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Republic Dropship and AT-OT the greatest CW set? 133 members have voted

  1. 1. If you vote 2, George Lucas frowns upon you.

    • Yes
    • No

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I think the dropship is better because I could easily mod it to be an ARC gunship.

The AT-OT is cool to, but since I have the AT-TE, I will use my AT-TE alongside the LAAT/c.

I am really not trying to be a spoil-sport, or do the Mods job, I'm really not. But is it just me, or is this like the 3rd or 4th 10195 topic? Does anyone else think it would be a good idea to make one master topic for the set and merge all of the threads?

Just an idea, I'm not saying you have to agree with it. :classic:

I said "No". Yes in fact this is an amazing set and I really love it but I don´t think it beats all the others CW sets. In my opinion is the second greatest :thumbup: . The only set that seems to beat it is the amazing Republic Fighter Tank :cry_happy: . That set had good price, good minifigs and an extremely accurate design also I think is the best sized vehicle in the line (Not too big but not too small).

I am definitely voting yes. The day I get it.... it's indescribable how happy I will be. Also, if you think it's 2nd place to something, please say that.

But since so many people have said it, I want to know if it's unanimous! :tongue:

Also, sorry if this should be closed.

No way hoze. This set is horribly overpriced, and nothing we haven't really seen before (we've already got a dropship and an AT-TE). Frankly, I'd rather buy a drop-ship and an AT-TE - more pieces, better figures and better value!

Also please take the 'George Lucas will frown upon you if you vote no' off here, George Lucas has so little to do with CW it's not funny, part of the reason why the new movie and cartoon are so horrible

Voted yes.


1. it's the biggest CW set we've seen so far;

2. the set consists/combines two new vehicles;

3. the two vehicles are very well designed and come with lots of minifigures;

4. it even combines with an already released set, the AT-TE

It deserves the title "Greatest Clone Wars sets ever"

Off topic:

George Lucas has so little to do with CW it's not funny, part of the reason why the new movie and cartoon are so horrible

There is nothing done without approval of George Lucas, so I have to disagree with you.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I again disagree; the clone wars movie and animation series aren't horrible, they're just different from the movies (episodes 1-3 and 4-6). Compared to the clone wars series (cartoons) shown a few years back it is more realistic and has improved a lot. Further discussion of this belongs in another forum I guess.

...best CW set, hmmm.....I'm gonna say yes, because its a set none of us ever expected, we hoped for it, we MOC'd it, we put it on wish lists but we never expected it

..after all, the gunship is seen for about 15 seconds, and the walker for not even that much - only die hard fans like us even noticed...

...but it left an impression!

It really should have had the full 16 clone troopers, and a jedi would haven't bankrupted TLC - c'mon, for £166 they could have gone that extra mile

...but the fact it can pick up the AT-TE....i'm sold!

Well, a lot of people are turned off by the price, but remember on Shop@home it is listed in the UCS section and the CW section. I also love the accuracy, if anyone wants to take into matter, with the green seats and the fact that the AT-OT can fit 16 in it's back seats unlike the AT-TE which can only fit 6!

But don't forget it can go with so many combinations, seeing as the AT-TE also hooks up with the LAAT/ as said on Shop@home!

But it is a matter of opinion. :tongue:

the price is too much for me, you can buy almost 3 At-TE's with that money. but the AT-TE was more successful because it had an armored top even though it stored less troops, and it was better armed.

The Torrent is better. I love that ship.

The RGS is better. This being just a version of that that wouldn't be very exciting without the walker.

The AT-TE is better. This being just a version of that that wouldn't be very exciting without the dropship.

Ane if we expand outside of Clone Wars, It may not even be in the top fifteen Star Wars sets.

But I do like it.


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The Death Star is better, but this is CW sets. Am I right? Oh yes, I am, I started the topic! Woohoo, first poll! :tongue:

And I'm happy to see Lucas, is smiling. For now... :tongue:

I vote yes, simply on awesomness and clones, plus it is awesome.


Just crossed me mind

Medieval Market Village - 10193

�68.50 - 1601 pieces

Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker - 10195

�166.35 - 1758

�98 more....for 157 bricks????

Lego has a few questions to answer

I dont think this is the place to go into a discussion on price, but remember SW is a licensed theme so the two arent comparible. :hmpf_bad:

Some of you compare this set with the RGS and AT-TE. However you should keep in mind that those are separate sets. This one is not. That means that you get twice the playability with this set than with the AT-TE or RGS! And if you own the AT-TE when you buy 10195, the set will have even more playability for you.

But if you do see this set as two separate ones in the same package (which it isn't) look at it this way:

The AT-OT is a larger vehicle than the AT-TE and has a fancy way of folding the cockpit back/open, so it will have more pieces than the AT-TE. The AT-TE seats 6 clones, but only comes with 2 and none of them is a pilot, so that's less than a third it should have had! The AT-OT seats 16 cones and comes with 6, but at least it also has a pilot to drive the thing. The only thing the AT-TE may be superior to the AT-OT is its playability since it has way more weapons to play with (including the hidden missile launchers) and has less legs, so it's easier to move/pose it.

The RGS and LAAT/c are hardly comparable since they have different purposes. The RGS (or LAAT/i) is for troop deployment and has a bunch of playability on its own, like the bacta tank, the command center, or the speeder bike. The LAAT/c on the other hand is made to interact with the AT-vehicles, so it has less features, but instead, it can easily pick up the AT-OT included in the set and drop it off again with the push of a button (which is pretty impressive IMO) and it can even do the same with the AT-TE. What's even better is that the LAAT/c has a convenient fold-away handle and seems to be pretty sturdy, so it has a better design and much more swooshability than the RGS. And while it has all these function, it looks very good IMO with all its greebling etc. Plus it has a more badass color scheme. :tongue: Also, the LAAT/c comes with a clone Pilot, exactly the minifig it requires. The RGS would have needed 2 pilots and 2 gunners (for the wing turrets), but instead it came with a clone commander, a regular clone, and a bunch of random Jedi/Sith. So the dropship is much better (or at least more accurate) minifig-wise.

There. That's my in-depth comparison. I don't expect to change anyone's opinion with this, I just wanted to layout the facts. :classic:

Oh... I also thought that it said "Greatest Star Wars set ever?". :hmpf_bad:

Too bad I can't change my vote. :sceptic: But I don't think that I'm sure that it's the best CW set... The Venator looks pretty good to me.



Link to best shot (click)

Link to BS gallery (click)

And I say no, it's not the best Clone Wars set of all time.

I never knew that there were ACTUAL things in the interior of the UCS MF! :look:

I thought that the only places with minifig space in the MF was the quad-cannon seat and the cockpit. :oh:

doublEdit (DOUBLE EDIT): Wait, that's not the real interior. That's a MOD! I should've read the name of the folder before I posted :hmpf_bad:

Edited by ILikePi

Hard question - but I'm voting Yes.

I couldn't beleive the pic when I logged onto a few days ago and saw it. Honestly I hadn't been that excited by a kit.

I like everything about the kit, especially the connection method, obviously this was essential to the kit, but they seem to have done such a great job with that. Can't wait to see it with an AT-TE (and that was a great move by LEGO to make that compatible). I'm more than happy we got 6 clones and 2 pilots, that seems right for me.

Oh yeah, I loved how this was a total surprise as well. I like the little rumours and grainy pics we get of soon to be released kits, but seeing this kit properly was the best way to see this kit. Well done TLC.

Voted yes.


1. it's the biggest CW set we've seen so far;

2. the set consists/combines two new vehicles;

3. the two vehicles are very well designed and come with lots of minifigures;

4. it even combines with an already released set, the AT-TE

It deserves the title "Greatest Clone Wars sets ever"

Off topic:

There is nothing done without approval of George Lucas, so I have to disagree with you.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I again disagree; the clone wars movie and animation series aren't horrible, they're just different from the movies (episodes 1-3 and 4-6). Compared to the clone wars series (cartoons) shown a few years back it is more realistic and has improved a lot. Further discussion of this belongs in another forum I guess.

I never said it didn't have his approval did i? I just said he had very little to do with it. Basically, someone shoved a script under his nose and he gave it the thumbs up, probably because sales of EP 3 SW toys were starting to dwindle and he wanted more money

If you think CW was better/as good as ANY of the SW movies (yes, even the PREQUELS were better) then you don't deserve to be a SW fan.

Also, the old cartoons on cartoon network were MUCH better than the new series, i can't understand why they didn't go with that animation, instead of this horrible CGI

EDIT: If you are 14 years old or under, you can be excused from thinking that the CW movie is better. Re-watch the originals when you turn 18 and i guarantee your opinion will change

Edited by TheTacoMan

But those are not Clone Wars sets, are they?

If the question was: "Greatest Star Wars set ever?", then I'd say NO!

But since the question is "Greatest Clone Wars sets ever?", then I have to say YES.

It beats the other sets in this sub-theme, it's huge, well designed, astonishing playable and has a load of troops.

What's not to like about it?

Yeah, I wasn't paying attention to the title... :grin:

Sorry about that :hmpf_bad:

If you think CW was better/as good as ANY of the SW movies (yes, even the PREQUELS were better) then you don't deserve to be a SW fan.

Amen Brother! :cry_happy:

If you think CW was better/as good as ANY of the SW movies (yes, even the PREQUELS were better) then you don't deserve to be a SW fan.

Also, the old cartoons on cartoon network were MUCH better than the new series, i can't understand why they didn't go with that animation, instead of this horrible CGI

EDIT: If you are 14 years old or under, you can be excused from thinking that the CW movie is better. Re-watch the originals when you turn 18 and i guarantee your opinion will change

Shut up seriously you cant decide wether or not we deserve to be a star wars fan. Your opinion doesn't overule everyone elses. Im sorry if this offends anyone but the clone wars microseries sucked. Thats right it sucked. Anakins voice sounded like he had a really bad cold, The character design looked ugly, The fighting styles were over exagerrated and the stories sucked. IMHO the new clone wars is far better than the old one. Seriously if you say comments like that then you don't deserve to be a star wars fan.

Now rant over ill get back on topic. 10195 being the greatest set ever is a quite hard question. While it includes many troops and has awesome play features other sets are better for their exclusive characters.

Dude, calm down! :hmpf_bad: I'm sure he didn't mean it like that. Besides, he is right that the live-action SW movies are superior to the CW movie. Any mature movie critic agrees with that.

Seriously if you say comments like that then you don't deserve to be a star wars fan.

Wow. First you say that it's unfair for someone to say this, then say it yourself? :hmpf:

Anyway, this is getting way off topic.

Btw, please read the title of this poll before you vote, people! I bet most of the votes for "No" were made falsely.

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Dude, calm down! :hmpf_bad: I'm sure he didn't mean it like that. Besides, he is right that the live-action SW movies are superior to the CW movie. Any mature movie critic agrees with that.

Wow. First you say that it's unfair for someone to say this, then say it yourself? :hmpf:

i think you misunderstood me Oky. I truthfully know that the live action films are better than the clone wars film. But that doesn't mean that i don't like the clone wars better. I mean wer'e all allowed an opinion right?

and in response to your other comment im saying that people that say really rude comments and say there opinion is better then everyone elses and that you don't deserve to be a star wars fan if you dont agree with them. They are the ones that don't deserve to be star wars fans.

Im sorry if you misunderstood Oky.

Wow that was a lot of offtopic!, and i don't have anything on-topic to say. Apart from the fact that allthough this set is great is it worth the money? Just something for all of you to ponder

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No way hoze. This set is horribly overpriced, and nothing we haven't really seen before (we've already got a dropship and an AT-TE). Frankly, I'd rather buy a drop-ship and an AT-TE - more pieces, better figures and better value!

Also please take the 'George Lucas will frown upon you if you vote no' off here, George Lucas has so little to do with CW it's not funny, part of the reason why the new movie and cartoon are so horrible

Jose! It's spelled Jose! With a little accent thingie over the E! Anyways, I can see why so many people hate the price, and definitely why the hate CW, but why do they hate the set?

Also, a lot of people who say no, don't even give which CW set is better! :tongue:

And PLEASE people, I am not saying, and never will say that CW is better than the original Star Wars. Since when was that the title of this topic?

I am not asking you to think about which versions of Star Wars were better, I'm asking which Lego sets were! :hmpf_bad:

I never said it didn't have his approval did i? I just said he had very little to do with it. Basically, someone shoved a script under his nose and he gave it the thumbs up, probably because sales of EP 3 SW toys were starting to dwindle and he wanted more money

If you think CW was better/as good as ANY of the SW movies (yes, even the PREQUELS were better) then you don't deserve to be a SW fan.

Also, the old cartoons on cartoon network were MUCH better than the new series, i can't understand why they didn't go with that animation, instead of this horrible CGI

EDIT: If you are 14 years old or under, you can be excused from thinking that the CW movie is better. Re-watch the originals when you turn 18 and i guarantee your opinion will change

Sorry if this is off-topic:

Who are you to judge me or my opinion? :angry: I'm entitled to mine and you are to yours. I might agree or disagree, but I'm not judging you on that. I consider myself a SW fan since approximately 1983, when I was 9, and I first came into contact with the Star Wars theme. Can you say the same?

Also, a lot of people who say no, don't even give which CW set is better! :tongue:

Yes, I would like to know that too. Which CW set would top this beauty?

Anyways, I can see why so many people hate the price, and definitely why the hate CW, but why do they hate the set?

Also, a lot of people who say no, don't even give which CW set is better! :tongue:


Well, i don't like the set BECAUSE i hate TCW. That's why i would say sets like The HSD and DGS are better (IMO) because i can display them in my scenes of the movies :wink:

That a sufficant answer? :tongue:

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