January 30, 20169 yr They also had a mixed bin at the Vienna store. It was great. It looked as though the store took several sets, perhaps that were on display, and broke them apart and put the pieces in this bin. There were some very unique and interesting pieces that you would never find on the brick wall. Anyhow, I have never seen this done in any of the US stores. I wish they would. The Westfarms store had two bins of mixed pieces when I stopped by last week.
January 31, 20169 yr I picked up a PaB large cup today. Among the usual parts everyone has recently listed such as the Dark and Light Bley bricks, my store had a bin of 1x6x5 Wall Elements in White. I was able to get 18 while packing the inner space between 2 with fence elements.
February 8, 20169 yr Oh man... Maybe it is better that I don't have a lego store within a couple hundred miles - I would be spending *a lot* with what is in the bins right now.
February 9, 20169 yr Does anybody know when and why the contents of the wall change? Does it change monthly (another set period of time), or rather every time a container is empty? Would be interesting to know if it's worthwile to travel to a store again to look for new parts.
February 9, 20169 yr Does anybody know when and why the contents of the wall change? Does it change monthly (another set period of time), or rather every time a container is empty? Contents of the wall change every 3 months, but some stores will fill a shortage with some surprise.
February 14, 20169 yr Does anybody know when and why the contents of the wall change? Does it change monthly (another set period of time), or rather every time a container is empty? Would be interesting to know if it's worthwile to travel to a store again to look for new parts. New pieces are introduced as old ones are bought up. So it's quite random. However, the Pick a Model program now guarantees that every three months there will be a new selection of parts. The next new set of Pick a Model pieces will go out on April 1 (or sometime around the beginning of the month). You can see what the models will be on the April Lego Calendar, which should be put up on the Lego Store website around the beginning of March. Looking at the models on the calendar, you can speculate as to what pieces might be included. Aside from the Pick a Model rotation, the turnover of pieces on the wall is random.
February 14, 20169 yr Visited the store in Victor, NY, last week: Super jealous of all the great 1xX gray pieces and slopes. I visited a couple stores near Chicago a few weeks ago and the selection was much less interesting.
February 29, 20169 yr Nothing too interesting @ the Pasing, Germany store. They have a large wall but most of it seems permanently filled with 2x4 bricks. There's a mixed bin, but I didn't have time to go through that. Filled a single small cup with this. Edited February 29, 20169 yr by Sven F
February 29, 20169 yr Those 1x2 plates and corner plates are very cool. We hardly have useful stuff like that in Hamburg...
March 3, 20169 yr I was once told by one of the store employees, they are for safety reasons not aloud to put any small parts on the bottom row of bins (maybe the bottom 2 rows of bins) hence they fill them with 2 x 4 and large plates. I also suspect it is to make sure many of the kids badly pack their pots withs low value bricks, as I doubt they make much in the way of margin when AFOL's pack their pots.
March 3, 20169 yr I was once told by one of the store employees, they are for safety reasons not aloud to put any small parts on the bottom row of bins (maybe the bottom 2 rows of bins) hence they fill them with 2 x 4 and large plates. I also suspect it is to make sure many of the kids badly pack their pots withs low value bricks, as I doubt they make much in the way of margin when AFOL's pack their pots. First one is true. The second one probably as well. ;-)
March 4, 20169 yr Here is what I got today in Leipzig. The pieces on the bottom left are from a mixed box.
March 11, 20169 yr I was in Tokyo a couple days ago so i swung by the Roppongi Hills click brick lego store. Fairly standard selection but at $40 aud a large cup was way above good value,Popular elements like 2x2 lbg tile were nearly empty though.
March 15, 20168 yr So the April 2016 Store Calendar is out but there's no picture of what will be the latest Pick A Model model. Anyone seen anything about it yet?
March 20, 20168 yr Don't quite know the technical terms, but found flat studs in silver and overhang 2x1 plates in green at the local PAB. Score for me, as those are some of my favorites.
March 20, 20168 yr So the April 2016 Store Calendar is out but there's no picture of what will be the latest Pick A Model model. Anyone seen anything about it yet? My understanding is that Store Managers don't know anything about q2 yet, which is somewhat odd.
March 20, 20168 yr So the April 2016 Store Calendar is out but there's no picture of what will be the latest Pick A Model model. Anyone seen anything about it yet? I was just told by a Lego Store employee that the April 2016 Pick-A-Model would be a frog and a black airplane. At the time (March 16), they had not seen an image of the models, just a verbal description. He also said that New York stores would get an Empire State Building instead of the black plane. Not sure if that is just NY City or the entire state.
March 21, 20168 yr Packed a large tub with 784 pieces at the Glasgow store a couple days ago. Works out at 1.43p/px (can't really top x2000 1x1 light grey round tiles for £6 though...)
March 21, 20168 yr I stopped by mine late last week and they had...nothing good. They had run out of almost every PAM part, and replaced everything with basic 2x4s in unexciting colors.
March 21, 20168 yr Blech. That stinks, man. My Lego store doesn't get much action on the PAB wall, so hopefully I'll get lucky when I'm there in a couple of days. Edited March 21, 20168 yr by Junior Shark
March 21, 20168 yr I am just looking forward to April, when they are supposed to update the entire wall with their new inventory. I'll probably make it down there in two weeks or so.
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