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I haven't posted any interesting topics as of lately, so I was thinking, "What might appeal to many different builders who collect different themes"?

So, I decided to put the creative hat on for a bit and came up with this topic.

If you could build the perfect MOC, and pieces were unlimited, what might you build?

I'm not talking about a real house built out of Lego, but what creation have you always wanted to build?

Would it be?

A large Endor Forest scene from Star Wars? :vader:

The Batcave with Wayne Manor standing on top?

A large train table with bridges and tunnels?

A Classic Town from the mid-80s? :sweet:

Neuschwanstein Castle? :oh:

A spooky Ghost Town? :skull:

What would you build that you have not already? Have pieces limited your ability to create it? What other limitations have prevented you from building your dream creation?

Share your thoughts as to "The Perfect MOC"...

Well... If I had to choose one from the choices listed, then a 'spooky Ghost Town', since seeing your MOCs, Brickster, I have been tempted to build one. But, if not then... a futuristic city. I've always wanted to build the ultimate futuristic utopia, complete with flying cars, hovering buildings and lots of futuristic cityscape. I would love to build one of those. :wub:


Interesting topic!

I've discovered that my MOCing ability increases exponentially after making my first bricklink purchase to make this, was so much better than my current method of digging in a bin to find parts, and not finding them, etc. Giving me more parts, it's a lot easier to build what's on your mind, and I hope to do it again.

I've been planning on a project to make a lighthouse island, sometime...so this'd be my ideal MOC. :wub:

My "perfect" MOC would be a huge detailed minifig scale military Space ship :wub: . The only thing that prevents me from building it is a lack of pieces, still one day when I start earning a bit more money my dream could become a reality... just might take awhile.

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Well... If I had to choose one from the choices listed, then a 'spooky Ghost Town', since seeing your MOCs, Brickster, I have been tempted to build one.

Thanks, I'm flattered :blush: , but these were just examples.

But, if not then... a futuristic city. I've always wanted to build the ultimate futuristic utopia, complete with flying cars, hovering buildings and lots of futuristic cityscape.

That's a very interesting choice, and would look awesome. Any desire to make a post-apoc style futuristic city?

I've discovered that my MOCing ability increases exponentially after making my first bricklink purchase to make this.

Slick! and very creative. You're a great builder Mr. M.

I've been planning on a project to make a lighthouse island, sometime.

I tried a lighthouse once. It was completely square. :sad: Any round tower is very difficult for me. I'd like to enhance my round building ability, in fact. I have a tower project in mind; and can visualize, just don't know how to create it in Lego. Your lighthouse island idea is a nice one. I really like lighthouses and the mysteries of the sea...

My "perfect" MOC would be a huge detailed minifig scale military Space ship.

Alien-style! That would be pretty cool. :thumbup:

It's a very interesting choice, and would look awesome. Any desire to make a post-apoc style futuristic city?

Yes, indeed! That was a runner up. It was normal, or post-apoc. But I'm so vanilla, I went with normal. :tongue: Post-Apoc would look amazing. I once made a half normal, half alien infected 'post-apoc' street. I tore it apart a few days later.


  • Author
I once made a half normal, half alien infected 'post-apoc' street. I tore it apart a few days later.

Sounds neat! I've learned to always take a picture of my creations though. They're nice to look back on, even if they don't come out well. I was browsing a few earlier.

Interesting topic, TheBrickster.

I am currently working on a large scale project that I've been thinking about for at least 6 months. It started with an idea; then with some initial design sketches; it was on hold for a while, then I bought some sets that were suitable for breaking up for the project; and then some more so I had a good stock of bricks for what will be my largest MOC in all my years of Lego. However although the idea has been turning in my head for this long, it was only a few weeks ago I made some revised sketches and started the initial build. The act of putting brick on brick together then generates ideas itself as you discover unique and interesting combinations. I also find that my subconscious has been bubbling away as well as I find several of the bricklink orders I've placed in the last 6 months amazingly useful.

Now I'm reaching the end I find inspiration is in the detail - the little touches that make a MOC unique. They often come to me when I'm thinking about something else unrelated - like seeing a building in the street, or the curve of a tree branch - or just randomly when I wake up in the morning or am having coffee before work. So really, my perfect MOC is the marriage of the ideal you have in your head with the practical translation into ABS forms, with all the surprises you give yourself along the way. The creation is in the discovery of what you can do, as well as the ideal you're working from.

The other angle for me is playability. I like MOCs that do something - they have to have working lifts, giant lasers, hidden treasures, water-wheels, secret bomb-caches, spinning drills, and so on - whatever it is, it needs to be interactive in the sense that a minifig can influence and adapt to the world of that creation. (The flipside is that I can't stand MOCs that look beautiful but fall apart if you so much as breathe on them; maybe I'm just resentful as I'm naturally clumsy :grin:).

As for the limitation side of things... I sometimes find limitations to be helpful, rather than a hindrance. When you are limited in your materials, it forces you to really think about the design choices you make and focus on the essence of the project. This is maybe why I don't find apartment towers or those giant-sized Lego sculptures very impressive. There's a certain technical skill in designing, for example, a giant Toy Fair Indy fig via computer, but not that much *technique* if you know what I mean. This is why SirNadroj's stuff is so interesting - his projects aren't normally massive (although they're not tiny either) - it's his novel combinations of pieces and ideas that continually surprise. I don't like all the techniques he uses (rubber bands, for example) but I appreciate the experiments he makes in form, of stripping back the basic principle of the Lego system (connectivity) to its simplest expression. (He's also excellent at detail; I'm just thinking of his figural experiments here.)

Of course, there is a balance between idea and reality, and you do need a minimum pool of bricks to get going. After 5 years of being out of my dark ages, I finally feel I have enough bricks to make whatever I want with. I tend to keep sets stored intact (once I break them apart, I find it almost impossible to find the time to put them back again) and buy multiples of sets as parts packs, supplemented by bricklink orders. Peeron/ bricklink is an enormous help as when I'm building I will suddenly think of a piece in a certain shape or colour that would be perfect, and I can easily search my available sets to dig out that piece from a specific set in my collection, and still be able to put it back when the MOC is broken down. (If this sounds organised, it really isn't; I have tubs of jumbled parts in sorted colours, sizes and types, but even the act of sifting through them suggests building possibilities that you may otherwise overlook. I will never be the type that has a storage box for 1x1 plates, 2x1 plates, 3x1 plates etc for example, as for me part of the experience is the sorting and sifting.)

Anyway, essay finished for the moment! You will have to wait to find out what I've been doing... hopefully for not too much longer :wink:

My ultimate MOC would be a combination of Z old Fort Brighton and my Efford Port

(links to the topic of the creations)

But large enough to house numerous boats! Then once it was complete I would create a section of inland village area, which has a old style castle atop a hill. (think MMV and black monarchs castle)

That to me is a perfect MOC.

Regards, Cpt.PB

Something vast and space themed.... like this; :wub:


I plan to give this a go soon....

I would love to build a city, but not a regular town plan, I mean one like those that turn up in cartoons, full of adventure and silly themed buildings. I could have an offshore island for Dr Inferno, a mountain fortress for the Sentai Warriors. Stuff like that. All in one place.

Space is a constraint currently. So my planned lair for Inferno can't take shape...

I also would love to make a miniland scale Midgar (from FFVII) with all the characters and major locations. Once again space and the price of bley mean its rather hard to even make one building in minifig scale...

I also would love to make a miniland scale Midgar (from FFVII) with all the characters and major locations. Once again space and the price of bley mean its rather hard to even make one building in minifig scale...

Junon is a dream build of mine.... especially with Sapphire WEAPON.

(Interestingly I just started replaying that game.... I think for the 5th time!)

My "dream" or perfect castle moc is not the Neuschwanstein castle, the one well known because he inspired Walt Disney for his famous castle, but this one :


It's the Hohenzollern castle, I really love it^^

but I also have another "perfect moc" .. CGH and Teddy are building what is, to me , the perfect moc^^ , their huge ship project !

I'm a pirate and castle fan ( but love all kind of moc , I just don't really like bionicles) , so these two mocs are the perfects moc to me^^

Tough question, there's so many things to do. At the moment I'd love to build a remake of the 6054 Forestmen's Hideout in brown and bricks only, no large wall pieces. With the same base size as the Medieval Market Place houses and plenty of little details.

This, and a playset version of USS Discovery in the movie Space Odyssey, inspired by this picture:


I kind of started in LDD, I'm a slow worker but you get the idea :classic:


Basically it would open on the side for the "playset" thing, and would be totally studless to give a feel of the "cleanlyness" in the movie.

Interesting topic. I guess the trick is separating out the MOCs I'm currently building or planning to build from the one I could never possibly pull off. I don't limit myself to one theme and usually build spaceships as frequently as I do town buildings or castles and pirate ships (as well as things that defy classification). My ideal MOC would probably showcase that in someway, maybe it would be a place where all the themes came together, a spaceship crashing into a castle, firetrucks from the nearby town coming to help put out the fire, mean while a giant sea monster menaces the harbor and it fended off by pirates and the coast guard and attack fighters alike. And of course there'd be lights and motorized parts. That'd be pretty cool. :grin:

Other gigantic MOCs that would be awesome would be Wonderland or Never-Never Land or Hyrule.


If I had to pick any MOC to be my magnum opus, then it'd probably be a magnificent port town complete with imperial fortifications - set in the age of Piracy, of course! There'd be a trading post, a large fort (Larger than Eldorado by quite a bit), several ships of varying sizes, and then an actual town with MMV-like detail...

I can dream... :cry_happy:


In my opinion a nice "perfect" MOC would be a giant minifig-scale Gotham. :wub: Say, 20+ buildings, with giant statures a couple of streets.... ) :classic::thumbup:

I've seen some attempts on BS, but they are mostly all quite weak.... ) :classic:

Good day, gentlemen! ) :sweet:

Interesting topic TheBrickster.

There are 2 MOCs that i would really want to build.

The first one one is an ancient greek temple (Parthenon to be more specific.) I had built one in the past (round 91-92)on a 16x32 baseplate. I've seen some really good creations on Brickshelf and i was :oh3: !

The other MOC i'd love to build, is a passenger ship. Not a ferry, not a hovercraft, a great minifig scale ship that can carry cars, with cabins etc. :sweet:

My perfect MOC would be a layout of a multilayer steampunk or raygun gothic city. Tunnels, canals, gangways and bridges facinate me, and while I've tried to incorporate different elevations in "Brickington" i've only been able to accomplish it on a limited scale. It would be quite a challenge (and a whole lot of brick) to build a city on multiple levels. For a picture that gives me as bit of inspiration click here.

My dream MOC would probably be a minifig sized Coruscant. I don't mean just the jedi temple :yoda: and senate building. I mean the entire planet :cry_happy: , it would even be a sphere. Maybe one day, like when I'm the owner of Microsoft :tongue: .

EDIT: I would also make clone and droid forces to fight eachother.

Edited by Mace Windu

The Batcave with Wayne Manor standing on top?

Yep, that is actually what I would love to build if I could (in minifig scale)!

But I don't have anywhere near the right amount of the right types and colours of pieces for it, and probably no space to put it. I'm actually accumulating pieces to build Wayne Manor study and the main part of the Batcave, but the whole thing would be almost impossible, even though I would love to build it.

At the moment I've been building a whole Wayne Manor and Batcave underneath, but it is microscale (based on the mini Wayne Manor in Lego Batman: The Video Game). I'll post it when I've completed it. :thumbup:

In my opinion a nice "perfect" MOC would be a giant minifig-scale Gotham. :wub: Say, 20+ buildings, with giant statures a couple of streets.... ) :classic:

I'd love to build that also!


Edited by Shoc

A completely run down post-apoc city.

And then I'd let loose clone and droid forces throughout.

If it had to be smaller I'd probably make a minifig scale MTT in new blue, grey color sceme.

I have had a crazy idea of building a fictional, all-in-one Technic construction vehicle for many years, maybe based around one of the old Space themes. It would use 8 or 10 of the huge 8457/8466 wheels and include multiple digging and lifting arms on the same chassis, sort of like a backhoe, crane, grappler and dump truck all combined. I have enough pieces to do this if I take apart a few of my built models and use Bricklink, but not nearly enough time these days. :tongue: It's something I have in mind for the future though.

Another one is a large table-size airport, built at a reasonable scale for minifigs unlike the official Lego airport sets. I was thinking of roughly modeling it around the Dulles airport building near Washington DC, as I especially like the odd look of that structure.

This was another dream project of mine for a long time, but it became a reality last year.

The Batcave with Wayne Manor standing on top

That would be AWESOME! Mine would to build a big city like it would take up a whole room and it would have a train throughout, an airport, downtown, residential area etc... Something like this :classic:

or a minifg scale any SW ship like Imperial Star Destroyer or a Super one :monkey:

Edited by prateek

A completely run down post-apoc city.

I agree! I think it would be awesome to have a giant Post-Apoc city, that kind of looks deserted. Another one of mine would be a minifig scale City Of Toronto. Every detail.

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