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-UCS Dewback ($90)

-A-9 ($10)

-Trooper Regiment (Scout, Storm, Space, Ryal Guard, etc., 10 Troopers, little terrain thing as not to make

Hasbro angry, $25)

-MINI Space Slug and Falcon ($5)

-Echo Base w/ wampas, snowies and Rebels ($50)

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Hmm...Expanded Universe Sets...Yeah. E-Wing. Cool.

Ep3. The bigger armored walker, not the chicken one. Id like a Droid Gunship. I also want a green and blue JSF. A senate chamber with palpy and yoda, all the jedi, plo koon starfighter...

Republican Rescue. (EPIII) with emperor palpatine(new torso), injured anakin(w/ medical capsule), shock troopers, republican shuttle & royal guards.

Hmm. Not what i wanted to call it but still an awsome name. I had the same idea right when i saw ep3. I envision it coming with 4 shock troopers (the red clones), 1 clone pilot, 1 palpatine, and 1injured anikin brick(sort of like the han frosen in carbinite brick) And if were lucky 2 imperial gards. And this thing has to fit them all in there. My best guess $90.

a battle of kashyk plaset with a big tree house that yoda can lead the battle in. It should come with a clone comander gree, 2 green clones, a bark speeder, 2 wookies and 4 battle droids. $100

and heres one thats definately not gona happen but is still my faverite; battle for the jedi temple aka the jedi slaughter playset. :^D

it wolud come with 2 jedi,3 younglings for anakin to kill, 4 blue 501st legion troopers, Anamin and a bale organa with his personal speeder. my guess priceless.

Flagship thing with Dooku, Anakin, Obi-wan, magnaguard, and a better grevious.


I want magna guards. But I want TLC to make them better than just a Battledroid body.


I would also hope that we get more jedi, it would be cool if they made a set where the jedi confront palpatine.

Or i would love to see a plo koon jedi starfighter, i think that ship would sell out quicky.

I would also hope that we get more jedi, it would be cool if they made a set where the jedi confront palpatine.

Or i would love to see a plo koon jedi starfighter, i think that ship would sell out quicky.

Plo Koon is by far my favourite Jedi.

I reckon its possible we may see him one day, as his startfighter is the same as Obi Wan's from Ep2 but blue. So its easy for Lego to make.

Ah so i see, then in that case you are right matt lego could do it very easily, then again a custom one would be easy to make also.

I just want an official Plo Koon!

I've made a custom, but LEGO NEED TO MAKE HIM!!!

See will the TV series be seen as expanded universe?

If yes, then Lego might do current Expanded U stuff.

I'm pretty sure Lego got the license for them, I think I reas it somewhere on this forum...don't ask me where though...but they don't have the EU license unfortunately...

What I'd like to see:

- Jedi council (I need prequel trilogy jedi MF's)

- Palpatine arrest scene (Mace&the gang vs. Palpy...doubt we'll get all 4 jedi, but Palpatine, Mace and Kit Fisto would be nice)

- Grevious' Fighter

- Order 66 sets (this was mentioned on another forum, don't recall which one. The idea is to recreate the order 66 jedi executions. For instance:

Aayla Secura, 2 clones, 3 speederbikes, some vegetation

Ki-Adi Mundi, some clones and battle droids, some kind of bridge)

- More jedi starfighters. I don't want a customization pack, I want a pack for every fighter (and the corresponding character). I want of fleet of JSF's ;)


I like the idea of an order 66 pack as that would give us more jedi's and clones but im not sure that lego would ever give us these sets though.

I like the idea of an order 66 pack as that would give us more jedi's and clones but im not sure that lego would ever give us these sets though.

That's because its' violent.

also it's a set that features killing kids.

adults ok but kids. its cruelty to children.

I like the idea of an order 66 pack as that would give us more jedi's and clones but im not sure that lego would ever give us these sets though.

That's because its' violent.

also it's a set that features killing kids.

adults ok but kids. its cruelty to children.

And the sky is blue, cats meow, and Lego is MADE OF PLASTIC!!!

I wasn't talking about the death of Jet Zukassa you know. I mean the order 66 executions of Jedi like Plo Koon, Ki-Adi Mundi and Aayla Secura...they ain't kids ;)

Ignore him dude. Best way to go.

I wasn't talking about the death of Jet Zukassa you know. I mean the order 66 executions of Jedi like Plo Koon, Ki-Adi Mundi and Aayla Secura...they ain't kids ;)

Ignore him dude. Best way to go.

Yeah, I figured that out too ;)


I'd like to see these:


Mustafar Separatist council (with landing platform, kind of like how cloud city is built, and includes Anakin with black cloak and Gunray) $29.99

Arrival on Utapau (includes Obi-Wan and his blue starfighter, Tion Medon, Greivous and his ship, a magnaguard, and 2 battle droids) $49.99

Yoda's escape pod (includes Yoda and green snake) $9.99

Anakin vs. Dooku (includes Anakin, Obi-Wan, Dooku, 2 super battle droids, Chancellor, and those stairs) $29.99

UCS Invisible Hand (about 3 feet long) $299.99

General Greivous bust $149.99


Obi-Wan's hut (includes R2, C-3PO, Luke, Obi-Wan, lightsaber, and hut) $19.99

Garbage Compactor Room (Includes Luke and Han in stormtrooper legs and torsos, Leia, Chewbacca, some junk, and sliding walls) $19.99

UCS TIE Fighter $129.99


Hoth Defenses (includes rebel soldier, turret, and blaster) $9.99

Mini Super Star Destroyer $4.99


Rebel Bunker (includes Han, Leia, R2, 2 rebel soldiers, 2 stormtroopers, sliding doors, and removable top) $29.99

Luke vs. Vader (includes Luke, Vader, Emperor, stairs, Emperor's chair and window) $29.99

Ewok village (includes 3 ewoks, Han, 3PO with chair, R2, Leia, 2 houses, each in seperate trees, and connected by bridge, and opening secret compartment in tree) $59.99



I would like it if they also did a Death Star cell room, you could have a corridoor with han, luke, chewie, leia and some stormies and a add on trash compactor room as well.

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