March 11, 200916 yr I say Castle because it was Vikings who first discovered America, and I just don't like the idea that you kill your foe from 10 feet away. It's better to go hand to hand. CastleLord.
March 12, 200916 yr Tough choice this is. But when I think deeply, I like the Castle theme (although the KK theme fail them) more than the Pirates theme, maybe due to their armor and a wider choice of their weapon. Not really like the pirates in my childhood, but now I think I would purchase some of them as they looks good to me. Anyway, I voted for Castle. Edited March 12, 200916 yr by baby
January 29, 201114 yr Hello all lego fans. This may seem like a weird question but i would like to know if people feel the same as me about these two themes. Pirate and Castle Theme are for me the very best lego has to offer (if my minifigs can't carry weapons on a regular basis they get antsy)but I can't pick a favorite between the two and I have a great deal of both. I love my forestmen, black falcons and making castles but I also love my Red and Blue (thats right they are both equal to me) Imperials and my trading post that expands slowly as the years go by (also the pirates ships) So whats your favorite Castle Pirate Or Both Ps. I'm kinda new to eurobricks and If i have posted this in the wrong place I'm sorry but I feel it's kinda pirate related Edited January 29, 201114 yr by SirSven7
January 29, 201114 yr I think it depands on the sets released in the year, like this year I'm going for pirates more because of PoTC , but most the time I'm a castle fan .
January 29, 201114 yr These are my two favourite LEGO themes as well, and in fact the only ones I care about. They are both great, but Castle is #1 for me. My favourite LEGO set of all time is the Imperial Trading Post, though. Some day, I'll own that bugger...
January 29, 201114 yr These are my two favourite LEGO themes as well, and in fact the only ones I care about. They are both great, but Castle is #1 for me. My favourite LEGO set of all time is the Imperial Trading Post, though. Some day, I'll own that bugger... Feel free to buy my Imperial Trading Post :P - check out my Bricklink store ;) My favourite theme has always been Pirates. I remember the first time I saw the first teaser image of the pirate and captain Redbeard in 1989, LEGO instantly became my favourite toy, and I only wanted LEGO for birthdays and christmasses Edited January 29, 201114 yr by Lorentzen
January 29, 201114 yr castle all the way, But maybe when I have completed a layout I might go to pirates since the new POTC stuff is coming out wich has some amazing stuff in it. But for now CASTLE is for me the best choise. Love the knights, peasants, farmers, building love it all:D
January 29, 201114 yr If there was no castle, I wouldn't even know Lego was still in business. I like pirates very much and Wild West looked great. I liked farm and some of the odd themes like Space Police 3 and Atlantis. If not for the Dwarven Mine and a little Evil Stevie's at Origins and GenCon I wouldn't know about any of it. My dark age began right before Pirates came out, so I figure I must now make up for lost time. Ahab out...
January 29, 201114 yr First of all, I think putting this question in the Pirates forum is going to make any results kind of meaningless... Also, pirates. Sailing ships. They always look so elegant with their big sails billowing. Castles just of remind me of this blocky playground castle back in my home town. Pirate wardrobe versus knight wardrobe? I'll go with patches and peg-legs and hooks and bandannas, please. You can't swing from the chandellier in armour. Knights in one colour versus knights in another colour... or pirates versus soldiers? The factions actually have meaning other than 'good colours' and 'bad colours'. I still love the original Pirate pictures in the brochures. They always look so exotic and romantic and I wish I could be there. I'm sure the Castle art was nice, but it doesn't stay with me like the Pirates did. Pirates make me want to be there. I want to be in the captain's cabin, watching the sun set over a Caribbean island guarded by soldiers and inhabited by natives. Castles make me think of poor living conditions. Edited January 29, 201114 yr by David Thomsen
January 29, 201114 yr Pirates Or Castle? I love them both, somedays the forestmen look like the best minifigs ever and then other days the red and blue imperials look the best. but at a push I would say Pirate No Castle No Pirate arr I can't decided No I can Its gotta be Castle p.s I started this topic but I think it got changed or removed(for the better) as mine was just a general question and I asked If anyone loved them both equally. I like that people have to make a choice Edited January 29, 201114 yr by SirSven7
January 31, 201114 yr Pirates of course. They've even got an own forums, while castle has to share one with the other historics. Although I have far more castle-themed sets than pirates, I prefer the pirates. I've always liked the shakos and the red coats at all, and the muskets and the ships were very nice as well. I'm afraid I came late for them, and the new line isn't as good as the old one. I wonder why Lego has constantly a castle line, and has brought up a pirates line that late, but at least they have. And although it's discontinued, they still have a pirates-themed line. I think there's much more to do out of pirates than castle, as we see castle is only castles, carriages, knights, kings, princesses and grotesque monsters, while pirates has forts, blue coats, frigates, red coats, hide-outs, armada, treasures, islands, islanders, you might even use foreign countries like chinese piracy during the Opium Wars, Wokou piracy, African piracy, colonialism, imperialism and so on. I think Lego is concentrating too much on castle stuff which is dealt with ad nauseam, while they underact the pirates line. Sorry if I offended Castle fans, I didn't want to sound harsh. Just what I think, said in a drastical way.
February 1, 201114 yr I think there's much more to do out of pirates than castle, as we see castle is only castles, carriages, knights, kings, princesses and grotesque monsters, while pirates has forts, blue coats, frigates, red coats, hide-outs, armada, treasures, islands, islanders, you might even use foreign countries like chinese piracy during the Opium Wars, Wokou piracy, African piracy, colonialism, imperialism and so on. I think Lego is concentrating too much on castle stuff which is dealt with ad nauseam, while they underact the pirates line. Sorry if I offended Castle fans, I didn't want to sound harsh. Just what I think, said in a drastical way. I think that's a pretty biased statement, to be honest. I love both themes, and I can see plenty of reasons why someone would like one over the other. But variety speaking in favour of the Pirates theme? That I just do not see. Look both up on Brickpedia, Castle has had MUCH more varied subthemes over the years... MUCH more varied factions. Pirates have had Pirates, Soldiers (either blue or red, not the biggest of differences - they even had the same flag!) and, for a few years, Islanders. Castle have had a whole bunch of different knight factions, Forestmen, Wolfpack, Skeletons, Vikings, Ninjas, Samurais, Trolls, civilians, etc... while Pirates have had ships, islands and forts, Castle have had castles (well duh), towers, civilian buildings, ships, siege engines, forest dwellings, etc... Now this is in no way me knocking on Pirates, I don't necessarily think it's a weakness that it has a limited scope. I prefer Castle above Pirates, but variety has nothing to do with it. I just don't feel your argument for more variety in the Pirates theme is sound at all, no offense.
February 1, 201114 yr I like pirates more than castle, but that doesn't mean Castle Legos are horrible. I used to collect a lot of Castle lego sets and the main thing I liked to do was custom build a huge castle. Just like for Pirates, you custom build a ship. It is all about preference.
February 1, 201114 yr I'm a Pirate myself! Or actually, I'm a Redcoat. But without the Pirate line, i wouldn't have anyone to hunt down and bring to justice! I grew up on the Pirate line and have always enjoyed the huge ships sailing on the high seas seeking treasure and adventure, so out of nostalgia, I still prefer Pirates more.
February 20, 201114 yr The Castle theme is what first got me into LEGO bricks (Camouflaged Outpost was the one), but when the Pirates theme debuted I switched over. I still have all of my original Castle sets as well, but my Pirate sets I still keep on display.
February 26, 201114 yr Um, Both? ... I build castles next to the sea, and have a small royal navy usually. I tend to mix these two together.
February 26, 201114 yr I can't remember if I've posted this thread before, but I'll add my opinion either way. Whether or not it's the same one that I COULD'VE posted before is debatable. I like both, and I can't pick one or another. Castle has always been there, and I love all of the knights, monsters, etc etc. That being said, I love Pirates for the treasures, the ships, the fortresses etc etc. If only I had enough money to keep buying all of the sets of both themes, but I can't. Tough choice, so I am going to say I'm pretty much neutral on the topic.
February 26, 201114 yr I like the Castle theme more in general but I got to admit, Pirate's ships are more detailed than any castle released to date. Until TLG releases a UCS castle, the pirates sets still look nicer to me.
February 27, 201114 yr I voted pirates, but this poll doesn't really make any sense to put it to the pirates forum. I think this should be in a general discussion where everybody (castle and pirates fans) would easily see it
February 28, 201114 yr This was a really tough call. I really like both the pirates and castle themes. I sat here for 3 minutes trying to decide. In the end I had to go with Pirates. Probably because of all great pirate movies I've seen, like Pirates of the Caribbean and Master and Commander.
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