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:jollyroger:Sailing aboard the Flying Jockey are the crew of scallywags known as the Bare-Chested Bandits.... They are known for their fondness for wearing nothing but skimpy trousers, exposing the thick, muscular and rather smelly flesh of their rugged torsos.

Captain Boxer enjoys hiding out in his cabin along with his shrunken head collection, letting his crew do most of the pillaging. Underneath the Captain's desk hides a trapdoor leading down to where all of the action is. Here the BCBs store all of their hard-earned booty, plus the pet monkey Peels and a fair amount of rum...

Come on, join the fun! :jollyroger:




Comments are welcome! Thanks for the great contest! :pir-classic:

WOAH! We have a winner! I love the texture on the wall with the dark brown! And the sail as a carpet and pretty much all of the genius ideas! An incredible entry, although the bare chestedness is... kind of....odd.

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An incredible entry, although the bare chestedness is... kind of....odd.

That's the point. :pir-grin:

This is wonderful, Erds :wub:

I've noticed with entries for this comp that it seems to be hard to break away from the standard brown walls, so I'm really impressed that you have managed to come up with your own unique and detailed wall technique! It really makes this entry stand out.

Things to love: the whole animal feel of the MOC, with the zebra striped rug and bed, the spilt drinks using the plumes, the candelabra, the 1x1 round plate studded barrels, and the cheese-coated curved window arches.

I'm also glad to see the Year of the Shirtless Minifig lives on :grin:

Excellent work!

Also, (I just noticed) the use of minifig legs to make texture in the wall is super! :monkey:

Erdbeereis, that is a fabulous entry! :pir-wub: The texture you used on the wall is magnificient; I especially like how you used the minifig legs!

The brown tiles "not fully pushed down" make for an excellent effect. Your MOC is very funny too! Good luck with the contest :pir-wink:

This is a great entry!

I wish I can build my entry but im on vacation. :pir-cry_sad:

What I like

1. The detailed wall

2. The floor boards

3. The drunk pirates :pir-tongue:

4. and pretty much all of it! :pir-blush:

What could be improved

1. I really cant think of anything exept tiling the furniture

Overall its amazing! :pir-classic:

This is a very, very nice entry! You've put some good effort in it with a magnificient result. Awesome.

What I like:

Where shall I begin?

Allright then,

The detailed walls are defenitely a +.

The great ammount of details used, every time when you look at it you'll discover something new.

The drunken pirates below

The story.

The wooden floors.

What could be improved:

Not much actually, but the windows look a bit like pottery furnaces. :pir-tongue:

Tiling the dining table.

Looks wonderfull Erdbeereis, good work and I wish you much luck with the contest.

This is a great creation Erd! I like all the wall detailing as well as the bare-chested ness of the whole creation. I really need to get me some yellow torso's. The artwork and window designs are nice touches too.

One thing that may need changing is the loose tiles on the top of the top level walls, I assume there would be a roof here, so having loose tiles doesn't quite make sense to me :pir_wacko:

Otherwise I really like this, good luck!

This is a great creation Erd! I like all the wall detailing as well as the bare-chested ness of the whole creation. I really need to get me some yellow torso's.

SpongeBob sets! The secret source of yellow torsos since the end of Classic Space & brasso :wink:

Great and funny creation Erdbeereis! as everyone, I think the walls are very innovative and originals, even If I'm not really a fan of the final look it have, this is a great idea and it's only a matter of taste( as everyone else love it ) , I love the way you put the tiles in top of it btw, it looks very cool !

I alsolove the way you did the torchs in the treasure room and the great use of the flame to make some "reversed" wine, or rhum ^^ that's awesome!

Oh I just noticed the flowers under the candles tu make the wax^^

anyway I look at it I must say that it's a great entry Erdbeereis :thumbup:

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Thanks so much guys! I'm glad you like it. :pir-classic:

What could be improved

1. I really cant think of anything exept tiling the furniture

Overall its amazing! :pir-classic:

Thanks GA! I left most of the furniture untiled so that either minifigs could sit on them (like the chair) or the table so things like the plates would stay on better.

I also though it might be nice to have a few studs for some contrast,

This is a very, very nice entry! You've put some good effort in it with a magnificient result. Awesome.

What I like:

What could be improved:

Not much actually, but the windows look a bit like pottery furnaces. :pir-tongue:

Tiling the dining table.

Glad you like it Cap'n. :pir-sweet: Like I said, I left the table untiled so things could stay on it better.
Looks wonderfull Erdbeereis, good work and I wish you much luck with the contest.

Many thanks buddy!

This is a great creation Erd! I like all the wall detailing as well as the bare-chested ness of the whole creation. I really need to get me some yellow torso's. The artwork and window designs are nice touches too.

One thing that may need changing is the loose tiles on the top of the top level walls, I assume there would be a roof here, so having loose tiles doesn't quite make sense to me :pir_wacko:

Otherwise I really like this, good luck!

I'll let you in on a little secret, only 1 of the torsos is actually just yellow. The other ones are all old pirate tank tops turned backwards. Don't tell anyone! :pir-tongue:

While I agree with you on the roof point, I wanted to tile it so it matched the rest of the tiles. If they want a roof on top they'll have to manage. :pir_laugh2:

Great and funny creation Erdbeereis! as everyone, I think the walls are very innovative and originals, even If I'm not really a fan of the final look it have, this is a great idea and it's only a matter of taste( as everyone else love it ) , I love the way you put the tiles in top of it btw, it looks very cool !

I alsolove the way you did the torchs in the treasure room and the great use of the flame to make some "reversed" wine, or rhum ^^ that's awesome!

Oh I just noticed the flowers under the candles tu make the wax^^

anyway I look at it I must say that it's a great entry Erdbeereis :thumbup:

Thanks for your comments Guss. :pir-sweet: May I ask what you don't like about the walls? Just for future reference. :pir-wink:

Anyway, thanks again everyone for your comments! :monkey:

sure mate! ^^ that's not the technique, that's a nice idea, it's just the final product, the fact that there is too many " discordance " , like, I ll surely prefer a plain wall with only the "leg part" , or some "level" with details, but not "details" on it entire height, I don't know If you see what I mean !

here you have, for the upper part :

"2x2 round part", "wooden part" , "2x2 round brick", "wooden wall" , "2x1 wooden wall" , " legs " , " 2x2 round part"

I would prefer with less "difference" like .. "only wooden parts" " legs" " 2x2 round part" , something like that ( I don't know if the combination I just said is nice, I didn't test it, but I think you got the point^^ )

  • Author
sure mate! ^^ that's not the technique, that's a nice idea, it's just the final product, the fact that there is too many " discordance " , like, I ll surely prefer a plain wall with only the "leg part" , or some "level" with details, but not "details" on it entire height, I don't know If you see what I mean !

here you have, for the upper part :

"2x2 round part", "wooden part" , "2x2 round brick", "wooden wall" , "2x1 wooden wall" , " legs " , " 2x2 round part"

I would prefer with less "difference" like .. "only wooden parts" " legs" " 2x2 round part" , something like that ( I don't know if the combination I just said is nice, I didn't test it, but I think you got the point^^ )

Ah, I see what you mean. :pir-classic: That was actually my original plan, just the round 2 x 2's, but unfortunately I didn't have enough, so I improvised a bit. In a way it makes it look more interesting with not so much repetition.

Thanks for your feedback! :pir-classic:

SpongeBob sets! The secret source of yellow torsos since the end of Classic Space & brasso :wink:

Why must I always be mocked by my lack of Spongebob sets, and why does svelte always find my posts and answer with Spongebob answers :pir-tongue:

In a vain attempt to get back on topic, I like the idea of turning the torso's around, its that sort of thinking that makes you a great builder Erd!

All very nice, as normal :pir-wink: One of my favourites so far, although there's some real stiff competition. I can't help reading the title as Leer of the Bare-Chested Bandits!

The openness (and height or each level) is good for the MOC as a whole, although unrealistic (no beams/posts to bang heads on). Now, that doesn't matter, even though the rest of the MOC is very realistic. Yes, all of it. Clothes-wearing pirates were just made up to scare little children, when we all know that they did everything starkers (Stark - anything I should know? :pir-laugh: )!

The window arches are a nice touch I haven't seen before :thumbup:

Anyway, onto the suggestions -

The ladder seems a bit mis-placed. It could be on the right hand far corner, just outside the base, thus fitting the overlap rule. As for the trapdoor, it could become a physical thing (4 1x4 plates on the floor? A hole?) in that corner, with a bit of rearranging the furniture.

As Guss said, the walls are very busy ^^ It works for the upper level, but the bottom one could do with a bit of a blander background, such as removing some of the horizontal stripes of black.

To give it a more ship-like shape, you could build a platform halfway up the lower level, but only coming out 8 studs, or so (like this, a bit). This adds another dimension to the lower level and gives you the opportunity to use the vertical space more effectively (people falling off e.t.c.) The ladder/steps could then be threaded through the balcony. The wall above the balcony could be angled outwards slightly, to give the slope of the ship. Cannons and cannon ports duly follow.

And I'm jealous of all your brown legs :pir-grin:

I can't say I'm big on the barrel made from the wheels - it looks a bit knobbly. Removing it would create a nice bit of space in the corner, for some nice action. Wrestling? A cage full of animals? A captive Islander?

And the minor nit-picks that vary from builder to builder, but don't make too much difference -

I'd prefer a minifig hand instead of that bar-with-clip on the mini ship, as it gives less of a bulk around the bows, but it isn't a big deal. It does hold (just about), but a little squeezing helps. Another hand in the rear sail wouldn't do amiss (like this)

The dude on the ladder's neck seems to be rather cricked, as a result of the hairpiece. He could do better with one which allows full rotation, and have his head more perpendicular.

Shouldn't there be some wicks in the candles in the captain's cabin?

The tan brick behind the arches on the lower level looks rather funny to me.

The IJ map + Adventurers 1x4 tile is bugging me a fair bit - 2 maps and no studs could solve this.

And the captain seems a bit gormless - he could be drying/shrinking heads, examining them e.t.c. Fleshies would be good here.

A scattering of coins on the lower level could add to the mayhem.

Why must I always be mocked by my lack of Spongebob sets, and why does svelte always find my posts and answer with Spongebob answers :pir-tongue:

No Spongebob on! :pir_kiss:

Wow, very nice and creative use of parts! :thumbup:

Your story is made up pretty good as well and i admire your collection of brown legs.

I can't really picture this inside a ship though, but let's let imagination have a free run here. :pir_laugh2:

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Thanks for the great feedback SlyOwl, I enjoyed seeing your ideas.

I'll try to respond to as many as I can, there are so many. :pir-grin:

The ladder seems a bit mis-placed. It could be on the right hand far corner, just outside the base, thus fitting the overlap rule. As for the trapdoor, it could become a physical thing (4 1x4 plates on the floor? A hole?) in that corner, with a bit of rearranging the furniture.

I just wanted it to hide under the rug, because that seemed to be a great place to hide a door.

As Guss said, the walls are very busy ^^ It works for the upper level, but the bottom one could do with a bit of a blander background, such as removing some of the horizontal stripes of black.

Like I said to Guss, I wanted to do just the round 2 x 2s, but I ran out. I'm still rather fond of the different types, I feel it adds some contrast, but I see your point for sure.

To give it a more ship-like shape, you could build a platform halfway up the lower level, but only coming out 8 studs, or so (like this, a bit). This adds another dimension to the lower level and gives you the opportunity to use the vertical space more effectively (people falling off e.t.c.) The ladder/steps could then be threaded through the balcony. The wall above the balcony could be angled outwards slightly, to give the slope of the ship. Cannons and cannon ports duly follow.

For this MOC, I checked the realism at the door. :pir-tongue: Good ideas though.

I can't say I'm big on the barrel made from the wheels - it looks a bit knobbly. Removing it would create a nice bit of space in the corner, for some nice action. Wrestling? A cage full of animals? A captive Islander?

I like the idea of more space, but I have to say I like the barrel design. I wanted to have 2 different styles of barrel.

The dude on the ladder's neck seems to be rather cricked, as a result of the hairpiece. He could do better with one which allows full rotation, and have his head more perpendicular.

I definitely agree with this. I got a bit obsessed with using that hair. :pir-blush:

Shouldn't there be some wicks in the candles in the captain's cabin?

There are wicks, the black lever tops...

The tan brick behind the arches on the lower level looks rather funny to me.

Yeah, I agree that they aren't perfect, but I didn't have dark green ones and I though tan looked better than black or red.

The IJ map + Adventurers 1x4 tile is bugging me a fair bit - 2 maps and no studs could solve this.

Good point, but I don't think it's a huge deal.

And the captain seems a bit gormless - he could be drying/shrinking heads, examining them e.t.c. Fleshies would be good here.

I wanted him to give his full physique to the camera. :pir-tongue:

A scattering of coins on the lower level could add to the mayhem.

There's not enough jewels for you already? :pir-grin:

Thanks for all of the feedback, I'll be sure to keep them in mind for the future. :thumbup:

That is one sweet moc :thumbup:

Possible improvement points:

1. The skull over the bed looks a bit out of place, maybe make the eyes another colour.

2. The wall decoration with the "zebra-print" in the middle doesn't really look that great in my opinion, maybe a window or other wall decoration (maybe a trophy like a shark, or fish :pir-tongue:) would look better.

Good points:

1. The floorboards look great, nice touch to have some of them bend up.

2. Alive feeling in this moc, feels fresh and exciting, plenty of detail and stuff going on.

3. The wall, uniform, yet not repetative.

Is it a head into a glass bottle near the bed ?? :pir-oh: Pretty scary to sleep with that near to you !

Is the floor is enough strong to stand alone with just the 7 studs emerging from the basis?

Anyway I like your entry!

Good luck for the contest, and I bet you'll win something ! :pir-grin:

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Thanks Fluyt and 74louloute!

It is quite stable 74louloute, but when I keep it up on display I put a small support in the corner just in case.

Fluyt, with the lower wall hanging, I used the pieces I did sort of to tie in the black and white stripes from the rug and bed upstairs with the zebra print, and the gold frame to match the other gold pieces I had used for detail. I rather like it, but to each his own. :pir-classic:

Many thanks for your great feedback!

Fluyt, with the lower wall hanging, I used the pieces I did sort of to tie in the black and white stripes from the rug and bed upstairs with the zebra print, and the gold frame to match the other gold pieces I had used for detail. I rather like it, but to each his own. :pir-classic:

Many thanks for your great feedback!

You're welcome :pir-wink:

I can see you want to "connect" the 2 sections by using familiar colours, but the frame around the zebra hide is pretty big (although the selection in pearlgold pieces lego produces is quite limited, so it is understandably hard to make a small/sleek frame in pearlgold).

There are wicks, the black lever tops...

I meant in the candelabra, only I didn't mention it by name, as I'd forgotten how to spell it :pir-blush:

  • Author
I meant in the candelabra, only I didn't mention it by name, as I'd forgotten how to spell it :pir-blush:

Ah, that makes a bit more sense. That sometimes happens to me, and then I break out my old friend Google. :pir-grin:

Since the candelabra's candles are upside-down, I wasn't sure what piece should use. In the end I just left it. Any suggestions?

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