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Prepare to be amazed fellow LEGO fans, as whilst searching Brickshelf, I'm confident that I found the best MOC ever created:

The Queen Mary 2


If you can find a better MOC anywhere, I would like to see it. Check out the gallery.

Very cool! It seems to be made by the same guy that made that carrier...

[negative nancy rant]

I wouldn't call this the best MOC ever though. Big MOCs rarely impress me. (They do make me jealous though. :wink: ) What do I think is better? Several spring to mind; EntranceToTheCaves, this Nebuchadnezzar, Cthulego Rising or the Arvo Brothers Alien MOC. Give the the bricks and I could make the QM2, but the other stuff... probably not.

[/negative nancy rant]

I don't know if it is the greatest MOC ever. Literally probably yes. :laugh:

However it still is a great achievement building something this size.

The newspaper clipping says it took them 12.000 working hours to complete. If it only took the two men mentioned in the clipping that equals to 750 building days in total.

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This image appears to be a newspaper article on the model. All though my German isn't great, my friend Yahoo Translater and I had a go at turning this:

Das ist die Queen Mary 2, das welt berÜhmte Luxus-Schiff aus der Reederei Cunard - komplett aus Lego. Klaas Meijaard (48) und Rene Hoffmeisster (32), zwei Lego Bauer aus Holland, haben den Giganten in 12 000 arbeitsstunden nachgebaught. Insgesampt ist sie sechs Meter lang (the Original misst 345 m). Das Plastik-Schiff ist das modernste von insgesampt 37 000 Schiffsmodellen die ab donnerstag im grÖßten Schifffahrts museum der Welt von Proffessor Peter Tamm in Hamburg gezeigt werden.

into this:

That is complete Queen Mary 2, world the famous luxury ship from the shipping company Cunard - from Lego. Klaas Meijaard (48) and Rene Hoffmeisster (32), two Lego farmer from Holland, nachgebaught the giants in 12,000 working hours. Insgesampt is six meters long it (the original measures 345 m). The plastic ship is the most modern of insgesampt 37,000 ship's models starting from Thursday in the largest ship trip museum of the world by Proffessor Peter Tamm in Hamburg to be shown.

And Sinner, I know what you mean by huge MOCs not being always that great, but I look up to this MOC not in size, but skill. The curvature of the hull is almost as cool as the ones by CGH and Teddy. And the spirat staircases and the general roundness of the ship. I think it's quite a great achievement. Certainly better than some of the LEGOLand buildings. But then, most good AFOL MOCs are.

zwei Legobauer aus Holland - Two Legobuilders from Holland

Of course, nothing beats the Dutch! :grin::tongue:

Of course, nothing beats the Dutch! :grin::tongue:

yes, you are right:

As a finishing touch, God created the Dutch


yes, you are right:

As a finishing touch, God created the Dutch


It's rare when an artists last work is his best... :devil:

It's rare when an artists last work is his best... :devil:

Well..., God works in mysterious ways. :wink:

Looks amazing! That's a handfull of work allright.

I wonder how much it costed to make this big ship?

But I have to agree with SInner on calling it the Best MOC ever...its not that because its big its also the best ay.

What about the minifig scale Aircraft carrier that got in the Guinness book of World Records?


Of course, nothing beats the Dutch! :grin::tongue:

Sorry to interrupt here, but Rene Hoffmeister is definitely not dutch! :tongue:

He´s of the same origin like the builder of the aircraft carrier... now guess, where they come from. :grin:

btw.: Interesting translation. Thank you Yahoo! :laugh:

Wow, what an impressive and simply amazing work... beautiful! Wouldn´t quite fit into my bathtub, though... :grin:

This ship sure is impressive, and I couldn't build it even if they gave me all the bricks in the world, but I still don't think this is the best LEGO creation I've ever seen. It is just a miniature of a live ship, after all, there's no story or imagination involved. You can see tons of similar creations in the Legolands in Denmark and England.

Of course, if you're really into ships, this might turn you on, but I'm really not... Anyways, kudos to whomever on making a massive ship out of LEGO, but other than the size, I can't say I'm really excited about it. :wink:

Thank you very much for this pic and the link to this awesome MOC, Captain Zuloo! :sweet:

You can believe it or not: When I was in summer holidays last year in the area around Hamburg I visited the International Maritime Museum of Hamburg and I saw this amazing MOC there with my own eyes. :tongue: It is really impressive with all its details and all the accessory like trucks and minifigures added to it! :oh:

Regrettably it wasn't allowed to take pics (in the whole museum). :cry_sad:

But for everybody who is interested in ships and maritime stuff I can really approve this museum: It's awesome and there are thousand of ship modells to see (regrettably not made out of Lego - but nevertheless very impressive) from the first and fishing boats up to the latest cargo, passenger and military ships. But you should take the time of minimum one day - and even then you can't see everything.


Very cool! It seems to be made by the same guy that made that carrier...

[negative nancy rant]

I wouldn't call this the best MOC ever though. Big MOCs rarely impress me. (They do make me jealous though. :wink: ) What do I think is better? Several spring to mind; EntranceToTheCaves, this Nebuchadnezzar, Cthulego Rising or the Arvo Brothers Alien MOC. Give the the bricks and I could make the QM2, but the other stuff... probably not.

[/negative nancy rant]

We'll have to disagree on this one.

While this MOC isn't my favourite, I certainly disagree with the notion that large MOCs are rarely impressive. I can think of just as many bohemoth MOCs that are every bit as impressive as their smaller counterparts.





...and if it's ever finished:


I find alot of AFOLs suggest that size is a way of compensating for average building abilities. Talent has nothing to do with MOC size. There are a number of builders who build on a very large skill who are every bit as talented as those who build on a medium or small scale. Having an unlimited budget doesn't mean that you can create a great MOC. For me, a large MOC that is well-built is doubly impressive not only for its size; but also for its execution. This is something that is unique to a large MOC.

What about the minifig scale Aircraft carrier that got in the Guinness book of World Records?

I don't think that is all that great actually. It's mainly large and you have to admire the builder that, but while it looks detailed, quite a few of the details are actually wrong and don't get me started on talking about the aircraft. I don't know quite how accurate the model of QM2 is, but it looks very nice.

I think that any discussion on 'what is the best MOC ?' is futile, because how do you define what the best is. If the best for you means biggest, I suppose the QE2 qualifies. If the best means the one that is most viewed on brickshelf, it would be the carrier. If you want a large ship that is accurate and that was actually built with bricks owned by the builder (unlike the QM2), Ed Diment's Hood undoubtedly qualifies, as does Yamato (provided it does get finished).




Sorry to interrupt here, but Rene Hoffmeister is definitely not dutch! :tongue:

He´s of the same origin like the builder of the aircraft carrier... now guess, where they come from. :grin:


Very cool! It seems to be made by the same guy that made that carrier...

The fact they are in the same folder gave it away for me! :tongue:

If you want a large ship that is accurate and that was actually built with bricks owned by the builder (unlike the QM2), Ed Diment's Hood undoubtedly qualifies, as does Yamato (provided it does get finished).

Yes, they are both stunning.

I think quantity doesnt make a moc good. If I am given tons of parts I probably could make a simular product. It still is a nice creation.

We'll have to disagree on this one.

While this MOC isn't my favourite, I certainly disagree with the notion that large MOCs are rarely impressive.

That isn't quite what I said, and besides, three of my examples were large. But, moving away from the fact that my sentence was vaguer than I planned, all your examples are good examples of large MOCs. :laugh:

This brings back sad thoughts. A few months I had set my eye on this masterfull ex-shop display of the original Queen Mary ship on ebay. Unfortually for myself the seller of this item decided to end the auction a day early when the price was only £22.00.

Holy Schnitzel that's a big one! Yowzers! I love it! So much room... so much...big! :oh3: Awwwman, if one day that fell out of a plane and landed on my doorstep, I'd go crazy!

Or, i would see it coming, step outside the door to early, get in in the head, and die with a four-foot crater at my porch's front. :sad::laugh:

wwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats a lot of railing :tongue: You'd need a helicopter to transport that thing!!!!!!

Edited by prateek

I like the model but I can't say it's the best MOC I have ever seen. It is mainly large....

There are some lovely details though, like the covered pool.


To me, the best MOC ever is the HMS Hood, the one that Ralph has posted. Second the HMS Edinburgh from the same builder. But there are many more great MOCs, and the QM2 is also great.

Very nice discussion about a strange dutch error (dutch people, incluiding myself translate "big" often as "great", since "big" = "groot" in dutch).

I am really impressed by this MOC, its detail, its size, its effort to built and I thank the OP of showing it.

All the other MOCs deserve a tread for themselves (or already have...)

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