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Im starting to think the tlc is gonna start running out of ideas for brand new star wars sets. Seriuosly their are'nt going to be any more movies so i know eventualy their just going to stop making sets. I just wanted to know if u guys had any ideas for sets that yuo wlould wanta see made.

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I don't think TLC will run out of ideas.

Apart from the fact that there's two TV series on the way, there's a whole wealth of stuff we haven't got yet.

Here's my wishlist.

1. Death Star Playset.

2. Star Destroyer Playset.

3. WAMPA!!!

4. Tauntaun.

5. Plo Koon's Starfighter.

6. Anakin's Adapted Starfighter from Clone Wars Vol.1.

7. Rebel Transport Playset.

8. BANTHA!!!!

9. Ronto w/Jawas.

10. Mos Eisley CANTINA PLAYSET!!!


I don't care all that much but it would be nice to have some more variety in the sets and a lot of smaller inexpensive sets $3-$10 range.


Jungle hiding place- Boss Nass, 2 gungans, gungan general, statue with jungle plant all around-$10

Palace Throne Room- Padme with big red outfit, 2 palace guards, senator, throne with hidden blaster panels and a blast door- $10

Gungan Tamba(?)- large creature (made like the creator sets) with a shield generator on it's back, heavy gungan soldier, 3 battle droids- $25

Duel of the Fates- QuiGon, Obi Wan, Darth Maul, battle platforms with a few blast doors a small section of the ship hanger, 2 red force field sections, and the ventilation shaft (a short version)- $50

Droid Station Command Center- both Nemodians, 2 droideka, 3 battle droids, 2 battle droid commanders, a command center area with double heavy blast doors and lots of computer screens- $70


Lars Homestead- Padme blue outfit, Anikan, Young Owen, Young Beru, Kleeg Lars, Silver C3PO, the house and a moisture vaporator -$30


Jedi Council- Yoda, Mace, Ki Adi, Plo, Alya, (or insert any new Jedi not yet made by LEGO) with a circle or chairs and a decorative floor- $30


Bunker Attack- Han (camo), Leia (camo), 2 Elite Rebel troops (camo), a imperial commander, an imperial technician, the bunker with large doors and a small command center- $30

Victory Music- Ewok drummer with imperial helmet drums- $4

Ewok Village- 1 At-st pilot with At-St, 1 grey ewok, 1 tan ewok leader, 1 gray ewok leader, 1 brown ewok, 1 tan ewok, C3PO in a chair/throne, three trees with houses and a platform between two of them and a rope bridge to the third, play action defenses-$70


Frontline Defense- 1 rebel commander(snow gear), 1 elite rebel trooper(snow gear), 2 rebel troops(snow gear), a trench a small bunker a laser turret and a laser battery the power generater- $40

Wampa Attack- Luke (snow gear), Wampa, Taun Taun, a snow cave for the wampa with two rooms and a place to hang Luke upside down-$20

As far as sets go thats about it. I would like to see many of the unmade figures though, some new light saber blade colors, some new aliens, more imperial special characters (Veers, Tarkin) and a custom build your own jedi kit for $10.

Custom Jedi kit

red, blue, yellow, clear, green, purple, orange and light blue(alpha team) lightsaber blades

black, gray, silver and white light saber hilts

brown, tan, black, white and blue cloth capes and a matching hood in each color

black jedi torso, tan jedi torso, black legs, brown legs, tan legs

seven different heads (1 evil male, 1 evil male, 1 neutral male, 1 neutral female, 3 different alien heads)

two black hands (extra)

three different hair pieces

That is what I want. Each kit would allow you to make up to three custom jedi/sith characters and with all the different color combinations and parts that is like 100,000 different possibilities :oD


Just about anything from the Expanded Universe would suit me. There are dozens of starfighters they could crank out (Assault Gunboat, TIE Defender, E-Wing, A-9, etc ) and I do think there are a couple military walkers we've yet to see in LEGO form.

But from the movies, my big wish right now is for a Couruscant Firefighting Speeder with a bunch of little firefighter minifigs, that would be fun as hell :oD


I agree with everything that folks above said. I'd also add:

1. Re-issue of AT-ST (with a proper AT-ST driver, not Chewie)

2. Trash Compactor (probably part of the Death Star playset suggested above)

3. Grievous' Fighter from EPIII (possibly containing Grievous' Magnaguards)

4. Emperor's Shuttle from EPIII

5. More accurate re-issue of Jabba's throne room (with Salacious Crumb, Oola, and the band)


7. Probe Droid from Empire (would make sense to include this with a Tauntaun set)

8. Obiwan's green starfighter from EPIII

9. The Skywalker moisture farm on Tatooine (with Aunt Beru!)

10. Some sort of Jedi Council pack with lots of the prequel Jedi (Shaak Ti, Plo-Kloon, Ki-Adi Mundi, non-LULS Mace and Luminara, etc.)

11. Ewok tree city (with Leia and Han in speederbike gear)

12. Z-95 Headhunter (if Lego wants to continue down the slippery slope of Expanded Universe ships that they started with the TIE-D)

13. Re-re-issue of X-Wing (non-swamp edition, maybe with Wedge or, ha, Porkins!) and re-issue of Y-Wing

Not to mention all the UCS/Technic sets they still could do: UCS A-Wing, B-Wing, Falcon, Speederbike, AT-ST, Tie Fighters, Slave 1, Executor SD, Venator SD, Jedi Starfighters, R2-D2 Model, Technic Grievous and Magnaguard, etc....

And probably lots of other stuff I haven't thought of. So, in short, I agree that it'll be a long time till they run out of potential sets. People's interest will run out long before the sets do.



More tie fighters! :P

Seriously though, I would like to see some sort of Death Star and Hoth playsets, a combination of the Jabba sets and Cloud City where they are modular.

Lots of Stormies and grey bricks in the DS and lots of rebels, Snowies and white bricks in Hoth! ;)



1. Utapau. (EPIII) with tion medon, utapaun guards, General grievous & bodyguards, obiwan & *NEW* Blue starfighter.

2. Republican Rescue. (EPIII) with emperor palpatine(new torso), injured anakin(w/ medical capsule), shock troopers, republican shuttle & royal guards.

these are my ideas so far so more might come! :-D

8. Obiwan's green starfighter from EPIII

What we really need is a customizable Jedi Interceptor pack where we get enough of the different colored bricks to make the several different varieties of those we saw in the movie...it's be easy scrounging for parts from other sets now except for those bloody solar panels :/

Plus, in the New Essential Chronology it has a picture of Darth Vader in the early days of the Empire in his custom Jedi Interceptor...an all black one :')

(Deinonychus @ Nov 1 2005, 07:58 PM)

Plus, in the New Essential Chronology it has a picture of Darth Vader in the early days of the Empire in his custom Jedi Interceptor...an all black one


The sad thing is, I don't think we'll get any more Episode III sets. The press release said there were only seven sets coming in 2006, and we know about six of them, so i doubt we'll get a new wave of ROTS sets :(

- Grevious Grevious bust


I know the other bust of Darth Maul never did well...but Grevious just lends himself more to LEGO form then Maul or Yoda...I think if LEGO took a chance on that they'd be pleasently surprised

For me some sort of Hoth/Death Star playset is a must! i cant believe how badly lego has missed the boat on those sets.

I reckon given time Lego will give us these Playsets.

Just you wait. Come 2007, we'll have what we want.


You forgot the Empire throne room playset and Darth Vader's black chamber (the one which puts its mask on !!!)

From Hoth (one of my all time favorite !!) there are so many things to be done:

* taun tauns

* Power generator

* Transport ship

* Wampa cave

* Luke's medical chamber and water tank

* Front gate battle scene

Also do expect lots of reeditions because Lucas is really picky about the sets !!! Thats why we saw a couple of sets that never made it commercially *wacko*


Yeah, I don't think Lego "missed the boat" by not releasing a Hoth set.... they know full-well people want one, but it makes good business sense to hold back on some of those more desirable items so that they still have the chance for some killer sets in the future. Just like they did with the TIE Interceptor... they know people have been hankering for that, and they whetted appetites with the UCS and Mini versions, but they held back on releasing a System one for years.

I reckon given time Lego will give us these Playsets.

Just you wait.  Come 2007, we'll have what we want.

dont you mean 2006 *wacko* ;)

I mean 2007. We've heard most to all we're getting in 2006.

That and I've been to the future.

There's flying cars.


I would really like a Clone Gunner station or a Trade Federation Gunner station(with the belt feeding mechanism) from the battle of Coruscant in Ep3


Ever since 2000 I've been having a list with MUST-DO's for LEGO, and luckily I can tick off a few each year.

Still left-to-do's are:

- Sandpeople with bantha, landspeeder with Luke 'n Obi

- Luke & Rancor in jabba's palace (with neat traps for both Luke and the rancor!!!)

- Hoth scene (Luke, Han, Tauntauns, Wampa & Imp. Spaceprobe)

- ep1 Gian speeder (not likely)

- ep1 Coruscant air taxi (not likely)

- Tatooine Riksha speeder

- Imperial landing craft (not sure what size it should be; in 'normal minifig size it wouldn't be able to carry peronnell on board)

- Outrider (seen for 0.0004 sec. in episode IV)

- Family speeder (unlikely)

- Ewok village

- Leia 'n Luke speederbike chase scene

and then of course the trillions of things that LEGO hasn't made of episode III yet (and I wonder if they'll still make them...)

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