January 11, 201015 yr I spoke to some people in the Lego Store lately and they told me that certain lines of products did not sell that well compared to others. Amongst these were the pirate sets and the Indiana Jones sets. TLC in Denmark understood this as well and therefore decided to discontinue these lines in favor of something else. They will sell what is in stock but no new sets will be made. If the new Prince of Persia and Toy Story lines do not do that well either, those lines will be discontinued at some point as well. Usually, TLC seems to be looking how things are progressing for about 2 or 3 years and then makes a decision whether to keep things running or not. As has been said to me I don't know if you can base the popularity of a line just on one store. The pirates line is the only line that has been completly sold out everywhere in my area and I am seeing lots of the older star wars sets still on the shelves so I doubt the credibilty of the Lego store guy you were talking too. Also Lego just came out with a huge Imperial Flagship that is flying off of the shelves. They would come out with a set like that if the line wasn't selling well. As for the Indiana Jones sets the big temple of doom set is still backordered here in the US if I am correct so I wouldn't just jump and say that the line is over just because some Lego store clerk says they aren't sell well in that particular store. Edited January 11, 201015 yr by bengun
January 11, 201015 yr As has been said to me I don't know if you can base the popularity of a line just on one store. The pirates line is the only line that has been completly sold out everywhere in my area and I am seeing lots of the older star wars sets still on the shelves so I doubt the credibilty of the Lego store guy you were talking too. Also Lego just came out with a huge Imperial Flagship that is flying off of the shelves. They would come out with a set like that if the line wasn't selling well. As for the Indiana Jones sets the big temple of doom set is still backordered here in the US if I am correct so I wouldn't just jump and say that the line is over just because some Lego store clerk says they aren't sell well in that particular store. I has been anounced by lego that Pirates is over after the lfagship, and the falgship never was "on shelves" (unless it's a lego store) b/c it's an exclusive @ JAMTF to tell you the truth I don't think that the workers at the lego store kow what they;re talking about any more than we do, I wen't into the local lego store about 2 weeks ago and asked for the 3rd time in 3 visits "is lego indy going to be over in 2010?" and I got 2 different responses, the most recent one being no, more sets will be made in 2011 the first one was yes, it doesn't sell well, and then I got no, it will continue from 2011. So I believe that that's what they said, but it may not be accurate. And my main confussion is that with pirates lego made a big anouncement. With Indy they haven't said anything. That's my last hope.
January 11, 201015 yr @ JAMTF to tell you the truth I don't think that the workers at the lego store kow what they;re talking about any more than we do, I wen't into the local lego store about 2 weeks ago and asked for the 3rd time in 3 visits "is lego indy going to be over in 2010?" and I got 2 different responses, the most recent one being no, more sets will be made in 2011 the first one was yes, it doesn't sell well, and then I got no, it will continue from 2011. So I believe that that's what they said, but it may not be accurate. Wow... and I thought the toy store workers where I live were bad. It seems like making stuff up because you don't know the answer is a universal thing. Statistics are never going to be definitive, unfortunately. Look at these statistics from Brickset, for example. They are the most owned sets excluding Star Wars (because Star Wars is always going to skew the statistics): 23 City sets 7 Castle sets 6 Bionicle sets 5 Indiana Jones sets 4 Exo Force sets 2 Modular Buildings 2 Pirate sets 1 Creator set This suggests that Indiana Jones is the fifth most populer range after Star Wars. Things like Power Miners don't even register. However, this doesn't take into account two things - Firstly, that mostly AFOLS use BrickSet, casual collectors and children are unlikely to register their sets. Secondly, that because of the license, Indiana Jones probably has to sell more sets than other ranges to make a profit. So these statistics could be taken as evidence of the popularity of Indiana Jones... or they could be treated as an interesting curiousity with no real meaning. My point is - it's useless to try and guess which ranges are making the most profit. Edited January 11, 201015 yr by David Thomsen
January 12, 201015 yr It has been announced by Lego that Pirates is over after the Flagship, and the Flagship never was "on shelves" (unless it's a lego store) b/c it's an exclusive @ JAMTF to tell you the truth I don't think that the workers at the Lego store kow what they're talking about any more than we do, I went into the local lego store about 2 weeks ago and asked for the 3rd time in 3 visits "is Lego indy going to be over in 2010?" and I got 2 different responses, the most recent one being no, more sets will be made in 2011 the first one was yes, it doesn't sell well, and then I got no, it will continue from 2011. So I believe that that's what they said, but it may not be accurate. And my main confusion is that with pirates, Lego made a big announcement. With Indy they haven't said anything. That's my last hope. First: you made some writing errors which I had to correct . Second: stop using capitals as I do not want to be shouted at! Especially since I am not to be held responsible for what other people (in this case a Lego Store employee) tell me. Unnecessary use of capitals is quite impolite and childish if you ask me. And I am not deaf either. Fact is that the Lego Indiana Jones line is being discounted in many places. That is an indication that they want to get rid of this stuff as soon as possible to make way for other things. I have been able to look on a list in a local toy store this past week and it clearly announced that the Indiana Jones line was among the lines that will end. All 2008 and 2009 Indiana Jones sets were listed. Same goes for Pirates, Castle Fantasy era and some other things that I can not remember. Even some of the recently introduced 2008 and 2009 City sets (such as the 7638 Tow Truck and 7993 Service Station) are going out the door soon. If you want these and do not own them, I'd advise you to quickly purchase them before they are gone. Furthermore, this toy store owner had the 2010 Dutch dealer catalogue. There were no Indiana Jones sets in it anymore. New lines such as Prince of Persia, Toy Story, the newest 2010 City sets and Kingdoms (the newest castle line) debuted. I think that is enough reference for now and as you can see I did not base my comments on just one source (the Lego Store worker). Edited January 12, 201015 yr by jamtf
January 12, 201015 yr Well, we know we are getting camels, and have fez's, so it's possible. Asoka head from pop would be good Sallah (not Ahsoka-Asoka is man from Prince of Persia ) I thought he broke open a shotgun shell anyway? That wouldn't be gunpowder, that would have been all of the metal beads you find in a shotgun shell, which would make that part accurate. Opening the shotgun shell is also problem -since the lead (used in the shotgun shells in those days) -is not magnetic either (being magnetic don't mean that it pulls metal- it mean that it can be pulled by a magnet- so magnet and magnetic isn't same thing ) so actually whole scene is complete rubbish what comes to the real accuracy -if you have a very magnetic box that pulls iron- it will not affect at all to the lead shotgun shells or gunpowder- so whole scene is pure fiction- shame since the idea is good-using something made out of iron, nickel or cobalt (magnetic metals) would have worked- however -it is clearly stated in the movie that the magnetism of the box (and skull) is supernatural -since crystal can't be magnetic either - so the effect to the gunpowder is not problem in theory- but Indy shouldn't know that -since it is not based on the real physics at all- Only explanation to this is that maybe he (Indy) spotted that it pulls lead and gunpowder at first time when he was part of the secret Roswell-project and thought that it would be because of magnetism- even though reasons were "really" supernatural- but this makes Indy to feel really dumb scientist who need more lessons about real magnetism so only real explanation to this is that Indy lives in the fictional world where nazis search artifacts all around the world, lead and gunpowder are magnetic, fridges with leadlining can save from atomic explosions and where UFOs hate soviets.... (actually the last one is true according to the document i saw it told about ufo attacks to the soviet military maybe not reliable but supports the fact that communists are not alien's favorite people )
January 12, 201015 yr I truly think that Lego Indy is just going to take a break for a couple years until Indy 5 comes out. If they do all the cool remaining sets like the Tank and Grail Temple now, there will be NOTHING to support the sets from Indy 5 in a couple years. There are just not enough remaining sets to keep the theme going until Indy 5 comes out, IMO, so it's going on hiatus for a while.
January 12, 201015 yr I feel that this is good and bad news. Yay for a new movie but bad because the forth film wasnt the best movie ever made I agrea, but, but it wasn't as bad as everybody wants you to belive, people tend to follow what the critic says. I'm looking forward to some more Indy action, doesn't mather how exagerated the action and plot is. I truly think that Lego Indy is just going to take a break for a couple years until Indy 5 comes out. If they do all the cool remaining sets like the Tank and Grail Temple now, there will be NOTHING to support the sets from Indy 5 in a couple years. There are just not enough remaining sets to keep the theme going until Indy 5 comes out, IMO, so it's going on hiatus for a while. Just the opisite, they can make the sets now and in 5 years make new versions of them and sell those again, just like the Star Wars sets. Lego payed for the rights, if they still have them, they will probably use them. Edited January 12, 201015 yr by Bobskink
January 12, 201015 yr I truly think that Lego Indy is just going to take a break for a couple years until Indy 5 comes out. If they do all the cool remaining sets like the Tank and Grail Temple now, there will be NOTHING to support the sets from Indy 5 in a couple years. There are just not enough remaining sets to keep the theme going until Indy 5 comes out, IMO, so it's going on hiatus for a while. Like they are doing with Harry Potter in the second half of 2010 according to some of the rumours that I have read about. That line took a break for 3 years since the 5378 Hogwarts Castle came out in 2007 as the only set supporting the latest HP movie. If only they did the same with Batman as a support for the video game...
January 12, 201015 yr It's just so mysterious, the way Lego ends and starts new lines. There's a new Indiana Jones game, but no new sets. I doubt there will ever be new Batman sets and Harry Potter, but with these guys you just can't ever predict, only speculate and hope.
January 12, 201015 yr First: you made some writing errors which I had to correct .Second: stop using capitals as I do not want to be shouted at! Especially since I am not to be held responsible for what other people (in this case a Lego Store employee) tell me. Unnecessary use of capitals is quite impolite and childish if you ask me. And I am not deaf either. Furthermore, this toy store owner had the 2010 Dutch dealer catalogue. There were no Indiana Jones sets in it anymore. New lines such as Prince of Persia, Toy Story, the newest 2010 City sets and Kingdoms (the newest castle line) debuted. I think that is enough reference for now and as you can see I did not base my comments on just one source (the Lego Store worker). How did I know that that post would be taken harshly by using capitols, I was simply using that instead of wasting space with a big quote (as I am now ) there was no intention of vertual "yelling". I make writing errors all the time on here, I simply type up my thoughts on the topic at hand, read it over and click "add post" I read it over to make sure that I didn't ramble on and not to correct small errors and typos. So sorry if my post wasn't up to your standards. I know that there will be no sets in 2010, we've stated that. I think that's practically been confirmed, I was convinced that there would be up to seeing some if the summer 2010 prelims. knew there were no Indys. I'm on the fence as to if I think that there will be any 2011 indiana jones lego sets.
January 13, 201015 yr ...and where UFOs hate soviets.... (actually the last one is true according to the document i saw it told about ufo attacks to the soviet military maybe not reliable but supports the fact that communists are not alien's favorite people ) Wow... That's ironic.
January 20, 201015 yr Still waiting for some iconic scenes from Lego on this. First off, they need to make a young Indiana Jones from Crusade mini-fig with Scout uniform(with a Cross of Coronado accessory), then also a train set with the giraffes, the rhinos car, lion's car, etc....all the way to caboose with the magic escape box. Then they must do the last scene...would be alot of fun ala' Temple Escape...you have the 3 major traps and then lead to the holy grail temple and a must have Grail Knight figure. Lego...us Indy fans need these ASAP...;) Oh, also I forgot....must make the tank scene...a must. Crossing fingers they'll get on that soon.
January 20, 201015 yr Still waiting for some iconic scenes from Lego on this. First off, they need to make a young Indiana Jones from Crusade mini-fig with Scout uniform(with a Cross of Coronado accessory), then also a train set with the giraffes, the rhinos car, lion's car, etc....all the way to caboose with the magic escape box. Then they must do the last scene...would be alot of fun ala' Temple Escape...you have the 3 major traps and then lead to the holy grail temple and a must have Grail Knight figure.Lego...us Indy fans need these ASAP...;) Oh, also I forgot....must make the tank scene...a must. Crossing fingers they'll get on that soon. I totally forgot about the train and the Grail knight figure. Lego please make more Indy sets.
January 21, 201015 yr I totally forgot about the train and the Grail knight figure. Lego please make more Indy sets. Yeah...and I was thinking....perhaps the Map Room scene. Would be a fun small temple with micro sized buildings to create the Egyption city scape on the floor of the room. Then staff with medallion on it and an Indy and Sallah (spelling?) mini-figs in arabic dress. Could be fun...
January 21, 201015 yr Yeah...and I was thinking....perhaps the Map Room scene. Would be a fun small temple with micro sized buildings to create the Egyption city scape on the floor of the room. Then staff with medallion on it and an Indy and Sallah (spelling?) mini-figs in arabic dress. Could be fun... The map room scene can be recreated after the release of the Prince of Persia sets. In one of those there is a white head wrap that resembles the one that Indy is wearing when he is trying to locate the ark. Add a white SW Mon Mothma cape and you are there. Providing one owns enough tan bricks (a tan Creator House or the 5988 Temple of Anubis would be great sources) and some of the Egyptian style 2 x 2 tiles to reflect the images on the walls, it is quite doable to design I would think. The staff of ra could be made from a bar with a Technic connector pin and a red jewel / diamond on top. It is just a suggestion. Edited January 21, 201015 yr by jamtf
January 21, 201015 yr It's just so mysterious, the way Lego ends and starts new lines.There's a new Indiana Jones game, but no new sets. I doubt there will ever be new Batman sets and Harry Potter, but with these guys you just can't ever predict, only speculate and hope. It really surprises me that it wasn't profitable enough for LEGO, they charged the same ridiculous prices they do for the SW sets, wo I fail to see the problem. I guess we'll never fully understand how TLG works.
January 21, 201015 yr The map room scene can be recreated after the release of the Prince of Persia sets. In one of those there is a white head wrap that resembles the one that Indy is wearing when he is trying to locate the ark. Add a white SW Mon Mothma cape and you are there. Providing one owns enough tan bricks (a tan Creator House or the 5988 Temple of Anubis would be great sources) and some of the Egyptian style 2 x 2 tiles to reflect the images on the walls, it is quite doable to design I would think. The staff of ra could be made from a bar with a Technic connector pin and a red jewel / diamond on top. It is just a suggestion. Great suggestions Jamtf. Thanks! Maybe i'll MOC one together using a Prince of Persia set and a tan Creator House like you suggested. Would be fun to do! I just love these movies so much I wish they'd make almost every significant scene. We'll see what Indiana Jones 5 reveals. You know, I've never watched the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. I'm wondering what cool, significant scenes can be made from that series. Edited January 21, 201015 yr by LegoDad42
January 22, 201015 yr It really surprises me that it wasn't profitable enough for LEGO, they charged the same ridiculous prices they do for the SW sets, wo I fail to see the problem.I guess we'll never fully understand how TLG works. I think 'cause there are relatively so few sets for Indy (about 17 I think?)...while Star Wars has over 200 sets at least(?). Plus with Indy there aren't as many characters as Star Wars. Kids are still into the Clone Wars cartoon. SW has sooooooo many vehicles. It's limited with Indy. Hopefully they'll make the train scene and Grail Temple with traps from Crusade and maybe another set from Temple and Raiders while we wait for Indy 5 and that should help with a video game tie in and see what scenes can be used to create toys. Edited January 22, 201015 yr by LegoDad42
January 22, 201015 yr SW has sooooooo many vehicles. It's limited with Indy. It is limited although they could have made the US army convoy with the Russian troops or the Russian style Jeeps and army trucks that were used in the jungle (the amphibious vehicle is already part of a set), both ideas are based on the Temple of the Crystal Skull movie. Or the 2 civil cars that were used in the chase of Mutt and Indy on a motorcycle near the University campus (KGB in the first one and FBI in the other). Another vehicle would be the German tank used in the Last Crusade (has been mentioned before) or the German sub used in Raiders of the Lost Ark although a genuine and fully equipped army vehicle fit for war might be a little too violent for TLG's taste (the Batman tank for instance is only based on fiction and not a "real" vehicle used in a war) and an unncecessary reference to WWII as well. Last suggestion is the black Mercedes staff car used in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Indy is chasing the truck with the ark and the black staff car drives in front of it. The car is driven by a German soldier with boss German Dietrich next to him and both Rene Belloq and German Gestapo agent Toht are in the back of it.
January 23, 201015 yr Author Indy doesn't appear in the 2010 retail catalogue and will only be sold at s@h or Lego stores in 2010. Guess this is it then. Should we make a poll topic that we want at least one final Indy set? If someone has the power and reads this and is interested in it, please do so.. (and if we get a few hundred votes, maybe TLCs gonna do something) Anyway, I can only say, thanks a lot for attending in this thread, I was always following what your opinion about it is - and I say: If you still consider about getting a certain set, better buy it now. Remember Batman? Get it now. Zzz out.
January 23, 201015 yr Indy doesn't appear in the 2010 retail catalogue and will only be sold at s@h or Lego stores in 2010. Guess this is it then.Should we make a poll topic that we want at least one final Indy set? If someone has the power and reads this and is interested in it, please do so.. (and if we get a few hundred votes, maybe TLCs gonna do something) Anyway, I can only say, thanks a lot for attending in this thread, I was always following what your opinion about it is - and I say: If you still consider about getting a certain set, better buy it now. Remember Batman? Get it now. Zzz out. Well, it was a good, no a GREAT run. I beg of you lego please create 4 more lego sets for all four movies, airplane escape (Temple of doom) Brawl in Nepal (Raiders) The Grail Temple (Last Crusade) and campus chase (Skull) But the one set that is a must have in that list in the grail temple. There are many sites that you cans tart up petitions
January 23, 201015 yr But the one set that is a must have in that list in the grail temple. Why don't you build one yourself, since you have pretty much all the necessary minifigs (and the crusaders you can make from Castle figs)? Isn't that the purpose of LEGOs, that you can build anything you want? I know an ending license leaves people craving for more, but honestly though, would people's pleas ever end? There would always be "that one scene" that hasn't been released in a set yet. There's no way TLG could appease all fans, so it's quite ridiculous to start petitions over things like this. So I say you should quit crying over a dead theme and be grateful you got a healthy two years' worth of sets.
January 24, 201015 yr Indy doesn't appear in the 2010 retail catalogue and will only be sold at s@h or Lego stores in 2010. Guess this is it then.Should we make a poll topic that we want at least one final Indy set? If someone has the power and reads this and is interested in it, please do so.. (and if we get a few hundred votes, maybe TLCs gonna do something) Anyway, I can only say, thanks a lot for attending in this thread, I was always following what your opinion about it is - and I say: If you still consider about getting a certain set, better buy it now. Remember Batman? Get it now. Zzz out. So? As said before, LEGO may just be taking a break. Just because it's not in a cataluage doesn't mean it's the end. But if we're taking a vote, I'm in for the tank. It's n Iconic scene that HAS to be recreated. Other canditates are Grail Temple, Bar fight.
January 24, 201015 yr So? As said before, LEGO may just be taking a break. Just because it's not in a cataluage doesn't mean it's the end. But if we're taking a vote, I'm in for the tank. It's n Iconic scene that HAS to be recreated. Other canditates are Grail Temple, Bar fight. I can vouch for the fact that the tank set WAS made, as a prototype at least. It was vetoed by the company though before it could go into production. This has been corroborated by many set designers in different avenues. I either heard about it through work or at one of the panels they did at the conventions. Ultimately I think being a Danish company it was odd to create a Nazi vehicle, even without the obvious references to the Nazi regime. So, obviously given this, there will NEVER be a tank set.
January 24, 201015 yr I can vouch for the fact that the tank set WAS made, as a prototype at least. It was vetoed by the company though before it could go into production. This has been corroborated by many set designers in different avenues. I either heard about it through work or at one of the panels they did at the conventions. Ultimately I think being a Danish company it was odd to create a Nazi vehicle, even without the obvious references to the Nazi regime. So, obviously given this, there will NEVER be a tank set. Why? The tank was British-made, owned by a third-party kingdom, on loan to Donovan's expedition. The only thing "Nazi" about it was Vogel and his crew, they didn't even change the flags. There was more than that with the Iron Crosses on the Red Baron Fokker and on 7198 Fighter Plane Attack (which is actually a closer match to WWII Luftwaffe fighters than the fictional "Pilatus" aircraft shown in the movie)... Really, all they'd need to do to tone Vogel down would be make him a black civilian suit. Must be the same kinda logic that said "No 6299 Pirate Advent calendar for USA!"... *rolls eyes* Besides, LEGO has already done a much greater and far more offensive evil IMO with the Crystal Skull sets... (Don't get me wrong, I hate Nazis as much as anybody, but with Soviets--note I'm separating the former regime and those who ordered its atrocities from the geography and those who inhabit the land, I have friends who are Russian--the grudge-match is personal, and it is major.) ---------------- Now playing: John Williams - Raiders March via FoxyTunes Edited January 24, 201015 yr by Diamondback
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