December 5, 200618 yr I like these very much. Probably the best and simplest design for land cannons. that's a nice looking cannon. only one minor problem is that i would use a Black Bar 6.6L (4095) instead of the long flag pole as the plunger thingy, Mr. Tiber. Hey is there an official calliber or weight of the round by how big the barrel is for legos?? 8-| i'm just curious if there is an accepted system that yous ppl use that i don't know about or if this should be a start of a new thread.
December 8, 200618 yr (Wouldn't let me edit this into my last post here) :'-( Here is an image list of my cannons that I have currently built. a blurry pic of one of my railing mounted cannons. The barrels of these are now drk grey instead of white. similar versions of the same caliber of cannon. I
January 7, 200718 yr has any one ever tried to build canons whith these: perhaps they're too big? but what about a mortar?, like this: I made 4 carronades for the RTS LEGOMALEE's quarter deck trying to match the 6 on the real HMS TRINCOMALEE's quarter deck using black 2489s. pic1 pic2 more images at kurt I've seen all of those pages before, plus I recommend: (some of these Norro's links are here too). Thought I would add this link to this thread as it has a lot of cannons (most all ready discussed). God Bless, Nathan Glad you like Lugnet 4180 kurt
January 10, 200718 yr Another smaller carronade and a larger 12 inch breach-loading rifled naval gun. enjoy kurt
January 10, 200718 yr Very nice... is that an inverted jet engine? yes parts list carronade 1 4868 Plane Jet Engine with Plate 1 x 2 1 32062 Technic Axle 2 Notched 1 6538a Technic Axle Joiner Inline 1 3749 Technic Axle Pin 1 4740 Round Dish 2 x 2 Inverted base 2 3666 Plate 1 x 6 2 3623 Plate 1 x 3 gallery is at kurt
January 10, 200718 yr Another smaller carronade and a larger 12 inch breach-loading rifled naval gun. ... enjoy kurt That's a great idea for a naval gun!! Dem be purty :'-) hey what's the part # for the 3x3 domed piece? i know i don't have one of them! thanx Phred Edit: It's Cylinder 3 x 3 HemisphereSo what is the rest? (test time!) Here's a hint if you need it. but even with the hint you need you will need to figure stuff out! enjoy kurt thanx again kurt!
January 10, 200718 yr That's a great idea for a naval gun!! Dem be purty :'-) hey what's the part # for the 3x3 domed piece? i know i don't have one of them! thanx Phred It's Cylinder 3 x 3 Hemisphere So what is the rest? (test time!) Here's a hint if you need it. but even with the hint you need you will need to figure stuff out! enjoy kurt
January 15, 200718 yr It's Cylinder 3 x 3 HemisphereSo what is the rest? (test time!) Here's a hint if you need it. but even with the hint you need you will need to figure stuff out! enjoy kurt SO? NO ONE can answer this test question!!
January 16, 200718 yr SO? NO ONE can answer this test question!! hmmm... ... let me try this eh six 2x2 round bricks; a bucket from everyone's favorite belville sets; a black xwing engine (though i dunno if it's painted or not?); a 3x3 cone that goes to 2x2 round; six 1x2 bricks with axel holes; 1x4 tile, couple of gear thingy's (one's big and the other is small); support thingy for the big gear; eight to ten misc technic beam thingy's with various shapes, axel holes, and pin holes; and how ever many axels that are required to hold the whole thing together *sweet* . I'm normally not very good at tests so hopefully i did ok. though i'm not very up on all the proper terms for each brick or very thorough for that matter :-D Phred
January 24, 200718 yr Hi there. I made this in MLcad. after seeing something like this on the deck of the Xebec mr dukeschunke made. look ok to me. at least it is small. so it can fit into a small hull or as the upper deck gun of a larger one.
January 25, 200718 yr Hi there. I made this in MLcad. after seeing something like this on the deck of the Xebec mr dukeschunke made. look ok to me. at least it is small. so it can fit into a small hull or as the upper deck gun of a larger one. Hey i like that design X-D . My brother and I cooperately came up with that design. Here's a close up: Phred
January 25, 200718 yr Nice one Phred *y* I see that you have a round thing at the end of the gun barrel. what is that made of? I couldnt find anything like that on my mlcadprogram.
January 25, 200718 yr Nice one Phred *y* I see that you have a round thing at the end of the gun barrel. what is that made of? I couldnt find anything like that on my mlcadprogram. Part # is 50 It's a Black Technic Pin with Friction with Towball according to peeron. Then for the center of the barrel i used this:
January 31, 200718 yr Phred said I should put the little deck guns on the new covenant on here... they take up about the same amount of size as a regular cannon, but they worked pretty well on the Covenant!
February 1, 200718 yr Phred said I should put the little deck guns on the new covenant on here... they take up about the same amount of size as a regular cannon, but they worked pretty well on the Covenant! Hey Z, how did you mount the wheels onto the bottom? ya got any different moc cannons? Phred
February 1, 200718 yr Hey Z,how did you mount the wheels onto the bottom? Well the wheels are 2x2 'dishes' so they are connected to the cannon by using technic bricks. The stud on the top of the dish is connected to the whole in the technic brick. ya got any different moc cannons? no... well... there are some swivel guns on the deck of the Sienna, but otherwise none.
February 2, 200718 yr Well the wheels are 2x2 'dishes' so they are connected to the cannon by using technic bricks. The stud on the top of the dish is connected to the whole in the technic brick. Oh I see. That's why it has larger wheels. no... well... there are some swivel guns on the deck of the Sienna, but otherwise none. Got any pics?
March 4, 200717 yr I remember seeing MOC cannons using this technic piece: I haven't been able to find the cannon for months. 8-| If i remember correctly, this cannon had smaller gears for wheels like this: The cannons weren't pictured by them selves but were on a ship. They're a lot smaller than the standard lego cannon in length. P
December 29, 200816 yr Adding a post to link to my Tsar Cannon MOC it's not a 16lb-er, 32lb-er or a 48lb-er, NO it's a 1760 lb (800 kg) (that's the weight of the ball!) Cannon!! Maybe it could be indexed... click the pic:
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