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  CommanderCody77 said:
What day will the toy fair be this weekend?

I am not sure but I heard tommorow, sunday.

We will see some new pictures of SW sets, I hope!

While looking more at the new MF I think it actually looks nice as a giant MINI and has some really cool pieces (Like the cockpit piece :tongue: ) but overall I am still very disspaointed an the worst part is that I need to buy it as a completist :sadnew: , oh well I will put it at the bottom of my want list. I just wish that the TLC don

Edited by darkrebellion

I can't believe people trash this set that bad (the MF). If anything, it's a parts pack and a cheap MF. Also, it's like lego's attempt to make kids into those model geeks (of which I'm a member.). But, the Pirate tank is awesome! Obi in a cheap set? I'm in!

  darkrebellion said:
While looking more at the new MF I think it actually looks nice as a giant MINI and has some really cool pieces (Like the cockpit piece :tongue: ) but overall I am still very disspaointed an the worst part is that I need to buy it as a completist :sadnew: , oh well I will put it at the bottom of my want list. I just wish that the TLC don�t decide to go in this Midi-scale direction and continue releasing the good sets and not ruining the potential ones :tongue: .

Same here!

EXACTLY the same thought....

I might as well have copy + pasted it :tongue:

  Snake...SNAKE...SNAAAAKE?! said:
I can't believe people trash this set that bad (the MF). If anything, it's a parts pack and a cheap MF. Also, it's like lego's attempt to make kids into those model geeks (of which I'm a member.). But, the Pirate tank is awesome! Obi in a cheap set? I'm in!

But the thing is, as completists, we already have 3 perfectly fine Millenium falcons :hmpf_bad: . If i wanted a parts pack, i would buy other sets with parts i actully want :wink: . For lego, IMO, MID-scale ships are :thumbdown:


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  Oswald the Rabbit said:
I agree with you Klaus-Dieter, it is very childish to call someone a child just because they dont agree with your opinion on something. This is forum where we come to talk about our likes and dislikes on the new 2009 Star Wars line.

I am not calling anyone a child here.

I merely stated that childish whining isn't wanted here.

You're allowed to have your opinions on any given set, what I don't want is people to rant.

Feel free to discuss and submit your opinion, just do it in a grown-up argumentative manner please.

Going: "OMFG diz is soooo bad and overpriced - wut the fug is wrong with you TLG?!!!1!!" isn't acting like a grown up, is it?

Let's discuss the sets in a better way than that.

And please think twice before calling me a child or childish next time.

  Klaus-Dieter said:
In this point I regrettably have to disagree with you, KimT!

Imo this forum is to write about what you like about new Lego sets - but even what you don't like. It would be unnatural if everybody likes everything. :wink:


As mentioned, you're free to have and post any opinions, just don't rant :classic:

  Oswald the Rabbit said:
Frankly the only UCS sets I am interested in are the ones that include minifigures.

See, that's just it. I generally don't consider a set to be UCS if it contains figures or is in LEGO's mini figure scale, lone exception would be the Millennium Falcon. Of course the first thing I did when I received my MF was sell the mini figures on bricklink.

My thoughts:

Mid-scale MF: Honestly, I don't understand you guys at all. This is a MID-SCALE model, so what the heck did you expect! :hmpf: If you ask me, for what it is, this is a really fine looking model of the MF, and I think it's nice that we get a MF that is bigger than a Mini (and therefore detailed), but small enough to be easy to swoosh. :thumbup: Kids will love it because of its swooshability, and collectors will have something nice to display. It doesn't have minifigs - So what? I mean, is that all that matters to you guys? :sceptic: I think it's good that we get a set for once that is not overly overpriced due to its figs and concentrates on good build design and part selection rather than production costs and minifig design. However, I must agree that this set doesn't look cheap either with its fancy anniversary box art. :look:

In conclusion, I like this set for what it is, and if I see it for a good price, I'll pick it up.

Pirate Tank: This set on the other hand is a disappointment to me. :sceptic: This tank looked very cool in the series and I was looking forward to this set, but this is somehow not what I had in mind. The front is quite well designed, and the color scheme is kinda nice too, but it's the back I don't like. Those engines looked very cool on the tank in the show, but these just look like a bunch of plates with car hoods on them. :thumbdown: And, of course, I am surprised about the choice of Obi Wan instead of Jar Jar in this set, but I guess it's good that we get Obi in a cheaper set, and I have enough Jar Jars anyway. :wink: I can't say too much about the pirates at the moment since they don't look very Weequay-ish. So, I don't think I'll get this set. :sadnew:

This not exactly shaping up to be the best year for me, but I guess my wallet can use a break. :wink:

All of these new pics seem intresting, and of course, I have my own opinions. :wink:

Mon-Cal Playset- I have to admit, I wasn't expecting much, I was mainly expecting a hanger and A-wing with Ackbar, a Pilot, and the odd technician. But now that I see the pics...wow. I think it's really nice that we get Mon Mothma and General Madine. I'm looking forward to this one.

Pirate Tank- This one looks okay. I hope it will get some proper Weequay in the final.

Mid-Scale 'Falcon- It may not have any figs, but I'm still sort of fond of it. It's decent sized, and not blown out of porportion like in the past, and looks very detailed. I'm pleased with this.

  Oky Wan Kenobi said:
My thoughts:

Mid-scale MF: Honestly, I don't understand you guys at all. This is a MID-SCALE model, so what the heck did you expect! :hmpf: If you ask me, for what it is, this is a really fine looking model of the MF, and I think it's nice that we get a MF that is bigger than a Mini (and therefore detailed), but small enough to be easy to swoosh. :thumbup: Kids will love it because of its swooshability, and collectors will have something nice to display. It doesn't have minifigs - So what? I mean, is that all that matters to you guys? :sceptic:

Well I think most of the people who is dissapointed by it (Including me :tongue: ) hope for some minifigs mainly cause this was the unique chance we have to get a Nien Nunb minifig :cry_sad: . I highly doubt the TLC will release another MF next year or anytime soon and also if they choose to, it would be their 5th redemption of this ship (Including this one and the other MINI) so a lot of people would be somewhat tire of purchase again this ship. Also I can agree with you that the Mid-scale size is what we were supposed to get so I understand it but I was hoping for at least one or two minifigs :tongue: .

Edited by darkrebellion

Frankly the only UCS sets I am interested in are the ones that include minifigures.


Sorry, but that made me laugh!

The point of UCS sets is to be Far bigger, and beyond normal figure size. Admittably, the MF broke this trend, but it still made sense because it's a big ship made to minifig size. Getting UCS sets for the figs really makes no sence to me :sceptic:

Of course the first thing I did when I received my MF was sell the mini figures on bricklink.

May i ask how much you got? I'm not going to sell mine, but would be intrested to know what they're worth... :classic:

My thoughts:

Mid-scale MF: Honestly, I don't understand you guys at all. This is a MID-SCALE model, so what the heck did you expect! If you ask me, for what it is, this is a really fine looking model of the MF, and I think it's nice that we get a MF that is bigger than a Mini (and therefore detailed), but small enough to be easy to swoosh. Kids will love it because of its swooshability, and collectors will have something nice to display. It doesn't have minifigs - So what? I mean, is that all that matters to you guys?

If someone was a collector i think they would perfer the UCS :tongue:

Well I think most of the people who is dissapointed by it (Including me ) hope for some minifigs mainly cause this was the unique chance we have to get a Nien Nunb minifig . I highly doubt the TLC will release another MF next year or anytime soon and also if they choose to, it would be their 5th redemption of this ship (Including this one and the other MINI) so a lot of people would be somewhat tire of purchase again this ship. Also I can agree with you that the Mid-scale size is what we were supposed to get so I understand it but I was hoping for at least one or two minifigs .

I actully think there's still hope for figs... Think about it, they (no idea how) managed to get vader into his mid-scale tie.

But i still think the ship is bad... But thats just my opinion, no-one flame me!

Edited by legoman

  Oswald the Rabbit said:
Vader actually fits in that thing?

I havn't got the set yet, but apparently so...

  legoman said:
If someone was a collector i think they would perfer the UCS :tongue:

True, but if you're only a low-budget collector (like me) and can't afford the UCS one, you'll be happy to have a detailed, little MF to display instead of none. :wink: Besides, this Falcon takes much less space to display than the UCS one. :thumbup::grin: Perfect for any office desk, you know.

  Oky Wan Kenobi said:
True, but if you're only a low-budget collector (like me) and can't afford the UCS one, you'll be happy to have a detailed, little MF to display instead of none. :wink: Besides, this Falcon takes much less space to display than the UCS one. :thumbup::grin: Perfect for any office desk, you know.

True True...

I guess not everyone is willing to sacrifice a computer on their desk for a UCS MF...

But i'm happy with my choice :tongue:

I must say, i really like Home one. The more i look at it, the better it looks :cry_happy:

I hope it's around $50, not the original $100.

If it's $50, i might get 2 or 3... A-wings... And that hanger/crane thing is :wub: *drool*

  legoman said:
May i ask how much you got? I'm not going to sell mine, but would be intrested to know what they're worth... :classic:

Back about a year ago when I first got the set I sold the mini figures for $200ish. But at the time when the set first came out, those were the first fleshie figures for ANH Han Solo, Leia, Luke, and Ben. Those figures have since been released in the mini figure heavy Death Star set.

  legoman said:
My thoughts: If someone was a collector i think they would perfer the UCS :tongue:

I'd agree with that for my own collection. Personally, I'd rather have one UCS X-Wing for the same price (or less) as it'd cost to have the 3 different smaller versions that's been released to date. So sure at first the UCS sets might be pricey, but the quality of the product and the detail, you can have one "Ultimate" model of each ship/vehicle and be done with it. Besides, UCS sets usually can be found on clearance at LEGO.com. Take the AT-ST and Vader's TIE Advanced, they're on sale right now. I know I'd rather give $50 for the UCS TIE Advanced than $30 for the new mini figure one.

Hi all! I've been following these forums for quite a long time now but never had a chance to register. But seeing the new sets coming in 2009, I couldn't resist any longer. I just thought I'd offer my opinion on the new millenium falcon and pirate tank.

Millenium Falcon: Unlike most of the people who have posted so far, I'm really liking this set. It's incredibly detailed for such a small set and is very very SWOOSHable. Its size is another plus for me because it'll be able to fit on my desk so I can admire it whenever I want. I missed the awesome 4504 falcon and so I'll probably be getting this one. The only thing that worries me is that because its a UCS, it'll probably be 50$ for a set thats really worth about 30$. Oh well.

Pirate Tank: This set looks pretty good too. I'm really liking how its different from the standard "war" vehicles that characterize the clone wars sets and the design looks to provide some great playability. Pirates look cool but they aren't anything special.

I can only afford to pick up one and as of the current pictures we have, it'll probably be the falcon. :classic:

  funnystuff said:
Hi all! I've been following these forums for quite a long time now but never had a chance to register. But seeing the new sets coming in 2009, I couldn't resist any longer. I just thought I'd offer my opinion on the new millenium falcon and pirate tank.

Millenium Falcon: Unlike most of the people who have posted so far, I'm really liking this set. It's incredibly detailed for such a small set and is very very SWOOSHable. Its size is another plus for me because it'll be able to fit on my desk so I can admire it whenever I want. I missed the awesome 4504 falcon and so I'll probably be getting this one. The only thing that worries me is that because its a UCS, it'll probably be 50$ for a set thats really worth about 30$. Oh well.

Pirate Tank: This set looks pretty good too. I'm really liking how its different from the standard "war" vehicles that characterize the clone wars sets and the design looks to provide some great playability. Pirates look cool but they aren't anything special.

I can only afford to pick up one and as of the current pictures we have, it'll probably be the falcon. :classic:

Welcome to the forums. I totally agree with you. But on my part im gonna have to get both. I do wish the mid scale mf came with a rare fig. I think that would put this out on top. But its still an awsome set.

wow havent been on here for awhile. anyways greetings to all. i guess i missed out on some good news huh? im loving the new sets. and ohh wat a surprise i guess my brother was right about the "Home one" set winning he had a friend who worked at TLC who told him months ago about that set winning. anyways its looking great and MF and private tank are awsome. i will be getting those for sure.

p.s. how do i get one of those death star star wars logo under my pic?

  Dark Brickz said:
wow havent been on here for awhile. anyways greetings to all. i guess i missed out on some good news huh? im loving the new sets. and ohh wat a surprise i guess my brother was right about the "Home one" set winning he had a friend who worked at TLC who told him months ago about that set winning. anyways its looking great and MF and private tank are awsome. i will be getting those for sure.

p.s. how do i get one of those death star star wars logo under my pic?

By getting the death star thing it means that you have contributed a lot of things like reviews and so on and means you are a very good member

P.S I can't believe TLC didn't remove the pictures of the Pirate Tank and Milenium Falcon on brickshelf

Edited by CommanderCody77

Well it's a bit late for the TLC to remove em. :D Thank you "click and save." Hey, do you guys think the falcon could fit in the 10188 Death Star or the Mon Calamari hanger?

  ROCON said:
Well it's a bit late for the TLC to remove em. :D Thank you "click and save." Hey, do you guys think the falcon could fit in the 10188 Death Star or the Mon Calamari hanger?

Maybe, but I think the Mon Calamari Hanger could have more of a chance of having the falcon to fit it

  Oswald the Rabbit said:
The only way that the MF could fit on the Death Star is if u took it apart and put it in the trash compactor.

Actually, it doesnt look much bigger than the mini-TIE in the UCS death star. It would be cool if it fit, could make for a variety of DS rleated MOC's XD

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