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And also, I count 5 engines on top, and I bet there will be at least five on the bottom.

To me, the set looks great. I missed out on the red ship from TPM. :cry_sad:

Not sure where you are getting the fourth engine from, but I only see four on the top. That means four on the bottom. Looks like there is enough space between the two rows of the engines would allow for the other 3. the problems of the engines looking small and the overall odd proportions people are seeing are due to the perspective of the photograph. I will be getting this set if it is in a reasonable price range for something of this size.

I'm pretty sure Svelte's right about this being midi-scale; look at the size of a 1x1 round stud on the ship. If it were to fit minifigs, it could probably only fit two(In the cockpit.).

I'm pretty sure Svelte's right about this being midi-scale; look at the size of a 1x1 round stud on the ship. If it were to fit minifigs, it could probably only fit two(In the cockpit.).

To me it looks like it may be hinged in the middle section allowing space for a couple more figs. Although I think anyone hoping for 10 or more figs will be disappointed.

The set looks a lot chunkier to me the Episode 1 version and I think once we see a bit more of it people may be pleasantly surprised by the size of it.

Come on, people, be reasonable!

It is not midi-scale! Nobody ever said it was, and it certainly doesn't look like it! I mean, it must be about three times the size of the Falcon! And it probably fits even more figs than the Republic Cruiser (2-4 in the cockpit, 2-3 on each side of the middle section, 1-2 in each escape pod, and who-knows-how-many in the back).

And of course it will come with minifigs! What would be the point in making this minifig-scale and adding windows, hinged plates, etc. if it doesn't have any figs? That would be like selling hamburgers without beef! There are no minifigs in the pic because they are inside the ship. Duh! Just like in the Venator and ISD.

So relax and wait for better pics.

I think once we see a bit more of it people may be pleasantly surprised by the size of it.

I absolutely agree! These pics don't do the set justice. :sadnew:

To me it looks like it may be hinged in the middle section allowing space for a couple more figs. Although I think anyone hoping for 10 or more figs will be disappointed.

The set looks a lot chunkier to me the Episode 1 version and I think once we see a bit more of it people may be pleasantly surprised by the size of it.

Those hinged sections just look structural to me - ie to give the distinctive angle of the winged panels on the side sections. Even if it did allow access to an interior, the space would have to be teensy. And it doesn't look like there is any room at the rear or front for any other decent sections.

I would be happy to be proved wrong about the figs - although if they're as bog standard as everyone seems to think they'll be, for once I'd prefer a cheaper, larger ship with no minifigs included. I just think its odd that, for example, at the end of Book 2 of the 10196 Carousel manual, we have pics of the 10193 with figs, 10194 with figs, 10182 & 10185 (together with figs!), and 10195 with figs!, so why would they suddenly drop out of the 10197 page manual?

I also agre e that this will look a lot chunkier once we have better shots. The perspective and distorted photography from the shot of that make it look a little odd.

Well, there is a precedent in that the original UCS version was figless :tongue: So we know Star Wars sets will continue to sell regardless.

If you want to add figs, the Rebel battlepacks are still available via S@H, and I don't know why any AFOLs would want yet another C3P0, R2D2 and Leia anyway.

TLG has made the figs such a virtue of the SW line - even this year putting them on *front* of the box art! - that if this pic has been sourced from 10197 I can't imagine why they wouldn't be included there.

But I'm willing to bet that only the most die-hard AFOLs would consider getting this set if you are right. A probable high price, no figs, no interior, and no *wow* factor (that we we see or is probable).

Come on, people, be reasonable!

It is not midi-scale! Nobody ever said it was, and it certainly doesn't look like it! I mean, it must be about three times the size of the Falcon! And it probably fits even more figs than the Republic Cruiser (2-4 in the cockpit, 2-3 on each side of the middle section, 1-2 in each escape pod, and who-knows-how-many in the back).

Then again, the movie version was more than three times the size of the Falcon. And I politely disagree about your minifig-space count. I estimate 2 in the cockpit, and two or three in the mid-section. The rest of the space will be taken up by the escape pod (which counts as space for the middle), and other add-ons, like the crap-flyer we saw in the RC. I don't think any figures will fit in the back because of the engines.

And of course it will come with minifigs! What would be the point in making this minifig-scale and adding windows, hinged plates, etc. if it doesn't have any figs? That would be like selling hamburgers without beef! There are no minifigs in the pic because they are inside the ship. Duh! Just like in the Venator and ISD.

Well, that's my point. If it is midi-scale, than that means no figs. Svelte has a very good point saying that if the figures weren't on the preview, they probably won't be in the set. If the box art is finalized, then it's not likely to change. It doesn't look like we'll get figs in this one. :sadnew:

Those hinged sections just look structural to me - ie to give the distinctive angle of the winged panels on the side sections. Even if it did allow access to an interior, the space would have to be teensy. And it doesn't look like there is any room at the rear or front for any other decent sections.

I would be happy to be proved wrong about the figs - although if they're as bog standard as everyone seems to think they'll be, for once I'd prefer a cheaper, larger ship with no minifigs included. I just think its odd that, for example, at the end of Book 2 of the 10196 Carousel manual, we have pics of the 10193 with figs, 10194 with figs, 10182 & 10185 (together with figs!), and 10195 with figs!, so why would they suddenly drop out of the 10197 page manual?

I also agre e that this will look a lot chunkier once we have better shots. The perspective and distorted photography from the shot of that make it look a little odd.

You may be right about that with the hinging, a couple figs squeezed in and seated wouldn't be great. But better pics will show us the proportions more accurately.

I think that the main reason people want figs is to get a Captain Antilles, we really don't need more R2s and 3POs. Personally I'd be happy to forego the figs as long as there was a bit of corridor space to have a confrontation between the stormies and rebels, but I"m not holding my breath on that one.

I'm pretty sure Svelte's right about this being midi-scale; look at the size of a 1x1 round stud on the ship. If it were to fit minifigs, it could probably only fit two(In the cockpit.).

If this thing were midi-scale I would be SERIOUSLY dissapointed, I don't think TLG would do that to us, I really hope they wouldn't. I mean we have had 3 falcones, that's why they gave us a midi-scale one. But we have only had 1 Tantive IV.

Plus the midi falcon had no minifigs, it looks like there is a place to seat the minifigs in the RBR

Back onto the 2010 BPs:

I think it looks like the one on the right is a Wampa BP with just Wampa's (this would be kinda pointless) but it shore looks like that. :wacko:

Now I know it's the ESB anniversary next year and all but, the one on the Left with the "supposed rebel pilot" looks abit like Nute Gunray to me :blush: Im probably wrong but then again to prove my idea:

It looks like there are some TAN coloured pieces which could be BDs.

I kinda hope these *ideas* won't happen, because though I would like to see a cold assault Rex, Hoth OT BPs sound nicer for now.

One last thing, when they started doing BPs in 07 they did a PT one, 08 OT, 09 PT......2010 Im guessing it'll be an OT BP :grin: .

It might help if people try adjusting the brightness, contrast on MS picture manager or some other program, I did this and it sorta helped.

If these BPs are OT then it does look like the one on the left is sorta of a protection-dug out thing, not to shore though.

Just my thought people :sweet:


Edited by CommanderFox

I think that the main reason people want figs is to get a Captain Antilles, we really don't need more R2s and 3POs.

Actually, I'd love a new-style R2, Threepio, Leia, and Vader. :blush: I don't have any, and the DS is WAY out of my price league and always will be, so I would very much welcome a way to get these for under $200.

Back onto the 2010 BPs:

I think it looks like the one on the right is a Wampa BP with just Wampa's (this would be kinda pointless) but it shore looks like that. :wacko:

Now I know it's the ESB anniversary next year and all but, the one on the Left with the "supposed rebel pilot" looks abit like Nute Gunray to me :blush: Im probably wrong but then again to prove my idea:

It looks like there are some TAN coloured pieces which could be BDs.

Wampa BPs? Gunray BPs?? I can asure you, these will never happen. :laugh:

Something to think about: If the orange blob on the left BP is a Rebel Pilot, why is he fighting on the battlefield and not piloting the blur which looks like a speeder? :sceptic:

Actually, I'd love a new-style R2, Threepio, Leia, and Vader. :blush: I don't have any, and the DS is WAY out of my price league and always will be, so I would very much welcome a way to get these for under $200.

I agree with you there! I got a new R2 in the Battle of Endor, but am still missing the other three. Seeing them in more sets might make them cheaper on Bricklink. :sweet:

Something to think about: If the orange blob on the left BP is a Rebel Pilot, why is he fighting on the battlefield and not piloting the blur which looks like a speeder? :sceptic:

That's what it was like with the Republic Attack Shuttle earlier this year, if you remember. The pilot was fighting alongside Mace Windu and the ordinary clone was flying the shuttle. I can't remember if they ever changed it.

If they're all Hoth Rebels, and they hide the pilot inside the vehicle, some people may not notice him and may not bother getting it if it's just a few Hoth Rebels.

Actually, I'd love a new-style R2, Threepio, Leia, and Vader. :blush: I don't have any, and the DS is WAY out of my price league and always will be, so I would very much welcome a way to get these for under $200.

Fair enough, but the figs you speak of are now pretty affordable (by star wars minifig standards) on bricklink, without having to break the budget like a DS would.

But hey, I hope it comes with a stack of figs if there's somewhere to put them. I think it's a great compromise size for the set as obviously genuine minifig scale would make it the price of a car.

Come on, people, be reasonable!

It is not midi-scale! Nobody ever said it was, and it certainly doesn't look like it! I mean, it must be about three times the size of the Falcon! And it probably fits even more figs than the Republic Cruiser (2-4 in the cockpit, 2-3 on each side of the middle section, 1-2 in each escape pod, and who-knows-how-many in the back).

And of course it will come with minifigs! What would be the point in making this minifig-scale and adding windows, hinged plates, etc. if it doesn't have any figs? That would be like selling hamburgers without beef! There are no minifigs in the pic because they are inside the ship. Duh! Just like in the Venator and ISD.

So relax and wait for better pics.

I absolutely agree! These pics don't do the set justice. :sadnew:

Ok, I hear what your saying, BUT In the movie, it IS 3x bigger, or moresoish.

I know that most people don't want to admit it, But anyone could be right! I think it'll be midi scale, because I think they put the falcon out as a test run, to see if, yknow, IT'd sell, So now methinks this line will extend further, And we will once again be dissapointed with sets that look awesome, Then speculate about the fig's, to find out, IT HAS NO FIG'S.

My 10c anywho

Well, there is a precedent in that the original UCS version was figless :tongue: So we know Star Wars sets will continue to sell regardless.

While I realize comparisons with the 10019 UCS set are inevitable, the original was meant as a model, along with all the early UCS sets. Although they're not shown, by virtue of its design, this looks like a System set meant for mini-figs. Since these sets generally have low interior space, I wouldn't hold out hope for more than Leia, R2-D2, C3PO, Capt Antilles, and a Rebel Troop, or possibly a Rebel pilot. I expect about 5 figs.

The Tantive IV set looks really good to me; it falls in line with the rest of the capital ship playsets in design and size. IMHO, it looks much better than the Venator, which looks fat and stubby, esp when compared to the ISD set, which maintained a sleekness despite its size and interior space. From the photos, the cockpit pieces look printed, although I have to admit that the stickers on box art/official photography always look better than the actual stickers. In a UCS set, I'd bet on printed parts for at least the upper cockpit pieces. I hope so; stickering cones and getting everything lined up is a joyless chore.

As far as pricing, LEGO is an expensive hobby that has just become noticeably moreso in the last year. I don't like it, but nothing's going to change unless people stop buying it. I don't see that happening either; I love the stuff,(as do all of you, or you wouldn't be here :tongue: ) and I can afford it, although I've reduced my buying considerably. I still buy at least one of nearly all Star Wars sets, along with a fair smattering of sets from other themes, but I've greatly reduced the number of copies I buy for MOCing.

Edited by M'Kyuun

I really hoping that this set will have Leia in her white gown and C3PO. I have yet to get them because they are always in the expensive sets these days and they haven't been in a reasonably priced set for a while. If this set is cheap and contains those minifigs I will buy this set (after ive purchased the pirate tank, endor bunker and home one :tongue: ).

I think it looks pretty cool. I got the Republic Cruiser too, and it came with some exclusive minifigs. [flesh Obi-Wan EP.I, flesh Qui Gon-Jinn, Republic Captain, Republic Pilot, and R2-R7 - all 5 only available from the RC set]

If the RBR has some nice exclusive minifigs aswell, and is around $100, not any higher, then I might get it...

I don't see why everyone hates it so much [some don't, many do], now you got the chance to get a cheaper RBR, but if it doesn't have any minifigs I will not buy it, 'cos I can't do anything with it then, I already got so few OT sets, I don't have a Leia, so I need a minifig of that, and a Captain Antilles minifig would be nice too.

However, I can see minifigs running around it looking like giants next to it - the guns are around the size of a minifig and the guns are big for the RBR already, so uh.. :tongue:

[Look at the size of a 1x1 stud on it]

General Magma

Edited by General Magma

Many thanks for the link and pics Jansued, L-space!

I really like the look of this set. I think it's been a victim of it's on hype in that initial details about price weren't the most accurate, so people assumed this would be the RBR to end all RBRs. Well it isn't... but it's still damn cool!

It bears a lot of similarity to the Rebuplic Cruiser? Well yeah, no suprises there - in shape at least. But considering both ships origins that's to be expected...

...but the RBR's mid-section appears to be constructed differently. I own the RC and the RBR's exterior mid-section is less wide than the RC; it might mean less space looking at it from the outside, but LEGO may have removed the 'super-structure' style build used in the RC to accomodate the corridor where we saw Darth Vaders entrance. We can but hope! Also, there appears to be 2 'escape-pods' that form the circular part between mid and aft sections...

This leads me to believe, like darkrebellion, that the 10198 will be a fig-less midi-scale set.

...whereas I believe that there are minifigs in this set - even if there aren't pictures of them. There's transparent window at the front of the ship, when there could easily have been modelled detail. And there's escape-pod style pieces where some kind of cylindrical construction would have formed the shape better. I think the fact that it works in midi-scale is probably a result of working to a budget and would probably apply to the RC too.

I think any minifigs will likely be Captain Antilles, Princess Leia, R2-D2, C-3PO, and a rebel trooper. It's the same count as for the Republic Cruiser. If anything there might be an extra rebel trooper.

I'd imagine that the cockpit - which will defo be printed in my opinion - will seat 2 or 3 minifigs, same with the mid section; and then the escape-pods will have the capacity for 2 each.

Looking forward to seeing some more pics :wink:

Edited by pedro

Well, there is a precedent in that the original UCS version was figless :tongue: So we know Star Wars sets will continue to sell regardless.

If you want to add figs, the Rebel battlepacks are still available via S@H, and I don't know why any AFOLs would want yet another C3P0, R2D2 and Leia anyway.

TLG has made the figs such a virtue of the SW line - even this year putting them on *front* of the box art! - that if this pic has been sourced from 10197 I can't imagine why they wouldn't be included there.

That is true, but the RBR has already been released a few years ago as a UCS set, without figures. I don't think that Lego would go to all the trouble to design a mini-figure scale RBR and not include any mini-figs. I definitely think and hope it will.

Well, I also think the RBR is midi-scale. It makes sense to expand the midi-scale line after the MF and RBR is the perfect ship to do so.

If we are getting Hoth Rebel & Empire Battle Pack, I would be delighted (even if the last "Echo Base" set looks like an overpriced Hoth BP)


After the release of the OT RBR I want to see a PT RBR with Yoda, Obi-wan, some sand-blue clad pilots, Bail, and Antilles in Republic dignitarian uniforms.

I wonder if these BP are really Hoth battlepacks. People here and elsewhere were asking for Hoth BPs, and also seeing the same in some blurry images: Snowtroopers, Hoth Rebels, even a Tauntaun and a laser turret.

But.... isn't it exactly what we got this year? Why should they come out with the same thing, just divided into the factions? And why do people want exactly what we got this year?

There are a few up sides to this set I overlooked. I am positive Oky Wan Kenobi is correct, and that at least the cockpit has no stickers. That would be disastrous! And I'm sure the other 3 engines are somewhere.

But just by looking at this ship you can tell there will be tons of features! And that will be great, this is more play than build.

Edited by Darth Legolas

I agree with Darth Legolas:

Anyway, I'm sad about the RBR. It's not too bad.... for a $90 set. This can't go for more than $150, or I'll consider it robbery.

I mean, look at that thing, people! It can't be more than 30 or 40 studs long! I might still think it expensive if it's $80 :hmpf_bad:

And though it's not like me to be even more negative, but the bridge and the middle section look too small to hope for a decent interior.

Oh well,



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'You're all wrong.

The moment those two touch, they will tear a hole in the space time continuum, rendering the universe as we know it nonexistent.


Just a couple of thoughts...

Firstly as pointed out by a few people we have already had what is effectively a hoth battle pack. Why would we get another?

Now the pictures aren't clear but it looks to me like the sets we are looking at another clones vs pack. The box art matches the new clone wars style (which I know doesn't mean anything as it well early but still..) In this case I think the right hand box is a set of snow trooper clones with a BARC speederbike. Have a look at this episode guide from the tv series: http://www.starwars.com/theclonewars/guide/episode015.html

So I think this is what we will be getting some of:


Blockade runner looks good but I'm seeing lots of stickers.. god I miss printed parts!

Edited by lemming

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