March 29, 200915 yr New Soldiers NO MINIMUM CLICK HERE to place a bid! Lego Vintage Pirate minifigs Only 1,75 USD now! CLICK HERE to place a bid! Redcoat Soldiers Becoming extinct CLICK HERE to place a bid! Forbidden Island A classic set CLICK HERE to place a bid! New sets cannons 5 Brand new cannons CLICK HERE to place a bid! MISB Brickbeard's Bounty Cheap MISN set CLICK HERE to place a bid! Cheap wall sections Build a fort! CLICK HERE to place a bid! A BSB Less then 40 USD when I saw it! CLICK HERE to place a bid! BrickBeards Bounty Low price, bid now! CLICK HERE to place a bid! Bluecoats Expand your army, only 1,93 USD at the moment CLICK HERE to place a bid! Set 6247 Only 4,99 USD so far CLICK HERE to place a bid!
March 30, 200915 yr Although either a sealed classic pirate set has a certain magic to it that you don't get from a used set.
March 31, 200915 yr Custom Pirate cafe ENDING! Buy it now at 34.50 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! Captain Brickbeard Buy him for 6,99 CLICK HERE to place a bid! Imperial Bluecoat Soldiers 4,75 USd when I looked CLICK HERE to place a bid!170314773239 6296 Shipwreck Island Barely 7 USD when I looked CLICK HERE to place a bid! Lot with Pirates and two cannons Only 10,49 at the moment CLICK HERE to place a bid! Vintage Lego Soldiers No Reserve 10,50 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! Huge lot, Pirates included Currently 29 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! Eldorado Fortress 52,77 USD at the moment CLICK HERE to place a bid! 6264 + 6262 Islander Sets 10,50 USD now CLICK HERE to place a bid! LEGO mermaid 5,50 USD RARE! CLICK HERE to place a bid! 6271 Imperial Flagship Barely 28 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! BrickBeards Bounty Only 86,99 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid!
April 1, 200915 yr Updated today. There are some great forts on ebay right now. I wish you the best of luck with your bidding! Sorry for the delay, I had some things to fix. LegoKing
April 1, 200915 yr And i'll move it to the proper forum No you silly goose, we have the ebay finds in both forums now, thats much easier!
April 1, 200915 yr No you silly goose, we have the ebay finds in both forums now, thats much easier! There is way more traffic in the MOC forum than in the discussion forum, better chance of people making money by keeping it in both
April 2, 200915 yr 5 NEW SETS incl BB Buy it now at 168USD Only! CLICK HERE to place a bid! New LEGO soldiers FREE US SHIPPING 3,25 USD at the moment CLICK HERE to place a bid! GIANT LOAD OF SETS Currently barely 27,50 USD !!! CLICK HERE to place a bid! Kraken Attackin' 9,99 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! 6280 Armada Flagship ONly 5 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! Set of Pirates 5,50 USD now CLICK HERE to place a bid! Forbidden Island Nearly Complete 4,90 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! Rare Skeleton wall Only 3,99USD so far CLICK HERE to place a bid! 2 Islanders 3,99 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! Pirates and Animals 10 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! 5 Pirate minifigs classic 3,99 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! 6271 Imperial FLagship Only 40 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! Soldiers 12,99 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid!
April 2, 200915 yr Look at all those Flash Forks in auction 11. Flash Fork is my favorite pirate character
April 3, 200915 yr Set of 9 Minifigures Buy it now 31,95USD Free Shipping CLICK HERE to place a bid! 8019 Republic Attack Shuttle 20USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! Count Dooku 9,99 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! Huge lot of 39 minifigs 123,80 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! Tie Interceptor 20 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! NEW IN BOX 7676 Star Wars attack Gunship Starting at 70USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! MISB 7110 Landspeeder 21,99 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! 7191 Ultimate Collectors X WIng 399,99 CLICK HERE to place a bid! 7655 MISB Clone Troopers Battle Pack 12,99 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! 7128 Speeder Bikes 34,99 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! 7126 Droid Carrier 59 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid! 3 Clone Trooper Commanders 15,99 USD CLICK HERE to place a bid!
April 3, 200915 yr I didn't even know his name was Flash Fork!Good to know! The one in the middle is an exact copy of Flash Fork. The other ones have different hats.
April 3, 200915 yr Thanks Zorro for finding all these on ebay. Some of them area at good prices right now so everyone must get bidding.
April 3, 200915 yr Lots of the auctions have already been removed, but the speeder bike one is really tempting.
April 3, 200915 yr Good job Zorro! There are some great deals really if you don´t already got the sets! -Ras-
April 3, 200915 yr I'm sure it's always like this, but props to Zorro for the WAY he posts these, very forum friendly, I think it's awesome!
April 3, 200915 yr I'm sure it's always like this, but props to Zorro for the WAY he posts these, very forum friendly, I think it's awesome! I think the only people who benefit are the sellers. If somebody wants to buy something on eBay then it's not difficult to go and look but if you advertise it here then the people who are already bidding/watching may miss out on a bargain because the item was advertised on a AFOL website and gained added attention that it would not have got without the advert.
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