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10195 Republic Dropship with AT-OT by Dunamis

Set: 10195

Parts: 1,758 Pieces

Price: $249.99 from The LEGO Store, Glendale, California

Build time: About 3.5 hours total

Stickers: 1 sheet with lots of stickers (I stopped counting after 20 something)

Thank goodness LEGO didn’t name this thing LAAT/c with AT-OT. I had a hard enough time calling the LEGO store and asking if they had the Dropship with AT-OT. Oh well, I still managed to communicate what I wanted over the phone and it turns out the set was released to the LEGO stores early so all was good.

Enclosed in perhaps the largest non-UCS set box ever comes not one but TWO nifty Clone Wars sets. The LEGO Group shocking everyone with the surprise announcement earlier this year has brought us both an air and ground vehicle in the same set. Perhaps even more shocking was the $250 USD price tag for 1,758 pieces and only eight minifigs. Will the set deliver $250 worth of LEGO goodness or will fans be asking the government for another bailout to dig us out of this mess? Let’s take a look…

The Box:

Typical Clone Wars LEGO set marketing with nothing special other than the gigantic size. Minifigs are listed on the side and there are plenty of photos on vast space on the back of the box.

Here is the front and back of the box:



Here are the contents that came inside - 23 bags, three manuals and a sticker sheet:



Note that the bags are numbered one for the AT-OT (there are 10) and two for the dropship (there are 12) plus one bag that is not numbered which is designed to confuse you (actually it is used on the dropship).

Yes, the dreaded sticker sheet:


The Manual:

The three manuals are surprisingly thick. I realized why during the build. Many of the steps take a complete page and sometimes both pages to show the model or image. This leads to an increased number of pages required.

I have not seen the online version yet but I assume one is available (or soon will be).

Color separation was fine this time and the manuals sported all the usual features:

• Piece call outs for each step

• Parts inventory at the end of the manual

• Page numbers

The Pieces:

We’ve got a nice assortment of bricks, plates and a fair assortment of Technic parts. Colors range in the grey (light and dark), white and dark red.

There are a few printed pieces such as the little radar dish piece that goes on the leg of the AT-OT (eight of those), but otherwise be prepared to bust out your sticker applying skills (you will need them)…

How about the minifigs? Well, here comes the rub…

For a set this size and cost most would assume we would either get some unique minifigs or a bunch of minifigs. What we get is two Clone Pilots and six Clone Troopers. This doesn’t exactly blow my skirt up. Basically, we are getting the equivalent number of clones in two $10 battle packs.


Overall, a nice assortment of pieces.

The Build:

The build is about average. There is significant repetition on both models but especially on the AT-OT. The heavy use of stickers does slow down the pace a bit.

Here are a couple of in-progress photos:




Here is what is left over:





Lots of Technic pins and axles used in this set. There are no real problems with the build, but you do have to pay attention to pin and axle locations on the beams. Otherwise, it is business as usual…

The Design:

The design on both models seems to be very faithful to their fictional counterparts. I was pleased to see that LEGO had some insight with the 7675 version of the AT-TE and put in the carrying connector so that the dropship would be compatible with it as well. Nicely played by LEGO.

For the AT-OT, LEGO did a nice job with the design. The cockpit is well done and opens up nicely for easy access:


Also, the cockpit folds up to make the transport smaller during flight:




I suppose I was a little disappointed with the rear ramp. It is really nothing special and I suppose I was expecting something a little more ingenious:



The AT-OT seats 17 comfortably (including driver). There are at least 30 cupholders so you could have a really fun road trip. Unfortunately, the AT-OT only gets about 4 miles per gallon (which is 1.7 kilometers per liter) so expect to fill up often.

The fold up cockpit takes up quite a bit of space otherwise the front section would be ripe for modding by adding extra seats or perhaps a little command center.

Here is the finished version:


The Dropship or LAAT/c is a big model. Initially, it does not appear that sturdy along the spine. However, during the build, you can see they put in extra support with studless Technic beams:


There are some nice SNOT techniques on the front:


Also, the front panel doors lift up like the 7676 version:


There is significant Technic infrastructure in the core of the carrying mechanism.




Here is a shot of the finished version:


Here are some comparison photos of the models against other LEGO models:

AT-OT and AT-TE (7675):





Dropship and Gunship (7676):



Dropship and AT-OT:




Just for fun:




Overall Thoughts:

A wonderful surprise set and very unexpected set by LEGO. I love it when LEGO releases sets that are kind of off-the-wall and outside the norm. However, I have some reservations about how it was marketed. I should preface these comments with the fact that I am an engineer by trade and know very little about marketing so proceed with caution as you may get dumber by simply reading my idiotic ramblings.

To me, this set was priced in no man’s land. No kid (well, almost no kid) is going to convince their parents to spend $250 on a LEGO set like this. Especially one that their parent is never going to recognize and had maybe 5 seconds of screen time in the movie. Only the expert male parent observer might remember it was the walker thingy that was shown just before the sexy Jedi chick (Aayla) got axed. It would be different if we were talking about a $250 Millennium Falcon or Star Destroyer (at least they can recognize those ships from their childhood). In addition, very few kids will save up their allowance/paper route/chore money to shell out $250 to buy this set. There are just too many other items (video games, etc.) at lower price points for teenage kids to buy.

Furthermore, you can’t really split this into two different sets because individually they are rather unappealing to all but the most die-hard Star Wars LEGO fans. The draw of this set is how the models work together. Plus, I can’t see many people spending ~ $120 individually on each model. Finally, LEGO should not have marketed this set while the 7675 and 7676 (current AT-TE and Gunship) are still available.

In my opinion (which is just slightly more valuable than worthless) LEGO should have thrown in ten more clone minifigs (total of 16, one for each seat). In addition, they could have added a few Jedi minifigs (like Aayla) or some unique clone minifigs to make the set more desirable. Since this set is obviously targeted at the adult collector, jacking the price up to $269 it would make it feel like you are getting your money’s worth. Frankly, if an adult collector is going to spend $250 on this set as it is today, they’re sure not going to balk at spending $20 more to get 10 more clones and some unique Jedi minifigs.

So, back to the review, I like the concept of this set. I like how it works with the 7675. Each of the models is nice and well done. However, I think we should have received more clones and I think the set is overpriced by about $70. Not sure if LEGO thinks this as well and might be doing a limited run of it just for the collectors and die-hard fans. With the current Gunship and AT-TE still on shelves today and some nice 2nd wave 2009 sets on the way I’m thinking this guy gets forgotten and eventually goes 50% off like the Twilight did last month. Snatch it up then and you will be happy.

Final Rating: 60%

Build 7/10 (Lot of repetition, but fairly straightforward.)

Minifigs 4/10 (Not enough minifigs. No unique minifigs. Nothing special at all.)

Design 9/10 (Nice design. Faithful to the Star Wars universe. Compatible with 7675.)

Parts 7/10 (Same old Star Wars parts. Lots of Technic. Even more stickers)

Price 3/10 (Way overpriced. Will be a steal when it hits 50% off in six months though.)

NOTE: Obviously my final rating is significantly impacted by the lack of minifigs and the high price of the set. The models themselves are nice. If you can overcome the price and you have lots of extra minifigs, then knock yourself out and buy this sucker.

As usual, your comments and feedback is welcome…

Great review, as always! Complete and insightful and really dead on in every regard.

In my opinion (which is just slightly more valuable than worthless) LEGO should have thrown in ten more clone minifigs (total of 16, one for each seat). In addition, they could have added a few Jedi minifigs (like Aayla) or some unique clone minifigs to make the set more desirable.

As overpriced as this is, they could have included a full AT-TE to show off it's compatibility and still nearly hit the price point. Like you, I would have settled for a full complement of clones or a couple of unique figures. Something to justify that price.

Final Rating: 60%

Build 7/10 (Lot of repetition, but fairly straightforward.)

Minifigs 4/10 (Not enough minifigs. No unique minifigs. Nothing special at all.)

Design 9/10 (Nice design. Faithful to the Star Wars universe. Compatible with 7675.)

Parts 7/10 (Same old Star Wars parts. Lots of Technic. Even more stickers)

Price 3/10 (Way overpriced. Will be a steal when it hits 50% off in six months though.)

Dead on. I was hyped up initially, but sticker shock set in and now I'm just sitting back and waiting for a sale. A good one. Until then, I'll buy some clone battle packs to eventually put in the empty spaces of the box to bring this up to a full crew.

Can you attach the AT-TE to the dropship? I am curious how it was attached to it without folding the cockpit or so as AT-OT an AT-TE looks about the same size.

By the way, when folding the cockpit of AT-OT can we fit those clones at the front portion of seat?

Another 10195 revew? :wacko: These things are popping up everywhere these days. :tongue:

Very good review! The first one to actually appear complete! :laugh: However, one thing is missing. Seeing as you have the AT-TE, could you please show a pic or two of it being hooked onto the dropship? That would be great! :sweet:

Wow. I can't believe how much bigger the dropship is in comparison to the RGS! :oh:

Boy, this set looks better every time I see a review of it! :wub: It's gonna be a loooong wait til Christmas... :cry_sad:

Great review! Thanks dunamis!

You've hit the nail on the head about the price and figs. Last year before the Clone Battle Packs were released we'd probably be feeling amazed to see so many clones in one set, but this really just doesn't cut it at all. At the very least, how much could it have cost to give us a full complement of clones? It's not like they'd even need to throw in the extra pieces needed to make the walker for the Battle Pack!

Two things I can't get over:

a) That they used the horrible box which you have to destroy to open, when all the rest of the large (and suitably expensive) Exclusives are usually packaged with care and precision

b) For that price, I would want printed cockpit pieces on the AT-OT. I can live with stickers most of the time, but this is unforgivable.

I don't see it falling to Twilight levels of discount though. Most people like this set, whereas disregard for the Twilight seemed almost total from the get-go.

Gee I do think it is a bit expensive, but if I sell some of my other sets say my AT-TE than it would be just like buying the 7676 agan! :tongue:

1.7 kilometres to the litre, gosh where do those clones get the fuel these days! :tongue:

Great Review, as always! (I have been looking at your other reviews too) You chose "Scrap 'Em," Yay!

I agree, Commander Bly, or Aayla Secura would have definately bought me!

Edited by CloneCommanderDelta7

Very nice review !

I agree with everything you write. Actually, this model is priced like a collector model, but it don't have anything collector. :/

Nevertheless, it is a beautiful model.

It were much more impressive if it were UCS. :tongue:

I really like all the pictures you put in your review. I like the green seats they work really well on this little beauty. lego putting in more seats than clones was a bad idea in my opinion, if you are going to spend that much money you want to fill up every seat and not having to buy clone battlepacks :sceptic: :sceptic:

Nice review.

Just one question for inquiring minds: How easily do the two vehicles clip together, then uncilp apart? If you were actually playing with the model, would it be a fast procedure for the LAAT to let go of the ATOT then fly away?



Looks like the clone trooper on the top right stole the clone pilot's armor. :tongue:

The Republic Dropship looks much larger than the Republic Attack Gunship, but it doesn't have a passenger bay. :sceptic:

Edited by ILikePi

Great review. Question, is the AT-TE compatible with the LAAT/c? If so, could you provide a pic?



It says so on the Lego website, but no one's taken a blasted picture yet! WAA! :cry_sad::hmpf_bad::tongue:

It says so on the Lego website, but no one's taken a blasted picture yet! WAA! :cry_sad::hmpf_bad::tongue:

ADH015 has one in his review. It looks cool. Thanks for this review too.

Edited by Satellite Jack

I like the set, but it's way too overpriced. Lego should've included more mini-figs to justify the price. I will buy it when it goes on sale. :hmpf_bad:

The AT-OT seats 17 comfortably (including driver). There are at least 30 cupholders so you could have a really fun road trip. Unfortunately, the AT-OT only gets about 4 miles per gallon (which is 1.7 kilometers per liter) so expect to fill up often.

Thats actually extremely fuel efficient for a vehicle this size :tongue:

Great review, Dunamis!

I'm not getting this until it goes on 50% off sale. It's rediculous. And I agree- this really deserved a unique fig or two. Maybe Aayla or Commander Bly would have increased my interest in this set.

The cockpit and the loading ramp on the AT-OT are what ruins it for me. There's just this giant hole between the cockpit and the shoulder, and the ramp is at a high angle to the ground. Shabby, shabby design there. I think I might just take out the feature so I can fix it, and let the dropship carry my AT-TE.

Thats actually extremely fuel efficient for a vehicle this size! :tongue:

Come to think of it, that is acually right. Think about how fast it doesn't go, and how much fuel it can hold.

But again, I won't buy it because it doesn't have special figs, and it takes up too much space.

Great review Dunamis! :thumbup:

Waiting for this to arrive, next weekend. As a collector a definite must-buy, no second thoughts - even though the price is steep.

Just a warning to all who (actually) love the set but think it's too expensive and they're waiting for it to go on sale; we've seen in the past that not every set will go on sale before being sold out... and this just might be such a set. And if it does go on sale, 50% is a lot...

  • Author
Can you attach the AT-TE to the dropship? I am curious how it was attached to it without folding the cockpit or so as AT-OT an AT-TE looks about the same size.

By the way, when folding the cockpit of AT-OT can we fit those clones at the front portion of seat?

Yes, you can attach the AT-TE. It is not as easy as doing the AT-OT.

No, when you fold the cockpit, you lose four of the front seats. A bad design flaw in my opinion.

I don't see it falling to Twilight levels of discount though. Most people like this set, whereas disregard for the Twilight seemed almost total from the get-go.

You are probably right, 50% is probably wishful thinking on my part.

Just one question for inquiring minds: How easily do the two vehicles clip together, then uncilp apart? If you were actually playing with the model, would it be a fast procedure for the LAAT to let go of the ATOT then fly away?

There is a Technic axle that has pressure with a rubber band. You pull back the axle and it inserts into the studded beam that sticks up from the AT-OT or AT-TE. Connecting the two is a bit tedious and requires two hands (otherwise I would have taken a photo). Releasing the AT-OT is a relatively simple and quick procedure.

Looks like the clone trooper on the top right stole the clone pilot's armor. :tongue:

Oops :hmpf_bad:

The cockpit and the loading ramp on the AT-OT are what ruins it for me. There's just this giant hole between the cockpit and the shoulder, and the ramp is at a high angle to the ground. Shabby, shabby design there. I think I might just take out the feature so I can fix it, and let the dropship carry my AT-TE.

I agree completely. I was hoping for a better ramp mechanism as well. Let the modding begin!

  • Author

UPDATE and sorry for the double post:

I spent some time messing with this and got the AT-TE to connect. Pardon my inability to hold this thing at arm’s length and take a decent photo, but here it is:




The Technic contraption that holds everything together can be seen here:



There is a door in the back of the crew area of the Dropship (just below the cockpit). This door sticks out a few studs. The reason the AT-OT cockpit has to fold up is that it is a few studs too long. I’m going to see if I can mod this to make it work. Anyway, here is the door:



Wish me luck :classic:

Thanks for another amazing review Dunamis :thumbup: . Like in the case of many others this set still doesn´t grow up that much in me :sadnew: . The Dropship is simply beautiful but my problem is with the AT-OT. Why the TLC release such an incomplete vehicle? The model has A LOT of holes everywhere (One of the reasons many people dislike The Twilight) but to be more specific I DISLIKE the cockpit area (The sides) and the ramp :hmpf_bad: . The sides of the cockpit look unfinished but the ramp looks like a joke from part of the designers. If you look at the pic of the actual vehicle the ramp still looks out of the walker but the sides of it are closed (The sides of the cockpit too) :sadnew: . Also the minifigs are simply because of the lazyness of the TLC. They know we will buy it for the vehicles so they throw some minifigs you can get apart for $20. This was the opportunity they have to include an Aayla Secura and a Bly and they just leave it pass :hmpf_bad: . Don´t get me wrong I really like the set as a whole but still not justify the price point. Now I will wait for this to go in sale.

This was the opportunity they have to include an Aayla Secura and a Bly and they just leave it pass :hmpf_bad:

Agreed, this is a missed chance... :cry_sad:

i probably just pass on this set....

coz the price is a bit...too over it..


can someone tell me how it looks like without sticker? horribly plain....

can TLC considered putting more printed part on it instead of mark the price incredibly high?

I dont mind to pay that price if more printed part were included!!

i know it is impossible to have whole set without any single sticker...

but at least i thought value those customer who pay a lot on SW series...

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