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What's your favorite Wild West set? 46 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your favorite Wild West set?

    • 6706 Frontier Patrol
    • 6716 Weapons Wagon
    • 6718 Rain Dance Ridge
    • 6746 Chief's Tepee
    • 6748 Boulder Cliff Canyon
    • 6755 Sheriff's Lock-Up
    • 6761 Bandit's Secret Hideout
    • 6763 Rapid River Village
    • 6765 Gold City Junction
    • 6769 Fort Legoredo

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Other small sets not included in poll include:

6709 Tribal Chief

6712 Sheriff's Showdown

6790/6791 Bandit with Gun

6799 Showdown Canyon

and did not list the small European promotional sets.

  • Author

PS. I'd like to request a Smilie with cowboy hat.

My personal favorite is Gold City Junction, followed closely by the Bandit Hideout, then Fort Legoredo. They're all great sets. Lego: make some new Wild West sets, dang-nab-it!

Gold City Junction looks very cool to me, but since I don't own it, I'll have to go with Fort Legoredo.


  • Governor

Laddies we've been posting Wild West threads in the Castle & Pirate Forum lately because if you take a peek it has a description saying "... everything till 1900". I don't think Town and Train is the right place for this thread, but I'm sure I'll be corrected very soon if I'm wrong.

Ooooooo! Do I have a favourite Western set yet?

Sheriffs Lockup!

It was the only set I had... and even though it may not be the BEST (Fort Legoredo or Gold City Junction probably has that... although all the sets were good... especially Frontier Patrol as it was the only real good Historical Army builder released besides the old old Classic Castle sets) It is DEFINATELY my Favorite! I remember I played with it for hours... I even surprised myself with how much I had... and it came with a crapload of guns!

I have to say Gold City Junction.

Because I got a nearly complete one of eBay for less than 20 bucks.

All it was missing was a1x2 cards tile and a 1x1 round red plate.


i refuse to vote! the entire theme was simply brilliant! One of the best ever! :oD

i'm just sorry i was still in my dark age when it all started, so i only have a few smaller sets i've been able to find since my comeback, and as many as i can possibly find!

I never got many of these sets and I remember really wanting the bandits hideout. Never did get one. I like the idea though and the set always looked cool to me. Though it is little wonder as I also like the forestmen and wolfpack sets from Castle more than any others.

I'm not voting, because I only have a few of the small sets, of which my favourite is;

6712 - Sheriff's Showdown


Because of the BIG barrel included. I was going to include this set as an answer to the what-non-pirate-sets-are-good-for-pirates question because of that barrel.

I had to go with Sheriff's Lock-Up because it so simple and brilliant. It is the WW equivelent of Lagoon Lockup. It has a huge amount for the price and is a nice representitive of the theme as a whole. GSJ and FL are also good... but not as Legendary ; )

God Bless,


  • Governor
Because of the BIG barrel included. I was going to include this set as an answer to the what-non-pirate-sets-are-good-for-pirates question because of that barrel.

Yes, just imagine all the rum one of those barrels could store. Have you added the BIG barrel suggestion to the non pirate sets thread yet?

Wild West - one of the best themes that never got the chance it deserved...

  • Author

Gold City and the Hideout get listed on Ebay from time to time. If anyone gets a chance to buy these sets, I would strongly recommend even if the price is close to $100 U.S. Both are great sets and very unique. I had a lot of fun driving all over town and calling numerous toy shops looking for these sets.

Frontier Patrol is a great army set (although I only bought one when available) - unfortunately. I used it with the Weapon Wagon (another great set) and a few indians to create a small shootout.

Have to strongly agree with Sting in that it was a short-lived theme that could have been much more: saloon, hotel, and other town buildings. I keep hoping that Lego does Alamo or new western town once again.

PS. but I still think that Wild West belongs more under Town & Train than Castles & Pirates. No biggie though.

And Brickster... do not forget the amazing possibility of a Western Train subtheme... or even a single Western Train set... this could be amazing and come with a cool group of Train robbers(one of which could be unique to the set) to raid the train! It would be like Pirates in the desert... and it would lead to the inclusion of a Trainstation/Yard set as well...

...and we cannot forget the inclusion of Mexicans or a rival Nation to fight against the US. (Although because the blue soldiers are officially United States forces (they have U.S. on there belt buckles... Lego may not want to include the Mexicans and call them that...)

  • Governor

I still have no idea which set to vote for. The Western theme intrigues me but due to space and budget reasons I've forced myself to remain pirated 99% of the time. Maybe one day when my situation is different can I begin to explore the Western theme.

So I'll ask myself, which Western set has the most use in a pirate MOC?

  • Author

I didn't forget, just didn't want to keep mentioning the western train subtheme idea that I really want. Trains are in fact my favorite theme, but mixed with a western town, it would make one hell of a display. In fact, I usually have one set up in my computer room with a MOT or SFSC running around it. I've rebuilt one recently for Ghost Town. Playmobil had a great Western Train series that I purchased one piece at a time over Ebay (over the past few years). I'd love to see Lego do the same: Western church, saloon, station, mill, ranch, better steam train, cattle car, windmill, water tower, etc.

And a Mexican village would be awesome! Or even some grey confederate troops to do battle for Fort Legoredo. In every Lego survey that I take, I mention these ideas. Maybe one day, they'll listen. Zorro II is out soon or already out, just maybe...probably not, but I keep hoping... Instead we get Batman and Sponge Bob.

I want to re-create the Good |:| , the Bad *twisted* , and the Ugly >:( .

  • Governor

Zoro II - The Brickster are saying you'd wish for LEGO to make a theme based on that movie? If so you could be headed for utter disappointment and the good name of Western rubbed in the dirt.

  • Author

As opposed to Bat Man, you bet. Think about the overall theme, figs, and sets. Mexican and Spanish armies, confederates, western American and Spanish buildings. You could even incorporate this with pirates.

Not going to happen, but think about the models if they did. I'd prefer Once Upon the Time in the West or any of the Eastwood Spaghetti Westerns; even Tombstone, but Zorro is the most recent western (quasi-western) movie that may have appeal with kids.

And I liked the 1st Zorro- esp. Anthony Hopkins and Catherine Zeta Jones.

Zorro would be amazing! Spanish infantry... all sorts of Western town buildings...

  • Author

Thanks Sting. I agree. It must be a Pirate thing!

  • Governor
As opposed to Bat Man, you bet. Think about the overall theme, figs, and sets. Mexican and Spanish armies, confederates, western American and Spanish buildings. You could even incorporate this with pirates.

I think you have a good idea The Brickster, but I have no faith in LEGO whatsoever to deliver a theme giving your idea the justice it deserves.

By adding Spanish and Mexican armies to the Western theme it would bridge the gap between Pirate and Western. Maybe they could even share a Spanish sub-theme!

As opposed to Bat Man, you bet.  Think about the overall theme, figs, and sets.  Mexican and Spanish armies, confederates, western American and Spanish buildings.  You could even incorporate this with pirates.

I think you have a good idea The Brickster, but I have no faith in LEGO whatsoever to deliver a theme giving your idea the justice it deserves.

By adding Spanish and Mexican armies to the Western theme it would bridge the gap between Pirate and Western. Maybe they could even share a Spanish sub-theme!

We can dream... can't we?

I don't understand why Lego wouldn't make a Vintage line that reproduces old sets or makes sets that cater to AFOL... I guess there just isnt enough of us to make a dent in sales...

For example... if Lego rereleased the 6086 Black Knights Castle... would it sell incredibly well... or would lots of AFOLs buy it but not many kids and perhaps this simply isn't enough for lego...

  • Governor

LEGO did re-release some Western sets a few years back (Somewhere between 2001 - 2003). How did they sell?

Ah yes I remember that... I think it was FL and maybe something else... wish I had bought one or two or three...

  • Governor

I remember seeing 6769 Fort Legoredo and 6755 Sheriff's Lock-Up in stores, but I can't quite remember the third set... But BrickSet.com tells me it was 6766 Rapid River Village...

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