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HERE is my medium entry, quite late, but it's here!

Name : Mini Crawler

pieces : 212

+ boxes : 21

minifigs: 2 jawas + 2 broken droids in boxes

History: When there is a place the Jawas want to go and search for things to sell, a place the Sandcrawler can't go, they use this little crawler instead, they also use it to delivery things in cities, well, you understood, it's useful anywhere the big Sandcrawler can't go !

it's quite powerful and can carry a lot of things on it little platform, it also have a crane to unload it and possess good all-terrain abilities.

here are the pictures :

Front :


Back :


Left :


Right :

as it is symmetrical, I opened it to make a little " difference"


Up :


the front wheels can turn :


other pictures :



link to the gallery : http://guss.teammu.com/modules/extgallery/...album.php?id=76

I hope you enjoyed it ^^ that's my first try for a SW based moc, as I don't have a lot of SW parts ( only bought 1 set and recovered some parts ... ) anyway Comments, Critics and feedbacks are of course welcomes !

Edited by KimT

good job guss! i can easily see that it is like a mini sandcrawler. nice idea! i really like the steering :wub: i understand that it is hard to put steering on a small vehicle (i try it all the time and it just looks out of place :sad: ) but you did a really good job making it flush with the rest of the vehicle.i didnt even notice the yellow pieces to connect thwe steering until you pointed it out in the picture with the little red boxes! this is a real nice little entry good job especially with only having one star wars set!

(my guess is that your one starwars set is the sandcrawler and i can see that most if not all of the pieces are from it!)


thanks a lot^^You're right that I used some pieces from the sandcrawler but not that muchs^^ and yes that's the only set I have yep ^^

i didnt even notice the yellow pieces to connect thwe steering until you pointed it out

thanks! I was worried .... I thought it was the only thing people will saw, but now that's you say that, I'm reassured^^


thanks a lot Kimt^^ , the Jawas are my favourites "species" in Star Wars, they're so funny with their strange voice!

thanks a lot^^You're right that I used some pieces from the sandcrawler but not that muchs^^ and yes that's the only set I have yep ^^

Nice MOC, it fits very well with the Jawa design of the Sandcrawler. But that can't be the only Star Wars you have, I see a battle droid and scout trooper. Where are those from?


i love the lego jawas i think they are one of the best star wars minifigs yet but the sandcrawler is way too expensive over here. :cry_sad: :cry_sad: I like this MOC it looks great! The battle droids are a nice touch! great work


thanks Clone O'Patra

But that can't be the only Star Wars you have, I see a battle droid and scout trooper. Where are those from?

A friend didn't need his lego anymore, he gave me these parts there is no complete sets, but there were some SW parts^^

thanks a lot Roncanator , I bought this set in Geneva in a shop that, a first sight, had some difficulty to sell it... so they did a promotion on it, I was lucky.

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