August 23, 200915 yr Awesome! But isn't this the actual UCS set? What actual UCS set? There's a TIE Interceptor UCS, but a regular TIE Fighter has never been made as a UCS. Though Anio's looks like it could be 'real'
August 23, 200915 yr What actual UCS set?There's a TIE Interceptor UCS, but a regular TIE Fighter has never been made as a UCS. Though Anio's looks like it could be 'real' Right. Sorry, I don't know a lot about the UCS line. But yeah, this one really looks like it would be an official UCS set.
August 28, 200915 yr That is a great moc! It looks very movie accurate. I love how you made the designs on the wings and how you made it look so streamline. You can tell a lot of work and thought went into this. I can imagine that you got a lot of the pieces from Lego's Tie Interceptor. I personally think your model looks better than theirs though. This is amazing , well done Lego Builder seems to have the same opinion on quite a few other mocs Edited August 28, 200915 yr by Rocky
November 22, 201014 yr Author Hello, Few weeks ago, I changed the wings to make them bigger (and so for the MOC to be more accurate). Here are only 4 photos. I will have to do more when I Oxycrest has redone the sticker. PS : sorry to be back on this very old topic, but... Edited November 22, 201014 yr by Anio
November 22, 201014 yr Looks like the solar panels are wider and taller. I think the changes look good.
November 22, 201014 yr Wow those new wings are perfect... If lego doesn't release this soon I may just have to take some 'inspiration' Seriously incredible MOC Anio, You've done an incredible job To be honest I didn't really like the old wings so much, but this is seriously Edit: The more I look at it... I think the wings may be a bit wide? The hight is good but I think the width makes it look a tad out of scale? Great job none the less though Edited November 22, 201014 yr by Legoman
November 22, 201014 yr Looks much better now i wonder where you got the idea from to make them more accurate
November 22, 201014 yr Lego Builder seems to have the same opinion on quite a few other mocs u Such is the fate of one with a small vocabulary... I haven't seen this before, but there are a few things I noticed straight off. Is there any particular reason you've got the cannons kind of hanging off of the ball cockpit like that? Because the guns on the studio model are much closer to the windshield (though not so much that they break the circle of the windscreen like the ones on the LEGO set). The wing pylons should be a bit thinner where they meet the panel; however, you've got them widening out again. Is this a structural issue? Because I think that a Technic axle running all way through the other side of the wing would do the trick (not unlike what LEGO did on the 10174 UCS AT-ST). Nice work on the new wings. To be honest I was a bit skeptical on the wings myself until I saw this picture. I guess I'm too used to the 6x12 wings that LEGO uses for their TIEs to notice that 1x4 wings capture the angle more accurately (not unlike the wings on the X-wing - coincidence?). Where are the ion engines and the rear window?
November 23, 201014 yr Where are the ion engines and the rear window? He said he'd take more pics soon. Nice job (again), Anio! Always amazed by your UCS creations, despite the little inaccuracies fallenangel mentioned.
November 23, 201014 yr Author The wing pylons should be a bit thinner where they meet the panel; however, you've got them widening out again. Is this a structural issue? Because I think that a Technic axle running all way through the other side of the wing would do the trick (not unlike what LEGO did on the 10174 UCS AT-ST). If I have only 4 studs, the wings of the TIE are not well attached. I also can't put Technic Connector. My wing is much thinner (2 plates) than 7181 Interceptor (1 brick + 1 plate = 4 plates). Where are the ion engines and the rear window? ?
November 23, 201014 yr If I have only 4 studs, the wings of the TIE are not well attached. I also can't put Technic Connector. My wing is much thinner (2 plates) than 7181 Interceptor (1 brick + 1 plate = 4 plates). ? I see from the new picture that part of the wing is three plates thick, which I think would be enough for a Technic axle. And you could also switch the large wedge pieces on the front and back of the wing pylons with 1x3 33 slope bricks to make the pylons appear thinner, as it does not look like they offer any structural support. The two red dots and the hexagon-shaped hole seen in this shot of the studio model. In-universe, the red points are the Twin Ion Engines, and the hexagonal hole is a rear viewport. I saw that they were absent on your model.
November 23, 201014 yr Author I see from the new picture that part of the wing is three plates thick, which I think would be enough for a Technic axle. And you could also switch the large wedge pieces on the front and back of the wing pylons with 1x3 33 slope bricks to make the pylons appear thinner, as it does not look like they offer any structural support. The two red dots and the hexagon-shaped hole seen in this shot of the studio model. In-universe, the red points are the Twin Ion Engines, and the hexagonal hole is a rear viewport. I saw that they were absent on your model. Does the studio model of the Interceptor TIE have this two red lights ? Cause there isn't any red light on the rear of the 7181. One day, a famous Lego Designer told me : A Lego model has to look good, which doesn't mean that it has to be correct. edit : As for the lypons, take few parts and show me what do you suggest. Be sure I were glad the improve that part of my MOC. :) Edited November 23, 201014 yr by Anio
November 23, 201014 yr there you go again Anio now i want to build my version of the Tie that i have been putting off incase Lego release one. i will of course be using me wing design from the Tie XM-1. Tie Bomber next!
November 24, 201014 yr Does the studio model of the Interceptor TIE have this two red lights ? Cause there isn't any red light on the rear of the 7181. edit : As for the lypons, take few parts and show me what do you suggest. Be sure I were glad the improve that part of my MOC. :) About 3min in. Les produits de LEGO ne sont jamais les meilleures sources pour construir un modèle UCS. À mon avis, on devrait utiliser toujours les modèles d'ILM ou les scènes du film. Oui, je parle français un peur. Quand j'ai appris que Anio était français j'ai voulu essayer de lui parler français. Je ne suis pas une personne de langue maternelle française alors si ma grammaire n'est pas complètement correcte dites-moi.
November 24, 201014 yr I agree with fallenangel a bit, to me the wings seem to close to the body, maybe just 1 stud longer on each side. But yeah, still great. I like the idea for the solar panels. Works very well. I could see you doing very well with an intercepto or Tie/d fighter.
November 24, 201014 yr Author About 3min in. Les produits de LEGO ne sont jamais les meilleures sources pour construir un modèle UCS. À mon avis, on devrait utiliser toujours les modèles d'ILM ou les scènes du film. Oui, je parle français un peur. Quand j'ai appris que Anio était français j'ai voulu essayer de lui parler français. Je ne suis pas une personne de langue maternelle française alors si ma grammaire n'est pas complètement correcte dites-moi. Your French is excellent ! As for the pylons, do you have a pic to show me what I could do ?
November 24, 201014 yr Your French is excellent ! As for the pylons, do you have a pic to show me what I could do ? Why, thank you, Anio! You've made my day. As for the picture, how's this? (I used constrasting colors for visual clarity.) * Remove the 33 slope bricks on the top and bottom and replace the large wedge with the 1x3 33 slope brick on the side. I didn't look over the instructions in too much detail, so the arrangement with the 2x2 round plates (which is crucial) might not be completely compatible with your model. I saw the layer of grey plates on the inside of the panels in the new pictures you put up and assumed you could fit a plate with holes in between them. If you wish, I think you can also retain , just replace the 33 slope bricks with 1x2s so that they won't interrupt the shape of the pylon too much. (You have to stress the brick a bit to make the studs attach and retain the connection with the axle and the 2x2 round plates.) *No LEGO Star Wars sets were harmed in the making of this image, except for several owned by fallenangel327, which were horribly maimed.
November 24, 201014 yr Author Thanks for the pic ! :) So, I only put one slope in SNOT. Why not. :) As for the bracket 2x2 - 2x1, I won't be able to attach it to the wing since it is wider than 1 brick. Then, with only one axis to attach a wing, the model will be damn fragil. :s
November 24, 201014 yr Thanks for the pic ! :) So, I only put one slope in SNOT. Why not. :) As for the bracket 2x2 - 2x1, I won't be able to attach it to the wing since it is wider than 1 brick. Then, with only one axis to attach a wing, the model will be damn fragil. :s The pylon should still be two studs wide so why can't you include the bracket? In this step just replace the 1x2 grey brick and the stack of plates in the center nearest the panel with two 1x2 bricks with axle holes and the 2x3 33 slope bricks on the top and bottom with 1x2 bricks. If you mount the brackets on the 1x2 bricks they will still be in the same position so they should fit. (Like I said, you just have to stress the brick a bit.) So make the axle longer... and besides, UCS sets aren't known for staying together well (other than the 10129 UCS Snowspeeder - but that model is messed up in the nose).
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