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The detectives walk down the stairs, beginning their decent into darkness... although not quite. As you near the bottom of the spiral you see the flicker of torches, and you abruptly enter a large, cavernous room through a stone doorway lodged into the surrounding rock.


The doorway has two stone dragon heads above it, setting the scene for the rest of the room. The room is carved out of the rock of the hillside, and is lit by a number of torches spaced around the walls, which flicker slightly in a mysterious manner.


The room is mostly empty, with only the occasional empty barrel or piece of timber left lying around. It appears that it was cleared out recently, as there is an absence of dust and no feeling of abandonment. The only area which still contains anything of interest is the immediate area near the doorway which you entered through. If your calculations are correct, the doorway is in the northern corner of the west wall.


In the immediate area are a few things of interest including a table with a lamp and a khaki hat on it, two dragon statues on stone plinths, a large wooden chest, and a pair of statues, one of which has a black cape and helmet on it.


There are also a number of pillars spaced throughout the room, which hold up the manor house above.


The south wall holds nothing interesting other than a hatch in the wall which is slightly crooked. Beside it are three buttons labelled "call", "kitchen" and "dining room". The east wall contains a large open doorway lined up with the one you entered through in the west wall. Beyond you can see the large metal shape of a boiler, but not the far side of the next room.

Hmmm, what an interesting place, I would never have guessed it was down here. :grin:


Remember that to win the game you must answer the following four questions:

WHO committed the crime?

WHERE was the crime committed (which room)?

WHAT was the murder weapon?

WHY was he killed (motive)?

There is also the optional challenge of piecing together the events of the previous night. Try to find out as much detail as possible.

For the full list of rules, please click on the picture at the top of the page or follow this link.


1. ImperialShadows - Peter Crawford; Lawyer

2. Sandy - Susan Greenwood; Receptionist

3. WhiteFang - Dr. Phillip Marshall; General Practitioner

4. Hinckley - Max Sinclair; Actor

5. Sir Dillon - Michael Dunne; CEO of Brick Plates

6. jipay - Bernard Knightly; President of the DHPT

7. ImperialScouts - Lieutenant John Spencer; Soldier

8. Sir Nadroj - Dermot Stephens; University Student

9. Mr. Mandalorian - Dr. Gregory Grimsworth; University Professor

10. TheBrickster - Anthony Blackwater; Private Detective - Deceased; Death by Chandelier

11. Erdbeereis1 - Chef Frederick Valentine; Chef

  Dragonator said:
The detectives walk down the stairs, beginning their decent into darkness... although not quite. As you near the bottom of the spiral you see the flicker of torches, and you abruptly enter a large, cavernous room through a stone doorway lodged into the surrounding rock.

I've seen this movie before. *doesn't pull any levers, step on any slightly raised stones/tiles or trip on any wires while remaining penitent, ever so slightly*

  Dragonator said:
In the immediate area are a few things of interest including a table with a lamp and a khaki hat on it, two dragon statues on stone plinths, a large wooden chest, and a pair of statues, one of which has a black cape and helmet on it.

*puts on the hat, then remembers that he has a hat on, which he removes and replaces with this hat, after inspecting it closely, inside and out*

You know, this hat looks an awful lot like the one Mr. Spencer is wearing, doesn't it? :hmpf_bad:

I'll leave the lamp rubbing to someone else while I look in that large chest.

  Dragonator said:
Hmmm, what an interesting place, I would never have guessed it was down here. :grin:

Uh huh... :sceptic:

Oddly, it seems vaguely familiar, as if ... but no, it can't be. I... wonder how Mary keeps it so well dusted. :look:

Mary? Who's Mary? :wacko:

He's doing it again.

It can't be long now.

Hmm, looks like the other statue is missing it's helmet and cape. So you've been here before, Mr. Dragonator? :wink:

Oh yay, the end of the hatch! I want to peek inside to see if I can finally find the service lift and find out why the cable was cut.

... Oh, and I don't want to step on any trap-stones either!

  Sandy said:
Hmm, looks like the other statue is missing it's helmet and cape. So you've been here before, Mr. Dragonator? :wink:

Oh yay, the end of the hatch! I want to peek inside to see if I can finally find the service lift and find out why the cable was cut.

... Oh, and I don't want to step on any trap-stones either!

No, me! I'm the dumb-waiter. I want to check it. :hmpf_bad:

I would like to open the chest and see what's inside!

  Sandy said:
Hmm, looks like the other statue is missing it's helmet and cape. So you've been here before, Mr. Dragonator? :wink:

Or maybe it's the leader of "The Red Dragon" group we've been hearing of all trip long? Unless Mr. Dragonator and the leader are related :tongue: .

I would like to inspect the other statue's cape and helmet.

I also want to try and push and turn all of the statues.

  • Author

Peter walks over to the large wooden chest, with John not far behind. Opening it, you find inside three piles of black robes, all folded away neatly, although the left pile is shorter than the other two.

  Sandy said:
Hmm, looks like the other statue is missing it's helmet and cape. So you've been here before, Mr. Dragonator? :wink:

A coincidence I am sure. :grin:

Miss Sandy wanders over to the hatch to take a look, but is violently shoved out of the way by a petulant Max. Opening the hatch, he quickly steps backwards as a silver sword falls out, narrowly missing his foot, followed by the battered remains of the dumb-waiter, which doesn't. While Max is hopping around vehemently shouting vulgarities, Miss Sandy peers at the items that fell out. The lift itself is made of wood and smashed quite badly by its fall. A piece of cable hangs limply from what must have been the top of it, cut off rather cleanly. Inside it is what appears to have once been a chocolate mud cake, but which is now just a large splatter of brown everywhere, speckled with the pieces of a broken plate. The sword which fell out as well is serrated on both sides for about half it's length, with two holes in the middle of the blade and a basket hilt. You are certain you have seen its like somewhere before.

John meanwhile walks over to the statue t take a look a the helmet and cape. The helmet is of an ancient dragon design, while the cape is a deep, rich black, matching the robes in the chest.

Max finishes nursing his foot and decide to take a look at the statues by pushing or turning them. The two stone human statues do not move or do anything exciting, so yo walk over to the two dragons. Pushing down on the left one does nothing, so you move on to the right one. Leaning on this, the head clicks down, and you here a thud followed by a grating sound somewhere close by up above. Looking up you see nothing however.

Oh dear, I wonder what it is you have done now? :look:

  Dragonator said:
Peter walks over to the large wooden chest, with John not far behind. Opening it, you find inside three piles of black robes, all folded away neatly, although the left pile is shorter than the other two.

Let's check out those robes. And steal one. It's funny, I remember Max wearing one of those in a horrible movie he did called "The Witches of Azufre", or something like that. :wacko:

  Dragonator said:
petulant Max. Opening the hatch, he quickly steps backwards as a silver sword falls out, narrowly missing his foot, followed by the battered remains of the dumb-waiter, which doesn't. While Max is hopping around vehemently shouting vulgarities

From one dumb waiter to another. :laugh:

  Dragonator said:
Leaning on this, the head clicks down, and you here a thud followed by a grating sound somewhere close by up above. Looking up you see nothing however.

Probably poured hot oil on the pizza delivery boy. :hmpf:

  Dragonator said:
John meanwhile walks over to the statue t take a look a the helmet and cape. The helmet is of an ancient dragon design, while the cape is a deep, rich black, matching the robes in the chest.

Do either of the items show any signs of recent usage, or if they were used at all?

Can I inspect the sword a little more?

I'd like to go peek upstairs to see what the lever did, if it's okay with you guys.

It's my right, after all, since Mr. Sinclair there was so brutish to me. :tongue:

*pushes Miss Sandy out of the way*

I want to check upstairs!!

  Sandy said:
It's my right, after all, since Mr. Sinclair there was so brutish to me. :tongue:
  Hinckley said:
*pushes Miss Sandy out of the way*

It's a shame Dr. Phil isn't one of those relationshipy mumbo jumbo doctors who could help you two with your hostility. :hmpf_bad:

*smacks Max with the khaki hat* Don't youse have no respect for the broads? *shakes violently* Who said that? :wacko:

  ImperialShadows said:
*puts on the hat, then remembers that he has a hat on, which he removes and replaces with this hat, after inspecting it closely, inside and out*

You know, this hat looks an awful lot like the one Mr. Spencer is wearing, doesn't it? :hmpf_bad:

Uh, yes, it, might be my hat? Can I check that hat too to see if it is mine.

It seems like it is, but, uh, it could just be some regular kepi hat.

I might as welltake a peek around the desk, to see if there is anything of interest. Check the floor tiles, too, to see if they can be removed. Further, I'll go and check out the boiler that is across the room. Bring a torch, since it seems rather dark back there. :look:

  • Author

John takes another look at the cape and helmet, but cannot see any signs of recent usage. After this he walks over to the south wall and picks up the sword. It is clean although the blade does seem to have some smear marks when reflected in the light, as if it has been carelessly polished.

Miss Sandy and Max run up the stairs to go look for the source of the thud. Going through the kitchen, they enter the main hallway to see a strange sight...


One of the wooden panels in the hallway has swung open revealing a hidden room! The pair walk closer. Could this be the treasure vault they had heard rumour of earlier? Walking through the door, you enter a large room probably as big as the library directly above. There is one problem however; the room is completely empty. The stone walls are bare, and there is nothing anywhere apart from a couple of torn, dangling cobwebs. You do note that there is not really any dust on the floor either. Puzzled, you both return to the cellar to tell the others what you found...

John takes a look at the kepi hat and recognises it as his own. He then checks around the table, but finds nothing interesting. Picking up a torch, he heads through to the boiler room. The boiler room is smaller and only contains the large metal boiler, which appears to operate automatically, probably powered by gas. A few pipes from it lead up into the ceiling to other parts of the house. In the east wall is another doorway similar to the one you entered through, with two stone dragon heads above it and a spiralling staircase leading up into darkness...

I knew it! I just knew there was a hidden room behind those panels! Too bad someone emptied it before we arrived...

So, is everything checked in this room already? Then I suggest we move forward up that other staircase. But just for safety reasons, I'd like us all to wear these capes, just so if we run into a meeting of the members of the Red Dragon, we would blend in much better. :tongue:

  Sandy said:
I'd like us all to wear these capes, just so if we run into a meeting of the members of the Red Dragon, we would blend in much better. :tongue:

An interesting assumption you make. I would have thought that the order of the bigwhoopdidy chronic halitosis bunch would wear red, you know, red dragon blahblah and all that. Still, it's a decent idea, and it does match my hat, so why not?

*puts on a robe, checking the pockets for loose change*

Now, let's go up those stairs! :thumbup:

*whispers to everyone but John* Confidentially, I think our crazy mercenary has been here before, took off his hat to put on the silly dragon garb and left it here. Naturally, he would have another to replace it. Perhaps we should keep an eye on him...

  ImperialShadows said:
An interesting assumption you make. I would have thought that the order of the bigwhoopdidy chronic halitosis bunch would wear red, you know, red dragon blahblah and all that. Still, it's a decent idea, and it does match my hat, so why not?

Then why isn't the room littered with red capes instead of black ones? :tongue:

Besides, what kind of a wussy secret society wears red? Black is the way, I say! Not that I know much about any secret societies, mind you... :blush:

Let's not leave yet. Let's inspect the dragon heads above the doorway in the boiler room more closely. I would also like to remember where we have seen that sword before. Can I please remember? And I'd like to take a look at the broken plate and the remains of the cake. Why don't I just do it instead of talking about it? :wacko:

  Hinckley said:
Let's not leave yet. Let's inspect the dragon heads above the doorway in the boiler room more closely. I would also like to remember where we have seen that sword before. Can I please remember? And I'd like to take a look at the broken plate and the remains of the cake. Why don't I just do it instead of talking about it? :wacko:

The sword was the one that was missing from the mantle of the fireplace. I think it was in the dining room? From the Parlour.

Here is a picture I took of the mantle piece (...from the ceiling :tongue: )


So, the sword was taken from the mantle piece, most likely used to kill Lord Charles, ended up in the dining room where it was poorly wiped clean, rag thrown in the vase there. Then, the sword was dropped down the dumbwaiter, which struck the box itself upon it's descent, ruining a perfectly good cake.

What are you whispering about over there, Mr. Crawford? Something about my hat? (Maybe how it's so much better than yours :tongue: )

So, why was your hat down here then? Is there some piece of evidence missing Lt. Murder Spencer?

Someone seems to know an awful lot about that potential murder weapon sword that I don't remember either... :hmpf_bad:

If we're just going to stand around, I'm eating some cake, it looks delicious.

  • Author

Max decides to take a look at the two dragon heads above the doorway in the boiler room. They look exactly the same as those in the other room. Max then walks through to the other room to take a look at the cake and the broken plate. The cake looks delicious, apart from the white shards of china scattered all over it. Peter decides to have a taste anyway. You cannot see anything of interest in the cake.

Shall we head on up the stairs? We may as well now, since we've come this far. :hmpf_bad:

I'd still like to know what kind of dastardly individual would do something like this. :angry:

It was perfectly good cake, it didn't deserve to be treated like that.

  Dragonator said:
Shall we head on up the stairs? We may as well now, since we've come this far. :hmpf_bad:

Let's go, dragonbreath. If we run into any of your little friends, just tell them that we're a troop of Boy Scouts on a camping trip.

Boy Scouts? What about ...

Oh, right, I forgot! Um, tell them Max is a Cub Scout and a little short for his age, they'll buy that. Try to look younger, Max, maybe skip a little. And lose the scowl. Why do you always have to scowl when I talk to you? :hmpf:

No, I meant the part about not all of you being ... oh forget it. Just forget it. :wacko:

I still agree with going up the stairs, but I'm not losing the cape. It'll give me just enough time to escape when the bad guys aim their machine guns on all you non-caped guys. :tongue:

  • Author

Miss Sandy grabs a cape, and the detectives troop up the stairs, torches in hand. The stairs finish once you are around the ground floor area. Ahead is a small flat space, with another set of stairs on the right spiralling up again, and a short corridor to the left with a wooden door at the end. The wooden door also has a grill in it and has large metal braces across it. Looking through the grill you can see a natural cavern which extends for a short way before bending around a corner. You can see natural light in that direction. The wooden door is locked.

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