Posted April 4, 200915 yr when i saw all the old set i thought they were the best!1 but then when the new pirate sets came out i was kinda dissapointed i wish they could have a 20th aniversery of the firt v of pirate legos in 2013 but hey its just my thought (by worse i mean the pirate outfits dont look as good but the imperial gaurd looks better but they dont have the imperial army aka blue coats so there are places where they can improve.) Edited April 25, 200915 yr by pirate4life
April 4, 200915 yr Tis true that the old pirate sets are beautiful.. but not all of the new ones are bad! and there is also so such thing as LEGOS!
April 4, 200915 yr I don't think they've become worse. And how exactly are the current sets worse? I've noticed that A LOT of people hold their precious memories of their childhood LEGO sets and quickly dismiss the current sets as inferior or "nothing like what they used to". Hailing them as THE MOST AWESOMERESTEST sets. Well they probably were because you were a kid, imagination is at its peak. I hope that these guys probably just don their nostalgia goggles. Give the new sets a chance. It is still LEGO. And in the end, if you're really not that into the sets, you could always modify them to your liking.
April 4, 200915 yr I don't think Lego Pirates has gotten worse at all. Ofcourse TLC can't go back to creating old sets again. I think TLC has improved on the Imperial Guard. What they are trying to do is improve and make Pirates fit into today.
April 4, 200915 yr I don't think they've become worse. And how exactly are the current sets worse? I agree that the new sets are not worse, but they are certianly not better. The new soldier minifigs are great, better than the old ones in my opinion. But the old sets do have a certian charm to them.
April 4, 200915 yr Author you see im still a kid!! im only 12 years old but i got a old pirate set ing the mail and it was great. the new ones arnt bad but i think they need to bring back the blue coats and more ship that are of smaller and bigger sise. im not saying the new ones are terrible but they have room to improve in some areas
April 4, 200915 yr I love the new sets. They're like the older ones, but with improvements in color palette and minifig detail. The Bounty is no BSB, but it's pretty sweet.
April 4, 200915 yr I must say that I was also a bit dissappointed when the new sets came out. Some parts in it are very nice to have and perfect to build with. The hulls from the BB for example and all those new pieces. I'm happy there are finally new pirate sets, but I expected better quality sets. More pieces in a set and an improved buiding experience would be awesome.
April 4, 200915 yr I was dissapointed with the Brickbeards Bounty for a while since it did't meet the great expectations as the BSB or the SES.
April 4, 200915 yr The Bounty is no BSB, but it's pretty sweet. Yes, I agree that BB is a very nice ship. I love how it has a lots of room but the crew was WAY to small. It should have had at least 8 members.
April 4, 200915 yr Well seeing the Armada flagship from the old line, it was hiddious IMO! I am very pleased with the new sets comapred to the last of the old line and i do hope they continue the line for a while. And the new figs are totally awesome, so i don't really get this negative topic?
April 4, 200915 yr The reason the old sets seem more "cool" is because it was your childhood toys, But some prefer the newer because its the only ones they remember! I agree that Eldorado fortress was the same price as the Soldiers Fort when it was realeased, Shame is that so many complained about Big Baseplates and prices that they made Soldiers Fort small and Brickbuilt. Which is a shame...And I like the Idea of the Breakable Hull, But I dont like the new ship since it lacks 4 guns. 4 Gunports = 4 Guns, Not on this ship... I hope there New Imperial Ship will look good!
April 4, 200915 yr I really do like the new sets. I think it's a bit tough to compare the two, because the types of sets in all themes are so different nowadays. The newer sets have a few more large pieces, but this allows for a much smoother design. Both eras have their upsides and downsides.
April 4, 200915 yr Both eras have their upsides and downsides. That isa very true statement. The new series has better minifigs while the old series has more minifigs(I think)
April 4, 200915 yr So i don't really get this negative topic? I agree with you the previous pirate's line with the Armada was a fail. But I expected more of the new pirates line, it's too childish. LEGO has to be childy, of course, but it looks like they didn't really put effort in it. However, the new sets contain lots of useful pieces and new bricks.' In short: I like the pirates theme, but I did expect more of it.
April 4, 200915 yr The reason the old sets seem more "cool" is because it was your childhood toys, But some prefer the newer because its the only ones they remember!I agree that Eldorado fortress was the same price as the Soldiers Fort when it was realeased, Shame is that so many complained about Big Baseplates and prices that they made Soldiers Fort small and Brickbuilt. Which is a shame...And I like the Idea of the Breakable Hull, But I dont like the new ship since it lacks 4 guns. 4 Gunports = 4 Guns, Not on this ship... I hope there New Imperial Ship will look good! Eldorado Fortress was *way* more expensive when released - I'll tell you why: £35 was worth *way* more in 1989 than in 2009. Just think, 20 years later with annual inflation every year that was quite significant in some years. So the new Lego is particularly incredible when you consider it is essentially dirt cheap today.
April 4, 200915 yr I agree with you the previous pirate's line with the Armada was a fail. But I expected more of the new pirates line, it's too childish. LEGO has to be childy, of course, but it looks like they didn't really put effort in it. However, the new sets contain lots of useful pieces and new bricks.' In short: I like the pirates theme, but I did expect more of it. Although I can't really see how it's more "childy" than the old line. Sure, the skulls are a bit more geared towards children, but besides that I can't think of much else.
April 5, 200915 yr The old ones are better (because of the prices , baseplates, ideas, and figures ), but the new ones are great! But still not better than the old ones.
April 5, 200915 yr Well, it did get worse (with 4+) and now it has gotten a bit better again, but still it is nowhere near the old pirates, the only "old" pirate set that was worse than today's sets is crossbone clipper. New pirates have awesome figures and some nice new accesoires, but the sets are really lacking.
April 5, 200915 yr I wasn't a Piratefan, when the old sets released. But if I look back I can say that they are really beautiful and of course expensive The new Pirates are great, too. I think they are based on the Classic ones, but TLC gave them a ''modern'' touch. So that they are a bit more attractive (well just for kids...) and a more colourfull! 'Bricks'
April 5, 200915 yr The new sets look way too cartoonish and child-ish in my opinion. Some of the older pirates sets are not very realistic but they still look like they have been carefully designed. To me the new sets look like TLG jst wanted to quickly release a new theme and designed all the ses in a day. For the pieces and the minifigs, they are nice, but for the models, no way.
April 5, 200915 yr Eldorado Fortress was *way* more expensive when released - I'll tell you why: £35 was worth *way* more in 1989 than in 2009. Just think, 20 years later with annual inflation every year that was quite significant in some years.So the new Lego is particularly incredible when you consider it is essentially dirt cheap today. Seriously? Your paying like £35 for 367 pieces, And I got the Hoth set which has 548 Pieces, Good figs, for only £30 in Toysrus. Thats £5 cheaper, 200 Pieces more, And rare figures in a exclusive Limted Edition set. You get White C3PO, 2 Snow Troops!
April 5, 200915 yr I think the Classic Pirates sets were better then the current generation, but I am happy with the fact there IS a current generation!
April 5, 200915 yr hi mates! Long time no visit this great forum...i have noticed today about the new pirate sets...and this is my opinion: New minifigs are better than the old: Captain Brickbeard's design is much better than Captain Roger/Redbeard(i love golden hook and epaulettes). New soldiers are better than the old(they have a better uniform, and they don't look like idiots, like the old soldiers with their stupid smile), and the new governor is better too...but i must admit one new pirate minifig(the pirate with green clothes) have an inocent smile that i hate so much. I don't like either the pirate woman. She doesn't look like a pirate, looks like a CHEAP prostitute! About the buildings and ships... i think Soldier's fortress has a too simple design...i'd prefer something like Eldorado fortress or Imperial Trading post. the treasure chest is held in a silly way, even the coffer was held in a better way in ED, ITP, or Pirates's Skull Island. The new pirate ship isn't as cool as BSB or SES but have interesting things like the golden chest, the new sharck, or the lady with reversible head. About sets like loot island, kraken attack, or Shipwreck Hideout, i find it really cool, so my general opinion of the new pirates is cool
April 5, 200915 yr I wouldn't say better or worse, I would say different. Yes, the new figs are more colorful, but all of LEGO has gotten more colorful. When pirates first came out, they were the first figs with faces other than smileys, and they were wildly successful. The trend has continued, and now that we are seeing more detailed torsos and heads, folks are calling it "cartoony". Yes, the prices have gone up, and piece count has gone down, but the price of everything has gone up since the past pirates theme. Deal with it. If you want to see more and better pirate sets, buy the current sets, and LEGO will continue the line and release new ones. Eldorado Fortress was *way* more expensive when released - I'll tell you why: £35 was worth *way* more in 1989 than in 2009. Just think, 20 years later with annual inflation every year that was quite significant in some years.So the new Lego is particularly incredible when you consider it is essentially dirt cheap today. I wouldn't say dirt cheap, but you're definitely right about price comparisons. People who complain about set price increases rarely take inflation into account. With a few exceptions LEGO is no more expensive now then it ever was, and in many cases is cheaper. BB is one of those exceptions, but it's clearly priced on size rather than piece count.
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