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Hello all, I'm new to this site and also rather new to collecting LSW. I started collecting in february 2008. Since then I bought a few sets more than once. In my collection I like to create small-scale diorama's like: the Naboo ground war, Geonosis clone war and the Hoth attack to name a few. The multiple sets I own are: 7657 AT-ST (x 2), 7658 Y-wing Starfighter (x 2), 7659 Imperial Landingcraft (x 2) and 7671 AT-AP Walker. I'm planning to buy (or save up) for many more of the same sets. I'd like to have 3 X-wings & 3 Y-wings, 2 B-wings and like 5 A-wings to create the spacebattle from ROTJ. Also with the bigger sets like the AT-AT or the MTT I plan to buy a second. If the LSW license would end in 2011 I know I will continue collecting sets for a long time after that.

With multiple sets I don't mean the battlepacks, because it's obvious they are meant to be purchased multiple times. So what are your thoughts on this? Do you have like 10 X-wings fighting against a legion of TIE-fighters or do you prefer one of each set?

I do have a lot of Multiple Sets excluding Battlepacks but it depends if you are making a diorama or just

want to have a big army of fighters or tanks.

I have:

Republic Fighter Tank: 2

AT-TE: 2

Republic Gunship: 3

and much more! :wink:

So I agree with you that you could buy "Multiple Sets" :sweet:

EDIT: Welcome to EB the horrorist :skull:

You should make a topic in the Hello my name is forum :thumbup:

Here is a link to the forum: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showforum=17

Sorry for off-topic

Edited by CommanderCody77

I can't help but buy multiples. The recent CW LEGO sets were that good did go back and buy some doubles.

I did also buy quite a few multiples when the Episode III line came out, I have a heap of the ARC-170's and the Tank Droid (Wookie Attack kits).

To be honest I wish I hadn't bought the doubles (or triples) of those kits, as I really don't have a use for them anymore. Though in saying that it didn't stop me buying all those CW kits.

I did once think about doing some dioramas, but those plans are on hold (well at least until my kids grow up).

I have only ever bought multiples of one set: the Clone Walker Battle Pack from Jan 09.

I bought because I only had one pilot from the RAS and needed two to put in the RGS. I used the two gunners as pilots but now I have two more from 10195, I have pilots in my LAAT/i and LAAT/c. :laugh: All very confusing but that's why. Also, I had loads of space in my vehicles so I bought two BPs to get more ordinary troops to put in my vehicles. :tongue:

Well, I have:

2 Turbo Tanks

2 HSDs

3 V-19s

2 AATs

2 TIE Fighters

3 Vulture Droids

2 of each Jedi Defense

2 Luke w/ stormie and Imp Officer

7 CW Clone BPs

5 EpIII Clone BPs

4 Droid BPs

and some others which I have forgotten. :hmpf_bad::tongue:

I will be getting some multiple CW sets that are coming out in summer.

I have never bought two of any one set. Personally, I don't care for displaying an army, so there is no need for me to have several of the same vehicle.

I have multiples of the same minifigure, though, does that count?

"Oh, the horror!" *in voice of Ziro the Hutt* :laugh:

That topic really makes me feel bad! :laugh: Since I tend to buy lots of same sets for my SW collection. Say, 10 AATs, 5 HSD, several Hailfire droids, 2 Ahsoka fighters (2 vultures), 2 DGS, etc.... :hmpf:

Good day, gentlemen! ) :sweet:

Edited by The Penguin

Since I collect, I need at least one of each.

If I find any good deals after getting the initial set, then I buy them.

I've got a few xtras right now that I haven't opened..

CW Fighter Tank and the 334X minifig packs which I intend to do a review on later.

(I need to tie a few loose ends before that can happen - one or two reviews in the RA and some 46 EB Stormtroopers :blush:)

Yeah, i try to get a few of some sets. I usually collect 1 of each set released from the original 6 movies. But i have multiples as follows

2x 7657 At-st

2x 7146 Tie fighter

2x 6212 X-wing

2x 7671 At-ap

A few of all the 'Jedi defence' and 'final duel' sets

A few of each of 7654, 7655, 7668

I want another Mtt right now though :wink: Not many, but yeah...

I usually get them to finish cool scenes in my display's

I often buy multiples of the small stuff. Like TIE Fighters, for example, I had loads of them but now only have one that...well.... can still see the light of day.


As far as big things like the AT-AT or MTT, AT-TE, etc. one will suffice for each.

I often buy multiples of the small stuff. Like TIE Fighters, for example, I had loads of them but now only have one that...well.... can still see the light of day.


As far as big things like the AT-AT or MTT, AT-TE, etc. one will suffice for each.

EDIT: Sorry for double post. Computer was being slow and wouldn't load the page. Can KimT or somebody delete one of these posts?

Edited by booger540

I usually don't buy multiples, especially not of larger sets, as I am more of a collector than an army builder. However, when a small set is a good parts pack and/or is on sale for a good price, I can't resist to buy a second or even third one of them. :classic: Also, I like to have an even number of each part I own.

So, from what I can remember, this is what I got (excluding BPs):

2x Final Duel II (Because it's a nice BP for stormies and Imp. officers)

2x 7128 Speeder Bikes (Because after I bought it, I got it for Christmas too)

2x Naboo Swamp (Because after I bought it, I got it second hand among a big pile of other sets)

2x Imperial AT-ST (Because after I bought it, I got it second hand among a big pile of other sets)

2x Vader Transformation (Because after I bought it, I got it for Christmas too)

2x Mini MTT (Because it was on sale and has cool brown parts)

2x Mini AT-ST + Snowspeeder (Because it was on sale and has useful grey parts)

2x Mini JSF + Slave I (Because it was on sale and I wanted to have an even number of the parts from this set)

2x Mini Podracers (Because it was on sale and I just love Podracers! :D)

2x Mini Soulless One (Because I intend to keep one for future selling)

3x Mini V-19 (Because I intend to keep one for future selling and wanted to have an even number of the parts from this set)

2x MTT (Because it was on sale for half price and is an awesome BD BP)

There are probably other Minis and small sets that I forgot about right now, but that's pretty much it.

I normally dont buy seconds, but that could just be because I am a broke 13-year old. However, if I get the money, I may get another AAT, or Hailfire and spider droid.


I try never to double up on sets if I can help it. I have trouble finding the cash for one copy as it is. If I happen to get an extra copy via gifts, well, I can't help that.

The exception are the Battle Packs, as my 12 Walker BPs can atttest to. I mean, I need some extra clones to pack into my AT-TEs and RGSs, don't I?

Definitely, mainly for dioramas. I have multiple x-wings, a-wings, snowspeeders and ties (of various kinds) and I often buy extra parts to build more speeder bikes, both the Hoth and Endor versions. If I could afford it I'd have multiple AT-ATs too.

I only buy legos to build them, once i am done building a set then I am done with it so I don't see the point of getting multiple sets :p

One of everything, duplicates when clearance/sale priced. As everyone has said, battle packs are the exception, since they're cheap and useful. In other themes, I'll buy duplicates of good impulse sets, but those don't exist in SW.

It doesn't help when it's a theme with so many of the largest sets ever made.

If I had more unlimited resources, I would buy duplicates for displays, but keeping up with SW, Indy, Pirates, Castle and all the other odds and ends in other themes is a little demanding. The Town farm sets, some of the Agents sets with unique parts, maybe some Power Miners...

One of everything, duplicates when clearance/sale priced. As everyone has said, battle packs are the exception, since they're cheap and useful. In other themes, I'll buy duplicates of good impulse sets, but those don't exist in SW.

It doesn't help when it's a theme with so many of the largest sets ever made.

If I had more unlimited resources, I would buy duplicates for displays, but keeping up with SW, Indy, Pirates, Castle and all the other odds and ends in other themes is a little demanding. The Town farm sets, some of the Agents sets with unique parts, maybe some Power Miners...

Agreed. Battlepacks are the exception. I just have a MTT (discount) and AAT double and they are still boxed up. Thinking of buying two Hoth and Snail (tank droid) sets on release. Every other "second" set depends on if and what the discount will be.

Heck, are you keeping up with SW and Indy and Pirates and Castle and Town farm and Agents?! Did you win the lotery? :wink:

2 hoth rebel bases

4 hailfire droid sets

Countless battlepacks

2 Remote AT-ATs

10 homing spider droid sets (though I dont know if I am keeping all of them)

3 AT-TEs


3 Magnaguard starfighters

3 V-19 torrents

5 republic fighter tanks

If I see a set cheap, I pick up mutliples, either for a future diorama, extra figs, or to hold on until later

Thinking of buying two Hoth

Two Hoth for me as well, that's one I've already decided is worth doubling up, even if I have to go full price.

Heck, are you keeping up with SW and Indy and Pirates and Castle and Town farm and Agents?! Did you win the lotery? :wink:

I wish. I also wish I was keeping up better. I'm still a few sets off on Castle, only have 3 of the Agents and haven't even started Farm. I want that tiny tractor set that is apparently EU only or I'm boycotting the whole theme! Ok, so I'm not really going to boycott the theme, but that set looks so great that I shouldn't be discussing it in a SW thread. :blush:

Yep, two of Hoth for me. Love those taun-tauns. :sweet:

A quick look at me peeron set list , show's that I got

2 of the following:

6207 A-Wing Fighter

7657 AT-ST

7660 Naboo N-1 Starfighterâ„¢ and Vulture Droidâ„¢

7662 Trade Federation MTTâ„¢

7666 Hoth Rebel Base

3 of the following

6211 Imperial Star Destroyer

and 2 of the following not SW sets..

8112 Arachnoid Stalker

7703 Fire Vulture

10016 Tanker

Not including battlepacks and train rail kits

It's nice to have multiples of some sets when it comes to diorama building.. But the muliple ISD I bought to use as part packs for a projekt Im working on :tongue: I also have 2 X wings but with different set numbers, so I dont consider that as multiples.

An I plan to get multiple taun tauns too, but I see that set as a battlepack with a twist

Edited by a53021

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