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Join Eurobricks' Steam community group!

  • [EB Username] - [Steam Username]
  • Ryan_T - Bonitasniper
  • Posades - Posades
  • Marckeyh - ^3Herr Seele
  • Joey Lock - Spidyfingers
  • Mr Tools - Ihavecombosia
  • Simonjedi - Simonjedi1
  • iamded - iamded
  • Hawkyboy4 - Hawkyboy4
  • SaM - SSaaMM_


So discuss about:

Counter-Strike: Source

Team Fortress 2

Day of Defeat: Source

Garrys Mod

Left 4 Dead

Half-Life 2: Episode One

Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Half-Life 2: Episode One

Red Orchestra


And all mods and all that.

New Half-Life 2 movie!:

Discuss now! :classic:

Edited by iamded
Added Steam usernames, community link

Half Life is alright. It feaked me out at some points but I suppose aliens and zombies do that. :tongue::laugh:


  • Author
Half Life is alright. It feaked me out at some points but I suppose aliens and zombies do that. :tongue::laugh:


The zombies have somewhat increased in strength in G-Mod when you spawn one. They take around 5 shots to the head to finish.

Either Half-Life 3 will be coming out of Half-Life 2: Episode Three. Hopefully this year!

I am a big fan of Steam. It is nice to be able to buy and download a game in an easy and secure fashion. I love the variety and the fact that you can by packs of games. I am planning on purchasing the Half-Life pack.

  • Author
I am a big fan of Steam. It is nice to be able to buy and download a game in an easy and secure fashion. I love the variety and the fact that you can by packs of games. I am planning on purchasing the Half-Life pack.

Well Left 4 Dead was only £13 this weekend. Guess it ends soon.

But the Valve Complete Pack is very very good. Well worth the money!


Includes: Counter-Strike, Team Fortress Classic, Day of Defeat,

Deathmatch Classic, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Ricochet, Half-Life,

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Half-Life 2,

Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life: Source, Day of Defeat: Source,

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Half-Life 2: Lost Coast, Half-Life Deathmatch: Source,

Half-Life 2: Episode One, Portal, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead

So Awesome! :oh: My brother brought it. I already had most of the games seperatley from Orange Box, Valve Multiplayer Pack and all that.

Mabye we could get together on one of the games and have a Eurobricks Match!?

Say TF2? Counter Strike Source? DOD:S?

Well Left 4 Dead was only £13 this weekend. Guess it ends soon.

But the Valve Complete Pack is very very good. Well worth the money!


Includes: Counter-Strike, Team Fortress Classic, Day of Defeat,

Deathmatch Classic, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Ricochet, Half-Life,

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Half-Life 2,

Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life: Source, Day of Defeat: Source,

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Half-Life 2: Lost Coast, Half-Life Deathmatch: Source,

Half-Life 2: Episode One, Portal, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead

So Awesome! :oh: My brother brought it. I already had most of the games seperatley from Orange Box, Valve Multiplayer Pack and all that.

Mabye we could get together on one of the games and have a Eurobricks Match!?

Say TF2? Counter Strike Source? DOD:S?

I don't have any of those games. I simply think it is nice that they offer the packs.

  • 1 year later...

Sorry for reviving this topic, but gameplay videos of Portal 2 were revealed at E3 yesterday:

And one other video that can't be embedded due to limits:


(Embedding videos doesn't seem to work anymore, unfortunately)

Run down test chambers, anti-gravity tunnels, spring platforms, lasers than can destroy turrets, vaccums that suck panels out of walls, special liquids that go through portals, spiked smashing panels, new catchy phrases, NPCs, co-op mode...what more could you want? :cry_happy:

I'm really excited about Portal 2! Apparently the story and co-op modes are 2 times as long as Portal, so that means 4 times the gameplay total when compared to Portal! :oh:

What are your thoughts?

EDIT: Here's a old page with lots of information about Portal 2: http://gameinformer.com/mag/portal2.aspx

Edited by ILikePi

Valves big announcement this year was Portal 2. And i must say the graphics engine has improved greatly. As a matter of fact to greatly. I may not get to play it on my computet. :cry_sad: . But that doesnt take away from how amazing it is, just see for yorself.

However after seeing some first look videos at it they mention how long they work to make their games as good as they can. I have a very good feeling next year we may see confrimation of EP3.

Edit: Pi sums most of it up. I think the liquids are to put on sufaces that wont allow portals, to make them work. Notice the Orange and Blue colors of the liquids.

Edited by MrTools

Man, that movie rocks. :laugh: Thanks, this made my day.

Wish part 2 was out, cause the chick in the end of part 1 was hot!

Edited by -zenn

IGN has three videos that show all of the clips that we've seen, plus the cut out parts between, Wheatley and the revival of GLaDOS, and funny cartoons illustrating each of the new features!



Edit: Pi sums most of it up. I think the liquids are to put on sufaces that wont allow portals, to make them work. Notice the Orange and Blue colors of the liquids.

Nope, the orange one increases your velocity while the blue one make surfaces bouncy. :wink:
  • 1 month later...

Couldn't find a thread about this, If there already is one, then.. Yea, Sorry!

Just want some friends in steam, so I thought EB might be a nice place to start.

I'll list all EB User name's in this post for everyone to easily find. Just post your user name and if you want a list of the games you currently have!

  • Ryan_T - Bonitasniper - *Team Fortress 2, Hl2-ep.1-ep.2, Garry's Mod, Alien Swarm* -
  • Posades - Posades - *MoonBase Alpha, Portal, Alien Swarm* -
  • Marckeyh - ^3Herr Seele
  • Joey Lock - Spidyfingers
  • Mr Tools - Ihavecombosia
  • Simonjedi - Simonjedi1
  • Iamded - iamded - *Modern Warfare 2, Far Cry 2, Team Fortress 2, Plain Sight, BorderLands, Alien Swarm* -
  • Hawkyboy4 - Hawkyboy4 - *Moder Warfare 2* -
  • SaM - SSaaMM_

New! Eurobricks Steam Group! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Eurobricks Any Eurobricks admins that join this group should contact my steam for officer rights!

Try to keep this topic mostly about User names if you can! :thumbup:

Mine's the same as my Eurobricks username, and as for games I have only free ones. :tongue: Moonbase Alpha, Portal, and Alien Swarm.


Mostly play MW2.

Forgive me but what is Steam?

Forgive me but what is Steam?

It's some online game thing. I don't really know, but some of my friends play it.

Forgive me but what is Steam?

It's a program for PC only (maybe MAC as well?) and it allows people to play games with each other, chat, etc...

You can buy games as well, download them and start playing straight away, its very nice.

For most games you need a fast PC.

My name is '^3Herr Seele' or just herrseele, the first one might not work when you search that name...?


Mostly play MW2.

Cant find you with that name.

Edited by Marckeyh

  • Author

My steam username is spidyfingers but my Nickname (Gamer name) is [A-Team] Squishieface.

I got loads 'o steam games but my PC is too full to play them! :laugh:

I share an account with a friend of mine. The account name is IhaveCombosia he plays the single player games while i mainly play Team Fortresss 2 and sometimes garrys mod. Feel free to add me if you would like, new friends for Team Fortress never hurts. :grin:

Username is 'simonjedi1' Name is 'Pkm Trainer Red' (Look for the Wooper avatar.)

I have too many games to list here.

MrTools, Joey Lock, Ryan_T, Posades and MarckeyH sent requests

If we get enough members should we create a Eurobricks steam group?

Username is 'simonjedi1' Name is 'Pkm Trainer Red' (Look for the Wooper avatar.)

I have too many games to list here.

MrTools, Joey Lock, Ryan_T, Posades and MarckeyH sent requests

If we get enough members should we create a Eurobricks steam group?

I'm admittedly new to this Steam thing, how do I accept your request? :tongue: (I don't even see it right now haha)

I'm admittedly new to this Steam thing, how do I accept your request? :tongue: (I don't even see it right now haha)

go on the 'COMMUNITY' Tab at the top, then it should be in the 'friends' or 'invites' tabs


Mostly play MW2.

I think the thread is about your account name, not your display name. You can't add people to your friends list with their display name (unless of course it's the same as their account name).

Mine's "iamded", of course. Got Modern Warfare 2, Far Cry 2, Team Fortress 2 (I love sequels :tongue:), Plain Sight, Borderlands and Alien Swarm. And some single player games, but that's irrelevant.


Mostly play MW2.

I'm the same, hawkyboy4, only use it for MW2 as well.

It's a program for PC only (maybe MAC as well?) and it allows people to play games with each other, chat, etc...

You can buy games as well, download them and start playing straight away, its very nice.

For most games you need a fast PC.

My name is '^3Herr Seele' or just herrseele, the first one might not work when you search that name...?

Cant find you with that name.

here you go; steam account link


Mostly play TF2. :B

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