MB's getting the license. If we continue this it'll only get the thread locked.

Sorry, but all your doing is making excuses for the themes you like that have violence. While i do agree that there are different levels of violence, it doen't nessasarly make one more acceptable than the other. And to answer your question, no. I don't see a differnece the violence you described between Halo and "heroic" Han Solo. In many ways, Master Chief and could easily be compared to Han, or Anikin, or any of the jedi's in the clone wars. Just because Halo has the occasional blood splater doesn't make it any worse than indie or Star Wars. Killing is Killing. Just cause there's a lack of blood, or one has less blood than the other does not make it any better or "kid friendly"

And in IJ,sure theres a bit of blood and gore,but the worst thing is a guys head being cut off.I mean,kids nowadays watch Horror movies.I'm sure that theres been a lot of head lopping going on in those movies.

So you feel that someones head being cut off is ok, but a blood splater when your character died is unacceptable? Thats a very hipacritical attitude to have. And the worst thing in IJ isn't the head being chopped off, but is ether the guys heart being ripped out, (Whitch has plenty of blood) or the guy melting. (also heavy with blood, and not exactly a nice image for a young child to have before he goes to sleep :cry_sad: ) Just seems like another example of trying to make excuses for the themes you like.

Yup, I know this, I also know that a vast majority of Halo gamers do not appreciate that they can buy and play with Lego beyond the "It's for my kid brother". Too scared to buy toys they want (unless its a super dooper Master Cheif action figure) as they are "grown up" or "mature"

(plus as a twenty year old young woman I really do get the age and gender thing in shops... If it isn't tweenagers giggling that I am buying toys for myself then it's shop assistants looking surprised when I say it's for me...)

Unfortunately far to many people subscribe to a conservative and confining idea of Grown Up and Lego isn't "Grown Up" .

ho hum, still no pictures?

Fair enough. :classic: I guess your right that the "teeny bobbers" have a harder time admiting still being interested in lego. Let alone telling friends or being seen buying any. But hey, there's always the internet for secret orders!

Eeevery time I read these posts I drop to the floor laughing. We all know that Halo has violence, and that's one reason it's rated what it is. (but I don't think it deserved an 'M' rating. I have played through each game SEVERAL times) I am begining to see this topic as Halo fans defending the game, and non-Halo fans bashing it :hmpf_bad: - The game is being treated like it's as violent as Manhunt, Call of Duty, or Fallout (games where there is more graphic blood and dismemberment)

This is a topic for Mega Brands getting a Halo lisence - not bashing Halo and trying to make it seem overboard violent. Sure, I would have liked to see LEGO make a Halo theme, (and maybe they will, like Mega Brands stole Spiderman :sceptic: ) but for now, it's with Mega Brands. So please quit the Halo bashing.

Thats my 2 cents :sadnew:

I am for any brand who gets the halo license. I'm :angry: that it is megeblocks. I know the figs will look like :sick: . So I could just moc them. If the sets are too expensive I will just take the instructions and build them with lego.

I am for any brand who gets the halo license. I'm :angry: that it is megeblocks. I know the figs will look like :sick: . So I could just moc them. If the sets are too expensive I will just take the instructions and build them with lego.

I wouldn't copy MB's designs if I were you. Chances are they will be stuffed with oversized pieces and and with poor designs. Just take a image of whatever halo thing you want to make and let your imagination do the rest. Just moc it.

Wait, those are building toys? There are so many massive pieces I couldn't tell. :tongue:

yup.. megablocks sure knows how to ruin things. :hmpf_bad:

can you imagine if they had gotten starwars

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