August 14, 200915 yr It's been a while since i've watched it hence the 'as far as i remember' bit. Same here. Seeing it once was good enough for me.... Some action bits were good, but the movie didn't deserve to be a movie, compared to some of the later episodes, such as Ambush, Rookies, and the last one, which I forget the name of.
August 14, 200915 yr That's a cool cover for the DVD/Blu-Ray. I'm keen to get the DVD. I'm not sure about Blue-Ray. Not really into the video formats much so I'm not sure what it is other than it is suppose to be much better than DVD? I agree about the CW movie. Its really just a double/triple episode. Can't wait for Season 2 to get to NZ which probably won't until 6 months after its US release.
August 14, 200915 yr Author Oh no just better, massively better mate, vhs to dvd difference, i have all the episodes and the movie in sd and hd720p and own the movie on blu, it is so much better much crisper better video and audio, plus the blu-ray is 2 DL 50gig disk, dvd is 4. SD just doesn't do the season justice, i mean after all its not like povo bbcs top gear, its all made for HD, everything looks better even old movies, like all 6 star wars movies in HD.
August 15, 200915 yr Oh no just better, massively better mate, vhs to dvd difference, i have all the episodes and the movie in sd and hd720p and own the movie on blu, it is so much better much crisper better video and audio, plus the blu-ray is 2 DL 50gig disk, dvd is 4.SD just doesn't do the season justice, i mean after all its not like povo bbcs top gear, its all made for HD, everything looks better even old movies, like all 6 star wars movies in HD. Most of what you said don't make too much sense to me but I get the drift. I think I'll borrow a Blue Ray movie and borrow my brother's laptop to watch on the TV. I believe our new TV is HD but the only Blue Ray player is my brother's laptop. If it looks good then I might have to look at getting a Blue Ray player and the Blue Ray version of CW instead of DVD. Thanks DarthSion
August 15, 200915 yr I honestly see no difference between most Blu Rays and standard DVDs. I was watchin X-men 2 in my 360 and PS3, both on high def TVs, and they were pretty much the same. So I will save a few dollars, and just buy the standard.
August 15, 200915 yr Author Yeah sorry about that mate, lack of sleep posting early in the am plus recovering from swine flu messes your brain up rather good. If you can see a movie any one on a pc or laptop which can run blu at full resolution it is worth it just to see what you think, so far out of hundreds of people i have spoken to Mraz 'Skintas is the first to say he cant see the difference between dvd and hd. You don't really notice it so much with day to day shows like Law and Order, but special effects shows like TSCC SGA and reaper you really can see the difference. You hear it more if you have a sound system that can handle full Dolby digital trueHD audio, but then it depends on the system you watch it on, blu on a low budget tv isn't the same as on a high end full 1080p tv.
August 15, 200915 yr Thanks guys for your comments on Blue-Ray v DVD. I think like with most things there will be people on both side of the fence. I'll just try it out for myself and see if I can notice the difference and whether the difference is worth the extra cost for me. A friend can lend me a Blue-Ray copy of Fifth Element so that should be a good test. Anyway, this is probably not the right place to discuss Blue-Ray v DVD but thanks.
August 16, 200915 yr Right now, there's no point in getting the Blueray. I still have an old T.V. that I got for $25 at a garage sale, and I'm not sure if I'll be getting an HD anytime soon- the old one still works, no real point changing it 'til it breaks.
August 17, 200915 yr During one of the commercial breaks of tonight's showing of Nacho Libre on CN, they showed a Season 2 tease where the silhouettes of Cad Bane, 3D, Aura Sing, Bossk, and another new (female) bounty hunter walked towards the camera in slow motion in front of a dark red background. It showed a few close-ups of the silhouettes and then simply said "This Fall" before showing a red version of the Clone Wars logo. Not very informative, but still pretty cool. I'll try to record it sometime and upload it to my YouTube channel.
August 17, 200915 yr During one of the commercial breaks of tonight's showing of Nacho Libre on CN, they showed a Season 2 tease where the silhouettes of Cad Bane, 3D, Aura Sing, Bossk, and another new (female) bounty hunter walked towards the camera in slow motion in front of a dark red background. It showed a few close-ups of the silhouettes and then simply said "This Fall" before showing a red version of the Clone Wars logo. Not very informative, but still pretty cool. I'll try to record it sometime and upload it to my YouTube channel. I think that's been on for a while, but it's still pretty neat. Do we know it's Bossk, though? I thought he was fairly young, although I have no idea how old he was.
August 17, 200915 yr I uploaded it now! I also found this sweet poster: Who do you think the new bounty hunter in the teaser is? I don't think it's Sugi (the one on the far left of the poster) because of the big hat/helmet, and Embo has a completely different silhouette. I think it could be the changeling from the Season 2 trailer because she had such a big hat. I think that's been on for a while, but it's still pretty neat. Really? Well, it's new to me, which is strange because I watch CN almost every day. Do we know it's Bossk, though? Yes, it's him. It says so in this article.
August 17, 200915 yr Wow Thats all I can say really, this season looks awsome! And even better, mandalorians This made my week! Wow I am excited! I really hope they appear in some sets (reletively cheap too ) And if these bounty hunters and mandalorians came out as figs!
August 17, 200915 yr Yes, it's him. It says so in this article. Wierd, when reading "The Bounty Hunter wars", Bossk was supposed to be very young for a Trandoshan. More trampling over EU. Although they mentioned that the Mandalorian who spoke sounded "quite familiar"... Rumors on the comments beneath it went from Jon Favreau to Mark Hamill to Bruce Campbell. Although I really, really, really don't want to see an appearance of Mandalore (the planet) in the show. I just know they're going to ruin it, the way the show runs over EU.
August 17, 200915 yr Do we know it's Bossk, though?I'm pretty sure there's only one bounty hunter that is a Trandoshan and that wears a flight suit.Although I really, really, really don't want to see an appearance of Mandalore (the planet) in the show. I just know they're going to ruin it, the way the show runs over EU.If it means getting more Mandalorian figs, then I personally don't care how bad the show makes it look.
August 17, 200915 yr If its so bad then why watch it.Well the last Trandoshan was hellboy. I'm not saying I don't like the show... just not all the episodes. As long as the Mandos are bad@$$.... If it means getting more Mandalorian figs, then I personally don't care how bad the show makes it look. ...true.... very true.
August 17, 200915 yr I'm not saying I don't like the show... just not all the episodes. As long as the Mandos are bad@$$.......true.... very true. Well the mando at the end looked pretty bad A$$ I juts really hope we get some mando figs next year!
September 3, 200915 yr Author Screens. 2 new clips as well, zero g fighting looks mad. Edited September 3, 200915 yr by DarthSion
September 3, 200915 yr Cool! Thanks DarthSion! I'm getting excited for this season. Wow! Some of my favorite Jedi in one room! Looks like a good episode to me! I'm really hoping for some side-by-side fighting action from these guys!
September 3, 200915 yr Author Yeah no worries, the vids are sweet. partly off topic but not totally, its 3 weeks until republic heroes is out, surely there will have to be a demo out with in 24hours. Back on topic, now ive seen it all, an interview with a cartoon character, yep wired interviews cad bane. Edited September 3, 200915 yr by DarthSion
September 3, 200915 yr zero g fighting looks mad. Yeah, it's a pretty cool idea, but why the hell don't Anakin and Ahsoka use the force to navigate themselves? Gosh, they're so stupid! Back on topic, now ive seen it all, an interview with a cartoon character, yep wired interviews cad bane. Tehe. That's funny. From the "interview": He hears rumors of Fett’s son (Boba) perhaps taking up his father’s business, but he’s not concerned. More evidence that Boba will be in this season. Edited September 3, 200915 yr by Oky Wan Kenobi
September 3, 200915 yr Author You know you quoted me twice. Well Ashoka is weak with the force, as for Anakin not exactly sure how much it would help it wouldn't be very controlled, i mean he cant like try to push the droids coming to him because that would send him backwards maybe even into a flip. Or it could be, because its LA, the ships fall from space but there's no gravity so the ships would just stay were they are, there's no figuring LA. I find it interesting they have already been trained to fight in ZeroG. Well i guess, maybe that's why the "mando", if that is what they are maybe its the mando who train Boba, either way we will start getting answers in a months time, although if they are mando i would expect them to be a mid season episodes.
September 5, 200915 yr ane has no personal recollections of the late Jango Fett, but he confesses that the Republic’s clone armies, generated from Fett’s genetic code, have given him “no end of trouble.” He hears rumors of Fett’s son (Boba) perhaps taking up his father’s business, but he’s not concerned. In the inteview, could this be a hint that he might come to the CW screen Star Wars: The Clone Wars is back – bigger, bolder and better than ever! The first season of the cutting edge animated series welcomed an entirely new generation of fans into the Star Wars family, with premiere episodes on Cartoon Network ranking #1 on all TV with boys 6-11. And now, bigger battles, all new threats, thrilling storylines and unrivalled animation promise to raise the stakes higher than ever in the sweeping galactic conflict. Expanding on the foundations established in the groundbreaking first season, Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Rise of the Bounty Hunters continues the classic Star Wars tradition, testing the very limits of our heroes’ noble efforts as they battle for the fate of the galaxy.Set between Episodes II and III of the live-action saga, the battle for peace rages on – but the valiant Jedi Knights teeter upon the brink of exhaustion as they are beset by the seemingly limitless resources of their enemies. With no end in sight, the war is taking its toll. “The Jedi Order has traditionally been cast as peacekeepers, not soldiers,” says Dave Filoni, supervising director of The Clone Wars. “They’re not accustomed to wielding their power in this capacity, and it’s wearing them down. In addition to the war effort, we’re going to see secrets revealed – secrets which will further challenge their core beliefs. The dark side is now showing its hand, and the Republic is weakening.” As the war takes unexpected turns, the time is ripe for opportunists to take advantage of the galactic turmoil. Enter the galaxy’s most fearsome bounty hunters, hired by the Separatists to tip the scales of the tenuous balance of power. As ruthless as they are deadly, these lawless rogues enter the fray with one objective – to destabilize and destroy the Jedi Order. Foremost among these new villains is Cad Bane – a heartless blaster-for-hire, mercenary and scoundrel. Like many in his particular trade, he is quintessentially cold, cruel and calculating – but even among his peers, Bane demonstrates a special aptitude for evil. When the price is right, he can’t be stopped – and he’s bringing his unique skill set and impressive arsenal to bear against the very heart of the Republic. Even faced with the power of the Jedi Order, Bane brazenly brings the fight to the heroes’ doorstep, with a formidable rogues gallery of galactic scum as his allies. Fans of the live-action films will recognize some familiar faces among Bane’s motley crew of merciless mercenaries, including the bloodthirsty Bossk (first seen in The Empire Strikes Back) and sinister Aurra Sing (glimpsed briefly in The Phantom Menace, and again in The Clone Wars season one finale). But that’s not all. Dangers will arise from all corners. New foes will join old enemies in a common effort to chip away at the very foundations of the Republic. And the beleaguered heroes will find that no one can be trusted. Creator George Lucas and supervising director Dave Filoni discuss what’s to come in the battle for galactic freedom, and why audiences should expect the unexpected from the series’ second season. ENI: What surprises can viewers expect from the second season of The Clone Wars? GEORGE LUCAS: The first season was similar to Episode IV, in that it was fairly light and the conflict was straightforward. With the second season, we’re going deeper into the stories and the character dynamics. The progression is a lot like the difference between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. DAVE FILONI: Our heroes are in the middle of a war, and things are not necessarily going well for them. Things are getting more complex. The Jedi aren’t soldiers, but they’ve been forced into that role and it’s definitely having an effect on them. It’s taking its toll on everyone, and the enemy has some new tricks to make things difficult for the Jedi and the clones. So far, we’ve seen a pretty standard war, with the two sides pitted against each other. But we’re going to see a different kind of adversary, posing a different kind of threat. We’re going to make things really tough on the heroes. The war’s breeding a new kind of villain. They’re bounty hunters and mercenaries who are taking advantage of the turmoil to make a big score. They’re bad, bad guys, and they don’t play by the rules. We got a taste at the end of the first season with Cad Bane, but we’re going to see a lot more of that. They’re a resource for taking out Jedi - and they’re good at their jobs. Things are going to get ugly. ENI: So will we see more of Cad Bane? DAVE FILONI: Yes, definitely. You haven’t seen the last of him. He’s going to be a big problem for the Republic. Cad Bane is really a throwback to the original Star Wars movies. I’ve seen them described as space westerns, and Cad fits right into that mold. He’s dark and mysterious, and he’s pretty unscrupulous. We actually modeled him after Lee Van Cleef from The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. GEORGE LUCAS: The concept actually dates back all the way to the first film, which drew inspirations from all sorts of genres, including westerns. When it came time to introduce the idea of a ruthless bounty hunter type for the series, it was a natural fit. He’s a classic gunslinger – mysterious and also merciless. It’s been a thematic part of Star Wars since the beginning. DAVE FILONI: And if you look close, Cad’s species actually appears in the cantina scene from Episode IV. The galaxy is pretty vast, but that doesn’t mean you won’t see species and characters pop up again. And you shouldn’t judge an entire species based on one or two examples. ENI: What can you do this season that you couldn’t do in the first season? GEORGE LUCAS: In the first season, we were forging new ground. We were a new animation studio doing something that hadn’t really been done before, and we were just figuring out how to get our series made. It was ambitious, but we were up to the challenge. Still, there was room to grow. In the second season, you can really see the growth. DAVE FILONI: Everything’s better in the second season. We’ve improved our pipeline, so we can do more. More characters. More action. It’s a much bigger canvas, in general. When I look back at some of our first season work, it’s hard for me to believe that it’s even from the same series and the same production team. We’re really in another galaxy now, from a production standpoint. And it shows. Our second season is like nothing you’ve seen in The Clone Wars so far, and it’s like nothing you’ve seen on TV. GEORGE LUCAS: Even though we’re a weekly series, I don’t treat this like TV. I treat it like my movies. My process doesn’t change because we’re in a different medium. We’re drawing a lot of inspiration from the original films, like Ralph McQuarrie’s concept art – but we’re also looking at the things that influenced those films in the first place. We’re integrating different genres, from westerns to war movies to Japanese cinema, and we’re incorporating all of those various aesthetics into The Clone Wars. ENI: What can audiences expect in terms of larger story arcs? Are we building toward the events of Episode III? DAVE FILONI: In the first season, we had a lot of one-off episodes, largely dictated by our own internal pipeline. As we moved into season two, though, we gained a lot more confidence from the production perspective. Also, the natural trajectory of our characters and the conflict has sort of necessitated a closer look. We’re going deeper, laying groundwork for some really interesting stuff. On the other hand, it is difficult to plan our endgame without knowing exactly how long the series will last. We joke that M*A*S*H ran longer than the Korean War, and if we continue to do well, that could be the case with The Clone Wars. And that’s a good problem to have, but it’s also a delicate balance. As we move forward, we will continue to peel away layers of the conflict and the characters. We all know how the war ends, so we are exploring aspects that may not have been revealed thus far. ENI: Star Wars has touched so many generations of fans, but The Clone Wars seems to be forging new ground with new fans…independent of the feature films. Why do you think that is? GEORGE LUCAS: Star Wars has always been based on classic archetypes. With the original movies, those archetypes were packaged in such a way that appealed to audiences at the time, and I have been lucky that it’s continued to resonate for so many years. With The Clone Wars, the messages and the archetypes are similar, but we’re appealing to a new generation. DAVE FILONI: Well, it’s a common phrase used around here: Star Wars is Forever. Season 2 of Clone Wars kicks off on Cartoon Network with a special one-hour season premiere on October 2nd, 2009 .For those who havent seen it
September 5, 200915 yr In the inteview, could this be a hint that he might come to the CW screen That's what I said. Oh and thanks for the interview. Not really anything new though.
September 5, 200915 yr That's what I said. Oh and thanks for the interview. Not really anything new though. Yeh I was...just agreeing with you
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