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Saw the film on opening night...Amazing! ALMOST everything about it was brilliant! I had been waiting for this film for about a year. It had a different feel to the book and quite a bit wasn't the same as the book. Still amazing!

P.S. I anyone knows where I can buy the iconic badge off the internet, not the comic version, the movie one. And also no ebay!

Saw the film on opening night...Amazing! ALMOST everything about it was brilliant! I had been waiting for this film for about a year. It had a different feel to the book and quite a bit wasn't the same as the book. Still amazing!

P.S. I anyone knows where I can buy the iconic badge off the internet, not the comic version, the movie one. And also no ebay!

I will endevour to discover where my friend got several (in case he loses one) He can get it in the accurate size, however the blood splot is like the one in the comic, not the one in the film. Is this ok? If it isn't I'm sure he knows somewhere/someone making them where you can get it without ebay. I'll PM you the details once I have them. :classic:

I have a slightly larger one on my bag that my sister bought me at a comic con I was too broke to attend. =D

EDIT: Sorry, the seller sold out since the film got popular.

Edited by Peppermint_M

I very much liked the movie.

Though, I do miss the squid. :wink:

Can the people that have scene this movie enlighten on the nudity? Iheard these is female and male alike. My dad called me and wants me and my girl frined to go see this with him and my mom. Now though i'm 27, i really don't feel comfortable watching nudity scenes with my parents. :sick: I quick boob shot is no big deal, but there sitting there getting it on, then i might pass watching it with my Parents.

Can the people that have scene this movie enlighten on the nudity? Iheard these is female and male alike. My dad called me and wants me and my girl frined to go see this with him and my mom. Now though i'm 27, i really don't feel comfortable watching nudity scenes with my parents. :sick: I quick boob shot is no big deal, but there sitting there getting it on, then i might pass watching it with my Parents.

There is more male than female nudity. After a certain point in the movie (not too far in as I recall) every time you see Dr. Manhattan he is nude. You see most (or all I suppose) of Dan at one or two points. And Dan and Laurie have two scenes together (though one doesn't pan out). It all fits the plot and I don't think any of it was excessive, but I also didn't watch it with my parents. I'm also 27 and I don't know if I would or not for the same reason you are stating. I probably would because it is a good adaptation, but I have felt uncomfortable watching movies with that type of thing before.

tldr: Yes, there is nudity, male and female, and there are very revealing sex scenes.

I saw the movie two days ago and I think it's a good film but there are some points that bother me.

I didn't like the Doc Manhattan. His voice ruined it.

A more neutral voice would have been better. It sounded a bit whiny to me.

Every time I saw him, i got the feeling he'll start crying in a second.

Also the Silk Spector was bad.

I have seen the Motion Comic. Where an Actor reads the comic to you.

He also did the women voices. And he did the job BETTER!

Also the fact that all of our Heroes have super strength bothers me.

That's why a specific scene at the end of the movie lost it specialty.

(The scene had s.th. to do with Adrian, I don't want to spoiler any further)

But Rorschach was brilliant and they were really close to the comic. (With some scenes deleted and one mayor alteration)

So I would say the movie is a 6.8/10

Every one that i know that has scene this says they lost 2.5 hours of there life. Very boring and lagging movie. I'mglad i didn't waste money on this.

Well, I saw it this weekend and I really enjoyed it. Yes, it was a bit long, but considering the source material, I think the cuts they made were pretty judicious. It felt true to the source material but I disagree with those who thought it was slavish. Even the big change at the end seemed natural and worked cinematically and in terms of the story. The redesigned Karnak was brilliant as well.

Two things I didn't like:

1) Ozymandias' sub-Robin costume circa 'Batman and Robin'

2) I thought the grading of the film itself was too muted. The graphic novel displayed a myriad of colour without being gaudy. But a lot of the movie looked dim and deliberately washed out. Even Mars kind of looked muddy pink rather than like the red planet!

It's really a character piece more than an action movie so those expecting a three-act structure with action and explosions becoming ever louder and more strident would be wrong-footed.

Not perfect, but way more interesting than most graphic novel/ comic adaptions.

I am a HUGE fan of the Watchmen graphic novel. Here is my review:

The book had fantastic colors and was just... great!

The movie however was utterly dissapointing. Dr. Manhattan, to shiny. It was hard to look at him and his voice was dumb in my opinion. They captured The Comedian really well I thought, Rorshach also. Ozymidious (spelling?) was cool, but I thought he should have been sporting gold and purple instead of black and white. Not even remotly close. Nite Owl looked dissapointing, Laurie Jupiter, bad casting, bad acting, bad character. And now... the music. The music was horrible. Random music. A perfect example is in the part where Nite Owl and Comedian were trying to stop the police strike. At first, there was keyboards, music fades 5 seconds later, and then boom! There is now sad music. Don't know what THAT was about. I'm hoping that when I get the DVD, the director's cut will be more promising. The ending was pretty good actully. I know most people were dissapointed that they changed it, but that just makes Ozymidious more evil. Nothing much more to say, alexrider7 out.

Dr. Manhattan, to shiny. It was hard to look at him and his voice was dumb in my opinion.

Too shiny? How else is a glowing blue man supposed to look?

Ozymidious (spelling?) was cool, but I thought he should have been sporting gold and purple instead of black and white. Not even remotly close.

Must just be bad lighting because looking at stills from the movie released before the movie, his outfit is purple and gold. The design has been radically altered and the colors aren't as vibrant, but they are purple and gold.

Nite Owl looked dissapointing,

In what way?

And now... the music. The music was horrible. Random music.

Horrible? Random? What? The only song I saw as out of place (and even then, only out of place for the scene, it's appropraite for the movie given what the song is actually about) was 99 red balloons (german edition). The song over the opening montage was perfect. Ride of the Valkyries was well used if for no other reason than the images of Apocalypse Now that it invokes. All Along the Watchtower is quoted in that chapter of the book. Everybody Wants to Rule the World was apparently in the background during a scene with Ozymandius. It fits the time period and the central person in the scene. I question the use of Unforgettable, but I thought it worked as a contrast to the events occuring at the time similar to when they use slow songs in video game commercials during scenes of intense carnage. I'm sure I am overlooking a few. But I have to ask, what were you expecting for a movie that mostly takes place in 1985?

A perfect example is in the part where Nite Owl and Comedian were trying to stop the police strike. At first, there was keyboards, music fades 5 seconds later, and then boom! There is now sad music. Don't know what THAT was about.

A change in musical tone like that typically notes an extreme swing in the emotional events occuring. I take it that since you don't understand why that was there, you missed the bit where the Comedian basically spelled it all out to Nite Owl. The song during the riot was Jungle Boogie (a popular song during that timeframe). The slow, sad bit was to show that Dan finally got it. He finally realised somewhere it all went wrong. Jungle Boogie doesn't convey having your world view changed forever all that well, so the music changed.

The ending was pretty good actully. I know most people were dissapointed that they changed it, but that just makes Ozymidious more evil. Nothing much more to say, alexrider7 out.

Anyone who complains about the changed ending would only settle for an absolute shot by shot line by line movie. This one was about as close as it could get and not cross the line. I missed the squid too, but I missed it for how utterly absurd it is. THe new ending works fine.

As for Ozymandias being evil, who says he's evil? That's kind of the moral dilemma at the end. Was he right or wrong? Of course I think Moore fumbled the ball on this one, to be honest. As it is presented, how can you say he is evil? Yes he killed millions, but he saved billions (and they were going to die, they were at DEFCON 1, that means the nukes are going to start flying). I say he fumbled it for one important reason. There is never a single counterargument to Ozymandias' plan. There is no alternative. They are litteraly staring down WWIII and his answer is the only one presented, and it works. How is the reader (or viewer) really supposed to argue against that without resorting to childish morality? Even then, millions is a small price for billions. He says what he did was necessary, and there is never anything in the story that provides a viable alternative. Given that, how can anyone think he is evil? He saved the world and united 2 mortal enemies. On top of that, he didn't put himself in charge. He did what no one else was willing to do (see the problem and fix it). You can argue that his methods were evil, but is he for doing what had to be done?

Anyone who complains about the changed ending would only settle for an absolute shot by shot line by line movie. This one was about as close as it could get and not cross the line. I missed the squid too, but I missed it for how utterly absurd it is. THe new ending works fine.

This shows a lack of thought. Of course the squid could've been used, stereotyping people like that it silly. I would never want a shot-by-shot remake but the squid is far better than what they used for several reasons. For one, no one could beat Dr Manhattan. So uniting the world to be rewady for a future attack is ridiculous. He could snap his fingers and the world would be gone. This also means that instead of fighting him, the world now lives in fear of him, living a good life in a constant attempt to appease this "god". That is the COMPLETE opposite of what Ozy wanted. He wanted to unite the people and give them hope. yes the threat of a powerful alien species would definitely cause fear as well, but the point was it would let the countries work together and prepare together in case they came back. They would no longer be fighting amongst themselves, but they would not be doing it out of fear of angering a god, they would be doing it of their own accord to help the world.

This is of course to say nothing of the "dramatic" crater. Watchmen startled me at the mass of bodies and gave me a scope of the situation. It made me care about the common person, just as much as the characters I was reading. Alan Moore said himself that ultimately the movie was about the people, but I feel that was lost in the movie by just making them unseen casualties.

Oh yes, and I missed the colours too.

Batbrick Away! :devil:

This shows a lack of thought. Of course the squid could've been used, stereotyping people like that it silly.

I didn't say the squid couldn't be used. I am saying the people complaining about it wanted the impossible. I shouldn't lump them all together, so, sorry about that. However, I haven't yet come across a single reasonable reason why this ending sucks and the squid would have just been so much better. I wanted the squid too. I want to make that clear. I also understand how to look at things realistically. Some things were going to be changed. It makes sense that one of the more random, absurd parts of the plot would be changed. If they would have done something like killing Ozymandias, then I would agree as that changes the ending in a meaningful way because one of the things Watchmen is well known for is that he wins. If he gets killed, the moral question mostly disappears as "evil" has been punished. That would be a serious change. Nite Owl's goggles not being the right shape, Dan instead of Rorshach going to talk to Veidt, Nite-Owl and Rorshach not having their hover vehicles, etc are nitpicking.

For one, no one could beat Dr Manhattan.

Says who? Part of the problem was that he wasn't all powerful. The Soviets knew he could be overwhelmed. If he were invincible don't you think they would have just pointed him at Moscow and said smash a while ago? He's more powerful than any one person, sure I'll give you that. More powerful than the Soviet arsenal? I doubt it. He said it himself (more than once I believe), he is not a god. If Ozymandias (though he does have the edge of being the smartest guy on Earth) could figure out a way to circumvent his ability to see the future, then his other powers could likely be overcome. A big part of the plot was there were problems that were simply beyond the heroes abilities.

So uniting the world to be rewady for a future attack is ridiculous.

That's what the squid did.

He could snap his fingers and the world would be gone.

He never displays any abilities near that level of power. If he couldn't stop 100% of the Soviet missiles before they launched (which would have been the thing to do and avoid the whole mess, which he clearly didn't since the story is there) snapping his fingers and destroying the world is probably out of his league. He has to resort to killing Rorshach. If he were the god you think he is, there would have been another way.

This also means that instead of fighting him, the world now lives in fear of him, living a good life in a constant attempt to appease this "god". That is the COMPLETE opposite of what Ozy wanted.

He united them in the fear of the rest of the squid race invading. Where is this difference you are talking about? It was always keeping the world in line using the bigger stick. They just changed the stick to a known varialbe and not something that comes completely out of left field (that also makes necessary another 30 minutes of movie at the least). One of these squids killed half of New York simply by dying. I think most people will be absolutely terrified at the prospect of fighting them.

He wanted to unite the people and give them hope. yes the threat of a powerful alien species would definitely cause fear as well, but the point was it would let the countries work together and prepare together in case they came back.

I'll say it again, Dr. Manhattan was not a god. Preparing for his possible return is no different than preparing for the invasion of a race that can kill half a city with only one of it's members dying thoughts. Both are so far off the scale in terms of power that most people will feel absolutely hopeless at the propsect of fighting them while they are still trying to fight each other. The common fear is what united them.

They would no longer be fighting amongst themselves, but they would not be doing it out of fear of angering a god, they would be doing it of their own accord to help the world.

They were never doing it of their own accord. They were working together out of fear, at the start, in both scenarios. The whole key was to get them to work together at all and hope that they kept working together once they put aside their differences. The threat is almost irrelivent so long as it is absolute and gets used at least once to prove it's power.

This is of course to say nothing of the "dramatic" crater. Watchmen startled me at the mass of bodies and gave me a scope of the situation. It made me care about the common person, just as much as the characters I was reading. Alan Moore said himself that ultimately the movie was about the people, but I feel that was lost in the movie by just making them unseen casualties.

The real problem isn't the ending then. The problem is that every single side character in the book, who mostly existed to provide scope for the ending carnage, isn't important in the movie. Which is back to the line by line crowd. Characters were going to be sidelined, that was unavoidable. The super edition DVD will presumably have more of them. The point of putting them there was to kill them at the end to help paint Ozymandias' actions as evil. Since they weren't there, there was no real need to have mass carnage. Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to using the squid and having mass death. It's just that I understand why they didn't and it had no meaningful impact on the end so I have no problem with it. People still unite in fear of a powerful non human force at the cost of millions of lives instead of everyone dying in a nuclear holocaust. What really changed in any meaningful way?

  • 4 months later...

I just saw it.

It was okay. Yet it was Really disturbing! What was with Dr. Manhattan and his pantslessness?

I just rented this movie, and I have to say that I liked it. It wasn't nearly as visually "strange" as 300, which was good. And while the story was pretty confusing at some parts, I don't really feel like I needed to have read the comics. The acting was decent, the characters interesting, and the story original. It was a fresh take on a superhero movie.

It was a little gory at some parts. The part in the prison where they cut the guys arms off! A little too much blood.

I got the directors cut DVD last week. I think the cut scenes were cut for running time because none of them really felt out of place.

They did help flesh out some of the characters a bit more like Hollis (giving him more than one scene helped) and Dan (more conversations and seeing his reaction to what happens to Hollis). All of the cut scenes (except the one with Hollis) were conversational bits. Several minutes focused on the government's immediate reaction to John's departure after the press conference and the agents assigned to him upsetting Laury quite a bit. The funeral flashbacks were longer. The conversation on Mars was longer. It also included Hollis' death scene which was a little odd as we get to see it how he is seeing it (which is him flashing back to fighting his old villains). I didn't time it, but I think the sex scene so many complain about may be longer now.

Has anybody seen this parody of it:

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> ">
name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

Edited by Emperor Claudius Rome

That was... eh, disturbing... :tongue:

  • 3 weeks later...

I finally got to watch this movie and I am more than impressed with it.

Finally we get a DC/Marvel movie that actually hits the spot dead on.

For 2½ hour I was unreachable.

It's probably one of the best conversions of comic into movie that I've seen (except for SinCity & Akira).

And yes, I think it beats X-Men and even Daredevil which also rocked.

I saw it yesterday and well...wow!

I thought it was great! I never saw the original comic or anything but the movie as a whole was awsome! :thumbup: Definately in my top 5! Although some of the themes were a bit dark but I guess that was what made it great also.

Although I can't believe Rorchach dies, he was my favorite character...

I went to see whatchmen the otherday with my friend. I hadn't even heard of the comics before the movie, so I had no idea what it would be about, but I thought it was good, but quite a bit of unecessary vilance and nudity. When it first showed Dr. Manhatten me and my friend laughed out loud. :tongue:

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