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I must admit, I hadn't been liking Season 2 very much, but Mandalore Plot may change that. I thought it was a good episode, even though it screwed up everything we know about Mandalorians. The lightsaber fight at the end was definately one of the better ones in the show.

Oh this should be good, please do enlightening us on how the smeg GEORGE LUCAS can screw up the history on his own show.

It's simple; George Lucas isn't the only contributer to Star Wars canon. Many authors, namebly Karen Traviss, have developed a rich culture, deep history, and an entire language for Mandalorians. Now, over the course of only 22 minutes, that has all gone into dispute.

I haven't seen the episode yet, but the Mando in the clip looks quite old. :sceptic: I expected a younger, more authoritive, and gruff Mando.

Shame, because I wasn't scared of him at all. :tongue:

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No a bunch of fan boys made stuff up, there is no actual history except what Lucas says, given he is the one Feloni spoke to about this, what happened in canon, and the fanboy stuff is not.

It's simple as this. The prime minister did not confirm that Jango Fett was or was not a mandolorian. He simply denied that he was mandolorian. It seems to me that after Mandalore's big war with the Republic that they tried becoming a peacful people. The warriors were still there they just moved to the moon and went on with there seperate lives.

How does this destroy what we know of the mandalorians, in fact it does'nt mess up their culture at all. In the republic commando series all the clones know of mandalore is when they were still a warrior people. All we really know of the planet is during the times of the old republic and what the clones learned from their mandlorian trainers. In any society that was at one point extremely violent and nearly got wiped out in some war really has only two options. Either become peaceful as shown here, or become or practically extinct.

I respect Karen Traviss and I think she has a made a brilliant history for the good 'ole Mandos. I think the history should be respected by Filoni and the others and depending on the next two episodes I think it has.

Edited by Forresto

That bit with the explosion and the suicide fall, is that really a bit for a kids show? Or am i missing something?

That bit with the explosion and the suicide fall, is that really a bit for a kids show? Or am i missing something?

Yeah, that was a bit dark to be viewed on a childrens show. It reminded me of the Da Vinci Code.

I just watched the Mandalore Plot, it had some good parts and some really average parts also. I was really disappointed by how short the duel between obi wan and Pre Vizsla. I hope the next two are a lot better than this one because I was very underwhelmed with it (except for having no Ahsoka around!).

Just finished watching Voyage of Temptation and I was impressed and let down at the same time. The episode was well-constructed as a whole, but it felt too choppy at times, and felt kind of rushed. Also, I was disappointed that so much of the plot was already given away. Between the episode trailer, and the original season trailer, as well as clues from the last episode, nothing was a surprise and I essentially knew how everything would unfold. The one thing that I wasn't expecting was the Duchess' and Obi Wan's arguing. I like the Duchess because it's not too often that we get a competent, complex, female character that isn't in the movies. Now for the Coronet, the Duchess' ship, what we saw from the last episode left something to be desired, but I actually liked it more after seeing it in more detail, and on the inside. I wouldn't really want it as a Lego set, since the only unique parts would be the assassin droids and the Duchess' guards. If they make a set from this trilogy, it would of course have to include Mandalorians.

Overall, a nicely constructed but I-saw-it-coming episode. :thumbup:

I completely agree, Inky. Well done, but predictable. It had some nice parts in it, such as Artoo's shenanigans. :tongue: I liked the droids because they reminded me of the ones in Shane Acker's "9", especially the way they used the clone as a puppet/decoy. :thumbup: The best thing about this episode, though, is the fact that Anakin didn't tease Obi about his relationship with the Dutchess too much as I had feared. It was also kinda cool how he jumped out of nowhere at the end just to say "Hey Guyz!!! I iz gonna b Darf Vaduh!!!LOL!" :tongue:

Anyway, next episode looks pretty intense, so I'm looking forward to see it. :sweet:

Oh, and screw the Dutchess - Obi's beard rocks! :thumbup: I'm still bummed I couldn't find one for my costume last Halloween.

My main thought was- "Why is there a giant ship's wheel on a spaceship?" I knew they were trying to give a "Titanic" theme, but that was a little too much. Also, what were the little droids supposed to do? They seemed pretty harmless.

overall, though, it was a a pretty good episode.

Also, what were the little droids supposed to do? They seemed pretty harmless.

Maybe poke out your eyes or crawl into your mouth? :look: They were obviously targeting people's heads. But mainly they were just supposed to be spiderly creepy I guess.

This reminds me: Did it seem lame to anyone else that


was able to escape after being exposed? I mean, Obi knew that he was going to expose the traitor, so shouldn't he have seen it coming that the traitor would try to run when exposed? :sceptic: Oh well, it was still clever how Obi exposed him. :thumbup:

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Oh, and screw the Dutchess - Obi's beard rocks! :thumbup:

I was thinking the exact same thing when she said that. :laugh:

I see so many more opportunities for the Jedi to use the force to close doors, push items, knock over fools, etc, etc, etc,.... But I guess they don't want to make the Jedi overpowering because that would just change the storyline entirely.

When Anakin cut into Marek, I laughed. I found it funny how Obi Wan and Satine were bickering with Marek about who would do it, and a future Sith Lord sneaks into the scene and BAM! He's dead.

This season has been so much more enjoyable than season one. I really enjoy the fact that many of the episodes have gotten away from the "kid friendly" atmosphere.

And yes, I agree, Obi Wan is "thee" bad megablocks and would look too much like a kid without his beard!

It's not the lightsaber that makes a jedi a man, Its his beard that makes him a man. This episode was okay, I though we would see more mandalorians but I guess that's not gonna happen. The more mandalorians we see the better chance of getting a mando battle pack. The cornet is still :sick: , but I did like the interior. If TLC reproduces this, which I pray they don't, I think it will be just like the twilight.

The last episode was pretty good, I was hoping that the "re-enforcements" would be the deathwatch and not some droids but oh well...

After seeing this clip I can pretty much say without a doubt that we are getting mandos in 2011 so long as the license is renewed.

Wow. That's a lot of Mandos. Signs of a Mando battlepack are really pointing to yes now. Thanks for the link!

Wow. That's a lot of Mandos. Signs of a Mando battlepack are really pointing to yes now. Thanks for the link!

Hm. I'm not excited to see a lot of Mandos- as we know from SW, the greater the numbers of a group of anonymous bad guys, the worse their aim becomes. :hmpf:

Hm. I'm not excited to see a lot of Mandos- as we know from SW, the greater the numbers of a group of anonymous bad guys, the worse their aim becomes. :hmpf:

Not just Star Wars, anything! Have you seen From Paris With Love?

Anyway, I agree with you Mr. Mandalorian. Seeing that many Mandos in the CW time frame really takes the coolness away from them. I thought all the bad Mandos that were left were an elite, highly trained group, but this looks like any old person could become a Mando. That shot looks to me like the training facility in the GIJoe movie, where there are tons and tons of young guys training to be come "extra special." But if there's that many, how are they special?

And we know that army is probably going to get creamed a second since we've never heard about them before. I wouldn't be surprised if they were all in one place that the Republic destroys and then the head Mando is told "Sir, we've lost the army."

But, my point was, seeing that many Mandos is a good sign that we'll get a battlepack with them. And who doesn't want cool Mando figures, even if their storyline turns out to be trash?

Not just Star Wars, anything! Have you seen From Paris With Love?

Anyway, I agree with you Mr. Mandalorian. Seeing that many Mandos in the CW time frame really takes the coolness away from them. I thought all the bad Mandos that were left were an elite, highly trained group, but this looks like any old person could become a Mando. That shot looks to me like the training facility in the GIJoe movie, where there are tons and tons of young guys training to be come "extra special." But if there's that many, how are they special?

And we know that army is probably going to get creamed a second since we've never heard about them before. I wouldn't be surprised if they were all in one place that the Republic destroys and then the head Mando is told "Sir, we've lost the army."

But, my point was, seeing that many Mandos is a good sign that we'll get a battlepack with them. And who doesn't want cool Mando figures, even if their storyline turns out to be trash?

True. Pretty much any action movie. :tongue:

The cool thing about the Mandos was that they all had their individual look- painted armor, weapons, etc. These guys are all just copies of each other... according to Filoni in the commentary, they wanted to keep Boba's uniqueness, because if all Mandos had flamethrowers, there'd be nothing special about him. :hmpf:

He did say, though, that they were just starting off as a group, and so the Mandos were just getting trained, and that was why they were all similar. How awesome would it be that as the series went on, the Mandos just kept getting better? That would be great, although I'm fairly sure it was only a three-part story arc.

Wow that is a lot of mandos! Im not sure I like to see them all though. I always thought they were elusive people and there were only a few. I had no idea that the deathwatchers was an army.

I think seeing mandos in any set next year is pretty high now.

I've been thinking, we've seen no actual Mando's yet, just the lame pacifist ones and deathwatch :sceptic:

I think thats the most of the Mandalorians we will see. I doubt we will see any like from KotOR.

Thanks for the link. This week's show looks much better than the massive disappointment that was last week's episode. However cool of an idea it is, I am going to say there is a zero chance that we will get a Mando battle pack ever. For one thing, they look too much like clones, and TLC just did a clone pack last year. For another, Mandos may be pure fanboy gold but they are not well known to the general public. And with the huge fail that was the assassin battle pack last year, which was made up of lesser known characters, I bet Lego will stick with the basic home runs like storm troopers.

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