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Thanks for the responses so far. Surprised there's no love for cloak/lair.

Forgot all about hostage crisis,

*Liar of grievous The part were the Jedi died was great and sadly all the clone died as well.

Well that's one of my favorites.

What'd ya mean? Lair and Cloak are offically the best CW episodes.

I saw the new episodes and: :oh: They've been getting so much more cinematic lately- the cartooney characters almost don't fit in anymore.

I can't say much about the episodes other than that they were very solid. I liked the inclusion of new ships, as well as two new Jedi.

I enjoyed the meeting between Rex and Cut. Cut's story and reasons for deserting were much better than they were in Hidden Enemy. The only thing that might have spoiled the episode for me were the creepy kids. :sceptic:

What'd ya mean? Lair and Cloak are offically the best CW episodes.

Oh, I don't know, I actually thought they were fairly mediocre. :wink:

The new episodes were good, but not great. I expected more from Grievous. I think they should have stuck to the original script and have Koth die. This way Grievous would have officially killed a jedi master and would finally have gotten the reputation he deserves. But no, all he did AGAIN is to run away. :hmpf::thumbdown: Plus there's that bit with him cutting through an electro staff...

The commando droids are as badass as ever though, and I want them as minifigs more than ever. :thumbup:

"The Deserter" wasn't bad, but kind of boring. It had the same idea as Hidden Enemy, but it didn't have the action and suspense.

Btw, Hidden Enemy is what I would show your dad, simon. It has a great story and character development, shows the characteristics of the individual clones, and serves as a prequel to the CW movie which your dad has seen, so he will know what's going on.

I was wondering, does anybody know when Star Wars The Clone Wars returns to Sky Movies? I've checked the listings and it doesn't show for today or next Saturday. Should I catch up on YouTube, or is it just a case of a few weeks wait?

Ben Kenobi :pir-vader:

The commando droids are my number one wanted droid now! They are more skilled than clones, and a serious match for Jedi. Cut was a interesting character, deserted for a much more realistic reason. Rex getting shot surprised me, thinking he could have died, getting rid of him for episode 3 continuity's sake. A view of Adi Gallia was good, especially only seeing her die in episode 3. I like that V-19 style ship Anakin drove.

You know, the design of that ship is based on concept art for the imperial shuttle. :wink: I was pleasantly surprised to see this because I have a small Micro Machines model of it from back when I was a kid.

And yes, Aadi was good. She seems like a smart Jedi.

The new episodes were good, but not great. I expected more from Grievous. I think they should have stuck to the original script and have Koth die. This way Grievous would have officially killed a jedi master and would finally have gotten the reputation he deserves. But no, all he did AGAIN is to run away. :hmpf::thumbdown: Plus there's that bit with him cutting through an electro staff...

The commando droids are as badass as ever though, and I want them as minifigs more than ever. :thumbup:

"The Deserter" wasn't bad, but kind of boring. It had the same idea as Hidden Enemy, but it didn't have the action and suspense.

I have to pretty much agree with what you're saying about Grievous. First off though he never wins. NEVER! Dave Filoni if you can hear me listen! Just because you say in the opening sequence that Grievous and the sepretists win a lot of battles does not mean that we're going to feel they win a lot of battles. Victory for the Republic means nothing to mean if they always win. Yeah sure they lose a bunch of clones, but the fact that thee republic keeps winning does not make us connect to these soldiers any better, in fact it's quite the opposite effect. The reason that everyone really loves the Empire Strikes Back is that everything is going bad for the Rebels and at the end everything's falling apart at the seams. Grievous does not seem dangerous to me at all!

To be honest the show is on the borderline being either a kid's show or an adult show. It's fine if they have some elements of the show that is more appealing to kids, like the battle droids, Jar Jar, and different occasional moments throughout the show. But let's face it, this is the Clone WARS! Look at general Grivous in this clip from the original Clone Wars series Link He is a bad*snip* in this clip, yet in the new series he's only killed one jedi. In the clip he kills two jedi and fights three Jedi council members and BEATS them. The problem is that the EU has a really a good character background for Grievous and the CW has really terrible character development for him.

I really think the show needs a writer that is like an expert at the military. That way they can make the war a little more together and also make it a little more warlike. The show has been getting really good but these last two episodes were just a little more like a kids show. I'm sorry but that's just how I feel. I don't mind the show having aspects that ate appealing to kids but they need to realize that they have a larger and older viewing majority they need to appeal too to.

Sorry for that.

I was wondering, does anybody know when Star Wars The Clone Wars returns to Sky Movies? I've checked the listings and it doesn't show for today or next Saturday. Should I catch up on YouTube, or is it just a case of a few weeks wait?

Ben Kenobi :pir-vader:

You can watch it here Link

I just finished watching the two episodes on watchtheclonewars.com a couple of minutes ago, and they were good! It was a bit disappointing to see Grievous running away and escaping so many times, but it was great to see more commando droid action. :tongue:

The part where Rex and the deserter took down all 20 commando droids was awesome! Really actiony, if that's a real word. :tongue:

Also, it was interesting to see the Dejarik board game being played as I have never seen it before. :thumbup:

Also, it was interesting to see the Dejarik board game being played as I have never seen it before. :thumbup:

I saw that, wasn't it on Episode IV and Han and Chewie were playing, or was that C3P0 and Chewie? Then Han said Let the Wookie win.

Based on rumors from the Star Wars section here, a new Cad Bane Speeder may come out with commando droids :thumbup:

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Yeah it was from ANH.

I loved the hair, the guy with the republic symbol, and the guy with the writing, anyone know what it said?.

Definitely the best sci fi, hell tv show on.

Loved how they keep giving depth to the characters especially the clones, really liked how they dealt with cut as well.

So season 1 had a traitor, season 2 had a deserter, whats next.

I loved the bit when Cody and the other two Clones took on Grevious! Cody is my favourite clone so it's understandable. Season two really is a great season, so much darker and more adult then season 1.

I loved the depth of the clones! I thought Grievous was not as bad (Snip) as he should be. :sadnew: Those commando droids though, that is what Grievous should be like. Did anyone see the trailer for next week? I didn't. :sceptic:

Though I always watch every episode (gotta get me my Star Wars), I'm often disappointed by the way they do certain things in the episodes.

One example I have from the first episode this week was that Grevious fights Obi-Wan with four lightsabers (I can't remember if he's done this before on the show, but he probably has). Why is that a problem? Well, in EpIII Obi-Wan is clearly surprised when Grevious detaches his arms and grabs four sabers. And I mean very clearly surprised. There's an extreme close up on his face where Ewan McGregor widens his eyes and has a surprised look as Grevious does this. So if Grevious has already fought Obi-Wan with his four sabers before, how come it's a surprise in EpIII? The way I see it, the movies are really the center of Star Wars, and there's no excuse why any other Star Wars mediums should do things that don't fit with the movies.

Like others, I'm also bummed that Grevious is such a wuss in this series. The only time he ever did anything actually cool was when he killed that Mon Calamari padawan in season 1. But that was just a Padawan. C'mon, I want to see Grevious slaughter a bunch of Jedi Knights! That would at least establish him as a threat.

I did quite like all the parts with the Clones, and with the Deserter, except that the way the series draws female characters maddens and sickens me every time. Why must every female character have huge hips, large pointy breasts, and next to no clothing? And, even when some do have clothes (Barris), it's extremely and unrealistically skin tight. Ahsoka is the only one that is almost tolerable, except that she is always wearing a tiny tube top! Especially since this show targets young boys, their drawing and portrayal of women is unacceptable.

One example I have from the first episode this week was that Grevious fights Obi-Wan with four lightsabers (I can't remember if he's done this before on the show, but he probably has). Why is that a problem? Well, in EpIII Obi-Wan is clearly surprised when Grevious detaches his arms and grabs four sabers. And I mean very clearly surprised. There's an extreme close up on his face where Ewan McGregor widens his eyes and has a surprised look as Grevious does this. So if Grevious has already fought Obi-Wan with his four sabers before, how come it's a surprise in EpIII? The way I see it, the movies are really the center of Star Wars, and there's no excuse why any other Star Wars mediums should do things that don't fit with the movies.

This always bugs me. In the Ep. III book, Obi-Wan is briefed about Grievous and how dangerous he is. I don't like how he's fought him multiple times already. I suppose it is good that they have been careful not to have him an Anakin meet, but that's about it.

Yes, I believe I've read in past things that the Jedi are somewhat afraid of Grevious, since few had ever met him and come back to tell the tale. I read a comic book once where Grevious bursts into a room and kills about three Jedi fairly quickly and easily. I hate it that in this show, the narrator seems to be convinced that Grevious is a big threat, yet tons of Jedi meet him, fight him, and are left alive since he usually ends up running off. It's like the show writers based their whole idea of Grevious off of the one scene in EpIII where he abandons his ship at the beginning to get to safety, which was actually a smart and somewhat necessary move, not cowardly.

One more thing that bugs me constantly is that all of the starship drivers are battle droids. In the films, ships are always piloted by Neimoidians, so how come all of a sudden all the pilots are the overly stupid droids? I don't want to get into the "stupid droids" discussion, but it shouldn't be battle droids piloting the huge ships in the first place. Battle droids are shown as aids in the command bridge in the films, not the pilots.

So when do the Mando's come in?

Though I always watch every episode (gotta get me my Star Wars), I'm often disappointed by the way they do certain things in the episodes.

One example I have from the first episode this week was that Grevious fights Obi-Wan with four lightsabers (I can't remember if he's done this before on the show, but he probably has). Why is that a problem? Well, in EpIII Obi-Wan is clearly surprised when Grevious detaches his arms and grabs four sabers. And I mean very clearly surprised. There's an extreme close up on his face where Ewan McGregor widens his eyes and has a surprised look as Grevious does this. So if Grevious has already fought Obi-Wan with his four sabers before, how come it's a surprise in EpIII? The way I see it, the movies are really the center of Star Wars, and there's no excuse why any other Star Wars mediums should do things that don't fit with the movies.

Like others, I'm also bummed that Grevious is such a wuss in this series. The only time he ever did anything actually cool was when he killed that Mon Calamari padawan in season 1. But that was just a Padawan. C'mon, I want to see Grevious slaughter a bunch of Jedi Knights! That would at least establish him as a threat.

I did quite like all the parts with the Clones, and with the Deserter, except that the way the series draws female characters maddens and sickens me every time. Why must every female character have huge hips, large pointy breasts, and next to no clothing? And, even when some do have clothes (Barris), it's extremely and unrealistically skin tight. Ahsoka is the only one that is almost tolerable, except that she is always wearing a tiny tube top! Especially since this show targets young boys, their drawing and portrayal of women is unacceptable.

I agree with that. Grievous's character development is really bad in this series. Just watch this video of the original clone wars series and say that this is the same GrievousLink Don't get me wrong I love the show it just needs some little improvements here and there.

One example I have from the first episode this week was that Grevious fights Obi-Wan with four lightsabers (I can't remember if he's done this before on the show, but he probably has). Why is that a problem? Well, in EpIII Obi-Wan is clearly surprised when Grevious detaches his arms and grabs four sabers. And I mean very clearly surprised. There's an extreme close up on his face where Ewan McGregor widens his eyes and has a surprised look as Grevious does this. So if Grevious has already fought Obi-Wan with his four sabers before, how come it's a surprise in EpIII? The way I see it, the movies are really the center of Star Wars, and there's no excuse why any other Star Wars mediums should do things that don't fit with the movies.

Along the lines of that, they further ruin it because in Episode III, right before Grievous uses all of his amrs, he says: 'You fool. I have been trrained in your Jedi arts, by Count Dooku.' That would also make it seem as if Utapau was their first encounter.

Also, another thing that bigs me is how many times Anakin and Dooku faught in the first season, and how I believe they will fight again soon, or towards the very ends of the series. During their duel on the Invible Hand, Anakin claims his powers have doubled since they last met, and I had the feeling he was referiing to Geonosis, and if they have another encounter at the end of the series, I highly doubt Anakin will have doubled in power between the short time.

hollisbrick, the Mando's should be coming in around January 31, because on Wookieepdia, it lists something to do with them a week after January 22, which is Lightsaber Lost, or something like that.


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1. Its a tv show.

2. Given how easy the ships seem to go down most of them are cowards so just leave the ships to be controlled by droids, or maybe grievous wants them to be droids.

For anyone wondering the guy with the writing in his hair it says, "a good droid is a dead one."


Edited by DarthSion

hollisbrick, the Mando's should be coming in around January 31, because on Wookieepdia, it lists something to do with them a week after January 22, which is Lightsaber Lost, or something like that.


Really? Aesome thanks, I can't wait :cry_happy:

Season two really is a great season, so much darker and more adult then season 1.
Agreed I actually want to watch the next episode :thumbup: .
Really? Aesome thanks, I can't wait :cry_happy:

Same here. Mandolorians get way too little screen time in Star Wars.

  • 2 weeks later...

I cant wait for this episode it should be really good. Its cool that it is set in the lower levels of courscant which is really dark and mysterious. The Jedi elder seems to be a really good character and it will be cool to see how him and Ahsoka interact.

New clone war's episode-Lightsaber Lost

Here's a link to the star war's guild.


And here's the preview


Thanks for the links but their site is down :sceptic:. Can anyone enter it?

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