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I think we will see a Greek theme from Disney based upon the Percy Jackson book line. Disney is already making a movie for release in 2010 and to me this is where I see a Greek them coming from.

I'm a bit sceptical about that, The Bricksmith. :sceptic:

On the one hand you could be right: There are some natives in one of the IJ sets, too. So it is not excluded that they'd release a licensed theme with Greeks in it.

On the other hand - and that is what I mainly think - I can't imagine that TLG would run huge costs for making new molds and printing new torsos for Greek soldiers and mythology creatures if they then only include a few in these licensed sets. No, I think that if TLG releases some Greeks then only in a regular and complete theme.

But of course I might be even wrong. And I really hope that I'm wrong but with Greeks not being an own theme this would theoretically open us the opportunity to get some Western sets.

Btw: What City subthemes do you could think of TLG releasing next year? Do you think that if TLG releases trains as a City subtheme then we'd get some train based sets like e. g. a station, a cargo loading station, a depot, an engine shed, a train level crossing, ..., too?


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

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Regrettably I have some vague information of which I conclude that there has to be a not Western theme in 2010 and from which I conclude (even in combination with the Minotauris board game) that there'll be a Greeks theme. :hmpf_bad: But perhaps my conclusions are even wrong (at least I hope so).

Seeing TLG bringing back the classic themes - or let

Edited by Klaus-Dieter

I think some sort of historical theme will happen, if it will be massed released or only on factory is another matter. Personally I would bet on a Percy Jackson theme because of 2 main factors. 1 there will be a "hole" for a licensed theme, Sponge bob will be taking a dirt nap here soon and something will need to fill that gap. 2. The power of Disney is great and with their marketing machine and the movie release I can see TLC making molds just for them. I know what you are saying about the expense but I can see either Disney or Lego understanding the need for specific molds despite any related expenses.

I don't think legomilk's 2 new themes would include the Disney licenses - after all, these have already been confirmed by TLG so it's not like we even need to speculate.

A historical theme is unlikely with both Pirates and Castle running in 2010.

Whatever the specific nature of the new themes, we know at least one will be primarily vehicles based with good and evil opposing factions. Just like Power Miners, Agents, etc. Even Indy sets (a great way to explore historical themes) largely end up being vehicle based.

Well, it's not Disney making that Percy Jackson movie, it's 20th Century FOX.

Also, I really hope that Indy comes back for a third year. It's the only line I collect, and I'd hate to see it go.

Ancient Greek theme would be very fine! =D

Actually i dont care if there is a new theme or not, i just hope we'll get some really cool sets and thats it!

I hope they make some more indiana jones stuff though. Those sets are really brilliant. :thumbup:

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I don't think legomilk's 2 new themes would include the Disney licenses - after all, these have already been confirmed by TLG so it's not like we even need to speculate.

I totally agree with you, svelte_corps.

At least legomilk's list says that there will be two new themes in 2010 - Disney not included.

A historical theme is unlikely with both Pirates and Castle running in 2010.

On the one hand I - like already stated - have my doubts about there being a new historical or "historical" theme next year.

But on the other hand: If TLG really relases two new themes in 2010 (which very supposably won't be licensed themes since there'll be already the Disney license and the SW license) then there has to be one new "historical" or historical theme.

Only think about if TLG relases a Rockband theme (I really am not familiar with that - but it sounds very unsupposably). But what should then the second theme be?!

We already have got all regular themes such as City, Creator, SW, Technic, Racers, ... and even enough fantasy themes (the current "Castle" theme and the Power Miners theme) and SF themes (Agents and Space Police) which will surely - if not new sets then at least the sets of this year - be available in stores. So another SF or fantasy theme would imo make no sense since then there would be too many too similar themes and sets for sale.

And I simply can even not think about any other new non-"historical" or non-historical theme which isn't available at the moment. Ok, perhaps Space Port or Aqua Mission. But the new Aquazone theme of 2007 was a big letdown (it actually was too bad with all these mutated sea animals) and a real Aqua Mission theme would strictly be counted to City - as Space Port does. But for City legomilk already wrote that there'll be new themes.

So what leaves?! In contrast there would be many historical themes - comebacks (Western, Indians, Adventures) and totally new ones (Romans, Egypts, Greeks, ...).

So I really don't know, too. But since there shall be two new themes in addition to the Disney line I tend to say that there'll be a new or brought back historical theme among them.

Whatever the specific nature of the new themes, we know at least one will be primarily vehicles based with good and evil opposing factions. Just like Power Miners, Agents, etc. Even Indy sets (a great way to explore historical themes) largely end up being vehicle based.

From where do you know that one of the new themes will be a good vs. bad theme with primarily vehicles? We already have got Power Miners this year and Agents this and last year. :sceptic:

But now to next year's Star Wars sets since we at least know that SW will continue. :thumbup:

I firstly read yesterday that next year will be the 30ths birthday of The Empire Stirkes Back (EBS).

I really don't understand why TLG offered the Echo Base to us this year since this takes away the chance for a big and detailed Echo Base next year. :angry:

So my thoughts on OT sets for 2010:

January/February: (one or two OT sets)


Wampa's Cave and/or TIE Fighter and/or TIE Bomber

July/August: (two OT sets)

Slave 1

Twin Pod Cloud Car and/or X-Wing (Dagobah) and/or Wampa's Cave and/or TIE Fighter and/or TIE Bomber

September Exclusive: (one OT set)

Cloud City

I bet that we'll at least will see a comeback of the Slave 1 and some sort of Cloud City - about whether it'll be only the carbonite freezing chamber (like proposed in the fans' choice at TRU last year) or a facile design (like the last version of the Cloud City) or the Cloud City as a big and detailed set. But even as a big and detailed set there could be two different versions: One for about 200-250 Euros and one in the size of the 10188 DS for around 400 Euros. I'd prefer a closed version with which you can all play scenes from the movie (like in the older version of the Cloud City) but which looks more finished and closed and with some more details and mainly minimum one included ughunaut - so it'll supposably be in the price range of 200-250 Euros. But either a high-detailed version for around 400 Euros or an only facile design would not be my interest.

What do you think?


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

This is a bit off-topic and slightly random but...

'Army Building' does not really appeal to me, a handfull of minifigs to populate a scene is enough for I thought, untill I imagine the possibilities for an ancient Greek theme... I would buy multiple 'battle packs' to create a decent sized hoplite force, oozing with confidence with their democratic ideals, the massed ranks of Athenian minifig citizens, shoulder to shoulder against the barbarian and tyrant...

I think a Ancient Greek theme would be amazing, exciting, and really allow for 'imagination' for the young and old.

I thought golden bricks were expensive enough, but a golden fleece?

Or is there a suitable Belville garment that fits the bill?

Couldn't a dark tan/gold cape work for it, instead?

I am to find out whether indiana jones also comes out in 2010.

I already know that not only disney lego comes but also 2 new theme s.

Only in the year we're more so just be patient.

Although it is highly unlikely, a Halo them would b great. But as I said, it is highly unlikely and Megablox already has the license.

Any other mythological or historical them would be awesome. Greeks, Romans, Chinese, or Egyptians are just some ideas.

A modern military them would also be very neat. It could be based roughly off of COD4:Modern Warfare in the sense of not having to do directly with political issues. Have the US forces against just regular, un-named terrorists.

I really would like to see Indy come back next year as well. There are so many things that still need to made. I personally don't see it going away anytime too soon.

  • Author
This is a bit off-topic and slightly random but...

'Army Building' does not really appeal to me, a handfull of minifigs to populate a scene is enough for I thought, untill I imagine the possibilities for an ancient Greek theme... I would buy multiple 'battle packs' to create a decent sized hoplite force, oozing with confidence with their democratic ideals, the massed ranks of Athenian minifig citizens, shoulder to shoulder against the barbarian and tyrant...

I think a Ancient Greek theme would be amazing, exciting, and really allow for 'imagination' for the young and old.

I'm sure that whatever historical or "historical" theme TLG will release next year they will offer us some or at least one Impulse set/-s or at least a minifigure collection set, too, mikey.

If the new theme is Greeks fantasy then there'll surely be a hoplite Impulse set - simply because TLG knows that their fans want it and because it will sell very well.

If the new theme is Western then there'll surely will be some little sets like in the last Western theme - e. g. a bandit with a wheel gun - and/or a soldier Impulse set (if TLG included some sort of a soldiers' fort, too).


I am to find out whether indiana jones also comes out in 2010.

I already know that not only disney lego comes but also 2 new theme s.

Only in the year we're more so just be patient.

Thank you very much, legomilk! :sweet:

Btw: Since TLG released this and last year always in January an exclusive set, do you think that there'll be an exclusive set in January 2010, too? And if so, to which theme do you think it'll belong? Pirates, again Castle, City or the supposable new "historical" or historical theme or some other theme?


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

I am to find out whether indiana jones also comes out in 2010.

I already know that not only disney lego comes but also 2 new theme s.

Only in the year we're more so just be patient.

Thank you so much! :cry_happy: I can't wait to find out if it is or not. The Indy theme is extremely clever and they have a lot more to make (at least 2 more years worth) Still plenty of car chases to chase, fight scenes to fight, and lost tombs to explore. I can't imagine the lego company ending such a well taken theme after only 2 short years. :alien: Let the adventure Continue! :grin:

For what we are going to have for City theme, it seems the presentation in this thread is overlooked.


2009 City new sets and the 2010 fans-elected Toyrus big City set are heavily, if not totally, directed by the conclusion of such survey results. So it is a fair guess that some other ideas of the survey not yet realized in 2009 could be put into execution in 2010.

  • Author
For what we are going to have for City theme, it seems the presentation in this thread is overlooked.


2009 City new sets and the 2010 fans-elected Toyrus big City set are heavily, if not totally, directed by the conclusion of such survey results. So it is a fair guess that some other ideas of the survey not yet realized in 2009 could be put into execution in 2010.

Thank you very much, Alywin! :sweet:

So here my thoughts about City 2010:

When I read through this file I think that sets which are very supposably that TLG will release them next year (because of the high demand) could be:

-post office


-grocery with delivery van

-taxi station

-hotdog Impulse set


-public tranportation center wit helevated train (looking similar to the Airport Shuttle set) with hamburger stand as the ToysRUS fans' choice set

-big family house with detailed interior as a S@H Exclusive

-water tower as S@H addition to 10194 Emerald Night

What do you think?


I was wrong about the Percy Jackson thing, 20th Century Fox is making the movie, but for some reason on the last book (which I just read) there is a Disney logo on the front and the author thanks them in his acknowledgments as well. I don't know.

I hope in the city themes we continue to get more civilian sets, personally I like the little impulse carts and what not. They add life to a city that hoards of Police and Firemen can't. As for the big January exclusive I am hoping maybe for a Pirate set. After the Castle MMV I would love to see a Pirate theme of similar design. As for what else comes out I really do not know, TLC has surprised us before and even now with sets upcoming like the Grand Carousel.

Well, we've all discussed Elven theme, but how likely is it? I'd actually say there's a pretty good chance, only because when all of the EB members agree, TLG listens. :tongue:

Well, we've all discussed Elven theme, but how likely is it? I'd actually say there's a pretty good chance, only because when all of the EB members agree, TLG listens. :tongue:

I don't think we will get a Elven theme in meaning of a "stand-alone-theme". All signs of the elven has been as a faction in the current Castle theme. At most you can call it a sub-theme but I don't think legomilk included those in his list. As for how likely it is that we get elven sets next year I think it's quite likely but I see no need of speculating this far ahead. Time will show us :wink:

  • 2 weeks later...
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I don't think we will get a Elven theme in meaning of a "stand-alone-theme". All signs of the elven has been as a faction in the current Castle theme. At most you can call it a sub-theme but I don't think legomilk included those in his list. As for how likely it is that we get elven sets next year I think it's quite likely but I see no need of speculating this far ahead. Time will show us :wink:

I agree with you, Etzel!

Of course a new Elven theme would be part of the current "Castle" theme and therefore there will surely not only elves be included in these sets. My guess is that TLG would take elves as the good fraction and orcs as the bad fraction plus some forest houses similar to the them in the forestmen sets and of course much war stuff.

But since this year is already the third year of the current "Castle" line I could even well imagine that TLG ends with this year this current "Castle" theme (like they did in the past with several Castle themes after some years, too) and offer a complete different "historical" or historical theme to us in 2010 (supposably Greeks fantasy, but hopefully Western) and then bring back the Castle theme firstly in 2011 or 2012. Plus TLG did not satisfy all their customers' wishes - so it might even be that they won'T release an Elves theme although there are many people which want one (me surely not included). This doesn't sound very realistic to me but it is imo a possibility.


Greeks sound great to me, maybe too great to be true. But you never know, there have been great unexpected things before.

I think there will be more trains or related sets. Maybe an extra car for the Emerald Night. A station, a freight train. I don't think Castle will be discontinued. Maybe not new sets, but the current sets still available.

As for TECHNIC I think there will be a big studless set. For more studded parts we have to wait till 2011 (2005 there was 8421, 2007 the 8275 and 2009 the 8265 will be released).

Edited by Richie

I'm *SURE* that we'll get an Andy's Room set from Toy Story, and I'd hope for a Pizza Planet set to go with it. Besides Al's Toy Barn, I don't know what they'd do for Toy Story 2?

Elves and Greeks on!! :thumbup:

  • Author
I don't think Castle will be discontinued. Maybe not new sets, but the current sets still available.

I didn't mean that TLG won't sell any "Caslte" sets next year, Richie. I only meant that it might be possible that they won't release new "Castle" sets in 2010.

Greeks sound great to me, maybe too great to be true. But you never know, there have been great unexpected things before.

I fear that, too. I want Western and not Greeks! :cry_sad:

I think there will be more trains or related sets. Maybe an extra car for the Emerald Night. A station, a freight train.

I partly agree with you, Richie.

Since legomilk already listed that there'll be some new trains within the City theme I, too, think that we'll get a new freight train - very supposably a new passenger train, too. And I even think that TLG will sell an extra car for 10194 - but already this year and not firstly in 2010.

But I don't think that TLG will offer a new train station to us already next year. Releasing a new passenger train, a new freight train and perhaps one or two other little sets will make a complete new subtheme. Since there surely will be two other City subthemes in 2010 (January and April) I bet that there won't be place for a train station, a depot or something like that - regrettably. But the last train station was imo a total flop - so you never know perhaps the next version won't be good, too. :sceptic:

Having detected these three lovely new minifigs in one of those Agents sets in this review here on EB I thought: It would be unsupposably that TLG does only release those three new minifigs for only one Agents sets. And since these minifigs actually belong to the City theme: Do you think that TLG will release a beach/seaside subtheme in the City theme next year in which these minifigs will be included? A beach hotel would be :wub: !


As long as we get a new Pirates line I am sattisfied. For the rest of the lines it looks good as well, baring in mind we got a very strong collection this year and the fact that TLG mostly continues lines for more then one year.

Anyway, I also am looking forward to the new Castle, Harry Potter and Agents sets if they come (and I strongly believe so).

I still say there is no way Star Wars is ending. Sorry. Clone Wars is continuing, live action series, plus remakes of film sets = cash cow. It's not going anywhere. Since when is George Lucas turning away people's money? 2010 will feature plenty of Star Wars sets.

I think you read legomilk's post wrong. English is not his first language and i believe he was trying to say that Star Wars has another 2 yrs left. Not that it will be gone by next year.

But perhaps we even think, dicuss and argue about whether there'll be a Greeks theme next year or not or perhaps a new Western theme and which are the pros and cons of each theme - and in the end we don't get one of them or even not any "historical" or historical theme. I mean: In the last years a new theme was firstly started minimum in the second year of another theme which showed similarities to it (e. g. 2007: Mars Mission - 2009: Space Police (science fiction), 2007: "Castle" - 2009: Pirates ("history" and history). :wink:

How high do you think are the chances that there'll be a "historical" or historical theme next year at all (unindependant from which concrete theme it'll be)?


Greeks??? Lame! :sick: I Truly hope that TLC doesn't waste their time with this.

Well, we've all discussed Elven theme, but how likely is it? I'd actually say there's a pretty good chance, only because when all of the EB members agree, TLG listens. :tongue:

Since when? :sceptic: Never seen them make any decisions based on the opinions of this (or any other than their own) forum.

Edited by 5150 Lego

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